Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

=l= Indicates Listpicks entry



353 Argyle Street. 505 lllllll.

Illam midnight.

Seydisfj RU l‘ntil \Vcd (i Attg. Artists .\lhari lia\tet‘ and Melissa \lacRohert

w ill be trapping \ isitors lll photographic

light ho\es. immersing them in images ol‘ lcelandic harbour town SL‘}(ll\ljltil'tllllI


350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900.

Tue l’ri llatn (ipm; Sat l0ain (ipm. FREE Alt-w: New Directions in Scottish Digital Culture Sat 3

Aug Sat l3 Sep. llam (ipm. Selection ol' works from Scottish artists (including Simon liiggs. Sue llaeksley. .\landy .\lcintosh. Donna leishmani w ho haye been supported by the Alt-w l‘und.


l‘niyersity ol' Strathclyde. 33 Richmond Street. 548 3558. Mon l’ri lllani 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

FREE The Other Side: Lys Hansen and Karen Christiansen l‘ntil Sat t) Aug. An c\ltil\lliott ol' politically charged sculpture and painting inspired by each artist's reaction to the others.

em ironnient: Berlin and Scotland.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Royal l‘.\cltange Square. 339 NW». .\lon \Ved tk Sat l0am Spin: 'lhu lllani 8pm; l‘ri A Sun I lam 5pm. FREE Jim Lambie: Forever Changes 0... Hull .\lon 39 Sep. l.ainhie\ higgcst e\hihition in (ilasgow to tlttlc lllL'lUthS :t new \ct‘sititl of his celebrated black and w hilc. \ inyl l'loor amid a quiet riot ol'colour and materials lighting it otit in sculptural works that take inspiration lroin both art history and contemporary hairstyling trends. /’tll‘l of (Havana I’Illt'l'mililmu/ 3008.

FREE Jo Spence 00.0 [mil

Still l0 \tn. Rcll'tispt‘cliH‘ til. lllL‘ huger inl‘luential British photographer t 1934 93!. comprising her mischieyous. unsettling takes on class. l'emininity. sell-image and the breast cancer which would ultimately kill her. Sec l.istpicks.

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 48 King Street. 553 0704. Tue Sat lllam 5.30pm.

FREE Contained: Rosalind

Lawless lintil Sat 3 Aug. l‘sing interior

spaces as a starting point towards abstraction. l.;t\\ lcs\ t‘l‘t‘alt‘s \ttil'ks till paper that com ey the tenor ol the c\panscs she ohscrycs. See picture. right.


Argy lc Street. 37o 9599. Mon 'l'hu tk Sat 10am 5pm; l‘ri & Sun I lam Spin: ltlain lpm.

FREE Gadburn School l‘ntil 'l’hu 37 .\'o\, A display ol‘ clay project work created by pupils at (iadburn School. as part ol' the Sense ()\ er Sectarianism scheme.

FREE Harry Benson: A Photographer’s Journey l'ntil Sun l4 Sep. An e\citing homecoming e\hihilion ol‘ photographs l'roni the (ill-- year career ol‘ llarry Benson. the internationally renowned photographer ll'Ulll (ilasgow. Benson‘s career is a roll- call ol'contemporary history and culture. and some ol his images hay e achiey ed iconic status. ()1) display area rangcol images ol‘ world leaders aitd eyents. icons ol' lashion. music and film aitd Scottish and American athletes. alongside images l'rotn his recent book Hurry li’t'nwn '\ (ill/won:

42 THE LIST " J-. ' ..


l l .\litchell l.ane. 33l (i363. .\lon & \Ved Sat l0.3()am Spinz'l’ue llam 5pm: Stilt noon 5pm. £3 (U l. tree on Saturdays.

SIX Student Awards for Architecture l'ntil Wed 3 Sep. Showcase ol~ work submitted l‘or liye student awards the RlAS Silyei' Medal for 5th year student. The l.iglitltouse Award for best 3rd year student. the

l‘rhan l)esign Award. the Stist. Award lor

Stistainahlc l)esign and the RlAS Award l'or I)raw ing. This exhibition ol'l‘crs the opportunity to see work from all si\ ol' Scotland's \L‘lltiols ol' architecture. Haptic COO l'ntil Mon 39 Sep. An e\hihition from the .\'ippon Design .\lll\L‘lllll lot” which curator Kenya llara iny ited artists from a \ariety of fields. including designers Siguru lian and Jasper Morrison. and l-‘rench graphic artist .\lathiett .‘ylanche. to create products designed to stimulate the

Mark Sinclair: Art on Site Hi I Aug Stilt 3(i ()ct. Series of black and white photographs documenting the restoration and construction ol the Shetland Museum and Archiyes in

[cm ick.


Station Road. \lilngay ie. 578 8847. Tue Sat l0am lpm & 3 5pm. FREE Patricia Cain: Drawing Construction l'ntil Sat to Aug. l)raw ings ol the built emironnient tracing urban regeneration in (ilasgow around tlte Water Works project in .\lilnga\ ie.


73 Rolict'lsott Street. Suite (i. l‘loot‘ l. 3-18 371 l. .\lon l’ri Illam 5pm: Sat

noon 5pm.

FREE Cathy Wilkes: Prices

0... lfntil Sat (i Sep. The Turner Prize nominee creates an installation of found objects and clutter. a drama of female labour and its connections to commodity. fro/en in time. See l.istpicks.


333 North Woodside Road. 079(i8 353 454 . 'l‘ue Stilt noon 8pm.

Dark Horses lfntil Wed (i Aug.

noon ()plll. (it‘ottp show of three of the most promising art students in the l.'K. Margarita l.ouca. Kitty ('lark and Anna l’eaker create an otherworldly exhibition ol‘ alien celebrity alter egos. underdog success stories and pipe nebulae. oyerseen by lirst-tiine curator limina Balkind.

I TRAMWAY 35 Albert l)ri\'e. 0845 330 350k 'I'ue l‘ri l0am 5pm: Sat & Sun noon 5pm. FREE A Shout in the Street 0... l'ntil Still 34 Aug. New and reworked sculptural and text-based pieces from (ilasgow artist Kenny llunler. depicting urban animals and the discarded remnants ol~ human activity". SL‘L‘ t'CVlL‘“, page 4 l.

Outside the Cities

I DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS l53 Nethergate. 01383 909900. Tue. Wed. l'i'i & Sat ll).3()am 5.30pm; ’l‘hu ll)..‘~()am 8.30pm: Stilt noon 5.30pm. F REE Altered States of Paint

. .0... l‘ntil Stilt 7 Sep. l().3()am 5.30pm. lixcellent. psy'cliedelic-tipped group show which looks at that point in the mom w hen the liippy dream slipped into a

Rosalind Lawless: Contai

I (i/asgow Print Stud/o, until 8:)! 2 Aug.

dystopian nightmare. while also exploring the sensory potential of painting. Features work by Angela de la Cruz. Neil (‘lements and Rabiya ('houdhry. See Listpicks.

Isle of Bute

I MOUNT STUART GALLERY Mount Stuart. ()l70() 503877. Mon. Wed & Fri-Sun 10am Spin.

FREE Mark Neville: Fancy

Pictures 0000 Until Tue 30 Sep. 10am—6pm. Portraits and film of the farming community on Bule. high-colour images modelled on l930s Soviet portraiture. displayed in and around the grounds and house of Mount Stuart as the culmination of Ney'ille's residency there. Striking. stark and evocative. See I.istpicks


I THE CHANGING ROOM 'l‘olbooth. Jail Wynd. ()l786 27-1005. 'l‘ue Sat l()am--(ipm.

FREE Now Showing Until Sat 6 Sep. l0am~6pm. A short season of projected lilins showcasing new acquisitions to the Arts (‘ouncil ('ollection by artists Mark Noulos. Luke l-‘ow'ler. ldris Kahn. Rosalind Nashasltibi and ()tolith (iroup. A llayw'ard touring exhibition from the Southbank Centre. London.

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Last chance to catch the Scottish artist’s most recent series of works on paper, which continue her fascination with architecture and the spaces that buildings inhabit. These new prints overlay blocks of colour, texture and materials: charcoals, collaging, silkscreening and even photocopies.