

For the Nobel Peace Prize-winner’s 90th birthday Scots/African artists will be offering a tribute to the defender of democracy from Scotland’s three major cities over the course of a single weekend. Performances from the Berlin-based Senegalese reggae artist Louis-Jean and the Irie Rainbow promise to be highlights, as does the climax of the weekend on Sunday at Glasgow’s Classic Grand where over 50 African artists including a Glasgow choir will celebrate together.

I The Bongo Club, Edinburgh, I7 Jul; Classrr: Grand. Glasgow. 20 Jul.


I Fat Sam’s Band Brunton 'l‘heatre. Ladywell Way. .\lusselhurgh. 473 2()()(). 7pm. £l4 (£l2). 'l'oe-tapping llllle covering everything from jump-jive to swing. and jazz greats l‘rom (ilenn Miller to Fats Domino from this nine-piece led by Hamish .\chregor.

FREE Stretch Dawrson 8. the Mending Hearts The Jan Bar. I (‘hamhers Street. 22() 4298. 8.l5pm. Scotland's only Western Swing hand record their new live alhtrm.


FREE The Apocalypse Funk Trio The Jan Bar. 1 ('hamhers Street. 220 4298. 5pm. See Fri 18.

I Kevin Glasgow Quartet The Jan Bar. 1 (‘hamhers Street. 22() 4298. 8.15pm. £3 (£2). ()riginal compositions and rearranged .\lttntlttt’tls l'rom this httss’isl. I The Jam House Experience The .larn House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 8.30pm. £5. See l-‘ri l8.


FREE Ego, Ergo, Aggro Brel. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 3 6pm. .\'e\( high energy l‘unk' four-piece from Dave (‘onway (creator of Spontaniaes). FREE The Michael Deans Quintet Bar Bloc. 1 17 Bath Street. 574 6066.

5 8pm. See Sat 19.


Fm Trio Jazz The Jan Bar. l (‘hamhers Street. 220 4298. 3.30er. See Sat 19.

I World Premiere The Jan Bar. l (‘hamhers Street. 22() 4298. 8.15pm. £3 (£2). See Sat 19.

I The Jam House Experience The Jam llottsc. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 8.30pm. £5 before I lpm: £7 alter. See Fri 18.

- Glasgow I National Youth Jazz Orchestra

01 Scotland with Mark Lockhaert ()ran Mor. 73l-~735 (ireat Western Road.

()87()() (illlllllll. 7.30pm. £ll) (£81 students/children £2). .\lalcolm lidmonxtone and Andre“ Bain direct llll\ orchestra of hright _\ourig llllllgx as the) take on the contemporar} hig hand muxic ol~ their guest \oloixl. \a\opltoni\t .\lark Lockheart. \\ll()\c‘ ('\' runx l'rom l.oo\e Times to l’erl‘ect Houseplants and Polar Bear.


FREE Becc Saunderson and Graeme Stephens (are (irande. I84 Bruntslield Place. 228 1 I88. 7 9pm. l.i\‘e_ia//.

I The Souljazz Orchestra The Voodoo Rooms. l9a \Vext Register Street. 556 7060. 8pm. £lll. Rare grome. l‘trnk.

ja/I. hoogie and Alto-heat comhine lor

some ‘earthquaking Alro-l'unk'.

I Sunday Singers Night The Jan Bar. 1 (‘hamherx Street. 22() 4298. 8.15pm. £3 (£2). See Sun 2().


I The Jazz Bar Big Band The Jan Bar. l ('ltatttherx Street. 220 4298. 7.30pm. £3 (£2). See .\lon 2|.


FE SE Funk Session The Jan Bar. 1 (’hamherx Street. 22() 4298. l l.3()pm. See Tue 22.

Edinburgh FREE The Offenders The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 8pm. See 'l'ue

I Adam Bishop Quartet The .la// Bar. 1 ('hamherx Street. 22() 4298. 8.l5pm. £5 (£4). l.()ll(l()tl-htt\e(l saxophonist.

FREE Organism The Jan Bar. I ('hamherx Street. 22() 4298. l l.3()pm. llammond organ groo\e\ l'rom (iahriel l.atchin.

lm '_ "'31


I Doc Rodent The Ark. 3 7 Waterloo l’lace. 2289393. 7.30pm. £4. .-\ night ol hlues—t'ock'.

I The Blue Valentines The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 8pm.

liree helore ltlpm; £3 alter. l’iano-led ja// \\llll coxerx ol~ \ongx h_\ the llle‘x ol‘ Ra) ('harles. (ieorgie l"ame. l.oui\ l’rima and Fats Domino.

I Paul Kirby Trio the .la// liar. I ('hamhers Street. 22() 4298. 8.l5pni. £3 (£2). ’l‘rio led h} pianixt Kirh}. leaturing (iraeme Stephen on haxx and (‘hrix Wallace on drumx.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.

=€< Indicates Listpicks entry


I The Punch Brothers ()ran .\lot'. (ireat Western Road. 357 62()(). 7pm. £l6. The great l'S he}ond—hluegraxx hand hack alter their \hoxx xtealing ('eltic ('onnectionx gig. Delightlul. axtonixhing and downright uplil'ting ltttlle‘ lrom li\e ol the hext including mandolin \ irttto\o ('hrix 'l‘hile. ()nl} Scottish ol the tottt'.


I Thunderdog Ceilidh Band and Deskomp St l’elet'\ ('hurclt. l.tlltott Place. 66] 1655. 8pm midnight. £8 (£6; under l2x tree). The ’l'hunderdogx \\ ith ('olin the ('aller get )Utt \pinning and reeling - plux li\e muxic l'rom Brittan} \ l)e\konip.

I Ndaje: African Connections ‘l'he llongo (‘luh. .\lora} llttth'. 3." llol_\rood Road. 558 7604. 9.30pm 2.30am. £" (£5). .r\l‘roheat. \oul. reggae and plan \\ llll dancer\ and li\e mimic. drummerx .\ltican l'ood and special guextx l.oui\— .lean & 'l‘he lrie Rttttthou and Sarirha

Sene & l)i\\an. I’m-I or the .\‘e/mrr .l/(lllt/t'ltl .\lt'nlII'x/I It’ll‘I/It/tfl It'll)".

I The Hunger Mountain Boys Brooklield llitll. \Voothtde Road. Brooklield. Renl'reuxhrre. 7.3llpm. £|_‘. 'l‘icketx and inlo (ll5ll5 706346, l-rom .\l;t\\itL‘lltl\L‘ll\. one ol~ the ltotlexl harith on the [S t'oolx llltl\l(' circuit. Support (tom the (ilaxgou (i()\pL‘l (‘lioirt

I Sound of Charity Care (‘(’.I\. Satrchiehall Street. 3.52 -l9()(). 8pm.

£6 £7. Night ol lolk. hluex arid courrtr} to raise l'undx lor leukaemia ('are. the l’arxonage ('hoir. liilidh'x l'kulcle ('eilidlt. 'l'lte l.a\t ()nex l.el't. Bring and lltr} Sale and more.


I Guildtown Bluegrass Festival (itllltlltm It. llo\ ()lliL'e (l l 25‘) .2 l ~l‘)(lr\’. £35. includex camping and all e\ent\. Special ('onxenxux iron) the (S. ('ormtr} ('ocktail l‘rom the (melt Repuhlic plu\ man) more. l’ull detailx ol' the great annual e\ent (mm

on it.\cotti\lihluegt‘axx.c(rm


I The Danny Kyle Open Stage 10th Anniversary Concert Ro}al (‘oncert llall: .\lain .\uditorium. Sauchieltall Street. 353 8(l()(l. 8pm. £l5. ('elehrating ten _\ear\ ol' the late l)ann_\ K}|e\ ()pen Stage competition at ('eltic (‘onnectionx thix musical jamhoree l'eattrrex llreahach. l.ori \VatxonK Rule ol' 'l'hree. lt'o) .\lc(ii|li\ra} and man} more. lloxted h} :\rthur .litltll\l()lt(‘. \rcliie l-‘ixlier arid llrian .\IcNeill.


I The Proclaimers ('axtle lixplanatle. lidinhurgh ('axtle. Ro}al .\lile. 08‘“ 2434455. 7pm. £35. Scotlanth Illll\lk‘ill

t\\ in\ return to the \tage alter thr\ \ear'x muxical ol' their \ottg\. Slim/rim or; [err/1.


I Guildtown Bluegrass Festival (itllltll()\\ n. llo\ ()llice (ll 259 Il-l9(I8. [5.5. See l‘il'l lS.


I Louis-Jean 8. The lrie Rainbow, Samba Sene & Diwan and Zuba ('laxxic (irand. l8 .larnaiea Street. 84"

U82”. 8pm 3am. L'" (£4). \lroheat. l'()()l\. \oul. reggae and ia/x \\ llll dauceh. l).|\ and li\ e muxrc a|\o including .\_\a\\ara l)r'umrrrer\. (il;t\go\\ (impel (‘hoir and the Seed\ ol 'l‘lrotrglrt l'rhair l’ttcl\. /’t;I‘l H] [/14 \(/\1‘H.l,tlilt/(/(l .Sr'rtIIIK/I /)’ll'l/14/.I\. lirlrl.

Perth I Guildtown Bluegrass Festival (iuildtoxxn. llo\()llrcelll25921 l‘lllS [.55. See l.\.


I The House Sisters l.eitli lolk (‘lrrh 'l'lte \‘illage. South l'ot'l Street. 458 ".\lll. 5.30pm. £6. ’lalentcd )(tttttg trro ot ('ar'l_\ l-llain. Rachel (tow and Kim Slater pla}ing traditional and contenrporar} llltl\l(' l’rom Scotland and l)(‘}()ll(l.

I Ceilidh Club llle l.ol. (il';'.\\lll;ll'l\('l. 225 9922. 8pm. £6. ('erlrdlr dance \\ rtlr a caller to lead _\ou through the \tepx. .\lll\lc lrorn ’l‘r'adlah.


Highland Dancing and Pipe Band Stirling (Irxtle l‘xplanade. lll".\6 254(ltlll. “.15 Sl5pm. l:\er_‘. lrrexdaj. during Jill} and .\ugud.

I Lyra Celtica St .\rrdrev. \ in the Square. St \ndreu \ Square. 559 59ll2. ".3er. £8 (£6). .\lultr lll~ll'llltl(‘ltl;tl hand led h} ace north eaxt ol lirrgland accordionht l._\nn locker.


I Carol Laula llte .lam llittht‘. Queen Street. 226 438”. 8pm. l-ree helore lllprtr; £3 alter. lrrternatronall) letti\\'.11(‘(l.[)tlt‘c \orced (i|.i\go\t. \ongurrter and \rriger. Stretch Dawson & the Mending Hearts "the .la// liar. ('lianrherx Street. 32“ 1298, S.|5prrr. led h} the great .\ltrll gurtar‘rxt and (lrtrrrrmer. Scotland\ onl_\ \\e\tern Suing Hand record their next lr\e alhtim.

I Guid Crack Club \\a\erle_\ llar. St .\ltll‘} ‘\ Street. 5.5“ “5—”. " ladinhtrrgh‘x montlrl} \tor_\lellrrrg eluh \\(‘l(‘()lll(‘\ all to lixter‘. or corrtrrhute. \n exerting ol' \\()l'(l\ and \ottg.

I Last Tram to Auchenshuggle l’ttllttL'lx llilllS. ll()l_\l'()()(l l).tl’l\ l\)();ltl. ".3llpm. £8 (£6), traditional Scolttxlr ('(‘lllilll dance illltl \(lIlLI.

I Canongate Cadjers Ceilidh Band 'l'lre .\lerlin. .\lormrrgxrde Road. 44" 452‘). 8pm. £(). Inc dance llll|\t('. Scotx tune\ and dancing.

.3l lprn L~ 3.


I Friday Night Fling ’l'olhooth. .larl \\_\nd. ()|"86 .‘q-l()()t). 5 3(lpm. £6. \ caharet \t_\ le e\erring ol errtertarnrrrent

\\ itlr (ileirlirrnair'x clarxacl) ll).t\l(‘l' Ingrid llenderxorr and liddler e\tr;ror(|rrr;rr} larrr .\lclatlarre. plux palx

'3" “5”:

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I The Peatbog Faeries llte .\r'clrex. _\r3_v.\|.~ Street, 565 ltlllll. "pm. £15. lligli energ} llddle and l‘l[‘(‘\ gl'oo\e\ \\ llll a hint ol' reggae. \ka and dtth. l'lre great Skte ha\ed (‘eltic dance traucerx.