1.Paris(15) 2.30. 5.45. 8.30.
2. Lou Reed’s Berlin (12A) 3.30. 8.45. ForbiddenIJeS(12A) 6.15.
3. Standard Operating Procedure (15) 3.00. 6.00. 8.30.
1. Paris (15) 2.30. 5.45. 8.30.
2. Lou Reed’s Berlin (12A) 3.30. 6.15. 8.45.
3. Standard Operating Procedure (15) 3.00. 8.30.
The Blue Angel (PG) 6.00.
1.Paris115) 2.30. 5.45. 8.30.
2. Lou Reed’s Berlin (12A) 3.30. 8.45. Bra Boys (15) 6.15.
3. Standard Operating Procedure ( 15) 3.00. 6.00. 8.30.
1 18 l.othian Road. 0131 221 1477. 24hr bookings & info: 0871 22 44 007. Bar. Adults £7 (£6 before 2pm); Concs £5.
TheChronicles oi Hamia: Prince CaspiantPG) 1.50.
Hancock(12A) 2.00. 4.15. 6.30. Hancock (Subtitled)(12A) 8.45.
Kung Fu Panda(P(}) 2.15. 5.00. 8.30. Mamma Mia! (PG) 3.00. 5.45. 8.30. Wanted118) 5.30. 8.00.
The Dark Knight (12A)
Thu: 2.00. 5.00. 8.0().
Fool’s Gold (Senior Screening) (12A) Tue: 1 1.00am.
Hancock (12A)
Daily: 2.00 (not Thu). 4.10. 6.15. 8.20.
Kung Fu Panda (PG)
Daily: 2.15. 4.45 (not Thu).
Mamma Mia! (PG)
Daily: 2.30 (not Sat). 5.45 (not Mon). 8.30 (not Wed).
Mamma Mia! (Subtitled) (PG)
Sat: 2.30.
Mon: 5.45.
Wed: 8.30.
Mama Mia! (Parent 8. Baby Screening) (PG)
Tue: 10.30am.
Daily: 2.30 (not Sun). 5.30 (not Tue). 8.15 (not Thu).
WALL-E (Subtitled) U
Sun: 2.30.
Tue: 5.30.
Thu: 8.15.
Wanted (18)
Fri—Wed: 8.10.
Odeon Hester Haiies
’estside Plaza. 120 Wester llailes Road. 24hr bookings & info: (1871 22 44007. Fri. Mon. Wed & Thu: Adults £6.45 (£5.65 before 4pm): (‘oncs £4.90. Sat. Sun & Bank Holidays: £6.45: Cones £4.90. Family ticket: £4.90 each (minimum 3 people). Bargainday (Tue): £5.75: (‘oncs £4.75. For premier seats add £1.
TheChroniciesotHarnia: Prince Caspiand’G) 1.15. 4.30. 7.30. TheForbiddenKingdorn112A) 2.45. 5.45. 8.15.
Hancock(12A) 1.45. 2.45. 5.15. 6.15. 8.45.
Hancock (Subtitled)(12A) 7.45. IndianaJonesandtheKingdomoithe Crystal SkulltlZA) 8.15. JourneytoTheCenterotTheEarthU’G) 12.30. 3.00. 5.15.
Kung Fu Panda(P(}) noon. 1.00. 2.15. 3.30. 4.45. 6.00. 7.30.
Manilna Mlal(1’(}) 12.45. 3.15. 6.00. 8.30.
Wanted118) 8.30.
56 THE LIST 17—31 Jul 2008
The Chronicles of Hamia: Prince Caspian (PG) Daily: 1.15. 4.30 & 7.45 (not Thu).
.' The Dark Knight(12A)
Thu: 12.15. 1.15. 3.30. 4.30. 7.00. 8.00.
5 Fool’s Gold (Senior Screening) (12A)
- TheForblddenKingdomHZA) Fri—Wed: 8.30.
Hancock (12A)
Daily: 1.45 (not Thu). 5.15. 7.45. JoumeytoThe CenteroiThe Earth (PG) Daily: 3.15 (not Thu). 8.15.
Kung Fu Panda (PG)
Daily: 1.00. 2.15 & 4.45 (not Thu). mm. 7.30 (not Thu).
Also Sat & Sun: noon.
Also Thu: 3.15. 8.30.
Mamma Mia! (PG)
Daily: 12.45 (not Mon). 3.15 (not Tue). 6.00 & 8.30 (not Wed).
Mamma Mia! (Subtitled) (PG)
Mon: 12.45.
Tue: 3.15.
Wed: 6.00. 8.30.
Meet Dave (PG)
Daily: 1.30. 4.00. 6.15 (not Tue). Meet Dave (Parent 8. Baby Screening) (PG)
: 1 1.15am.
The Splderwick Chronicles (PG)
Sat: 1 1.30am.
; WALL-5(U)
Daily: 1.00. 2.00. 3.30. 5.00. 6.15.
= Also Sat & Sun:
1 1.30am.
Also Thu: 8.30.
Wanted ( 18) Fri—Wed: 8.30.
Scotsman Screen! ;- Room
} Scotsman Hotel. 201461111 Bridge. 622 2 2999. £8.50 (£7.50). Meal packages £39.
See www.scotsmanscreeningscom for more information.
SUNDAY 20 JUL Manon Oes Sources (PG) 800.
; Some um 11 11111 (PG) 8.00.
llue Edinburgh Ocean
()cean Terminal. ()cean Drive. Leith. 24hr bookings & info: 08712 240 240. Adults £6.50 (£5.45 Mon—Fri before
5pm): Children £4.25 (£4.10 before 1 5pm): Students/()Al’s £4.50 (£4.15
before 5pm). Family ticket £17 (£16.40 before 5pm). Kids‘ Club: £1.50 (one accompanying adult free). Late screenings (after 10.30pm — over 18s only): £5.45; (‘oncs £4.15. Tue: £4 all tickets.
; The Chronicles of Hamia: Prince Caspian
(PG) 10.10am. noon. 5.30. 8.50. ForbiddenKingdomHZA) 11.10am.
1.50. 4.10. 6.40. 9.00.
Hancock(12A) 10.30am. 12.15. 12.45.
1.15. 2.3(). 3.00. 3.45. 4.45. 5.15.
6.15. 7.00. 7.30. 8.30. 9.15. 9.45.
1 Horton Hears a Who! (U) 10.00am.
IndianaJonesandtheKingdomotthe Crystal SkullHZA) 1.40. 4.20. JoumeytoTheCenteroiTheEartMPG) 10.45am. 1.20. 3.40. 6.00. 8.20.
Kung Fu Panda (PG) 10.00am. 10.20am. 11.15am. 12.10. 1.00. 1.30. 2.30. 3.30. 4.40. 5.50. 7.1(). 8.10. 9.30.
Mamma Mia! (PG) 11.00am. 11.30am. 1.45. 2.20. 4.30. 5.10. 7.15. 8.00. 9.50.
Wanted118) 4.00. 6.30. 9.10.
The Chronicles of Hamia: Prince Caspian (PG)
Daily: 10.40am. 1.50 (not Sun & Thu). 5.20 (not Mon & Thu).
3 The Chronicles of Harnia: Prince Caspian 2 (Subtitled) ( PG)
Sun: 1.50. Mon: 5.20.
Also late Fri & Sat: Forbidden
The Dark Knight (12A)
Thu: 10.00am. 10.45am. 11.30am. 1.15. 2.00. 2.45. 4.30. 5.15. 6.00. 7.45. 8.30. 9.15. 11.00.
Donkey Punch118)
Fri—Wed: 9.10.
11.30. ngdomtlZA) 10.10am. 12.40. 3.10. Hancock(12A)
Daily: 11.50am (not Wed). 2.2(). 4.50.
5.50 (not Thu). 7.20. 8.10 (not Thu).
8.50. 9.30. 10.45(not Thu).
Also Thu: 1.40. 4.10. 6.30.
I Happy-Co-lucky (Senior Screening) (15)
Also matinee Thu:
Late Fri & Sat: WALL-E (U)
8.15. 9.00.
Wed: 11.30am. JoumeytoTheCenteroiTheEar-thd’a) Fri—Wed: 11.20am. 1.40. 4.20. 6.50. Kung Fu Panda (PG)
Daily: 10.10am. 12.20. 1.20. 2.50. 3.50. 5.20. 6.10. 7.50. 10.20. 10.40am.
Mamma Mia! (PG)
Daily: 10.45am. 11.30am. 1.30. 2.15. 4.00. 5.15. 6.45. 8.00. 9.15. 10.45. Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.40.
McFiy: Liveonthe Bigscreen (15)
Thu: 6.45.
Meethve (PG) Daily: 10.40am & 1.20 (not Thu). 3.50
&6.10(not Thu). 8.30. 10.40. The Mist ( 15)
Late Fri & Sat: I 1.0().
: Him’s island(U) Daily: 10.00am.
SexandtheCitszheMovleHS) 11.15.
Daily: 10.00am. 11.15am. noon. 12.30. 1.45. 2.30. 3.00. 4.15(not Thu). 5.0(). 5.45. 6.30(not Thu). 7.30. 10.00. 10.45.
Also Thu: 3.5(1.
Fri—Wed: 8.40.
Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.20.
We Edinburgh 0111111
()mni. (ireenside Place. 24hr bookings & info: 08712 240 240. Adults £6.50 (£5.45 Mon— Fri before 5pm): Students/()APs £4.50 (£4. 15 Mon—Fri before 5pm): (‘hildren £4.25 (£4.10 Mon—Fri before 5pm). Famin ticket £17 (£16.40 Mon—Fri before 5pm). (iold (‘lass tickets (over 18s only): £8.95 (£7.95 Mon—Fri before 5pm).
The Chronicles of Hamia: Prince
CaspiantPG) 10.00am. 1.00. 4.30.
The Forbidden Kingdom (12A) 11.00am. 1.30. 4.15. 7.00. 9.30.
m m A short, four-film season of W recent Polish cinema
HancockHZA) 10.00am. 10.50am. 12.10. 1.10. 2.45. 3.45. 5.30. 6.15. 8.15. 8.45. 9.15.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom oithe Crystal Skull (Gold Class) (12A) 2.00. JourneytoTheCenteroiTheEarthu’G) 10.40am. 1.20. 4.00. 6.30.
Kung Fu Panda (PG) 10.30am.
11.45am. 12.40. 2.15. 3.00. 5.00. 5.45. 7.30.
Mamma MialtPG) 11.30am. 12.20. 2.30. 3.1(). 5.15. 6.00. 8.00. 9.0(). Mamma Mia! (Gold Class) (PG) 2.30. 5.15. 8.00.
SexandtheCity: The Movie(oold Class) (15) 4.50. 8.20.
Wanted ( 18) 8.30.
Wanted (Cold Class)(18) 5.40. 8.4().
The Dark Knight ( 12A)
Thu: 9.45am. noon. 1.00. 3.45. 4.3(). 7.15. 8.15. 11.00.
The Dark Knight (Gold Class) ( 12A) Thu: 1.00. 4.3(). 8.15.
Donkey Punch (Gold Class) ( 18) Daily: 6.10. 8.40.
The Forbidden Kingdom (12A) Fri-Wed: 1 1.20am. 6.10.
Thu: 5.20.
Hancock ( 12A)
Daily: 10.00am. 12.20. 2.50. 5.30 & 8.15 (not Thu). 10.15.
Hancock (Gold Class) 1 12A)
Daily: 1.00. 3.30. 5.50. 8.20. Journey to The Center at The Earth (PG) Fri- Wed: 11.40am. 2.10.
Thu: 10.20am. 12.40. 3.00.
Kung Fu Panda (PG)
Fri--Wed: noon. 2.40. 5.00. 7.45. Thu: 4.15. 6.45.
Mamma Mia! (PG)
Daily: 11.30am. 12.10. 2.20. 3.10. 5.10. 6.00. 8.00. 9.00.
Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.00.
Mamma Mia! (Gold Class) ( l’(}) Fri-~Wed: 2.20. 5.10. 8.00.
McFly: Live on the Bigscreen (1i)
Thu: 6.45.
Meet Dave (PG)
Daily: 11.00am (not Sun). 1.40. 4.15 (not Thu). 6.45 (not Tue 8: Thu). Meet Dave (Subtitled) (PG)
Sun: 11.00am.
Tue: 6.45.
The Mist ( l5)
1"ri-a-Wed: 10.1(1.
Sex and the City: The Movie (Gold Class) ( 15)
Daily: 3.00. WALL-E (1') Daily: 10.00am.
11.10am. 12.30. 2.00.
3.00. 4.45. 5.45. 7.3(). 8.30. 10.20 (not Wed).
Daily: 9.15.
continues with My Nikifor, a moving biopic about an elderly male tramp and folk artist who takes up residence in the studio of an initially unsympathetic art-school trained painter. Incredibly, the titular character is played by the veteran female actress Krystyna Feldman.
I Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh, Sun 20 Jul.