
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

til: Indicates Listpicks entry


I RSAMD Guitar Department Concert RSAMI). I00 chl'rew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3. With special guest soloist and internatiomil guitar star l’ayel Steidl.

s§€ Riccardo Chailly with the

5% Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra Royal ('oncet't Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. US [25. See l.islpieks. page 9 l.

I The Winter Gardens Prom Winter (iardcns. l’coplc's l’alace. (ilasgow (irccn. 27] 2962. 7.30pm. £8 (£6; students £4). Strathclyde

t'niycrsity 's ('onccrt Band. Brass ck Wind linscmhlcs and (‘horus team up to present this annual concert ol‘ entertaining and light-hearted music for a sunnner‘s eyening.


I Organ Recital: Dennis Deas Barclay ('hurch. Ia lh Barclay l’lace. 'l'ollcross. 7.30pm. £5. 'l'hc music ol' Boehm. l’iroy c. Rinck and lilgar. l’rocecds go towards church mission to Peru.

- a... Glasgow I Percussion Department RSAMD. I00 Renlrcw Street. 332 5057. lpm. £3. A show case ol work from within the department. with the help of special guest Jasmin Kolhet'g. lntci'natioiutl Marimha ('onsultant. I Woodwind Department RSAMD. I00 Renl'rew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3. A special concert to mark the retirement ol~ world renowned llute play er l)a\'id Nicholson.


Kragero Damekor St (iilcs' ('athedral. Royal .Mile. 226 0673. l2.l5pm. Norwegian music.

Four Centuries of Organ Music St Margaret's lipiscopal ('hurch. liaster Road. 5540568. 12.30 3.l5pm. l’rederick lirayling-Kclly plays the historic litistace lngram instrument of St Margaret’s lipiscopal (‘hurclr l’ur! of the I.('ll/l I'i'yllt'tll.

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Glasgow I Jacques van Oortmerssen (ilasgow t'niyersity Memorial ('hapel. The Square. oil t'niyersity Aycnue. 7.30pm. £5. A concert ol' organ music hy the internationally renowned l)utch organist. which includes compositions hy Saint-Saens. l’ranck. .Alain and ()orttnersscn.


Durham University Concert Band St (iilcs' ('atltcdt'al. Royal Mile. 226 0673. |2.l5pm. (‘lassical lunchtime concert.

I NYCoS Edinburgh Area Summer Concert St (‘utlihert‘s ('hurch. 5 l.othian Road. 847 64 l 3. 2pm & 7pm. £6 (£3.50). A progranttne ol~ Scottish and traditional items lt‘ottt one of ten .\'Y(‘oS Area (‘hoirs located throughout Scotland.

I The Calton Consort ('anongate Kirk. I53 (’anongate. 22‘) 4048. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). l’erl'orming Rachmaninoy 's \i's/u'lix. otherw isc known as the All-Niel)! liq/l. 'l'ickets ay'ailahle on tlte door.

90 THE LIST 5; it) .Jtll‘) 1/0; )‘rl

I The Chapter House Singers: Exsultate St Mary 's lipiscopal ('athcdt'al. 23 Palmerston Place. 225 6293. 7.30pm. £l0 (accompanied schoolchildren tree). Sutnmer concert l'rom the ('hapter House gang. featuring Handel's Zill/(I/x‘ I/It’ l’l’lt'fl. Mettdelssolttt’s .llolt‘ly. Mnlttt't‘s litsullulc .lll/ll/tllt' and Haydn’s Maria 'I'lu'rmu .lluss. 'l‘ickcts ayailahle on the door.

I Edinburgh Concert Band and Cadenza Choir Queen's Hall. 87 8t) ('lcrk Street. 668 20l‘). 7.30pm. £8. A selection ol w ind hand music l'rom the classics to show music in support of Way erley ('are.

I Jubilo Summer Concert St Andrew 's and St (ieorgc's ('hurch. l3 (ieot'ge Street. 225 3847. 7.30pm. £l0 inc wine. An eclectic progranune ol‘ sacred anthems. spirituals. lttlksottgs and popular songs in a charity concert in aid of the Hospices ol' llope. Romania. lt l'catures the classical guitar talents of Allan (‘rockctt 'l‘ickets on the door. or l‘rom Michael McVittie on ()l3l 524 308‘) or

tttalcoltttw lit)spicesolltt)pe.c().ttk.

I The Scottish Chamber Choir: A Song for Summer St (iiles‘ ('athcdt‘al. Royal .Mile. 226 0673. 8pm. £8 (under l6s tree). A programme ol~ l)ehussy 's 'I'mis ('liunwm. liric \Vhitacrc‘s Slim/i and Britten's (‘lmml I)umm [rum (i/uriunu under the musical direction of Michael Harris.

Live Music in the Bandstand Mttgdock ('ountry l’ark. ('raigalltan Road. Milngay ic. 956 6l00. 2 4pm. Music l'or wind ensemble in the pcacelul surroundings ol the Victorian \Valled (iat'den.


Eternity: Classical Music En emble South l.eith l’at'ish (littl't‘ll. () Henderson Sttcet. l.eith. 554 2578.

6 7.30pm. Music lrom the ('hristian laitlt. l’url nl l/u' [Ill/I /‘(’\Ilt(I/.

St Giles’ at Six: Robert Gordon’s College St (iilcs‘ (‘athedraL Royal Mile. 226 0673. 6pm. the comhined chamher choirs and instrumentalists pcrl'orm a programme that includes taut-cs Rt't/lllt'lll and Handel's llu' King Slut/l Rt'juit'v. under the musical direction ol' Leslie liuiess. I Charity Concert Queen‘s Hall.

87 8‘) (‘lcrk Street. 668 2(Jl‘).

7.30 9.45pm. £ l0 (£8). (‘harity concert ltrt' \Vay crlcy (‘are l'eaturing the lidinhurgh ('oncert Band and (’adcn/a choir.


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I Music on Mondays: Bach and Handel RSAMI). I00 chli‘ew Street. 332 5057. lptn. £3. Baroque classics perl'ormed hy students of the third year Sty lc in l’erl‘orinance class: Bram/('n/mrg' (‘n/it‘c'rln .\'u 4 by Bach and mm I)uminux hy Handel.

I Russell Watson Sli(‘(‘: (‘lyde .»\uditorium. l'llttltc‘stUlt Quay. ()87() 040 4000. 6.30pm. £25 £55. British tenor who times in contemporary hits with popular opera classics.

I Get Organised! St (‘uthhcrt‘s (’hurch. 5 l.othian Road. 22‘) l I42.

l.l0 l.50pm. £3. The l'sher Hall‘s series ol‘ hitc-si/c lunchtime organ concerts pet'lot'tned hy John Kitchen continues.

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I lolanthe Adam Smith 'l'hcatre. Bcnnochy Road. 0l5‘)2 583302. 7.30pm. £6.50 (£4.50; l‘amily £20). Bcl ('anto Voices perl'orm (iilhert and Sulliyan's myth-hased light opera.



The names Elvis Costello and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra aren’t likely contenders for appearing in the same sentence. Neither are the RSNO and Video Games Live. More regular bedfellows might be the RSNO and Prokofiev, but it would normally be the Sergei of great classical scores that takes pride of place in the symphony orchestra’s programming. It is, however, his grandson, Gabriel Prokofiev who joins the RSNO to fuse hip hop and classical with a unique one-off performance of his Concerto for Turntables and Orchestra. For the second of their series of three orchestra+ performances at Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall, the RSNO will be joined by singer-songwriter Elvis Costello, while the final concert brings full screen, lights, lasers and all the rest of the paraphernalia associated with video games as their orchestral accompaniments are brought to life.

Behind these new developments is the RSNO Chief Executive, Simon Woods, who says: ‘l’m really keen on the idea of an orchestra which plays for the widest possible cross-section of the population. We’ve been struggling with the Summer Proms format for a few years and wanted to do something different to show that an orchestra is not just about being formal and serious, but can be radical and way out.’

Concerto for Turntables and Orchestra has been specially created for the RSNO by Gabriel Prokofiev, who has successfully managed a synergy of classical music aesthetics with contemporary dancefloor electronica, and will certainly push the boundaries of orchestral music. ‘He is a marvellous guy,’ says Woods, ‘and has that great musical heritage, but is very eclectic. He’s connecting us with club culture for the first time.’ Interacting with DJ Beni G, and using techniques of hip hop DJing the full orchestra will provide samples for him to mix and scratch live on stage. (Carol Main)

I Elvis Costello will) the RSNO is at Royal Concert Hall Glasgow. Sat 27 Jun. Video Games Lth) is also at Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Thu 26 Jun.

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I Scottish Music: Smeddum in Concert RSAMI). I00 Renl‘rcw Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3. Mtisic from Year two of the Scottish music attd piping

I Opera Scenes Workshops RSAMI). I00 chl'rew Street. 332 5057. 7. l 5pm. £l2 (£8). A chance to hear some delicious operatic morsels sung by the creme dc la creme ol' the Academy 's rcnow ned opera school.

I Organ Recital: Jane Parker- Smith (ilasgow l'niyersity Memorial ('hapel. The Square. ()ll t'niycrsity Ayenuc. 7.30pm. £5. The music of l.aiulmann. I)uparc. Holloway and Bairstow.


I Kathleen McPhail St Mary ’s lipiscopal ('athedral. 300 (ireat Western Road. 337 2862. lpm. £5 (£4). Lunchtime

recital of works by Mo/at't. l)ehussy. Prokoliey and Beethoyen. 'l'ickets ayailahle on the door. I’urr oft/iv lli'sl Iz'ml l't‘.\'llt'(l/.

FREE Kevin Bowyer (ilasgow' t'niyersity Memorial (‘hapeL The Square. ()0. t'niyersity' Avenue. 330 4092. 6 7.l5pm. Recital of contemporary organ works by Jeph 'l‘rapanesc. Jeremy 'I‘hurlow‘. Johnny llerhert. ('hris l)ench. Victor Varela and Janet Beat. l’ur! oft/w ll’t'xl Iiml I'i's'lii'ui. I Praise Gathering Royal (‘oncert Hall: Main Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £9 £l2.50. An exciting ol inspiring music with a 400- strong choir that takes its singers from oyet‘ l00 Scottish churches.

I Quodlibet: Strictly Mozart Kihhle l’alace. (ilasgow Botanic (iat‘dens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 0870 220 l l l6. 7.30pm. £ H). The classical \ocal quartet returns with \ ignettes from popular Mo/art operas. I’ur/ oft/iv ll’ml lim/ I‘i’\llt'(l/.

I RSAMD Symphony Orchestra and Choir ('ity Halls. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0 (£6). Nicholas (‘leohury conducts the orchestra and chorus in Rimsky-Korsakoy's ()w'rlun' In [.6 ('m] (/°()I' and Stt'zt\'lltsky"s