
FRIDAY 23—THURSDAY 29 Charlie Bartlett 1 I5)

1-'ri 'I‘ue: 11.50am. 2.15. Doomsday1181

Daily: 11.10am. 1.55. 4.45. 9.55.

Also late l"ri Sun: The Eye1151

1-‘ri Tue: 10.20. Also late 1-‘ri Sun: 12.30am. Forgetting Sarah Marshall 1 151 Daily: 11.15am. 2.00. 4.35. 7.15. 9.50.

Also late 1511 Sun: In Bruge31181 1511 Tue: 4.25. 7.15. 9.55.

Also late liri Sun: 12.25am.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1 12A)

Daily: 10.45am. 11.15am. 11.45am. 1.30. 2.00. 2.30. 4.15. 4.45. 5.15. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 9.45. 10.15.

Also late l-‘ri Sun: 12.30am.

Iron Man 1 1231

Daily: 11.00am. 1.15. 2.1)(1. 4.15. 4.45. 7.05. 7.35. 10.00. 10.30. Made of Honour 1 12A)

1511 Tue: 11.40am. 2.20. 4.51). 7.41). Him’slsland 11')

Daily: 11.20am. 2.05. 4.35. 7.00. Outpost118)

Daily: 9.25.

Also late 1-‘1-1 S1111: 11.55.

Sex and the City: The Movie 1 151 Wed 1% 1111): 11.00am. 12.30. 1.15. 2.10. 4.20. 4.50. 5.20. 7.30. 8.15. 8.45.


1-‘ri 'l‘ue: 12.20. 2.50. 5.05. 7.51). 10.05.

Also late l-‘ri Sun: Speed Racertl’o) Daily: 11.10am. 2.10. 5.10. Also late 1511 Sun: 11.10. Timber FaIIS1I81

Daily: 12.10. 2.40. 5.10. 7.40. Also late l-‘ri Sun: 12.35am. What Happens in Vegas. . . 1 I2.»\1 Daily: 11.55am. 2.25. 4.55. 7.30. 10.00.

Also late 111 Sun:









aee ('inema. Autonomous ('entre 111‘ lidinburgh. 17 West .\lomgomery' Place. ()131 557 (1242. 1‘ilms are shown lnosl Sundays at 3pm. 1’1‘ee. donations yy‘eleome. SUNDAY 25 MAY

Mysterious Object at Noon 1121 3.111).

SUNDAY ‘1 JUN Ladyfest Avant Garde Film Afternoon 11-;1


1.adyyy'ell Way. .\lusselburgh, 0131 0(15 2240. £5.501£5). Seats yyith restricted \‘ieyy': £514.50).

MONDAY 2 JUN There Will Be Blood 1151 7.311.

em” .. .

38 Home Slreei. Bookings: 0871 704 2052. 111111: 0131 228 483(1. ('al'e/bar.

Tue 151i: Adults £0. 10 (£5.1011e1'ore 5pm): (‘11nes £4.90 1£4. 10 below 5pm); .\lembers £4.00 1£3.(1I)be1111‘e 5pm). Mon Iexeept Bank holidays): £4.10; .\1e111bers £2.00. Sat Sun 1and Bank Holidays): £0.10: ('ones £4.90; .\1embers £4.00. Sunday Double bills: £0.10 (£4.90: .\lembers IreeI. Wed: lirst shows in each sereen £1.50 1111' concessions. Big Scream 1101' parents/carers and babies only): £4 1£3: .\lembers £2.50). .\lembership costs £25 per year 1(‘1111es £181. yyyy'yy'.pieture1111uses.eo.1111

THURSDAY 22 MAY Carameld’o) 1.30. 3.50. (1.30. 9.00.

FunnyGameS1I81 1.15. Happy-Go-Lucky 1 151 (1.211. Heartbeat Detector 1 12.0 1.51). 8.51).

Manufactured Landscapes 11‘ 1 11.111). PersepoIIS112A1 3.55.


Caramel 11’111

Daily: 1.40111111 Sun. Wed 1% 11111). 4.11) 111111 Sun). 9.10.

The Edge of Heaven 1 151

Daily 111111 Sun): 1.25. Happy-Go-Lucky 1 151

1511 & Sun 1111‘: (1.25.

Sat: 1.45.

Manufactured Landscapes 111 151i Tue: 4.05.

The Orphanage 1 151

Late 1511 1& Sat: 1 1.35. Persepolis 1 12.41

151i & Sun 'l’ue: 1.45. 9.05. Also 1011‘ 1'11: 11.40.

Red Road 1181 + Ratcatcher1151 Sun: 1.30.

Screen Banditas Hew Shorts 11-L1 'l'ue: 7.00.

Sex and the City: The Movie 1151 Wed & 11111: 1.50. 5.50. 8.50. Shotgun Stories 1 I2.1\1

Daily: 4.21). (1.35. 9.15.

Also Sun. Wed 1& 11111: 1.40. Also late 1:11 1k Sat: 1 1.35.


Fountainpark. Dundee Street. 24hr boolylngs 1% 1111-11: 0871 200 2000. ('alli/bar. Adults £0.31) 1£5.50 .\1on 1"1‘1 bel‘ore 5pm): eoneessions £4.30. liarly bird 1:111 Performances bel'ore noon 1: £4. .\lmies 1111' Juniors 1Sat am): £1. liamily tieket: £17. Yearly pass Iunlinuted

nioy ies): £10.99 per 1111111111.

1140148011112 MAY

Caramel 11:01 12.45. 3.11). 5.35. 8.05. Charlie Bartlett 1 151 1.15. 3.41). 11.115. 8.40.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1 12A) 10.30am. 11.00am.

11.30am. noon. 12.30. 1.30. 2.00. 2.30. 3.111). 3.31). 4.31). 5.111). 5.311. 11.111). 11.31). 7.311. 8.00. 8.30. 11.1111, 11.311. 111.311. 11.111). 11.31).

Iron Man112.1\1 1131111111. 2.31). 5.31). 8.45.

Shutter1151 2.15. 4.31). 11.45. 11.11). Smart People1151 1.111). 3.45. 11.15.


Speed Racer (Digital Screening) 11’( i1 1 1.05am.

What Happens in Vegas . . . 1 12.-\1 11.35am. 2.10. 5.10. 8.15.


Alvin and the Chipmunks 111

Sat: 10.00am.

Bee Movie11‘1

Sat: 10.001111).

Caramel mm

1511 Tue: 12.50.

Cassandra’s Dream 1 12..\1

Daily: 12.20. 3.10. 550111111 Wed).


A1s11late 1‘11 1& Sat: 1 1.30.

Charlie Bartlett1151

111 Tue: 12.41). 5.45.


111 Tue: 0.20. 9.20.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall 1 I51

1‘1‘i 'l'ue: 1.15111111 Sun). (1.41) 111111 .\11111:. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Subtitled) 1 151 Sun: 1.15.

.\1on: 0.40.

In Bruges 1 181

1511 1111‘: 3.50. 910.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1 I2..\1

Daily: 11.00am. 11.30am. noon. 12.31). 1.31). 2.111). 2.31). 3.111). 3.31). 4.31). 5.111). 5.31). (1.111). (1.31). 7.311. 8.110. 8.31). 11.111). 11.31).

:\1s11l'1‘1 S1111: 10.30am. Also lale 1‘11 1& Sat: 10.31). Iron Man 1121\1

Daily: 11.20am. 2.20. 5.40. 8.50. Hlm’s Island 11')

151i 'l'ue: 11.15am. 1.45.

11.00. 11.30.



Sat: 10.00am.

Sex and the City: The Movie 1 151 Wed 1& 1111): 11.30am. 12.45. 1. 2.45. 4.111). 5.111). (1.111). 7.15. 8. 9.15.

Smart People 1 I51

1-‘ri 'l‘ue: 3.21). 8.15.

Speed Racer 1I’('11

151i 1111': 11.10am.

What Happens in Vegas . . . 1 12.-\1 Daily: 11.40am. 2.11). 5.10. 7.45. Als111'1'i& Sat: 10.15.


l8 .\eyybanle'11‘1‘1'111‘1‘.('(’ booking: (1131 447 4771. 1111.11: 0131 447 2000111111447 8450. Adult: Standard £5.70. Superior £0.00. (‘inL‘ma 3/4 £0.00. .\1on l'it'i belore 0pm: Standard £4.70. Superior £4.90.('i11e111a 3/4 £5.00. ('11111‘1‘ssions/('hildren: Standard £4.21). Superior £5.00. ('inema 3/4 £4.20. 1’ullmans: Afternoon £0.90. liy‘ening

£1 1.51). Sol'as/Reeliners: Allernoonz £7.51). liyening £12.50.(‘i11e111a2 Solas: Afternoon £7.50. liyening £8.50. Students 181111 111111 £4.00 includes a drink. l-amily 11L‘1\L‘1\ Irom £3.41) per person. Parent and baby screenings: £3 1111' each aeeompanying adult.


Charlie Bartlett 1 151 4.25. (1.25. 8.41). Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1 12.1\1 1.11). 4.11). 11.511. 11.31).

Iron Man 1 12A) What Happens in Vegas . . . 0.10. 8.35.


Charlie Bartlett 1 15)

1511 1111': 8.45.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1 12.«\1

Daily: 1.10111111 .\111n&'l‘ue1. 4.10. (1.51). 9.31).

Iron Man 1 12A)

Daily 111111 .\111111k'1‘ue): 1.51). 4.45. 7.41).

311111311111: 4.41). 7.45.

Made of Honour 1 12.31

111 Tue: 3.35. 0.20.

Sex and the City: The Movie 1 151 Wed 1& 11111: 3.00. (1.50111111 Wed). 11.51).

What Happens in Vegas . . . 1 12.-\1 Daily: 2.15111111 .\111111k’1‘ue1. 5.15. 8.15.

1.50. 4.40. 7.45.


88 1111111111) R11a11.0131 228 2088. 111111 Restaurant. liyening sereenings11111111 5pm): £0 1£4.501. .\latinees111e1‘111'e 5pm): £4.501£31; 1‘1‘1 bargain matinees: £3.50 1£2 1.


1. Smart People 1 151 2.31). 11.31). 8.45. 2. Welcome to the Sticks 1 12.31 3.111). 8.35.

Even Dwarfs Started Small 11’( 11 (1.15. 3. XXY115) 3.30. 8.51).

Welcome to the Sticks 1 12..\1 11.111).


1.ThereWill Be Blood 1151 2.1111. 8.111). Smart People1151 5.45.

2. Smart People1151 1.31). 3.35. 11.111). Marketa Lazarova1151 5.45.

3. Honeydripper11’111 3.111). 11.111). 8.40.


1. Planet of the Apes 11’( 11 2.111).

There Will Be Blood 1 151 4.45.

2001: A Space Odyssey 11') 8.00.

2. Smart People 1 151 2.111). 4.15. (1.31). 8.45.

3. Honeydripper11’111 3.1111. 8.30.

The Man with the Golden Arm 1 151



1. Alvin and the Chipmunks 111 1.111). There Will Be Blood 1 151 3.111). The Man with the Golden Arm 1 151


112A) 3.51).

Smart People1151 8.45.

2. Smart People1151 1.31). 3.35. 5.45. There Will Be Blood 1 151 8.01).

3. Honeydripper11’('11 3.111). 5.45. 8.31).


1. Alvin and the Chipmunks 11'1 10.30am.

Smart People 1 151 2.31). 11.31). 8.45.

2. My Brother is an Only Child 1 151 3.31). 8.45.

UP - Imagination to Power 1 I2.»\1 (1.111). 3. Honeydripper11’1i1 3.111). 5.45. 8.30.

'l ULSDAY 2 /' MAY

1. Smart People 1 151 2.31). (1.311. 8.45. 2. My Brother is an Only Child 1 151 3.30. (1.15. 8.45.

3. Honeydripper11’111 3.111). 8.31). Cabal in Kabul 1 12..\1 11.111).


1.Smart People1151 2.31). (1.30. 8.45. 2. Mister Lone|y1151 3.31). 5.45. 8.15. 3. Honeydripper11’('11 3.111). 5.45. 8.31).


1. Smart People 1 151 2.3 2. Mister Loner 1 151 3.3 Yesterday Girl 1 151 11.15. 3. Honeydripper mm 3.111). 5.45.


1.Change of AddressH2A1 1.15. 9.111). Some Came Running mm 3.15. 11.11).

2. California Dreamin’ 1 151 2.31). 8.15.

Under the Bombs 1 151 11.111).

3. Caramel 11’(;1 1.31). 8.45.

Rififi1121 3.45. 11.15.


1.Change ofAddreSS112A1 1.15. (1.11). Some Came Running 11’(i1 3.15. 8.10. 2. Califomla Dreamin’ 1 151 2.31). 8.15. Under the Bombs 1 151 (1.111).

3. Caramel11’(i1 1.31). 8.45. Rififi1121 3.45. (1.15.


1. Guys and Dolls 11‘) 2.311. Some Came Running 1P1 i) 5.45. Change of Address 1 12.31 8.45. 2. California Dreamin’ 1 151 1.111). Under the Bombs 1 151 4.11). Change of Address 1 12.31 (1.25. 3. The Yacoubian Building (Omaret Yakobean) 11’111 3.1111.

Caramel mm (1.41). 8.511.


1. Change of Address (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1 12A) 111.311.1111.

Change of Address 1 12.\1 1.1111. 11.1111. Some Came Running mm 3.111). 8.111. 2. Under the Bombs 1 151 3.1111. Celluloid Sinatra: An Illustrated Talk 11.1 (1. 1.5.

California Dreamin’ 1 151 8.15.

3. Caramel 11’(i1 3.31). 8.45.

Delice Paloma 1 151 5.45.

1111 SD, Y I3 .1UN

1.Change ofAddreSS1I2.1\1 1.111). 8.45. Some Came Running mm 3.111). 11.111).

2. California Dreamin’1151 2.45. 8.15.

Change of Address 1 I2.v\1 11.15.

3. Caramel1i’(i1 3.311. 11.31). 8.45.


1. Some Came Running11’111 1.111). 8.20.

Change of Address 1 12.-\1 3.51). College Shows: Telford College 11i1 0.1111.

2. California Dreamin’ 1151 2.45. 8.15. Change of Address 1 12.1\1 11.15.

3. Caramel mm 3.31). 8.45.

Heavy Metal in Baghdad 1 12..\1 11 31).

0.30. 8.45.

l. 1. 8.15.

( 1



{93:3 THE LIST 59