Water Horse: Legend of the Deep
(l’(i) 0.. (Jay Rtixxell. l‘S/l'lx'. 2007) limily Watxon. Brian (‘o\. Joel 'l‘oheclx. 111mm. Blending monxter tlirillx u 1th a thoughtful pacilixt mexxagc. thix adaptation ()1 Dick Kilig-Sltiilli.x \\ e11 1()\ ed hunk Icll\ ()1- the I‘riendxhip hctuecn Angux and the legendary creature .\'exxie. “110 he rearx lrom an egg into a lull-Noun heaxtie. Although mainly xhot in .\'e\\ /.ealand to Tilt‘llllillt‘ the im'olyement ol the Weta Digital xpecial-- el‘l‘ectx houxe. the lilm ix lirmly xet in WW11~ era Scotland. An old-xchool alternatiye to the frantic nature of moxt children'x lilmx. llim'r Horse linally proy idex our heloy ed monxter with the lilm it dexer\ex. (iron-um): (i/(IWHH. Welcome to the Sticks ( 13A) 00 (Dany Boon. l-"rance. 2008) Kad .\1erad. Dany Boon. l’hilippe Duquexne 100mm. Philippe Ahramx (Merad) ix xent to the (on n o1~ Berguex. in the tar. 1'ar north 0 here apparently it'x cold. the people are haxic and they talk in an inet)mprehenxihle dialect ((‘h‘til. Predictably. licrguex ix not xo had. Surprixingly thix middle-ol-thc-road larce (x the moxt \lIL‘L‘L‘SSTUT French moy ie 01' all time. (iluyemr l'ilm 'I‘lrt'um’. (i/uyumi .' l-i/m/muu'. Ifrlin/mreli.
What Happens in Vegas . . . 1 12A) 0. (Ton) Vaughan. 1S. 2008) ('atneron Dia/. .Axhton Kutcher. Queen 1.ati1'ah. 98min. Thix underwhelming romantic comedy detailx the loy c trajectory oI' \‘egax gamhlerx Joy (DiaI) and Jack (Kutcher). \\ ho \yake up one morning to (ind they are married and have alxo hit the jaclxpot on the tahlex. (‘uc litt'cictil attemptx to cheat each other out 01 the tnoney \yhile (allrng m loye. 1t'x \y'atchahle enough. hut ultimately a hit ()1 a WilSlL‘ 01.111110. (it’llt'l'rl/ I't'li’rlyt‘.
Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?(12.'\)OO (Morgan Spurlock. l'S/l-‘rance. 2008) 89mm. Spttr'loclx\ IIL‘W documentary. in Which the campaigner triex to Iind ()xama Bin laden. ix one long ego- trip. Little attempt ix made to actually (ind him: inxtead Spurlock \enturex to ligy pt. Morocco. Al'ghanixtan and 1’akix1an to xltmy hoyy the .\lux1im population 1i\ mg there are hy-and—large ordinary I‘ollxx concerned \\ itl) raixing their (amiliex and making a ll\ mg. (iluwmr I'ilm 'I'lieum'. (i/rtygun. XXY(15)OOOC (Lucia l’tten/o. Argentina/Spain/l‘rance. 2007) lnex lilron. Ricardo Darin. Valeria Bertuccellr. 80min. 15-year old A|e\ (lilron) poxxexxex both male and female .xe\ual organx. Raixcd ax a girl. her Iiheral parentx tl)arin and liertuccelli) eventually lace the quextiou o1 \\ hat ix to he done \\ ith a girl/hoy like Ale\. l’uen/o'x directorial debut ix a xloyy. challenging hut ultimately xatixl'y mg charnher piece that examinex cotnpromixe and contormity agaian the domextic idy ll. Rea)tninended. Film/muse. I'.}/i)1/)ri)'e/).
The Yacoubian Building (Omaret Yakobean) (l’( i) O... (.\1ar\\an llamed. ligypl. 2005) Adel lrnam. .\'our1i1— Slieril. Youxxra. 172mm. lipic adaptation o1 Alaa AI Axyy'ani'x hextxelling noy e1. \yhich delyex into the nitty gritty ol' modern ligyptian lite and Iindx corruption. I‘orhrdden love. fundamentalixm and the hitherto tahoo subject of hoinoxexuality. Thix xcathtng xatire ()1 modern ligyptian lil‘e ix ttiaryellottxly entertaining. and lookx Iantaxtic. l’art o1'.\’e\\ (‘ilictlttts ()1~ the .At'illi \Ym‘ld \L'RISUIT. l'i/IIt/tnust'. Edinburgh.
Yesterday Girl ( 15) (A1e\ander Kluge. Wext (iermany. 1900) Alexandra lx'luge. llanx Korte. lidith Kunt/e-l’ellogio. 88min. Young 1iaxlern(icrman \yoman Anita (i (Kluge) lii()\'C\101liL‘ \Yt‘xl iii \L‘ttl'L'li ()1' ti l‘t‘llt'l' lilc. Hitting a dommard xpiral alter xery mg a xhort prixon xery ice 101‘ xhophl'tmg. Anita ix momentarily lil'ted by a relationxhip \y Illl a (:1in .xcryant. only to hit rock bottom again when he dexertx her. Part ()1 May '08 xeaxon, (ilusgmi' I'Ailm 'l'ltt'uln'. (i/rrwoii .‘ l‘i/III/lrtllu'. Ifdin/mrg/i.
Got an opinion? You can now
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56 THE LIST 2)? Ma. 0.1111) 73135-1
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Glasgow Arches
53 Argyle Street. 0141 505 1000.
SUNDAY 25 MAY Future Shorts (1i) 0.00.
350 Sattchichall SII'L‘L‘I. litmklltg‘xi (ll-ll 2‘52 4900. l’l’lL'L‘\ \‘tll‘y.
THURSDAY 29 MAY Dance on Screen (1i) 7.00.
The Forge. l’arlxhead. 24hr hookingx & 1111-0: 0871 200 2000. :\(ltlllx £5.70 (£5 .\101) Thu hcl'ore 5pm); (‘hildren £4 (£3.70 .\l()tt '1'ht111Stt1dentx £4 (£3.51) .\1on '1‘1)ti);().~\l’x £4. l-ainily ticlxct £10. liarly hird (all perl'ortnancex below (1001)): £3.70. .\1()\iex 1'()t'.lt1111()1'\ (Sat am): £1. Yearly paxx (unlimited inoyiex): £10.99 per month.
0 (UHSDAY 22 MAY Charlie Bartlett ( 15) 4.05. 015. 3.40. Doomsdayitx) 11.20am. 1.50. 4.30. (1.50. 920.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ( 12A) 11.00am. noon. 2.00. 3.00. 5.00. (1.00. 8.00. 9.00. Iron Man113.-\) 12.10. 2.55. 5.10. 3.45.
Nim’slslandit‘) 11.00am. 1.15. 3.35. Speed Racer11’(;) 5.50. 8.45.
What Happens in Vegas . . . ( 12A) 11.10am. (.30. 3.50. 030. 8.50.
11.30am. 1.45.
1 RIDAY 91-17 ll-lURSDAY 99
Alvin and the Chipmunks (1')
Sat: 10.00am.
Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Quest (1‘) Sat: 11.30am.
Doomsday ( 18)
Hi Tue: 2.50. 8.20.
mm Wenders
Forgetting Sarah Marshall ( 15)
Fri Tue: 1.40. 0.30.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ( 12A)
Daily: 11.00am. noon. 2.00. 3.00. 5.00. 000. 3.00. 9.00.
Iron Man ( 12A)
Daily: 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.31). Made of HonountZA)
1-‘t‘i Tue: 11.20am. 4.10. 9.10. Him’s Island (1')
Daily: 12.20tnotSat). 2.41). 5.50. 13.10.
Sat: 10.00am.
Sex and the City: The Movie(15) Wed & Thu: 10.45am. 1.00. 2.10. 4.15. 5.30. 7.30. 8.30.
Speed Racertt’tl)
liri Tue: 11.50am. 5.20.
What Happens in Vegas. .. (12A) Daily: ll.l()am. 1.30. 3.50. 0.20. 3.50.
Cineworld Bentrevv Street
7 Renl'reyy Street. 24hr hookingx & into: 0871 200 2001). Bar. .Adttllx £0.40 (£5.50 Mon Fri hel'ore 5pm); (‘oncx £4.40. l-‘amily ticket £17 (£15.00 Sun Thu). liarly hird (all ticlxetx helore 1pm): £4. Yearly paxx (unlitnited 111m iex): £10.99 per month.
Carameltl’m 13.30. 3.00. 5.40. 3.00. Charlie Bartlett115) 10.40am. 1.20. 4.00. (1.40. 9.30.
Doomsdayttx) 10.20am. 1.00. 3.45. (1.20. 9.20.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall ( 15) noon. 3.00. 5.50. 3.50.
In Brugesnx) 3.11). 8.30.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ( 12A) 10.00am. 10.30am. 11.00am. 11.30am. noon. 12.30. 1.00. (.30. 3.00. 2.30. 3.30. 4.00. 4.30. 5.00. 5.30. (1.15. 7.00. 7.30. 8.110. 8.30. 9.00. 9.30. 10.30. 11.00. 11.30. Iron Man(12..\) noon. 3.15. (1.20. 7.45. 9.30. JannatttZA) Made of Honour ( 12.-\)
1.30. 5.00. 8.30. 12.3 l. 5.30.
( Outposttlx) 11.30am. 1.40. 4.00. 0.40. 9.00. Shutter ( 15) 0.00. 3.30.
11.00am. 1.30. 3.45.
SmartPeople(15) 11.00am. 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 9.00.
Speed Racer (Digital Screening) (P( 1) 10.30am. 1.30. 4.41).
What Happens in Vegas...(tz..\) 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30.
Caramel (PU)
Daily: 11.30am.
Cassandra’s Dream ( 12A) Daily: 12.40. 3.30. 0.00. 9.00. Also late 1’ri Sun: 1 1.40. Charlie Bartlett ( 15)
Hi Tue: noon. 4.41). 9.20. .\lon & Tue).
Doomsday ( 18)
Daily: 1.40. 4.10. 0.50. 9.31).
The Eye ( 15)
Hi Tue: 1.30. 0.00.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall ( 15)
Daily: 11.40am. 2.15. 5.00. 8.00. Alxo late l‘ri Sun: 10.50.
In Bruges1 18)
Daily: 12.30 (not Wed & Thu). 3.11). 0.00 (tt()l \Yed ck Tlittl. 8.30.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom at the Crystal Skull ( 12A)
Daily: 10.00am. 10.30am. 11.00am.
1 1.30am. noon (not Wed & Thu). 12.30. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00 (1101\Yed&'1‘httl. 4.00. 4.30. 5.00. 5.30. 0.15. 7.00 (not Wed & Thu). 7.30. 8.00. 8.30. 9.00. 9.30.
Alxo late 1‘ri Stilt: 10.30. 11.00. 11.31). midnight & 12.30am (not Sun).
Iron Man ( 13A)
Daily: 10.30am (not Wed & Thu). noon. 1.30 (not Wed & Thu). 3.15. 4.30111o1 Wed (& Thu). 0.20. 7.4011101 Wed 8; Thu). 9.20.
Also \Yetl ck Thtt: 4.00. 7.20.
Alxo late l-‘ri Sun: 10.40.
Jannat ( 12A)
l‘ri Tue: 8.50.
Made of Honour ( 12A)
Daily: 12.20. 3.00 (not Wed & Thu). 5.30. 8.00 (not Wed & Thu).
Him’s Island (1')
Daily: 1 1.00am. 1.30. 4.00 (001 Wed ck Thu). 0.30 (not Tue Thu).
Outpost ( 18')
0.111}: 3.30. 9.00.
Alxo late 1"1‘i Sun: 11.30.
Sex and the City: The Movie ( 15)
11.50 (1101
Wed & Thu: 10.15am. 10.40am. 11.45am. 12.45. 1.15. 1.45. 2.15. 3.15. 4.15 4.45. 5.15. 5.45. 7.15. 7.45 8.15 8.45. 9.15.
The Wenders retrospective finally reaches Glasgow in a reduced programme of five films. They are, however, five of his best. Things kick off with two great 70$ road movies, Alice in the Cities (pictured) and Kings of the Road, which are followed by Wenders’ superlative Patricia Highsmith adaptation The American Friend. The retrospective comes to an end with two of his most famous and lyrical works — Paris, Texas and Wings of Desire. The films will be shown weekly throughout June. The opening night screening of Alice in the Cities will be introduced by Paul Dale, film editor of The List.
I Gf'i. Glasgow{/07080/1 I J(//).