Manufactured Landscapes 1h 0... thnnilcr liaiclmal. (‘anada. 300m Stunin. liaichyyal'x thoughtlul documcntary c\plorcx thc \yoik ol thc photographcr lidyyard liurty nxky. \yhoxc lai‘gc-xcalc colour photox c\aminc thc impact ol man’x induxtrial proccxxcx upon landxcapcx around thc \yorld. on a trip through ;\xia. ’l‘hix ix a lilm uhich cncoui'agcx thc \ icyy cr to ga/c at itx imagcx. and lch tmxcttlcd by itx ccric bcatity. (ii/mu). Inklin/mrgli.

Marketa Lazarova 1 1M ooeoo

tl‘rantixck Vlacil. ('lcchoxloyakia. 1967)

Magda \‘axaryoya. l‘rantixck \clccky. Joxcl'

Kcmr. lolmin. liaxcd on a no\ cl by main- gardc \xritcr \‘ladixlay Vancnra. thix ch ccntury —xct mcdicyal cpic conccrnx lhc riyalry bctyy ccn tyyo clanx. thc Ko/likx and thc l.a/arx. and a dc\axtaling|y lach lo\ c allair. ‘l‘hc lcud ix pitchcd againxt tlic brutal conllict ol thc timc bctyy ccn (‘lirixtian and pagan tt'aditiottx. a tropc cry xtallixcd by \'l;icil'x intimatc knoyy lcdgc ol rcmotc hixtorical xourccx. 'l‘hix ix a xtrangc and bcguiling but o\crlookcd maxlcrpiccc that ix not caxily lorgottcn. film/1mm: lir/inburg/t.

Mister Lonely 1 I5: oooo tllarinoily Korinc. liK/lirancc/lrcland/l'S. IOU?) Samantha Morton. l)icgo l.una. \Vcrncr llcr/og. l 13min. Korinc‘x bi/arrcly cnjoyablc talc ol L'L‘lL'l‘l'll) look;llikc\ ttltd Scottixli communcx. film/mun: lat/iii/mruli.

Mongol t lSI .0. tScrgci liodrm. (icrmany/Ka/akhxtan/Rtixxia/Mongolia. 2007i .‘\|iy a. 'l‘cgcn .v\o. ‘l‘adanobu :\x;ttttt. 125mm. Scc rcy icyy. pagc ~17. ('im'n'or/i/ Rt'n/rvn' .S'In’t'l. (i/uygmi;

My Brother is an Only Child 1 15) 0.. ll)anic|c l.uchctti. Italy. 2007; lilio (icrmano. Riccardo Scainarcio. l)ianc l'lcri. Illimin. liaxcd on Antonio l’cnnacchi‘x cpic book. l\\o young brotlicrx. .v\ccio t(icrmanoi and Manrico (Scamarcioi. in a xniall Italian loan in tlic latc (illx/carly l‘)7()x arc bcing radicalixcd

Falkirk Council

Falkirk Town Hall


New Print

Mon 26th May 71:00am 7:30pm


Wed 28th May 7:30pm

There Will Be BlOOd (15)

Mon 2nd June 7:30pm

Lars And The

Real Girl (12A)

Wed 4th June 1:30pm 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box Office or on

the door from FTH Cinema

01 324 506850

54 THE LIST 25' Mi. -': Jan

in may dill'crcnt \yay x. laxcixt and communixt rcxpccliycly. \\ ith \ iolcnt concluxionx. .\'oxtalgia lor political

actiy ixm and coming-ol-agc xtory gcncricx arc balanccd by an caxy \ itality. grcat xoundlrack and cxccllcnt lcad pcrltirmanccx. I'i/m/iuuw. lat/inlmrcli. Mysterious Object at Noon «iii 0... (Apichatpong \Vccraxcthakul. Thailand. 2000) 83min. Blurring thc linc bct\\ccn tact and tiction. \Vccraxcthakul

journcy x acroxx Thailand urging pcoplc to

contribtitc to a chain xtory that xtartx \\ ith a bi/arrc objch rolling out lrom undcrncath a tcachcr'x xkirt. .-\( lit/in/mru/i.

Nim’s Island tl'i C. thnnilcr l'ilackctt. liS. 2003i .-\bigail lircxlin. .lodtt‘ li'oxtcr. (ict‘at'd liutlcr, 05min. .-\daptcd lrom \Vcndy ()i'i"x popular book about what happcnx uhcn agoraphobic authorcxx .'\lc\andra Rydcr tl-‘oxtcri ix contactcd by \\ inxomc brat .\'im tlircxliu). \yhoxc xcicntixt lathcr Jack «Butlcri hax gonc mixxing. lircxlin and Butlcr adapt \ycll to thc lrothy poxtmodcrn ad\cntttrc but l-‘oxtcr'x attcmptx at xlapxtick arc cmlxu‘raxxingly crudc and ob\ ioux. lcxxcning any cmotional impact. (iv/inn] I'¢’/(’(l\(’.

The Orphanage t 15) oooo (Juan liayona. Spain. 2007) Bclcn Rucda. l‘crnando ('ayo. Rogcr l’i‘inccp. 105mm. liirxt-timc dircctor Bayona and produccr (itttllct‘tttn tlL‘l 'l‘ot‘n crcatc lltL‘ bcxt glitth xtory ol thc ycar xo tar. l.aura tRucdai \yax raixcd in an orphanagc and on rcturning to hcr childhood honic \\ ith hcr xon Simon tl’rinccp: lhingx xtart to gct crccpy. 'l‘hc kL‘y lo lltL‘ xtlL‘L‘cxx til lltix liltlt ix thc L‘dgc~ ol-thc-‘xcat xuxpcnxc. and thcrc'x cycn a brilliant xting in thc talc. (him-o. I'ft/ili/Jiil'g/i.



Outpost t In; ooo (Sit-x c liarkcr. l'K. 3008) Ray Stcycnxon. Julian Wadham. Richard lirakc. ()thnin. liccly' incrccnary' l)(' (Stcy‘cttxottl hax to gct xltadoyyy bnxincxxman llunt t\\‘adhami into an abandoncd bunkcr in an liaxtcrn liuropcan \yar lonc and out again \yhilc dodging thc tmdcad .\'a/ix. l‘ilmcd in (ilttxgtny 'x l-"ilin ('ily Sltldiox and on location in l)ulttlt‘icx. ()uI/iml ix an imprcxxiycly parcd doult gcnrc llick \xhich borroux lrom thc bcxt. ll thix ix your bag. you “on’l bc dixappointcd. .St'lt'rlnl I'('l('(l.\(’.

PS I Love You t llAi o tRichai-d l.a(ira\cncxc. l'S. 2t)()7i llilary' Suank. (icrard liutlcr. l.ixa Kudrou. (iina (icrxhon. 135mm. ()ycrlong. bland and ham-lixtcd adaptation ol thc lioy cl by ('ccilia Ahcrn. A young \\ idoyy 'x (Syyankl gricl at oning hcr huxband ix tcmpcrcd

\\ hcn xhc lindx a xcricx ot' incxxagcx hc

\\ rotc hcr bcl'orc hc dicd. lnitially rcluctant to rc-cngagc \\ ith lo\ c. xhc xoon rccm crx hcr xcnxc ol \Hitttanltood through a xcricx ol unlikcly xtcpx \\ ith hcr huxband chccrlcading hcr on lrom aboy c. \iu’ lat/iii/uu'u/i ()u'un. l-ftli'Ii/uu'u/i.

Penelope tl') 0... (Mark l’alanxki. l'K/l ‘S. Ztltlm (‘hrixtina Ricci. Jamcx .\lc:\\o_\. ('athcrinc ()‘llara. 80min. \Vith hcr moncy cd background and good .xcnxc of humour l’cnclopc (Riccit xhould hay c bccn a bit ol a catch. Sadly. xlic hax a pig'x xnout lot” a noxc. and. not only do hcr x\\ inixh lcaturcx xcnd thc boy x running. thcy alxo continc hcr to dating lhc Iandcd gcntry. I’r’ll('/U/H' l\ L‘lt;tt';tL‘lCt'l\L‘tl l1} llx \tll‘llc‘l}. rciccting caxy plot turnx and .S'lm’A-quuc pop culturc coimncntary. itx indiy iduality and intclligcncc making it a bit ol a hybrid l‘l‘L'ttk. (ith'u‘nl‘lr/ I’lll'k/lt'ml. (iluyguu .‘ (‘im'nm'ltl l-[dinlmrulr It'rlin/mrg/I.

Screen Banditas is a new enterprise created in association with Ladyfest Edinburgh to encourage and showcase the spectrum of

Persepolis t 12m ooooe tV'inccnt l’artinnaud/Marianc Satrapi. lirancc/l 'S. 2007) (’hiara Maxtroianni. ('athcrinc l)cncu\c. Danicllc Darricux. 90min. 'l'hix adaptation ol Satrapi'x autobiographical coming-ol-agc graphic noy cl ix an cxccptionally moyittg piccc ol animath lilmmaking. (‘hronicling thc libcral outlook ol young Iranian Marji. Satrapi rclrcxhingly inanagcx to portray a loyc ol' lran uithout bcing rcy ixionixt or dixguixing any harxh truthx about thc rcginic. ('mm'u. I‘Itli/i/HH‘g/i.

The Philadelphia Story tl’( i) .0... t(icot'gc (’uk'or. l'S. 194m Katharinc llcpburn. ('ary (irant. Jamcx Stcuart. 1 12min. Splcndidly xophixticatcd llolly \yood comcdy' \\ ith Stcyy‘art ax a \L‘ttttdalxltccl rcporlcr L‘U\ ct'tltg lllL‘ xocicty' \y‘cdding ot' rcccntly di\orccd llcpburn. cx- hubby (irant lurking in thc \yingx. and romancc rccurdling dcxpitc itxcll. Sparkling dialogtlc and charixnialic pcrlormanccx all round makc thix onc ol thc bcxt ol itx kind. Rcmadc ax thc nuixical. Ilia/I Sur‘lt’lt‘. (i/(ty guti' [Vi/m ill/HUNT. (i/usgun:

Planet of the Apes (PU ) oooe tl‘ranklin J Schal'l'ncr. l'S. l‘)(i7) ('harlton llcxton. Roddy Mcl)o\\'a|l. Kim iluntcr.

l Ilmin. An axtronaut craxh-landx on a xtrangc planct \yhcrc thc monkcy/human rolcx arc rcy crxcd. but brcakx out ol thc lab thankx to hix l'ricndxhip \\ ith xolnc libcral chimpx. lconic xci-ti adycnturc baxcd on thc xatirical noy'clx ol l’icrrc liottllc. (‘harlton llcxton mcmorial xcrccning. l'i/m/muyt'. lat/in/mrg/I.

Ratcatchert 15) 0.... tl.ynnc Rainxay'. l‘K. WOO) \Villiam liadic. ’l'ommy l‘lanagan. Mandy .‘ylatthcyyx. 03min. Sccn through thc cy cx ot' IZ-ycar-

films made by, about and with the participation of women. These Banditas are hitting the trail this fortnight with a whole load of events at different venues. First up is a double bill of Lynne Ramsey’s Ratcatcher and Andrea Arnold’s Red Road (Red Road), which will be followed by Ladyfest Shorts, 8 selection of documentary and fiction short film works by women from around the world. Finally, there will be an Avant Garde Film Afternoon featuring works by pioneering female filmmakers Maya Deren, Margaret Tait and Jane Campion. With drinks, discussions and music after each event this selection is well worth checking out.

I Dorm/(2 Bil/j (Rt/poo. l Hillbilly/I, St 1/) 59.") May. [zit/West Shorts. Cameo. Edinburgh. Tue 27 May. Avant Garde FI/m

Aftomoo/i: ACf. [willful/9’2. Sun I Jun.