wires through mistaken identity such as library fines. ‘I would define these stories as “happy accidents".' says Doyle. ‘How these people's lives have touched in ways. just by virtue of having the same name.‘

Gillian McLaren

An abiding interest in the figure led Gillian McLaren to photograph her unusual hand-sewn material sculptures in landscapes such as the University of Dundee Botanic Gardens. ‘The work is about my own reaction to landscape and the potential I see for the figure to be photographed in it.‘ she says. ‘I intend it to provide a fresh escapism. It provides a way to escape from the everyday. urban or mundane to a more whimsical or romantic landscape.‘

The photographs can be read as a loose narrative. and the viewer is encouraged to look inside a series of accompanying books and trace McLaren's journey in creating the work.

Tielia Delanzo

Observing people‘s behaviour within social spaces inspired Tielia Delan/o's installation ‘Parallel Latitudes'. She focused on two of Dundee's most popular public places. the Castle Green playpark at Broughty Ferry and an area outside Boots in the city centre. 'I call that space an oasis.‘ she says. 'Everyone is so chilled. l had expected it to be a much more vibrant space.‘

The installation contains representations of the actions peeple forrn as they interact with these spaces. Corner mirrors create a sense of being enclosed. and there are

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objects such as a shimmering corridor of ribbon. inspired by the light reflecting off the River Tay. ‘Personally, I believe there is an energy or a cultural essence to a place, but this is hard to describe in an abstract way.’ says Delan/o. ‘l'm hoping this work will kick~in a personal response from the viewer.‘

Camilla Symons

Other names to watch Casey Campbell’s paintings and videos (‘moving paintings') feature figures in abstracted environments. Aberdeen-born Camilla Symons creates beautiful silverpoint drawings of rabbits. crows and worms. inspired by childhood memories of life and death in nature. Fraser Gray’s huge wall-based paintings uses bold imagery and evocative figure painting to explore colonialist links to our current society. Gray's craft was honed as a teenage graffiti artist.

I Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee, until Sat 24 May.

Salmena Carvalho

Originally from Goa. Carvalho has incorporated memories of bright butterflies into her work. choosing four contrasting colours to create bold. playful pieces. She is inspired mostly by her family. ‘My late grandfather was a tailor and my mum a dressmaker.‘ she says. 'Frorn an early age it intrigued me to watch the garments coming to life.‘ The mix of adventurous colouring with floating. feminine design gives a futuristic look to her work. ‘I want my audience to feel refreshed. with the irnrninence of summer.‘ Carvalho hopes to one day work for a major fashion house.


Kevin Harman

Having initially caused a splash creating art galleries in skips (pictured). Kevin Harman is now aiming to entice art sceptics into the sculpture court . . . by stealing their doormats. "'Love Thy Neighbour" is about the communication breakdown in cities.‘ he says. ‘l'm going to take every single doormat from one area of Edinburgh. Within the week there'll be people talking.‘

Harman plans to create a sculpture with the doormats. and residents (who will be invited to the event) can easily unhook their own mat and take it home. 'A doorrnal is an extension of soinebody's house.‘ he says. 'lt's an extension of character. and I think that with the variety available I'll be able to construct something with definite visual impact.’

beyond the pi



Antonia Chiappe

It was the depth of pattern on the underside of a mushroom that sparked Antonia Chiappe's final project. ‘l've been looking at objects that focus on fragility and solidity. and the contrast between the two.‘ she says. ‘I take inspiration from everyday objects. and I've been working with paper and wire. breaking objects into skeletal forms

then creating my own structures. which are worn on the body in quite unusual ways.‘ Mairin making rings and neck pieces. Chiappe's finished products are delicate and playful.

Bridget O'Gorman

Inspired by her Catholic background. Bridget O'Gorrnan has investigated themes of dependency. both religious and medical in her glasswork. ‘They're guite abstract. blown. vessel-like glass forms.‘ she says, 'but clamped in the middle. I'm referring to the idea of breath and life. and they're creating an obstruction.’ O'Gorman creates decorative objects that hint at a use irely aesthetic.

Other names to watch Photographer Alice Myers explores tension and a feeling of ‘letting go' through photographing children poised to push away from the edge of a swimming pool. Furniture and product designer Kate Rider has hand produced a range of chairs. mixing the 'feminine' craft of lace making and ‘masculine' rnetalwork.

l Edinburgh College of Art, Sat 14-Tue 24 Jun, Mon-Thu 10am- 8pm; Fri-Sun 8am-5pm.