
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

r}: Indicates Listpicks entry


Activities and Fun Your Ocean l'ntil Sun I Jun. l0am 4pm. :\tlllli\\lt)ll applies £4.05 (£3.75: lirst child tree: additional children £2.50). The Tall Ship at (ilaxgou llarbour. I00 Stobcroxx Road. 222 2513. .\ traxelling exhibition from The National Maritime Museum. (ireeim'ich. London. The Baby Show Scotland iii 25 Sun 27 .-\pr. |0am 5pm. £8 (£6.50 adxancel. Sli('('. l‘inniexton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. Stalls and actix itiex l'or ne\\born\. toddlers. big kids and munix/dadx-to-be. FREE Saturday Art Club Sat 26 :\pr & 3| .\1a_\'. l0.30am lpm. (taller) ol~ .\lodern .v\rt. Rt)_\ill li\change Square. 220 I006. .v\cti\ ities relating to the an on display: draning. collage. sculpture- making and games. Parents can get stuck in too. :\:_'e\ 3 l3.

Kids @ Citz Sat/Sun. llllle\ \ar}.

£5 per \exxinti. (‘iti/elix‘ Theatre. l 10 (iorbalx Street. 420 0022. :\ lie“ term ol ueekl} drama L‘lttxxex in imprm isation. \tor}telling and role-pla) l‘oragex 4 15.

FREE An Evening of

Adventure at Kelvingrove Sat 3 .\la_\. 6pm. Kelxingrm e .'\rt (iallet') ck Mllxelllll. :\rg} le Street. 276 0500. (iasp ax tlte galleries are tranxlormed iitto themed mnex il‘.g_\ptian. .'\d\enture. ('reatixe and l-utui'ei. then enio} a range ol~ performances and acti\ itiex for children and lttltliliex. I’uri nx'S/imr Scot/um]. Vintage Voyages Sat 3 Mon 5 Ma). 10am 4pm. £tbc. The Tall Ship at (ilaxgou Harbour. l0“ Stolieroxx Road. 222 25 l 3. Hop on a \ intage bus at the .\lu\euin of Transport bel'ore sailing do“ n the River (‘|_\de on the Kel\ inhaugh l‘el'l'}. l’url HIS/Inn .St'Ul/tlIIt/.

Theatre and Dance

The Emperor’s New Kilt Thu

24 Sat 26 Apr. Thu lpm; 7.30pm tSat also 230me £8 £14. Theatre Ro_\a|. 282 Hope Street, 0870 060 6647. \Vee Stories teams up \\ ith the National Theatre ol' Scotland for a tat1an-_\ take on the moral table. See [U ieu. The Lighthouse Keeper Sat 26 Apr. 2pm. £4.75 i£4.50i. Scottixh Mask and Puppet ('entre. 8 l0 Balcarres .'\\'enue. Kel\ indale. 55‘) ()lSS. .lrlllg'u I/It‘ (‘IUH'II creator (‘Iix e Andre“ \ returns \\ ith another clown tale for ages 5+. Katie Morag Sat 3 Ma}. 2.30pm. £8 t£3.50 £4.50). l’latl'orm. The Bridge. 1000 \Vestet'houxe Road. liaxterhouse. 276 0606. Katie .\lorag comes to Me in a muxical Slit)“ lull ol l‘un. Shadow Play Wed 7 cc Thu 8 Ma}. Wed l.30pm; Thu l0.30am. £8 (£3.50 £4.50i. l’latl'orin. The Bridge. 1000 \Vexterhouse Road. liaxterhouxe. 276 0606. .\ lixel} mix of music. dance. mime and dexign for children. inspired b} children.


FREE Even Better Crack Club Sat 26 Apr. l0am. Mitchell Librar}. 20| North Street. 287 2000. .\ l'amil} \ltil’}lelllllg club \\ ith rh_\ mex. \toriex and \tillgS to bring some narrati\e enchantment to a Saturda} morning.


Activities and Fun

Working with Leather Sat 26 Apr. l0.30ain 3pm. £45. l’our \Vintk Inspiration ('entre. The I’m ilion.

lm erleith Park. Arboretum Place. 332 2220. Parent and child can learn together and lime lun at this leathercralt \\til'k\lltip led h} e\pert Simon l’ollx. Booking L‘Sxetlliul.

66 THE LIST 9.: my Mgr. ;" i



THE EMPEROR’S NEW KILT Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Thu 24—Sat 26 Apr ooooo

It’s hard to know who to praise most for this clever, funny and engaging show. There is not a single weak link to be found. The intelligent script blends humour, pathos and insightful comment. The acting carries out comic timing and human tenderness with equal aplomb, while the colourful fabric set is unique and inspired. Throw in a few catchy wee songs and some panto-style asides, and you’ve got a show that appeals across the generations.

Three children holidaying in the West Highlands of Scotland imagine a fictitious island called Kiltie. There, the selfish Laird owns everything, from the grass to the mountains, forcing his villagers to live in poverty. When he demands a new kilt for his birthday, two conmen ‘fi the big city’ set about

FREE Connect: Super Science Shows Sat/Sun 11.45am. 12.45pm. l.45pm & 2.45pm. National .\lu\eum ol Scotland. ('hamberx Street. 247 4422. .\ l'e\ol\ ilig \el'iex 0i litililil} \cience \litm \I .Illm '\ slim/ring :lrli'mlurvz lint/min I‘m-aw: or Strum/x xlmurmg.’ Limited places. Ages 5+.

FREE Doodles and Tales Sun 27 Apr. 2 4pm. National (ialler) ol Scotland. The Mound. Princes Street. 624 6200. .v\t'ti\t Juliana (‘apex and \tor}te||erx Senga Munro and Fergus .\lc.\'icol bring the paintings and \c‘tllpttll'ex to life \\ ith stories and art acti\ itiex. .-\ge\ 5 0.

Big and Little Yoga Tue 20 Apr & Tue 6 Ma}. 0.30 l0.30am. £6 (£35 lot‘ 6 \\ eck block). The Yoga Room. 5 liorth Street. Broughton. 07725 568033. \Veekl} )oga session special!) designed for tldtlltx and children to enjo} together.

FREE Hands on History Sat 3 Ma). Sat l lam lpm ck 2 4pm. National .\lu\euin ol' Scotland. ('hamberx Street. 27l 2062. Take a closer look at our - histor} \\ ith real and replica obiectx l'roin the handling collectiottx.

FREE Art-tastic: Willow Pattern Plates Sun 4 .\la_\. noon 4pm. Rinal Botanic (iarden. lmerleith Run. 248 2068. l'xe the ('hinexe liill\ide and pagoda ax inxpiration to create _\our on n \\illo\\ pattern \tor). Suitable lor all ages. FREE Art Cart for May Stilt 4 Ma}.

2 4pm. National (killer) ol' Scotland. The Mound. Princes Street. 624 (i200. Loaded \\ ith a \ariet} or materials to help )ou e\plore the art in the galleries. .v\ge 3 l2. Morning Bird Chorus Sun 4 Ma}. 4.30 6.30am. £3.70 t£2.20l. llopetoun

making him a kilt ‘t

he like of which has never been

seen’. Only a young girl has the strength of

is, in fact, just that.

Most importantly entertains from sta

can be proud of. (K

House. Shore Road. South ()ueenxlcrr). 3 I0 3056. (ireet the da} \\ ith nature's uake-up call: the daix n cltortlx. Please bring binocularx il )iiti ha\ e them. Booking essential. Suitable lor all age\: under 8x must be accompanied.

Folklore of the Woods Mon 5

.\la_\. |0.30am lpm. £4. l.;llll’i\tnll ('axtle. 2a ('ramond Road South. 520 3063. Listen to in} \lL‘l'iUtlS tales ol the ancient l'orext \\ ith a countrpide ranger bel'ore making _\our our] magical tree at this l'un lamil} \xorkxhop. Booking CSSL‘llllill. .'\:_'e\ 5+.


FREE Lari Don Sun 27 Apr. 2pm. Borders Bookx. liltil 26. Fort Kinnaird Retail Park. 657 404 l. l.ari ptipx in to £tll\\\ er qtlestioth and \ign copiex ol her lie“ book. [in] .vlirl rm Iii/rm um/ ()I/Il’l‘ Hill/ml Brush.

Outside the Cities

Activities and Fun

The Puffin Club: Dinosaurs in Scotland Sat 26 .'\pr. noon 4pm. Admission appliex £7.05 0.505; children £4.50: under 4\ Heel. Scottixh Seabird ('entre. The Harbour. \orth Bern ick. 0l620 800202. l'ind ottt about dinosaurs at lliix illustrated prewntation at noon tk 2pm lollou ed b} a Dinosaur l)ig at 3pm. Junior Nature Club: No Parents Required Sun 27 :\pr. 5.30 ."am. £l. .\Iugdock (‘ountr} l’ark Visitor (‘entre. ('raigend Vixitor ('entre. ('i‘aigallian Road. .\'r .\li|nga\ ie. 056 6100. .\n earl)

character to point out that the Laird’s birthday suit

Taking Hans Christian Andersen’s timeless tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes, and giving it a Scottish twist works beautifully. Wee Stories and the National Theatre of Scotland have produced a show that informs without patronising and suggests a way of thinking without ramming it down our throats. Despite regularly switching characters, the actors sidestep any confusion with clear, explanatory dialogue.

of all, The Emperor’s New Kilt rt to finish, eliciting laughs from

grannies, school children and everyone inbetween. A show that’s proud of Scotland and that Scotland

elly Apter)

morning Ranger Ser\ ice-led ex cut on the cheek} chappiex ol‘ the bird “orld. Ages 8 l2 and l3 l6. Booking essential. Workshop: Make and Take Sun 27 .'\pr & Sun 4 .\la_\. 1 1.30am lpm &

2 4pm. :\dllli\\it)ll tlppllLN £8.50 (£0.50: under 12.x £2: memberx l‘reei. National Museum ol‘ l’light. liaxt l‘ortune :\irlield. ()l620 807240. Turn e\et‘_\da} tililec‘lx into to.“ to take hoine. .v\ge\ 3+.

Come and Try Orienteering Sat 3 Ma}. l.3() 3.30pm. £tbc. \‘ogrie (’ountr} l’ark. Vogrie House. (iorebridge. 01366 864022. A gentle introduction to orienteering \\ ith courses ranging lrom eax} to strenuous. Suitable for all ages. Ooops . . . ! Sun 4 \la}. 10am 5pm. Admixxion tippliL‘x £5 (£3.50; laiiiil} ticket £17). Almond Valle} Heritage ('entre. \lilllield. l.i\ing\ton. 01506 4|4057. .'\ re-enactment ol naxt} llllSlIRIPS dou n a shale mine.

Crafty Cars Sun 4 Ma}. 2 4pm. £tbc. National Museum ol Rural |.ile. \Vextet' Kittochside. l’liilipxliill Road. l'.;t\l Kilbride. 247 4377. (’ar-theined acti\ itiex.

Theatre and Dance Heelie-go-Leerie (Head Over Heels) Sat 26 .\pi'. l lain tk 2pm.

£6 05). Macrobet't. l'ni\er\it} ol Stirling.

Stirling. (H786 466666. ('harming neu

\liou about the po\\ er ol‘ imaginar} pla).

.'\:_‘e\ 5+.

Shopping for Shoes \Ved Rt) _.\pr.

7.30pm. £6 i£4i. Regal ('onimunit}

Theatre. :4 34 .\'orth Bridge Street.

Bathgate. (H.500 (132.553. Vixible l’ictionx

presents Tim ('rouch'x touching tale ol'

i't‘icndxhip. .'\:_'e\ It) It).