Flatshare continued
I Room available for female to share Hat with one otlter l’entale. l.o\'el} cleatt attd \unn) llat. recentl} rcl'ut'hished. In Battlefield \\ itlt halcon} oxerlookittg the ri\ er. £350 pcttt plus hills. ’l‘el: 07705 083 734
I Large double room in heautil'ull} rettotated l.eitlt llat tor rela\ed iriendl} professional to share \\ itlt 3 others. Near all hus t‘ottlcs/ 'l‘he Sltore. £300 plus hills. ('ontact lioghantt on eoghanttcm hotntail.cont 'l’el: 0779‘) 353
I Sharing with one other near Botanic (iardens. l0 units to ('it_\ ('etttre. Relurhished llat \\ itlt tranquil. llill'iiltlllltlllx attthienee. \Vottld suit person interested in lloltstie 'l‘herapies. Sltort or long 'l‘et'itt let. £285 plus l‘ills 'l‘el: 0785i 8o4 l5l
I Double bedroom available lsl .\la_\ in tlte tttiddle ol' l.eitlt \Valk. .\'e\\ kitchen. carpets. lloot' attd liltlllt'ttttlll. llilL‘l‘llL‘l th‘L‘L‘SS ihroadhandt. Suitahle tor a _\ottttg professional. smoker or
not. Tel: 079“) 555 940
I Double room in modem ga} triendl} flat on tlte Sltore. Sharing \\ itlt otte other. Would \tlll li/\ prolesxional. (‘ahle TV. parkittg. \Vili. Rettt £350 pcttt tincluxixe all hills) Tel: 07877 204 (tl‘)
I Bright, single room for rent £330 pent. including hills attd ("l‘. Sltarittg \\ ith t\\o others itt lo\el_\. \\ ell kept l.eitlt ilat. .\ltl\l sec? Atailahlc from 10 Ma}. Tel: 07834 407 403
I London Road «5 mitts Princes Street t. Double room for pt'ol'exsional / poxlgt'atl. Recenll} rcno\aled. \[tilL‘lUtl\, (i('ll. \lizti‘lltg \\/L‘lL‘;tlt tid)
L‘Lts} going .50 _\l' ttltl ntale. £555 pcttt pills ("ll Bills itteluded. Tel: 0798‘) .523 60‘)
I Large, bright, double gla/ed rooitt iit lo\el} Nettington lilat. lo \llltl‘c‘ “till 2 mature students. £325 pent [Tlllx hills. (i('ll. \Vili. tlislluatxllc‘l‘ L‘ic. SititlL‘ltls/pl‘olcssittltltls
\\ L‘lL‘UlliL‘. 'lL‘l: 077 l 7 704 773
I Bright double room atailahle llltlllL‘tllitlL‘l} to share \\ itlt one other [tlll\ 3 cats. lilat henelitx iroin (HUI garden attd shed; Virgin Media 'l'\'/lirttadhand/i‘elephoite. Rent £300 pettt plus hills. Tel: 0778‘) 703 30:
I Cosy single room in a ht'ight spacious central llat for Professional lctttale o\ er 30. Vegetarian. em iroitntent caring. triendl}. clean an} nationalit}. to share with female. Rent “288 pettt lintail:
PL‘licana53(0 hotntailcont 'l‘el: 0l5l 478947501'07720400 34‘)
I Single room for rent in heautil‘ttl [\Ht hcdroont llat itt Merchistoit. Rent £330 pettt plus ("l‘ attd hills. (irouitd floor flat. sharing \\ ith ouner \\ itlt large \\ ell tttaitttaitted garden. 'l‘el: 07067 I l4 4l8
I Large double room for short ternt let itt e\ceptiottall} nice l.eitlt t‘lat. To share \titlt one other lentale. .\laiit door. prixate garden. £300 pllh hills. .\'on \ilittkllig'. Tel: 07807 545 182
I Large room available itt tid} ilat itt Bl’lllllxlic‘ltl sharing \\ itlt 37 _\r old female. Rettt £350 pettt pllls hills aitd ("ll Short or lottg terttt let considered. 'l‘el: 013l 228 8805
I Double room available itt rela\ed eas) going quiet l.eitlt lilat. Share “00 35 _\1' old pt‘oicxxioltal tttale. (ia) lriendl}. £350 pent plus ("I‘ aitd hills 'l‘cl: 078l4 005 535
I Double room available 1st June. Looking for iriettdl). professional girl to share recetttl} rettmated (it';t\.\ltt;tl'kcl l‘lat. Rent £288 peitt plllx ("l' attd hillx. 'l‘el: 075i] 55‘) 8‘)l
I Quiet, bright double room on lilnt Ron. sharing with No iriendl} professionals attd i\\o kittens. \Vould \llll professional 25-55. nott \ltlttkcl'. £300 pent plus ("I‘ and hills. lintail:
kerr} oho_\ lew 'lL‘lI 077.53 4.50 440
I Large furnished double room to rent oil" l)alr} Road. 5 llllli\ iront lla)ntarket. To share \\ itlt 25 _\r old professional .\lale. Looking l'or an eas} going proi‘essional similar age. :\\ailahle .\ia_\ 5th. £275 plus (“i and hills Tel: 07734 003 018
I Double bedroom to rettt itt l'rcshl} decorated. l;l\lL‘lllll'\ lurnished. 3 hedroom Victorian ilat oli liastcr Road. You'll he \llili’lllg u itlt one domt-to-eartlt ga) git} \\l1(t\\ttl'k\ iii the tttcdia. £3 l 2 plus ("l‘t £57) attd hills. Tel: 07785 «W» 023
I Wanted - Young proff
lor large douhle roottt to rent iit
3 hed. littli-xlilttkilig Marchntout l’lat. Axailahle end oi April. £300 pcttt plus hills. ('all Katherine or Andre“ for info. 'l'el: 0l3l 447 5520
I Large double bedroom in shared grottitd lloot' Marehntont llat. gardett attd tttod eons. £200 pcttt plttx hills and ("II Please call to arrange
\ iexx ittg. .'\\ai|ahle ettd .-\pril. 'l‘el: 0| .5l 007 5078
I Double bedroom available in hig aitd heatttil'ul ('il} (’entre flat. to lite “tilt tltrce others igrapltic designer. arcltitect and iilnt-ntakert. .\lll\l he sociahle attd cleatt. £520/tttotttlt including council tan and hills. Tel: 07970 4l0
I Double room in mum st} lc flat with spacious prixate hatltroottt including pou er Slit)“ er. All tttod cons. plus halcott}. l‘ree parkittg on doorstep. 5min hits to West lind. l’reierahl} prol'essioital lL‘lllillL‘. llL‘lI 0700‘) 550
I Double room for rent on Broughton Road t('it_\ ('etttret. Kitchen. |.i\ing rooitt. Bathroortt. Amenities attd transport on the door step. £350 pent attd hills call: .\'igel Robinson on 079l5 00‘) 043
I Large double room in \[thc‘loth \llllll) l.eitlt llat atailahle from 35th April. Sltarittg \xitlt i'entale proiesiottal. £310 pent pllh hills. Pictures at ltttp://_iante\hlack.nct/propert} then (‘ontntercial Street Tel: 07770 008 55l
I Lovely double bedroom \\ itlt separate tlt‘c‘\.\itig roottt axailahle l2th April. Sharing \\ itlt l\\tt other professional girls aged 37 attd 52. £240 pcnt plus hills. Nexxittgton. l-‘entalex oltl}. ('all ('laire on 07872 03‘) ()50
I Timberbush - The Shore - .\'/S Professional l‘eittale l‘ot' clcatt. attt'acti\e. ntodcrtt flat to share \\ itlt 1 other. l’arking. £280 pent. .-\\ailahle l‘)th .»\pril. Tel: 07738 957 785 or 0131 443
3530 Accommodation wanted
I Mature woman seeks roottt itt l‘lat 4/(t weeks from tttid Jul} 08. Allergic to cats? Max £300 pcttt Tel: 0795‘) 40l (t‘)(t
Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE
Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.
Go to and click on ‘tlatsltare'attltetopoftltepage You will be asked for:
1 Your name, address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring
Terms & Conditions
Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking service. For administration purposes. advertisers must suppily their full name and address (NOT for publication). he F Iatshare service is for . people seeking a flatmate. Onl flatshare adverts wrll e accepted for publication in his section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be laced in our ‘Flats to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. it IS compan policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of ensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.
If you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.
We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal
safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.
Apr 3“ l\'..l‘. THE LIST 109