tannl} ticket Ll‘ti An e\lllhllltiii ot Ailainx’ landxcapcx and other iiiiagex ot nature 'l hl\ Ix the lllUST cotnprchcnxnc collection ot hix Wtilk exei exhibited in the JR. Will] 15” photographx xpanning lhc Minx to the 1%th

Recognised: Highlights from the Collection l'nnl Sat 1‘) Apr. ltiain 5pm llighlightx troin the ('A("x Uillt'LllHll ol Scottixh art. including Work b} Redpath. l’aoIo/li. lilackaddcr and Hellan}

Boyling Point t'niil Sat It) \pi. aniii 5pm. l’olitical xatire in cartoon torni troni the Will} pen oi l‘rank lio} lc. cttl'ttioltlxt lot the llll'IlUlL' .\'('it\ \tttee l‘)‘)‘).

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 33 3S (‘ockbnrii Street. 330 I300. 'liie Sat noon 5pm; Mon Sat W. Main 5pm.

How to be Hospitable t'nnl Sat l7 Ma}. t'xing xloganx. pcrlorniancex. billboardx and publicationx. artixt collectne lirecc ha\e created a next \tork uhich aniix to me the l’olixh niiniigrant experience in lzdinburgh to trigger a much uider debate about the underhmg ixxuex oi global capitalixiii.

I CORN EXCHANGE GALLERY ('onxtlttltlott Street. 5(il 7300. Wed Stit llain 4.30pm.

You Are Still Here 000 Thu Iii Apr Artixt Janiex (ireen'x lirxt xolo c\hibition in Scotland takex the xtor_\ ot the lilephant Man ax a xtarting pollll lot it \el'les til collaged. px}clicdclicall_\ ~coloiired Wol'kx \\ hleh are too xelliconxciouxl} rooted ilt \er} conteinporar) pop culture to otter an} deeper tnxlglttx.

Dislocation t-ri IS Apr Thu 3‘) Ma}. Artixt Anna (‘onxtantinou and xculptor 'l'honiax Winxtanle} prexent tWo coinple\ bodiex ol' uoi'k uhich interact through the emotional rexponxex the} pt'o\oke troni the \ icu er.

I DEAN GALLERY 73 Behold Road. 634 (i300. ltlttltt 5pm.

Collage City: Urban Space in Contemporary Art 0000 t'ntil Sun 3” Apr. Workx on paper b} artixtx xuch ax Tob_\ l’atcrxon. l.anglandx and Hell and ('arol Rhodex. \xhich look at the \\;i_\ xk} linex. inapx and cit} architecture ha\e inxpired creati\e Work. Thix e\hibition highlightx the crucial poxition of urban xpace ax a pla}ground l‘or artixtx o\ er the pttxt (it) )L‘itl'S.

The Scientific Aspect of Surrealism: The Work of Grace Paiithorpe and Reuben Mednikoff t'ntii Sun 30 Apr. lilani 5pm. Workx h} l)r (irace l’ailthorpe and ai'tixt Reuben Mednikotl on the theme of autoniaiixm in Surrealixt art and their i‘exearch into the unconxcioux.

Ben Nicholson t'niil Mon 5 .\la_\. ltiani 5pm. l’aintingx and printx by Britixh arlixt Ben Nicholxon t IS‘J-i-


Curator’s Tour: Ben Nicholson Mon l-i Apr. I345 l.3(lpm. li\hibiiion tour b} l’atrick lilliott. (‘hicl~ ('urator at the (taller) of Modern Art.

I DOGGERFISHER l l (ta) iield Square. 558 7| It). The Hi I turn 0pm; Sat noon 5pm.

Group Show t'niil Sat 2h Apr. The xi\ artixtx taking part in doggertixhei"x annual group .xhtm thix )ettt' are (‘laire Barcla). Sara Barker. .\'eil ('lemeiitx. Sail} ()xborn. Jonathan ()\\ en and Albrecht Schat‘er. All the artixtx thix war are concerned xx ith the di\ ide and .xhared territor} betxxeen xculpiure and \xall-baxed “ork. and their “orkx xpan from floor to ceiling.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 t'iiion Street. 557 3-170. Tue~Sat lilaiii 7 (rpm.

’5 Alastair Clark L'ntil Sat 10 Ma). 10am—6pm. Solo exhibition by the mi\ed media artixt.

Gill Tyson l'ntil Sat to \la}. lilani opm Solo exhibition b} the lite printinakcr

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 4.5 Market Street. 33.5 .315.“ Mon Sat 1 Iain (ipni. Sun noon 5pm Print the Legend: the

Myth of the West t'ntil Sun 4 Ma). (iroup exhibition curated b} .tri Mont/1h editor l’alrtcta Hickerx. exploring the influence the legcndx and ltt}tll\ ot the lloll)uiiod-conxtrucied Wild Wext ha\e had on contemporar} art lncliidex uork b_\ Mike .\'elxon. l)ouglax (Bordon. Simon l’atterxon. Salla T}kka and (iillian Wearing.


(i ('arlton Terrace. 550 44-11. lilam 5pm. Andrew Grassie 8. Daniel Buren t'ntil Sat 13 Apr. The lngleb} continiiex itx xeriex oi contraxling exhibitionx. pairing conteinporar} painter Andrew (iraxxie With the legendar} l-‘rench conceptual artixt. t'nlike man} ol the other exliibitionx in thix xerlex. the [no artixtx haw actuall} collaborated \\ ith each other.

Ian Davenport 8 The Simpsons Sat 1‘) Tue 33 Apr. laii l)a\enpori “ill be xhou ing a next l’oui‘ed l.inex painting baxed upon the colourx ax the} appear in a particular epixode ol The Slut/Mom. Thix next painting Will be Slltinl alongxide a “all-painting uhich draux directl) upon the xi} lixed xk}xcape ol the cartoon.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. l’rincex Street. (i3—l 630“. Mon Wed (& l‘ri Sun ltiam 5pm; Thu ltiam 7pm.

Warder’s Choice t'nnl Sun 27 Apr. A collection of printx and drau ingx from the (iaillc'r)"x collection choxen b) the “aiding and front oi houxe \tttlT.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND: HAWTHORNDEN LECTURE THEATRE The Mound. (33-1 (i300. Mon Wed & l’ri Sun lilain 5pm; Thu |()am 7pm; noon 5pm.

BP Portrait Award: Artist’s Talk Gareth Reid Tue l5 Apr. I345 l.3()pm. The (ilaxgow-baxed artixt lalkx abottt the Work he produced ax a rexult of his Bl’ Travel Auard 3007 trip to Scandinax'ia.

The National Church l‘ri lb’ Apr. l3.45~ l.3()pm. Subtitled ‘Religion and Painting in the Work of David Allan. William l‘ettex l)ouglax et al'. thix talk b) Dr John Morrixon. Senior Lecturer in the llistor)‘ of Art at the t'nix'erxity of Aberdeen. examinex religion in Scottixh painting from the end of the |8th centur} to the mid Nth century.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (INVERLEITH HOUSE) lm'erleith Row. 3-18 3983. Tue—Sun ltiain 5.30pm.

Neville Rae: A Town for Tomorrow t'ntil Sun 3() Apr. l()am 5.30pm. A collection of black and “bite photographx. colour collagex and maqueitex that bring to life propoxalx for public art in (‘uiiibernauld that u ere ne\ er realixed.

Nick Evans: Primary School t'ntil Sun 30 Apr. ltlain---5.3()pm. Next xculptural \wrkx b) the (iltixgtm ariixt. here uxing a di\erxe range of media from caxt and axxembled rexin to poured aluminium and hand-built ceramicx to xubx'ert xculptural traditionx.

Tony Swain: impure Passports L'niil Sun 20 Apr. “lam—5.30pm. .\'e\\ painted “orkx on He“ xpiiper cuttingx from the (illngtiW - bast lrish artist.



75 Bell'ord Road. 63-1 6300. 10am—5pm. I Miroslav Balka: Entering

Paradise L'niil Sun 39 Jun. Print

porttoho iron] the l’ohxh aitixt

From Sickert to Gertler: Modern British Art from Boxted House .0. t ntil Sun 33 Jun. lttaiii 5pm \ collection ot 3ch centiii_\ liritixh art that hung in lio\ted llouxe. home ot Bobbie and \atalie lit-\an tioni 1*th 71 \rtixlx tepicxcntcd include Natalie l)enn_\. \laik (iet'tlet. Walter Sickert. Harold (iilnian. ('hailex (Sinner. (‘hrixtophei \'e\ inxon. John \riiixti'ong and l‘rcderick (ioie See ic\ic\\. page "J

Maternity: Images of Motherhood t‘ntil Sun 33 .lun. lHain 5pm A xelcciion ot \torkx troni the National (ialleriex ot Scotland xliimiiig reprexciitationx ot motherhood troni the earl) Renaixxance to the prexent. in partnerxhip \tith Highland 3”“. and the llighlaiid (‘oiincil

I NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY l Queen Street. 03-1 03”“. Mon Wed «K l't'l Sun ltiani 5pm; Thu lilaiii "pin; noon 5pm.

BP Portrait Award 2007 l'iitil Sun -3 Apr The leading t'K xhoncaxe tor artixtx \iorking in portraiture. Thix _\ear tor the tirxt time the competition ix open to all artixtx aged lb' and out

John Maitland by Sir Peter Lely Wed 33 Apr. 13.45 l.l5piii. Art hixtorian l)a\id Ta}loi dixcuxxex l.el} 'x portrait ol John \laitlaiid. \\ ho \\;l\ Secretar} ol State tor Scotland troin Hilill— ltiSll.

Faces and Places Thu 24 Apr Sun 3” Jul. lilain 7pni. ()rganixed iii partnerxhip mth the Ro}al ('oiiiniixxion on the Ancient and llixtorical .\loiiuiiientx ot Scotland. tliix collection ot paintingx. xculptiire. drau iiigx. photographx. architectural tlt';t\\lligx. Itotehookx tilid xketchcx coinctdex \\ ith the centenar} ol the


I \‘5 r "- I 7; p.19 1‘ i .. '|,. v, LS I .. Vi? ,; " \‘ ~ ~ __' a { S4: " 4‘90. 1' x- ., x . ~ ‘, {:‘l k s, a ' :~ » ~ \ 19H. it. ~ ‘5 3»: :". a - ' I I h. a a” , cf 1 g , "'3 M.

I PATRIOTHALL GALLERY \\.\Sl’S l‘atiiothall Stiidiox. of! 4S llaiiiilton l‘lace. 33b "13b

One for Sorrow. No for Joy. Three for a Girl Sat tit Wed ‘xo .-\pr Julie -\nnix. Judith llaxtie and -\lbeita \\ hitilc coiiibine painting. embroider} and inxtallation into a magpie look .it ltl_\\tlc.tl and xpiittual ictugex


1-1 \bcrcionib} Place. 55‘ “‘3”

.\ion l‘t't lHam hpni. Sat ltiani 4pm Wither Sat l” :\[‘l' Wed

" .\la_\ \exx paintingx b} the renimncd.

highl) collcctable Scottixh artixt

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY llic Mound. 335 bth \lon Sal litam 5pm. Sun noon 5pm Cultivating Creativity t'niit Mott M -\pi. lilani 5pm School .iit uoik and \mikx lioni the RSA'x permanent collection lhe e\hibition ix \ tenable on .\tonda_\x or b) appointment Jackie Anderson t'ntil Sun In Apr \en painting chronicling the ('ai‘tbbeait

I STILLS 33 ('ockburn Street. h33 b3tNl ltaiii oprii.

Peter Hujar l’ntil Sun 37 Apr. l lam (iplit. Work b} the late Aiiiciican photogiapher ot \eu York lite. \\ ho ix credited ax an influence on Nan (ioldin and Robert Mapplethorpe.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY t'nnerxit} ol l-.ilinburgh. South Bridge. (i5il 33H), Tue Sat lilani 5pm.

Enrico David oo t'niil Sat It) Ma}. (ioiiachex. photograph} and large camaxcx xit alongxidc xculpluie ol \ar}ing xcale b} the Italian artixt. Willi clear liiikx to an uncoinpriinnxing. bold Italian dexign tradition. See re\ re“. page 0-1.

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