Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanneGlist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.
Ill Indicates Listpicks entry
Thursday 10
FREE Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kclvmgrovc Art (iallery (k Museum. Argyle Street, 276 050‘). Mon Sal. lpm. l'ree lunchtime organ recitals every day by dillerent organists.
I Scottish Voices (ilasgow t'niversity ('oncert llall. l'niversity Avenue. 330 4092. Hit 2pm. £tbc. linsemble ol' unaccinnpanied women's voices.
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: IRCAM Summer School Concert ('in llalls. (‘andlet'iggx 35.3 S000. 7. supra. ticketed. This performance. which features conductor llait \'o|lvov with the BBC SSt) sharing the bill with tlte astounding young l'rench string quartet. ()uator l)iotima. in its Scottish debut. includes a new work by .lonathan llarv ey. Complete with live electronics from lR(‘AM. it will all be recorded lttl‘ Bl“. Radio 3's Hertt‘ um! .th’.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Adventurer Queen‘s Hall. 37 8‘) ('lerk Street. 66S 20l‘). 7.30pm. £l2 (£5 £0). 'l‘ruls Mork plays llallgrimsson's ('e/lo ('inti'ertu ()li .t'U with tlte S(‘( ). whose programme also includes. Strauss' .lletuntnr/i/myen and Stuart MacRae's Itire/iev. Conducted by John Storgards. I La Traviata l’layhouse. IS 22 (ireenside Place. 0344 S47 I660. 7.30pm. £8.25 £34.50. lillen Kent and Opera International present a tragic tale of seating passion. in Verdi's outstanding interpretation of one of the best-know it love stories of the l‘lllt century. [xi Hume inn (time/luv.
I Scottish Opera: A Night at the Chinese Opera 'l‘heatre Royal. 282 Hope Street. 0870 060 6647. 7. I 5pm. £0 £58. A new prodtiction directed by Ice Blakeley. which involves a colourful range of characters including canal workers. evplorct‘s. limperors aitd even Marco Polo. The combination of catchy folk melodies with Parodies of (‘hinese aitd Italian opera creates a tale within a tale with its tongue firmly in its cheek. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Adventurer (‘ity llalls. (‘andleriggs 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l2. See Thu l0.
I Madama Butterfly Playhouse.
lb' 22 (ireenside Place. 0344 S47 l(i(i(l. 7.30pm. £3.25 £34.50. lillen Kent presents Puccini's heartbreaking story of a beautifttl young Japanese girl who falls in love with an American naval lieutenant.
I Ouatuor Diotima Queen‘s Hall.
87 St) (‘lerk Street. 668 20“). 7.45pm. £l0 (£6: schoolchildren free). Parisian string quartet playing Lachenmann’s (iron 'Iin‘so. Dutilleux's Ainxi In A'uit. Beethoven‘s (irosse I-‘uge and the Scottish premiere of James Dillon's String Quartet No.4.
FREE BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: IRCAM Summer School Concert City Halls. Candleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. Ticketed. The Scottish Ensemble plays works by Xenakis as part of an evening that also includes
music by Jonathan llary ey and Trevor \Vishart. with the BBC SS() and conductor Ilan Volkov.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Saucltiehall Street. 353 S000, 7.30pm. £|0 £30. Dame livelyn (ilennie. the percussion \ lrtlioso. performs a new work by ()scar-w inning composer John ('origllano. I’eri uvsmn ('inti erto. Also on the bill are selections lrotn l’rokoliey 's popular ballet Router! and Juliet. ('onducted by Stephane l)eneve_
I Jeremy Cull: Scotland Calling! Reid Memorial ('hurch. IS2 West Savtlle 'l‘errace. 662 I203. 7.30pm. £6. llome- grown and Sciittish-inlluenced music. including llamish Mac(‘unn's overture Iuml u/ the Mountain d" the Hood.
Viv ian lillis‘ ('umnution Sent. attd music by Mendelssohn. llollins and others.
I Madama Butterfly Playhouse.
lb' 22 (irecnside Place. 0344 «S47 lfitill. 7.30pm. £8.25 £34.50. See l-‘ri ii.
I The Alevare Duo The Village. l6 South Fort Street. l.eith. 478 7Sl0. 8pm. £3. The duo. made up of Rhiannon Sinclair and Alison Storm. play a classical set in the midst of a folky evening.
FREE Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals Kelv ingrov e Art (iallery & Mtiseum. Argy Ie Street. 276 950‘). Sundays 3 3.45pm. Sunday Promenade concerts with different organists.
I Fron Male Voice Choir Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £22.50 £27.50. A programme of traditional and pop tunes from one of \Vales' most distinguished male voice choirs. which was established 60 years ago.
FREE Sunday Afternoon Fun: Medieval Harp Maestro National Museum of Scotland. Chambers Street. 247 4422. l2.45pm. l.45pm (S: 2.45pm. Rock otlt to some really old-school sounds.
FREE St Giles’ at Six: Chamber Music Concert St (iiies‘ (‘athedraL Royal Mile. 226 0673. 6pm. Students from The lan Tomlin School of Music. Napier l'niversity perfortn a programme of solo and chamber music.
Monday 14 -
I A Concert, a Cocktail and a Canapé ()ran Mor. 731—735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 5.l5pm. £l0. Skalkottas‘ 5 (ireek Dunees. a new piece by J Simon van der Walt and Britten's litriutionv on a Theme (ill-tank Bridge.
FR The Governors’ Recital Prize for Percussion RSAMI). l0t) Renfrevv Street. 332 5057. 6.30pm. Students from the RSAMl) compete for this prestigious pri/e.
I Get Organised: John Kitchen St Cuthbert's Church. 5 Lothian Road. 0] 3| 22l 3380. l.|0—l.50pm. £3. City ()rganist John Kitchen presents a programme of Italian string concertos by Vivaldi and others. a Handel organ concerto. and the slow movement from Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto. Tickets available on the door from 12.30.
I Martin Baker St Mary‘s Episcopal Cathedral. 2.3 Palmerston Place. 225 6293. 8—9.!5pm. £8 tunder l6s free). St Mary's Cathedral's inaugural recital series continues with Westminster Cathedral's Martin Baker and a programme of JS Bach. Beethoven. Brahms and improvisation.
Wednesday 1 6
FREE Competition RSI-\MI). loll Rentrew Street. 332 505". 4 30pm The Tony and Tania \Vebster Pri/e for Piano I Murray McLachlan Rs‘.\.\ll). loo Rentrew Street. 332 505". 6.30pm. £3. The pianist will play the music ot Ronald Stevenson to mark the composer's .\0th birthday.
I Organ Recital: Kevin Bowyer (ilasgow l'niverstty Memorial Chapel. The Square. ()0 l'niversity Avenue. 7.3lll‘lll. Ul‘c‘. .-\ ‘ch'ssltlc‘lt ('Clllc‘llilf} (‘clcbration' with l’reliu/e. \eret pour la l’tjlt' (/l' [(1 [ht/It (lit .lllvl I.('\ (inf/H (i/orieut.
Thursday 1 7
I Edinburgh Quartet The Merchant House. 7 “est (icorge Street. 220 4444. l2.45pm. £tbc. llaydn's Quartet Ill Ii lint ()puv 76 .\'u 6 and lleelhoy en's Quartet III /' ()puy I35.
I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (‘ity Halls. (‘aiitllei-iggs. 353 S000. 2pm. £7 t£6 iii advance). Roberto Mine/ilk conducts Brahms' Symphony .\'o 2 and Richard Strauss' Songs. With
so irano l.isa Milne.
Competition RSAMI). I00 Rentrew Street. 332 5057. 4.30pm. The Norma (ireig lirench Song Pri/e.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £lll. .Vilkei/ ('luyvii'y is a series of performances. introduced by Paul Rissmann. featuring visual effects, ori- stage interviews aitd musical extracts: a perfect way of discovering more about classical music. Tonight's piece is Stravinsky 's Rite nl Spline.
FREE Live Music Now: Lisa Cassidy and Fiona Macleod National (iallery of Scotland. The Mound. Princes Street. 624 6200. 6 6.30pm. Soprano Lisa Cassidy and pianist liiona Macleod perform the tnusic of Purcell. Mo/art. Debussy and lame. taking inspiration froin key art works in the gallery.
Friday 18
I Piano Department Recital RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. lpm. £7 (£5l. Music for piano solo and dtio as well as chamber music performed by RSAMl) students.
I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. U0. The respected (ilasgow choir. conducted by William Barr and with pianist Anna Mavromatidi. soprano ()khsana .Mav rodii and violinist Alison McNeill performs a spring concert of part songs. Scots songs. opera choruses and show numbers.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Brahms Violin Concerto (‘ity llalls. ('undlcriggs, 353 8000. 7.30pm. “ll—£23. Brahms' Violin Concerto. along with Dvorak's Sel‘ettude/or Strings and Serenade/m- Wind. Performed by llenning Kraggerud on violin and conducted by Joseph Swensen.
I The Curve Foundation Dance Company: Four Seasons Brunton Theatre. Ladywell Way. Mtisselburgh. 665 2240. 7.30pm. £l0.50 (£8.50; under le £6). The Brunton's resident dance company celebrate their tenth anniversary with tnodern dance interpretations of Viy'aldi's I'imr Seasons.
The Dunedin Consort 8.
Players Canongate Kirk. I53 Canongate. 330 5522. 7.30pm. £l2 (£9: students £5). See Listpicks I Scottish Ensemble: Essential Ensemble Queen's Hall. 87—89 Clerk Street. 668 2019. 7.45pm. £12—£l4.50. Cellist Raphael Wallfisch brings the
LIST >l<
* BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series From September 2009. we'll be seeing a lot more of Donald Runnicles (currently music director at San Francisco Opera), as that is when he takes up his position as Chief Conductor of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra. For now, the pre-eminent Scot returns home to conduct the music of another compatriot great musician. composer James MacMillan. City Hal/s, Glasgow. Thu 24 Apr.
It The Dunedin Consort and Players Bach might be viewed as a rather stern sort of composer. but this Dunedin programme dispels such a myth and demonstrates his reworkings of music he particularly admired. Palestrina becomes almost baroque and. according to John Butt. who directs the concert, Pergo/esi is transformed to “a curiously profound musical soufflé'. Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh, Fri 18 Apr; University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel, Mon 21 Apr. 3|: Royal Scottish National Orchestra Hot on the heels of their outstanding interpretation of Ravel's great ballet score Daphnis and Chloe. Stéphane Deneve and the RSNO turn to one of the other great ballets to be premiered in Paris by Diaghilev and his Ballet Russes. Resulting in arguments, fights. and eventually a riot, when first performed, Stravinsky's Rite of Spring is one of the most remarkable pieces of music ever written. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sat 19 Apr; Festival iheatre, Edinburgh, Sun 20 Apr.
Scottish linsemble's season of music to a close with ('PE Bach's Cello Concerto. Handel's ('mtr'ertu (irmm ()p 6. Ni) 7 and Brahms' String Quintet in (i mujnr. See caption. page 78.
I Harry Christophers and the Sixteen: Treasure of the Tudor Age Paisley Abbey. Abbey Place. 889 7654. 8pm. £20 (Hill. A capclla early music group Hany Christophers and The Sixteen perform a programme of Parsons. Tye and White.
10-24 Apr 2008 THE LIST 81