Haus party

David Pollock looks back at the ten-year history of Glasgow's underground clubbing institution, The Soundhaus

ocated in an industrial unit near :\nderston. on

the other \ltlt‘ til. lllL‘ MN lil'tilll [llc‘ L‘ll} c‘L‘llll'L‘.

(ilil\:_'il\\.\ Stilllltlllttlls llits l‘lL‘lltlL‘tl till the coml'orts oi a mainstream cluh \\ith the oll—the— heaten—track allure iii a \xarehouse party tor ten years. 'l‘llL' c‘lllli lltls built its out] LlL‘LllCillCtl l‘olloxsing. catering to metal hands earlier in the melting hel'ore a procession ol techno nights henel'iting the 5am licence its memhers-only status allim s.

lll‘llL‘ [tlilL‘L‘ llsc‘tl [U lk‘ it l).-\ lill‘L‘ \\;ll'L‘llt\tl\e Lllltl Ll rehearsal spacef e\plains Lynn \lacdonald. the SoundhaiIs' secretary and cluh hooker. ‘()ther promoters and I used to get equipment there tor

parties we \\ ere putting on else\\liere. and a ten ol'

iis started asking Bruno [(‘elini. the ounerl it \\e could ptit things on in his hack room. \xhich \\ as stacked l'ull ol ruhhish at the time.‘ .-\t lirst these \\ ere just prixate parties; Macdonald recalls that the lirst night she did \sith l’ussy I’oxyer \\as an imite- only New Year party in I‘NS.

In I‘NS the Soundhaus \sent legit and opened up to the puhlic. although the still-in-l‘orce memhers-only policy means that guests haxe to he signed in h_\ an e\isting memher. '\\'hen \\ e started otlt there it \xas

quite chilled out says .-\ndre\\ Pirie. promoter ol

'l'ra\\. which used to rttn a residency at the Soundhaus. '.\'othing too upheat. \ye‘d just play house and techno from across the hoard. Thanks to the signing-in policy it \\ as tnore like a house party. you'd alyyays k'ntm somehody \\ ho kneu somehody. It was \ery interlinked. eyeryhody \tas triendly \\ ith


Inner City Acid

each other. so you L‘titlltl just let go. 'l‘lltll tnade kill

some ama/ing nightsf

Although 'l‘ra\\ ran at the Sotindhaus tor nearly six years during which time it also appeared semi- regularly at the .-\rches l’irie and his co-promoters eyentually decided to try dil'l‘erent things in pastures new .-\lthough his night is still going. he descrihes the last Soundliaus night as ‘one ol those ones where you think. “Why are \ye stopping this'.’ l’eople were heing peeled ol‘l~ the ceiling. it \y as just incredihle."‘ 'l'he cluh will return l'or this tenth hirthday special. though. as \in| a roll call oi~ past and present Soundhaus layourites including Shilt. (Hi the Record. ltmer ('ity .i\cid. Monox and ('hakra.

‘l‘or the last the years \xe‘ye run the cluh hy letting promoters ol hrand neu nights put on an eyent. and new listened to \\ hat they'ye heen doing and LlL‘L‘ltlL‘tl ll. their style \llll\ the Stilllltlllitlh.‘ \Ll}'\ Macdonald. “l‘ra\\ \\ as one cluh which really helped put the place on the map. hut \te‘ye heen trying to keep the same momentum going since they lel't. Nights like (Hit the Record. Shilt and inner (‘ity .-\cid. these are a step toward lor the Sotindhatis. a ne\\ generation ol' underground nights \\ ho are taking in er trom old t'olks like Pussy Power and 'I‘raxx.‘

.-\s tar as that underground ethic goes. this hrick- \yalled hidden gem is just perl‘ect. Dark. noisy and out of the way. it maintains all the edgy aesthetics of illegal ra\ ing \yithout the trouhlesome ‘illegal' hit.

The Soundhaus’ Tenth Birthday celebrations, Soundhaus, Glasgow, Sat 12 Apr.





2%: Telefunken Chicago house and deep soul from Jason Hodges (pictured) as Teletunken Step up their campaign for real house. Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Fri 77 Apr.

:2: Don Letts One of the leaders of the dub scene Since the 70s, Don Letts shows us why he's still at the forefront of reggae. Voodoo Rooms. Edinburgh, Sat 72 Apr. Huntley & Palmer’s Audio Club Techno and Euro- glitch from Tigersushi‘s Joakim, welcoming H&P’s ever- expanding home for the eclectic to their new venue. Stereo, Glasgow. Sat 72 Apr.

=2: Soundhaus Tenth Birthday It's a whole decade since the techno bunker in the shadow of the M8 opened. and a huge array of reSidents past and present converge for a night of celebration. Soundhaus, Glasgow, Sat 72 Apr.

:3: Substance Intelligent techno and hard electronica as Steve Glencross and Tobias Schmidt guest for a Sativa reunion. Henry '3 Cellar Bar. Edinburgh, Sat 72 Apr.

:5: Record Player: All your regular GSA jollies. with an extra blast of laptop-based electro from DAT Politics (Tigerbeat 6). Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Thu 17Apr.

=E= Smirnoff Electric Cabaret Welcome back to the musical drinks promotion that never ends. With cheap booze. top-line cabaret acts and New Young Pony Club headlining. ABC, Glasgow, Thu 77 Apr. Death Disco Always cutting-edge and unmissable. the Arches' blistering party brings us the Liars Club’s Nightmoves this time round. Arches, Glasgow, Sat 79 Apr. Volume Edinburgh’s grime. dubstep, jungle, hip hop and Bmore hotspot reaches its first birthday. Ego, Edinburgh, Sat 79 Apr.

7—24 A:.' 22’}: THE LlsT 33