

reen shoo of hope

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Protesters confident of victory in Save Our Botanics campaign.

r l‘ Anna Millar

llci' lllHlllll\ ol~ \pcculalion. llic

lulurc ol (ilaxgo\\\ Holanics is

no\\ looking lii'igliicr. l'o||o\\ing reports that lcixurc group (il arc likcl} lo hin plans for a bar cuin nightclub in ilic gardcns. 'l'lic nc\\\ lollo\\\ a ninc monili campaign In politicians and local aciixixis against ilic propci'i} dc\clopci'x licing gi‘anlcd a lcasc Ilial \\ould allo\\ pai'l ol llic popular attraction to lic ll'alhlifl‘lllttl iiiio a calculiai‘. \\ llll adiaccnl lllg‘lllc‘llll‘.

('anipaign group Saw our liolanicx liad liccn planning a \pccial c\cnl l'or Sunda} 30 March; prolcxlcrs \\ci‘c licing in\ilcd lo plant a Sialxc \‘our('laim llag in the gardens at llic point \\lici'c llic calc har \xould lic liuili. (’ampaign cliairman l)a\id llii\\;ll lold Hit /.i'\/ that plans \xcrc lio\\ alool to turn \\li;ii \\ould lia\c liccn a pi'olcsl iiilo a L‘t‘lt‘l‘l';lllt\ll \lllllllkl l‘ii\lll\c‘ llk'\\\ l‘t‘ conlii'incd licl'oi'c llic c\cnl.

(‘ouncilloi' _\|c\ llinguall. ilic local SNI’ lllL‘llllk‘l‘. said of ilic poicniial turn around: ‘l‘liis is a \icior} l‘oi' ihoxc in Ilic local communii} and ilic cross-part} \oiccx \xlio lia\c said \xc don'i \xani Iliix.’ ('ampaigncr .lcan (‘ll;ll\lt‘.\. ol' llilllicad (‘ommunu_\ Council. addcd: ‘\\'c arc liugcl} rclic\cd and also \ci'} grateful to [liosc members of ilic council \\lli\ lia\ c listcncd lo the inaxsnc oulcr}. \Vc hope our liclowd green space is non \alc.’

.~\i the time of going to prcxx. (ilaxgou Cit} (‘ouncil \xci'c unahlc to confirm

\xlicllicr llic (il (iroup liad olliciall} \\iilidi‘a\\n its inlci’csl in ilic pioicci. .\lcaii\\liilc. icpi'cscnlalncx ol ilic (il (iroup \xcrc una\ai|a|\|c lor comincnl.

.\ci'o\\ ionn. ilic Saw l’ollock l’aik campaign conlinucx. llic Sl’l’ group \llil llic} \\ould conlinuc ilicu' campaign agam\l (ila\go\\ (‘il_\ ('ouncil’s proposal to grant a II war lcasc co\cring ilic \oi‘ili \\ood ol l’ollok l’ai'k lo .\d\ciiluic l-oi’cxi lid to dc\clop a ( i( ) .\|’|: ad\cniuic l.icilii_\.

'l'lic l’lanning .\pplicalion\ ('oininillcc \xill hold a \ilc \ixil and licaring at ilic cnd ol \larcli.

Stake Your Claim: Save Our Botanics, Botanic Gardens, Glasgow, Sunday 30 Mar, 2pm. See www.saveour and www.savepollok for more details.

have launched a video competition with a cash prize open to anyone who downloads the Glasgow band's successful Deluge Songs album. See m/ terradiablo for more details. The closing date for the competition is Wed 16 Apr.

JK ROWLING may have just been added to the Forbes Celebrity Billionaires list. but the star of the Harry Potter adaptations is having less luck. Daniel Radcliffe's co-stars are currently trying to wean him off his 20-a-day cigarette habit. nicknaming him “Harry Puffer' on set.


have announced that they are on the hunt for brand new artists to add to their roster, following the Scottish label's first release, from singer-songwriter lain Petrie. For further info see www.fourtrak

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I The programme for Big in Falkirk, one of Scotland's largest free events. this year includes some old favourites alongside new commissions. Now in its ninth year. the arts Jamboree regularly attracts more than 100.000 visitors. This year's highlights include the world premiere of Full Circle by pyrotechnic posse The World Famous. Outdoor theatre will be showcased in colourful style by Brit spectacular Bollywood Steps while live music comes courtesy of Slovakian musicians Terrafolk and crooners 10CC. Big in Falkirk takes place at Callendar Park on Sat 3 8- Sun 4 May.


has secured olmost £2 million from the UK Film Council to extend the EIFF’S ‘commitment to identifying, nurturing and promoting new films and tolent’. The full festival rogromme will be ounched on Wed 7 May.

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