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for further info/tickets
80 THE LIST 3‘ Mar—‘3 AI" 3
I The Shout Out Louds, The Brunettes and Beerjacket l‘\II;: lurk \\.Ih “all llul. 3—3,: \I \ Intcnl \licct. 331 ‘3'" \ ‘llpni :\ \‘.‘.I*«‘l‘.'.‘.I‘lTl‘.:. \'.‘.I'Ill\ll :aIarc Imp duIIilcl who Elan; xIIpprlI-d kindicd \[‘llll\ Iliv \lazn \IIIIIhI'Ix
Quinnllaxxn (will. Ix l.:lll.zlt.:
\llk'k'l, ‘43 “53" “pm Ur \lllll}.
xoplnxlnalr'd Imp laIIx ()IIIIIII l.lllll\ h lhcn III-u alhuni and [he xlaII ml lhcn luncl I" lHlll unilh llIIx ('luh llI'lllHli' lll‘3l1l
I Andy Knox, Ruby Lux, Mylo, Eddy Collins, Cinderella Theory and Tracey BraithwaiteI alkm’l \ollanc. Vi ix lllall \III-I'I. 33H (\lfil‘ "pin LN \lI\ ol xl}lg'x llolll lhIx hIIIIIIm lInc up \‘o\\'l|llf.' xIIIgI-I xnnz'mncr allinn In lull «in Imk
I Dividing the Line, All Forgotten and To Catch a Thief lllk' \Ik. * ‘ \\alI'I|nn l’lat'c. 33.\ ‘l “H " Klipni Lllu Rm'k lun
I Dead or American and Super Adventure Club Ill-nix 'x (‘I-llar Hal.
5' HM \lnI'IIxnn \lIu-l. 335 ‘l “H \l‘lll L51. SIIIIIIIg.v haxcd .llllelldl hula-Ix
iiiParanoize lllt' (il<\. V (imlmc SIIL'I'I. 33H 3‘lN" ‘lpni Sci" “ed 3
I Adam Green ( )Ian \lol. (ircal \M-xlcrn Road. ‘5" (Gnu, "pm L") l‘I'II'IId ol lhchlmkcx \daIII (irccn Ix .I pI’I'cm‘Ionx \c“ \qu xIIIgI'I-xiiIIguIIII‘I who hax hccn a pinnc lllIHCl on Ihal
(ll) '\ ;lllll lolk xt‘t'llt‘ llou (\I‘l'. lllx lalel alhIInI XIIH (UNI .M'Iinx Ix hIx IIonl I‘t‘lu’llt‘ _\k'l, mung ax much to I'laxxlt‘ Rtkll ax Il doI'x lo .lonalhan le'lllllilll Nulc {hach ol \cnuc.
I JJ Gilmour .\ll( '3. “(l SaIII‘llII‘lIall Sliu'l. ;33 33 *3. 3pm. (Ill. I‘III‘IIII‘I' Silt-nu'rx lI'oIIInIaII pII'xcnlx lIIx xolo
I John Barrowman Rlnal (‘nnu-II Hall. 3 Sanchichall SII'L‘I‘I. 35‘ Xllllll. 7.30pm. [3".5”. Hclurc hc \\;lx lxlt'lxlllfj alIcn axx ax camp ('aplain lack hc had a \llL'L‘L'\\llll “Cxl lillll I‘lll'L‘L‘l allIl lL‘llll'llx lo hIx IIIIIxII'al I'uolx on a loIn' ol hIx nmx tlll‘lllll. .l/IHI/II'I' XII/IL a (ollk‘t‘lloll ol L';l\_\ lixlcning L‘oH'l'x.
I Enjoy Destroy, Tonight is Goodbye and Dead City Riots King; lllhx \Vah \Vah llIII. 373a SI \‘Inu'nl Snccl. 33] 53‘). KPH). U». (hurl-1x thx. lznio} l)cxlro_\ arc a hunch ol )IIIIng l'oL‘lu‘l'x ll'olll ll;IxIII;_'qul\c.
I He Hates Us Inn} lllat'kx. Sh ()xxxald SII'L‘CI. 3-l.\' Jl l-l. .\'pm. {5. \lclal,
:7 Love Spurts, The Fast Camels and Must Be Something Hm. Jfil Sanchichall SII'L'cI. 333 5-13] ani. SdeleI II’Io hcadlinc.
I Wishbone Ash 'l‘hc l’crr}. .\llIlL‘l'\loll Qua}. 'l'hc llI'ooIIIIcla“. ()lh‘lh‘ 30H “35, 8pm. £15. l'lx' lolk rock \clcranx \xho haw hccn around In «inc lol'lll or anulhcr xInu' Ihc lalc (i(l\.
g; Guitar Shorty, The Aliens and " {3‘ Found Maggic Ma} ‘x_ (ill :\ll\loll Sircci. \lcrcliani ('II}. 54.x IRSII. ,leipm. £5. llnllcn SL‘xxInnx hi\III‘hnn-xnakml gig: lcaIIII'Ing (iIIIlaI' Short}. «inc ol lhc original clccn'n~ hIIICx pmnccrx \xho Ix crchch \\llll Influencing; .IIIIII lchIdI‘I\. \\ llll xIIppnI‘I ll'olll pxyhcdclic popxlcrx l‘hc .'\llL'll\ and ldndrcd prI‘IIx lhund.
I Pride 8. Fall and Auto Aggression lllL' x\l‘l\. .“ Q \Valcrloo l’l‘dt‘L‘. 335 “3“”. "pm. {tho (iolhic rock.
I The Mad Pigs, The Happy Spastics, Down to Kill and The Begrudgers llcnI‘} \ (‘cllar Bar. .\ lha Morrixun Slim. 33% “NR. “.3lll‘IIi. £5. (Vcch punk and lllL‘ll' Scullixh hrclhrcn. I Juno! and Cancel the Astronauts Voodoo Roonlx. l‘ld \VL‘xl RL‘glle‘l‘ SII'ccl. 55¢» “llhll. 8pm. £5 IL'JI. Scc 'lhu 3". The Freaky Family 'I‘lic Jan Bar. 1 ('hamhcrx SII‘ch. Ell-1303.
l 1.30pm. Scc Thu 3“
"ll “‘5
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
-' Indicates Listpicks entry
Glasgr 11 : Frank Holden's ‘Sinatra Ouartet‘ I aIIIII'x llal. ‘1 l\IIIj_' \llk'k'l. 4*3 a I 3z \I‘In lloldcn k'llll‘ltlx’x'\ llII' cxt llL‘lllI‘lll and I'lllHlll‘ll «it (ll. llluc
l xl'x' lldhla§
I Jizzly Bear Band lllI' .l.I// Hal. 1 ('lIaIIIhI'Ix \Iiccl. 33H 13‘“ \ lfi‘ni L: d3» lIIIIk dIIIIIIIIiI‘I. .laIInc ( iIahanI. \xnh hIx llL'\\ hand lhal IIIurIpoIach llll‘ hop. hij: hcal and dIIIIII .\ haxx lll}llllllx I Robert Glasper Trio .l.I// ('I-iinv. lhc lul.~1h(iI.IxxIIIaIl\cl. 1h“ ‘3Hll
.\ llll‘lll L13 lIInmalIw lilllL' \olL' pianixl IIIakInj: hIx \I'nllixh dchul ax l‘dllIl lk'dklk'l
I Dig Vern 8. The Shootahs ( )l.lll .\luI. “ il 3 ‘5 (heat \\cxlcrn Road. ‘5‘ (ijllll "pm, {Ill (ilaxgim'x lllllt‘x llInlhI'I'x ollllll roll olll Ihc I'h_\llIIIi‘n’hlIII-x l.l\IIlllllL'\
.1 The Apocalypse Funk Trio l’hc .la// llal. l (‘lIanIhcrx Sin-cl. 33H xl3‘)-\. 5pm. l'IIIIk. xnIIl and (Hill lwalx llolll :Jlllldl’lxl I).l .'\l\l. I Freddie King Quartet 1 lic .la// Hm. I ('lIaInhI‘Ix SIICI'I. 33‘) 4303. H. l 5pm. U IL'3 i. (‘Iml ia/x xnundx lI‘nIII the mica“) adeIlIIIoIIx 'Kingg ol Scal‘ and cnlouragc. I Graeme Stephen Sextet lllL' l.ol. -l (iI‘axxIIIaI'kcl. 335 ‘N33. H. illpm. £35”. lnlillI'alIng: ('I‘lln' lllllxlt‘ \kllll Iolall} nu“ Ih_\IhnIx and xuundx. .-\hI-I‘dccn»horn guitarle Slcphcn‘x hand coInhiIII-x xoinc leading: IIIangIaIIx llolll lhc lolk and Ian \IIII'ldx. I Skunk Funk 'l'hv .la// llaI. l ('hanihvrx Slim-l. 33H 43‘“. llpni lain. £5 lL‘RI. \llell nl lop lnnk lI’oIII l)J \Vilk/hmilh and liw gIICxlx. llk‘llllllllf.‘ pmxcrlul lunk ll'olll 'l'hc l)II‘I_\ \laI'IInIx I38 Mail and lunk} lin hop and mu] lI'onI 'l'hc l'I'cak} l'aIIIIl_\ l~l .-\pri.
Ara.- f: -‘
Glasgow Fijiz' Steve Kettley’s Odd Times lll'cl. W ~13 .\xlIloII lanc. U3—1‘lhh.
3 (min. .la//-haxcd l‘L'l'lol'llldllt'I' mlh xII‘ong unrld and ()I'Icnlal lllllllk‘llt'L‘Il lnncx hx IhIx xa\nplninle/llaIIIle/ L‘Illlll‘l‘\k'l' l(';llllLl lllaxl (ll't'llt‘xll'd. Salxll (‘L‘lllcai and lIIx hand.
SEEP? The Michael Deans Quintet liar Blw. l l" Halli Sir-m. 5‘4 norm.
5 MPH]. ()IIInIcI lcd h} lcnor xaxophonixl l)canx. playng a niodcrn hlcnd nl hchop. Ia// and lunk.
I Scott Hamilton with The Sermon Organ Trio (‘In llallx. (‘andch'Iggx 353 Nllllll. 8pm. U3. Saxophonixl llalIIIlloII lolll\ Ihc Hammond organ-ltd trio.
f-"CEE Trio Jazz l'llc .la/l liar. l (‘hainhcrx SIM-cl. 33” 4393. 3.30pm. Rclawd alIcrIiwin xloI \xilh the WWW" Iriu on [Hallo lol' gnIIari. haxx and dI‘IIInx.
I Ray Pool and Ensamble Criollo \ch'L‘lIleoII ('axllc School. 394 (.ollllloll Road. 4‘5 h-l-lh. "Hillpm. tlll l {h i. S\\lll:_‘ hnx ll'olll Ra} l’Iml Ihc I'Cxidcnl harple al lhc \Valdorl’ .-\onrIa llolcl III \cu York. l’url u! ('I'I/IIIII (II/11m:
I Fish Fry lhc la." \Iich. 33H 13‘“
ii; \ulllxh iaxx. funk xuizl and I aim handx li‘lll l)l\ l lllx ll‘\Ii\In-.' and \xnnhm lCJlLlllllff \Iid l..I.'.' lfi‘l‘.‘ (iulw i l.“’\l.1l'.lll\l lalin xlxa Icrjgac I.I.’.’ .§ \PII
liar. l'hanihc: x
it will Kin: L *
lIoIIi llaxl nr‘tzax
Hariiilton I Rat Pack Live llannlloii lo\\ll
lloIIxt‘. llllll allxu‘u. \[Igpy ll](\|l\ .zx':.\il«) t]\ \‘H. \
\.IIIIIII\ .lll\l
‘ “iv”; 1!. ill, x‘.\lll‘.'lll:‘ lIIl‘IIlI‘ in l raid.
I The Swingcats \Il.llll \mnli llII'alII'. llrnnm ll\ Road. HI “’3 S\ Q 11):
haIIIIuIIioIIx. ;'l.IIIIoI«~IIx and x.Ixx\
llll‘lll L" *l' :3
\\\lll_‘,I\.ll\ IwiloIIIi .l hiand ll\‘\\ xllou “\l‘l‘lll\ll\.llk.\l l .lIllk‘x. .l llll‘lllt' lI‘ lI'IIIaIc ].l// \llli'k‘l\ llt‘lll l lla l II: In lluIIx l).I\
i'Vl .llll
3 Loretta Reid Iruii lllI'.lll\'. m lIoll;'.ilI'. ‘9‘ l3“. ‘l‘III l.l// \lllt'x‘l loII'lla lx’I'Id III'IloInix lInIII lII'I dI‘hul .IlhIIIn /.I'\ In I lux.’
I. 3': -. Michael Deans \lmm’x. h.‘ \I}.‘}lc \IIadc. llh \II'xlI' \III-I'l. .“l \‘llfl ‘ Mini \axnphnnv lI-d Iuncx llt‘lll a ( ilaxwm l.I\uIIIIII'
Z'l.‘ 12;: Louise Dodds and Tom Scott ( 'alc (il.lll\l\', l\-l llIIIIlelII'ld I’lau'. 335 ll.\‘.\ “ ‘lpni lllk' l'.\lllll\lll_‘_‘ll haxI'd \ ll.llllk'll\k‘ I oll.Il‘Hl.IlI‘x \xnh pianle Swill on \lllk‘llx an Songhook xlaIIdaIdx and lII'I nun \‘ollllloxlllollx
I Sunday Singers Session Ilw .l.I// Hai. I (‘haIIIhI‘Ix \llk'k'l. 33” l.“’.\ .‘x’ illpni L i IL'3I \M'I'klx xpnl
xllo\\ I‘glxlllg k'\t'k'llt'lll \ot‘allxlx. l‘.l\ ixk'll h} a l‘InI' |.l// lllH l'k'dlllllll‘.‘ ('laIII' Ha!) I ill \laI l and IhI Ih \pii
I The Rat Pack: Live from Las Vegas l’|a\hoIIxI‘. l.\' 3.? (ilt'k'llxltlt' l’lau'. “fill Ni" Ihhll ’ {llpIII
U550 L315” -\n L'\k'lllll}.’ ul \ l.l\\|\ x lroni l-Iank. SaIIIIII) and “can IuI-ll. UK. Ilol lllk' lt'.ll oIII'xi
I The Jazz Bar Big Band lllk' l.I// llaI. I ('lIaIIIhI-Ix Sliccl. 33H -l3‘lX
N illpin, Li iL3i .l.I// I’laxxII x llHllI mix I“ pIu'c \'|l\k’llll‘lk’
[-‘l..._;‘LZ The Late Great Jazz Jam Session lhv .lax/ llaI. l ('haIIIhI-Ix SIII'I'I. 33ll~13‘)3 lllpni lxpl-Il .l III in llll\ ol xl}lt'\ ax Iau'x old and new drop III In pcrlorni \Kllll lhc llHll\k‘ lIIn Inn h \H'Clx.
I The Rat Pack: Live from Las Vegas l’la_\hoIIxI'. lb 33 (llt't‘lhltlk’ I’lgigrg llH—lxl N1“ l(l()il "I {llpm
{I750 L345” SL'C \loll ll
I Guitar Night 'l llL' .la/l Hai. I ('hanihcrx SIM-cl. 330-1305 5 llllllll l} li3i. liIll K}lc hI'Injgx lonk‘lllL'l a lllo xhlmcaxing: a lop IaI/ :Jlllldllxl
FEEE Funk Session '1 hr Jan Mar 1 (illilllll‘L'l\ Sll'L'L‘l. Jul-1393. ll.ill[llll l'unlx gIIIIaI‘IxIx and DJ .-\l\I lI-adx Ilnx [\xo Ill'llllllllL‘l lucllcd lIInk hand
xiv}:—-—-1r “*2- - *-““~'—-',~— ‘. '_‘-l|"_‘. "I'r'..'/ "1
I The Rat Pack: Live from Las V9983 l’l;I_\lIolec. l3 3.3 (iI’CCIIxIIlL’ l’lacc. (mu H4" Irmu 7. mp”.
Ll7.5ll [3—1.5ll.SL'L'.\loll ll.
FREE Organism 'l hc .lal/ Bar. l (‘hanihcrx Strut-I. 330—1398. I l illpni. Hammond organ gromcx lrnIn (iahricl l.LllL‘lllll.