
Tiie‘cossw Live In Liverpool ,' ,"th 0....

The Gossip may have been catapulted to fame on the back of an advert for E4 teen-soap Skins, but they’ve been playing spine-tingling gigs on the underground for years, and this live performance, recorded in Liverpool’s Carling Academy last year, proves just how electrifying the out and proud Arkansas trio can be. Kicking off with that trademark Beth Ditto gutsy roar, ‘Eyes Open’ is a powerful album opener, Ditto‘s soulful, raw and passionate vocals colliding with discordant guitars and thundering drums, paving the way for 13 compelling tracks of lusty blues punk and spare, sultry ballads. Despite their success the band stay true to their political beliefs throughout, screaming them from rooftops rather than watering them down for this high profile show. Ditto dedicates both ‘Yr Mangled Heart’ and ‘Swing Low’ to ‘the faggots, the g-a-y, the d-y-k-e-s‘ and ‘Standing in the Way Of Control‘ is undoubtedly the best anthem gay marriage could ever have, the live version sounding huger and more explosive than ever before, as euphoric audience members grab at the microphone to sing a line each. While this track is an undeniable highlight, Live In Liverpool never lets up in its energy, emotion and mind-blowing display of expert musicianship; ‘Coal To Diamonds', ‘Listen Up‘ and ‘Yesterday’s News' all sound phenomenal, as do the band's much-discussed, stripped-down covers of Aaliyah's ‘Are You That Somebody’ and George Michael‘s ‘Careless Whisper‘. We all know it’s really about time The Gossip released some brand new material, but until then this incendiary compilation provides the perfect stop-gap. (Camilla Pia)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay®list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

alt Indicates Listpicks entry


I Mirror, Mirror \Vumlxitlc Hallx 3t» (ilcnlarg Sttu't. 8 llpnt. U iL‘Ri. .-\ \L‘rccning nl' /.cin \liil‘l'.it'\ lcaturc. \xhtch tlL‘lttL‘h \Ulllc Ul‘ lllL‘ [k‘l'lttl‘lttcl‘x .tt‘ll\ i\l\ and L‘t‘catnt'x nl' (‘ltth \Vutcwr,


I Robopop (illt‘). -l l’icartl} l’lacc. 55H l".\'ll. ltlfillpin 3am. l-icc hcl’nrc llpin; {4 «£3! altci'. .-\ llll\ nt' claxxic pup tum-x .llltl L‘lCL‘ll'lc lk‘alx

III! CC’s Karaoke (‘(‘ Blmiiix.

:3 2-1 (il'L‘L‘lhltlL‘ l’lttct‘. 550 933 l. l‘il'L'tltllC hmtx \wckl} calcruauling \C\\ltlll\ upxtairx “hilc Shana kccpx thc tuncx going tltmnxtanx.

Friday 28


I Gender and Performance Workshop \‘cnuc thc i(ila~gtm l.

11am 4pm. {RU it‘lth. LUBTQ \xnrk\liup \\ ith .lct Moon and lngo. limail

\mtm cnmrldta gmailxmn with ‘(ilaxgmx

“'5” in llk‘ \ultlt‘cl licltl l0 hook and gut \L'llllL' tlL'ltttl\.

it Club Wotever 'l'hc \Vint‘hmlct'. 40 Bull Strcct. X lpin. £8 HS in thtnnci. 'l‘hc thcntc ix ‘\\'atching thc Dctcctncx .-\ Night tor (iangxtcrx and .\lul|\'.


I Beat Cast (EHQ. «l l’it'ai‘tl} Place. 55“ I730. lll._‘~l)pin 3am. l-‘I'cc below I lpin; £5 tL‘Ji altcr. .\lain\trcain hnuw. clcctrn huuw. urban tlancc and chart.

Saturday 29


I Boutique (HR). 4 l’icartl} Maw. 55” I‘M). ltl.3t)pni 3am. l‘rcc hcturc 1 1pm; L.“ lUH ttllCl‘. lflL‘ClrU. hnuw .ttltl 'Ul‘CllLNlrttlL'tl CllCL'\L'..

Edinburgh I Hifi (iHQ. -l l’icard) Place. 55“ I'm. 10.30pm 3am. l-‘rcc lwturc 1 1pm; £4 iifii .it‘tcr. .-\ llll\ nt' .llllllcllh and t'titurc Cltl\\lL‘\. BumFunk (‘aharct \‘ultairc. .‘h 38 Blair Strcct. 22H (\l "h. llpni 3am. £5 ifi-l lllL‘llll‘L‘fW. Scc ('luhx. pagc Rh.

Glasgow I Passionality B}blm. l'nit Q.

\lcithant \tguaic. 1 \it‘mn \tit‘ct. “- 1V“ ll “win 1.1111 :i 13‘ (hart 3115 Int the ga} llil\'\'\l .ruuti


I Outlillll —1 l’itattl} l‘latc. “it i"\H ll'l‘lll z.nn llL'k' lwlnit' 1 1pm. 1-1 ‘1 it .tllL'l l).| .l.tlllL'\ lcltt-i mam thc .lt-t'kx

I Club VERSiON (till). 4 l’itaiti} l’latc. “it l'\H lil‘lll 1.nn lit-t- lwtnic initlnight. L itfu .tllL'l (‘niiiint'it ial Rtkll. pup and lL'llt‘

Tuesday 1

Edinburgh Wicked Wenches Special lht- \tantl. 5 York Marc. 5‘5 "I": .\ 1Hptn t” n.5, lllt'llll‘t'h Lil l’cituinnng tonight arc \laiian l’axhlt'}. l\lll.t .-\llll.l\. .-\l. Kcnnctl} and ll.an \lalt‘nlinxttn \\llll i't'gular hmt ~\tixan (‘alinan I Vibe l'gn. l-l l‘it'artl} l’lat'c. ~l".\ “.1 1.1 lllpin ‘~ain til lllL' tuut‘lhtunt' tit lztlinhutgh'x gum t‘ltth \t‘t'nc I Shoot ( ll“). 4 l’it'aitl} Plan: *5“ l".\ll lll.,‘~llptn 3am l'iu' lwlni‘c llpni. H it it altcr. ('hart. Rtkl’». t'laxxit‘x .llltl kttxt'h tt‘uin Halc l.u\h .llltl ll'lk‘lltl\

Wednesday 2


I Wicked Wenches Special 'l'ht- Stand. 3 ‘3 \Vumllantlx Ruatl. us‘n nun N55. S..‘~llpiit. F iii lllL'llll‘L'l\ Ur Scc 'l‘uc I,

I Allure 'l'hc 'l'unncl. NJ \litt'ht'll Stit't't. 304 ltlllll. llfillpin 3am. U l\lll(lt'lll\ 1m» lnt' uncr ('liccx} pup \Ulllltl\ li‘nin I).l Darren


I Wink (ill(‘). 4 l’it'artl} l’lat'c. 55“ I78”, |il.3llpnt Rain. l-i‘ct' hclurt' llpin; H iUt altcr. .'\llt'l'll;lll\t‘ \tllllltl\ along thc llllL‘N ul llltllL‘. clcctru and pup.


I Robopop (EHQ. J l’lt‘artl} l’lat‘t‘. 55“ I730. lll.,’~llpin .‘Hllll. H tUi altci‘ llpin; l-l‘L'k' ht‘lttl'c. SL'L‘ ll)” 37.

Ill! CC’s Karaoke ('(‘ liltltlllh.

1“ 3-1 (il‘L'L'lhltlL‘ l’lttt‘c. 550 ‘i ‘3 l, but Thu 37.


I Beat Cast (illQ. J Hand} l’lilk't'. 550 I780. lllfillptn iain. l’rcc hclurc l lptn; £5 (Hi altct'. Scc in 3x


I Club Noir: Backstage The \Vinchmtcr. 4‘) Bull Stu-ct. lllpin 3am, L‘lil. l’art'tl-tlmxn club night. 'I‘igkctx matlahlc lt‘utn llclllit'c. lll.< \Vt'xl Nllc St. u“ u.tickctuclu‘nitk or 'I'It'kcts Scotland. 33‘) .-\l':_'_\ lC SI (ll—ll NH 5 l Sl (ll “344-1 77 innit


I Boutique (ill(). 4 l’lL‘ill'tl} Place. 55” l‘xn. lllfillpin 3am. l'rcc lit-lure Ilptn; £7 tUH allcr. Soc Sat 3‘).

I Fever ligu. H l’it‘artl} l’lilL'L'. 473 7434, llpm 3am. {Ill «£5 hclnrc 1|,15ptn; LN altcr tor inctnhcrxi. l’rc-t'luh part} In The Stt'ccl ;t\l\ lhc l)J\ int \ll\L‘tllllll paxxm.


Club Noir: Burlesque

Workshop (iathcr lll (ilaxgmx. l'l‘l‘cr Hour. 3,“ Ruthwn Lanc. 0796" 155513. llain (\.3tlpiii. U5. l.carn thc art nl’ hcing a httrlwqttc pcrlnrtncr. Admncc honking rL'L‘tlllllllL‘llLlL‘tl. Iztnatl \arahm cltihiitnr.m.uk for more tlL‘lilll\.

Edinburgh I Hifi (MO. 4 mm} Place. 550 17m

1“ lupin :all‘. l'tcc lx‘luic lil‘lll. 1-; it: .tlICl \k't‘ \tlll :l‘

I BumFunk t‘ar‘azct \uizazzc. 1h 1\ liiall \ilt‘t‘l. incriilx'ix \‘c \:;i‘. W

G asgov.

I Passionalitylttt\1.\\. 1 till i). \lt'i.h.int \iuatc. "I \lhwn \ticct. “f 1V” '1 i itlt‘n: Knit L i it.“ \k'k' \lnn il


I Club VEBSiON ( illi). »'~ l‘itattl} l'l.l\k'. “it INN llpin l.un ltcc lwlnit‘ initlnight. 1‘ 13» um \k'k' Mon ‘1

Tuesday 8


I Vibe l gm. l~ll’1t.ntl_\ l’latt‘. ~1"\ '71 ;-l lltptn ‘ani tel \t't' [MI

I Shoot ( illl‘l. ll I’itarth l'ldu'. “H I‘Ml Ill illpin iani llt'k' lwlnit‘ ill‘lll. L>*1'{:'.lllt'l \t'k' lllk' 1

Wednesday 9


I Allure lllk' lllllllk'i_ \-1 \littht'll \llt'k‘l. Sill ltlHH ll ;“pm :.im 1 i ‘\lll\lk'lll\ tun lttl Ullt‘t \k'k' “ml .2


I'll! lcebreakers ('(‘ ltltmim. 3% .‘_1 (ilt‘t'lhltlt‘ l’lat't‘. Silt " l :l l(ili l l) \m'lal glittlp

I Winkhllt‘). .1 l’lx'dltlfi I’latc. Wt I‘m lll illpni x.itn l'lt't‘ l‘k'llllt' lll‘lll. Ll it 1I .tllt'l. \t't' \\L'tl 2

Thursday 10


I Robopophllt‘). .1 l’itaitl} l’lat'c. “it INN Ill illptn Kiln L-l it it .lllL'l I lpin. li't't' l‘t'llllt' St't' lhu I"




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a; THE LIST 65