I Discobadger .11 11.1111111111

IItpni 4.1111 £5 1£111 “ct-kl} “111111111. \I.111111.I)J K.1\I1.1111I \I.1\I11I111I1c 111/ L'\L‘l} '.'-L'k'I.

I Junk .11 thc Il1111('IuI1 I Ipni 3.1111 £3 \\c1-I.I} \I.11k_\ \Iatk ptcxcntx .1

Ill\11111 111 1.1// .111d 111nk I hc 111Ik\ .11 Ihc

Hull I1kc111..1II11,IunI.

I Liquid Cool .11 ("111111111111 ‘Ipni 3.1111 LiI‘t \\c1'k|} .\,I. th chgan .111d I.111 'Ihoinpxon pI.1}111g top 1111th1 \ocal gatagc .1111I hottw 111 .1 c IttIt [1.1; kt'tI \\ tlIt I1}pct I11'1Ion1xttc 211 \onicthtng1c\cIIct'\. all 111 \1I111n1 \L'L'lll 111I1.1\L' 1111gottcn that 1I1c} I1.1\c \1111k 111 thc 11111111111}:

I Not for The Faint Hearted .11 1111- (iatagc I 1pm 3.1111 £5 31 \M'ckl} I111an\It \I.I\It‘l 1111\c\ goodncxx li'oin I11\ dccadc 1I1'1}111g pI.1_\I1\t Including nn\. um and nn\

I Optimo (Espacio) .11 1111- 81:11 (11111. I Iptn 3.1111 £1\t£71 \Vcckl} (iI.t\g11\\ \ Itncxt undctgtoundcluhhing111x1111111on ki'cp\11n1Ic11ntng thcc1t_\\ Sunday \111I1_\o111I1o\t\_II)‘I\\1tch.1111I.I(i \\'1Ikc\

I Silky Smooth .11 11111} Black» IIpn1 3.1111. £5. 311 Mar. II1p hop .111d R1\Ii

I Spank .1t thc (‘athothc | Ip1n 3.1111. £-l 1111'1-1. \\cckl_\. (ict .1 good \panking on thc Sahhath. .-\Itct‘nat|\c. punk. L‘I11\\l£' rock. hip hop. nictal and crowncr 1111I11\111.1| I111 .1Iatcucckcndcrond.

I Spectrum at .\'1cc'11'S|ca/_\.

IIpni 3.1111. £2.\\'1‘t'kl}. Soundx oI thc coxnmx .111d 1111c pop nonxcnxc 111.1 Iicath lll.tL'I\Il'tllll ol \onic 1Ic.1lI1\c.1pc\_ \Vith occaxmnal random appcai'anccx h) \agucI} Iatnoux I11Ik.

I Stay Classy Sundays .11 11111} \1111'1'5'x. I Iptn 3.1111. £-lt£.31,\\c1‘kI_\. I” .\'on gncx )11111‘ \xcckcnd thc and 1111 II dcxcncx. .\ 1111\111 lllll\l£‘.

I Sunday Service .11 01.111 M111:

I Ipm 3.1111. £-l. \Vcckl}. .\I.1t'k Rohh 111111111Ic1' ol thc Hull (‘Iuhl .111d ('t'aig I.o11\cio1nt\ pt‘cxcnt thcir ncu Sunda} Iunk'n'xoul \crx icc. \ch occaxional h\ c hand»

I Sunday Surgery .11 Kttt‘Itttll.

I Ipm 3.1111. £5t£31.\Vcckl}..-\1mthcr \tudcnt night 1111111 Kai'hon. 'I‘hcincd nightx lroin hcach partic\ to doc\ and nurxcx .111d 111.1}I1c thc odd \chool dixco arc 111 thc olling. \Vith hip Imp in onc t'ooni .111d indtc pop and \tudcnt claxxicx 111 thc othcr.

I Velvet .11 Drop, ltlptn 3.1111. £5. \Vcckh, .\ 111111 club 1111' .1 ncn \cnuc.

I We Hate Mondays .11 Bamboo Iltpin 3.1111 £51£J1 \M'ckl} I11.1\t pI.1}~ .1 n1ux1c.1I inching p111 111 .111 th1ng\ go1 1d 111 1'Iutt11. r1 1ck. pop and p.111}

Club I All Star Tuesdays .11 11.111111. 1.1

Illpin 3.1111 £3111cw “cckli I11 thc 111.111111111111 K.1\I1pl.1}\ R1in and hip pop nhilc And} \\’1I\ond1'op\ all tnnc (I;1\\IL’\ dri/Ich \klIIl .1 Iittlc Itkk .111d 1111hc 111 thc Ioungc I The Beat Club .11 1111- Iit'JI (11111 ‘Ipni 3.1111. I’riccx \.11'_\. “cc-kl} Scc 'I I111.

I DIRT .11 thc ('athouxc. IIp111 3.1111 £3 \Vcckl}, I).I \Iuppct play 111c.1t and 11111 \cg lock. I.1\c 11111d\\1‘c\thng .111d pi'i/cx.

I Juicy Tuesdays .11 Kuxhton

I 1pm 3.1111. £51£31.\\'cckI}..\ \lttdcnl flight It) CIIIL‘I‘lultt IIIL' ltl.t\\L‘\ .tL't11\\1\\11 t'otHllx R1101“ 1111C IL‘JIUI'LN ttltItL‘ [1111‘ .111d chccw \\I11Ic rooni 1\\11[\I.1}\ R1in .111d h1p Imp.

I Killer Kitsch .11 thc Butt

I1).3I)pn1 3.1111. £41£31.\\'cck|_\. Izuan and I).1\ c pIa_\ aII )11111‘ Ia\our11c clccti'o 1111\cd 111 mm \otnc1\’11\ \}111I1.I1111I111|1 .111d.111_\thing clxc thc} Ianc}.

I On Fire at (‘rih Itlpni 3.1111. £5 1£3 1. \Vcckl}. I11 room onc Ichk} pIa_\\ 11p Iront Rtin. I11p Imp. dancchall. garagc and grnnc \quIc Big .-\I pIa_\\ \cI\cl_\ \nmoth I<1&Ii .111d \ouI 111 11111111 1x111.

Supersonic Tuesdays at I‘it'cuatcr. I Ipm 3.1111. \Vcckl}. I)a\1d Stonct'l'hc NHx111I.1}\.1 1111\oI indic. \ouI .111d Iit'Itpop.

Chart 81 Party

I Audioculture at B11111“.

I Ipm 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl}. .\ 111i.\cd night HI L‘Itétt‘l. CIIL'C\C and Rin It'nttt I).I Shana IIaIIiucII.

I Big Tuesdays at thc (iat‘agc.

IIpn1 3.1111. £51£31.\\’cckI}. I).I .\'1coIa Pl‘L'\L‘llI\ part} .tlllIlL‘lllx Iroin thc Iaxt [Itt'CL' LIL‘L‘JtILN.

I Happy Tuesdays .11 1hc Vipct‘ 11.11 1k ('Iuh. Illpni 2.1111. £51£31.\\'cckl_\. \Vith hotth .111d indic on tlic go. thcic‘x nothing \ad ahout thix night.

I Psycho Circus .11 (‘111111111111

5pm 3.1111. £41£31.chkl}. Supcr \Itck tII\CU. \\ilI1 Roxx .\IL‘.\IIII.111 .ttttI I;ttttc\ I.ithgo\\.

Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to clubs®list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Indicates Listpicks entry

I Balkanarama .11 111111111“ “pm 3.1111 U1I1c1o1c Ilpn1.£\.11tc1 3 .'\[‘l \1ght ot g}p\} Balkan kIc/1nc1 111.11I11cxx. 11I111 .111d \ 1x11.1|\ 112111111111.) IiI.1ck('.1t.II11x111.1n\111.1I1\t \It Ic11 KIIIK .111d I).| \I.11k11 1(Itk1'\11.1 1IcI SoI1

Born to Be Wide .11 1111- \111111I1111I{1111111\ ‘Ipni law 3 \pi \quic 1111I11\11} \11c1.1l cIuI1 lI1.11 .11111\ 111 I111ng 11111\o\. tournahxtx. pion1otc1\. tccoid \I111p \1111kc1x .111d 11111\1c1.1n\ togcthci \o\\ .11 .1 nc\\ \cnuc I Bounce .11 1’11\.1 \.1 III 311pm 3.1111 HIV \\cckI_\ II1111\1I.1_\ 111ght1111\111cl.1\\1c Ix’.\II.11111k} I111tI\1' .1111I1I.111ch1c.1t\ 1111111 I11k§11I1I11'\ I11I111 IIlllt‘IllMtlI. I Cheated Hearts .11 1111- 11111- I Ipni 3.1111 £2. \\cckl) II1ctc.1n1 hchlnd I‘.\11I I.tllll\'IlIIll\11C\\ nlght 111 .1II1I1.11\ gtcal .1I1ottl ttldtc p.1xt .111d [H'L'u‘tll I Chocolate Kiss .11 .\l.1\\.1 Illpin 3.1111. £311rcc1.\\‘cckl§ \c\\ niqu kicking oII \\IIII icxidcnt I).I 'Ion_\ ’I‘.\"I‘ 1.\I.11nhoi pI.1}111g out thc but 111 R1ka .\I11111\\tt .111d 111I1.1n, I Kinky Indie at ('111'11\(‘I11|1. I Ipm 3.1111. £51£21.\\cckl_\. Indtc n1ux1c \\1t|1 a touch 111 \ka. Mix and Ntlx I Kiss the Robot .11 lItc Bongo ('Iuh. I Iptn 3.1111. £thc. 37 \I.11‘..\

.‘I\I‘.1. \‘1 Iit‘I1\\. ‘It.2I\I‘\.‘.i .l.I\I 1 IIIII\ 1111.11'I‘.‘ .:\I I.‘:‘ .‘1 x

I Limbo .11 11:.-

\;‘:'.1 ..1.111 - 1

\.111.I1111I\‘1111111\ \\.‘.‘kl\ Ihc IiI.1.k \1‘1111-3III\111.1.:.11.'.Ic. k\.111.II\11111' \111. '.'.1.11I:\.' .1.t\ I1 neck I11.I111I111§.‘ 'I1.‘ .11'. pop I\11\..'I.'\ .111.It 11111.‘ 1111 .3 \I.11 c. Ic. 11. 111.I1c 1111111 I\11I (L111.1\.‘1.1i.111.I Ih.‘ \\IIllll.tIlt \c11c13 \pt .1111I ‘111I‘11I‘catx' 1111111 I111111' pqu nn\ \1.1\.'1\(’.111..'I1I1.' \\111‘11.tlll\1III \pi1 I Mutiny .11 tI1.‘ Ii11111'11t I11I‘ I Ipni 3.1111 13I1.'t111.'11111I111;'I11_ 2 1 .1111'1 Ill \pt \I\I.'11.I1111I111111.\ I\.1\\. I1.111I tc. I1n11. I11c.1k.111.' .111d I1.111I.111c I On/Off.11111.~11o111_-111 I11I1 IIpn1 3.1111 t3 3 \pi (1I1t.h\ }_'11111\c\ .111I11\11c\\ 1'I1xt111 I11111\1' 11'1I11111p.111\ Red Star Institute .11 111-.1 Itlptn 3.1111 \\c1'kl\ II11'I\c\111p.1111I .111111111' I11..1I l1l\ .1111I \ I\ I Robopop .11 MIN) I11 {llpm 3.1111 I I\'\‘ I‘t‘IHlx‘ I Il‘lll. I I «L i' .tIIi'l \\cckI\ Itcn1I\ \\c111I\ .1111I 11111111I\1111\ 1|.1\\1. pop 111nm and 1'11'1111. I\c.1l\ 1111 tI111x1'11I1111.111't \\.111.111111I11'11I.1\ to \t.1111I11'11 \\1'1'k1'111I I Rubixn tI11'(1I\’\ \pni \I.11 I111I11‘ 1111'I11 \\1IIl I1\1‘ \1'tx 1111111 I\\1n \tI.111111. Ihc \.c1t\. (.1111\1'1I11II111n.1111-\.1111II'1'1111\ III.11 k. pI11\.1I)I \ct 1111111 I).tII\ k'I)I\.I\Ik'I( il‘IIk‘kII\k. Sick Note .11 t'.1l1.111-1 \11lt.1111- IIpn1 3.1111 \\cckI\ \c\\ 1111I11' 1'Ic1t111 111;'ht1111111tI1ct'.1I1.\111I111'x11Ic111x1111111 (‘l.1\I1.1n1I\'p1c\1111I1c\\111'\ I Souled Out at ()pal I 1111111'1' Illpni 3.1111 I 11‘1" I1c1111c llll1Illl_‘.‘IlI. £ 3 .1111'1 \\cckI_\ I1111111I1\111t11\111thc111 S11ttl.(i.11cth \111111111'1\1|I1'.1111I I 1.1/1'1 \I1'(1I1111I11'§ 111111I 111111 111'1'1I\. .11I1I1n_1.' .1 1I.1\I1111 I11111\1‘ .1. .I11' night 1'111‘x 1111 I Stiletto .11 I 11I11 .\pn1 3.1111 I 11'1' I11'I111c IIIpni. £5 .111c1 \\1'1'kli II1'11111 I“‘l‘. 1’I.1\\1c\ .1111I 1I1\111 1111111 Ic/ I|1II .11 IIIl\ \\\.1ttk§ (icoiz'c \111'1'1 \1-11111'



Call 0131 225 7377


pI.1}111g \ouI. garagc. RkB. griinc .111d \ nm1'c. l" I

Chan 8. Party

I Be There Bitch at \‘aIdor.

I Ipn1 3.1111. £5. \Vcckl}. I)I\ Nick} .\I111II111 and \cch mixing cxcr}thing Ironi clcctro. pop .111d indic to Rkli .111d Inpx Imp. 9'" I3“:- Budda at Iiudda. Noon 3.1111. \\'cckI_\. Scc 'I'hu.

I Sunday Roast .11 $1.11 ka.

Noon 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl}. (‘hart .111d part} CIQI\\IC\ 111 kL'L‘p IItL‘ \\ L‘L‘kL‘lltI going.

‘\’m. ..\1 ml _:.


FREE Asbo Mondays at I-‘ircxxatcr.

1 1pm 3am. \\'cckl_\. DJ Anton pla'u indic and rock CI'.1.\\IC\ until Iatc.

I The Beat Club at thc Bcat (‘luh 0pm 3.1111. I’ricm 1.1r_\. \Vcckl). Scc 'I'hu. I Burn at thc Bull Club. I lp111~-3.11n. £5 (£4). \VCL‘kI}. I’rcscntcd 111 )011 b) .\'or1n.\ki. Zt‘lh .111d Maxh. Burn prm idCx aII thc dixco \ongx _\ou'\c I‘orgottcn about and thc 1111c\ )1111 can‘t forget.

I Passionality .11 B} 111m.

113th- 3.1111. £3 1£21. \Vcckh. I.ikc .111 agcing pop \tar \\ Im rct'uwx to gixc in. thc \xcckcnd Iaunchcx a Iaxt-minutc comchack .11 B}I‘I0\ \\ III] [)1 Rohcrtx pla_\ 111g chart hits tor thc gayflniwd cro“ d.

I Poptimism/Rocktimism at the (laragc. I Ipm 3am. £4 IIIL‘L‘I. \Vcckl). Docx c\actl_\ \\ hat it \a} s on the tin. .-\ hcalth_\ dosc 111' pop and rock for mid- \xcck part) pcoplc.

Club I After Hours .11 1hc Butt.

I Ip1n 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl). (iL‘l‘l‘) I._\11n\ pI.1_\\ .1 11111 111cwt'}tI1i11g hc Io\c\. 1111111 'I'hc Stoncx to Ilot (hip.

I The Beat Club .11 thc Bcat ('Iuh. 0pm 3.1111. I’ricm \.11'_\. \Vcckl). Scc 'I‘hu.

" ' Firewater Wednesdays at I’ircnatcr. | Ipm 3.1111. \Vcckl}. I’auI (‘1'.mt'ot‘d t'I'hc (iriin .\'orthcrn Socialt play indic. rock and punk.

I Fundraiser for Ecuador .11 thc Vic (‘atc Bar. Illpm 3am. £3. 2 Apr. ('harit} club night.

I Octopussy .11 thc .-\1‘L‘I1L‘\.

Itlpni 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. Jacuuix. hounc} caxtlm and .1 (‘hapcl oI I.o\ c at thc Archcx' regular \tudcnt night. Rehab at Box. Midnight 3.1111.

Vcckl}. .-\n indic. punk rock .111d px} chcdclic \oundtrack.

I Square Go .11 .\I.1ggic.\I.1_\\. Spin— 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl}. Iiach 11 cck handx .111d I).I.\ congrcgatc to bring 11111 .1 night ot~ dancing to \oinc grcat tuncx. I Tongue in Cheek .11 Bamboo.

Itlpm-4a1n. £51£41.\\'c‘¢kl). I)J MigucI play Rth in thc main room. [)1 'I'oaxt pla} \ chart 111 thc loungc and .-\11d} \Vilxon play rock in thc rcd room.

I The Wonder Years at the (iaragc.

I Ipm-3.1111. £5 1£31. \Vcckl}. 'I‘hc (iaragc ix turning back timc to pla} thc bcxt track~ trom thc Iaxt I3 wan. And} R and Brian McUiII takc )1111 through thosc muxical ’uondcr )carx'.

Thunsdags 1111111

ab 58813

The best In rnb. hip hop 5 danceholl!


cum-numeric.” mama-1d.“


Doors 1 1pm - 3om.F1ee entry b4 lam wnh oflyei.£41heieotter

Alyul'nartyanttmufll. umawmuuflb== WMVJFm'o-I‘ 1 "4.1;: 54.4414-.b@4 smmmuimamr. .. (“mum-ts.

69 the cowgate, edinburgh, 0131 225 7377

' 27/: THE LIST 39