I Discobadger .11 11.1111111111
IItpni 4.1111 £5 1£111 “ct-kl} “111111111. \I.111111.I)J K.1\I1.1111I \I.1\I11I111I1c 111/ L'\L‘l} '.'-L'k'I.
I Junk .11 thc Il1111('IuI1 I Ipni 3.1111 £3 \\c1-I.I} \I.11k_\ \Iatk ptcxcntx .1
Ill\11111 111 1.1// .111d 111nk I hc 111Ik\ .11 Ihc
Hull I1kc111..1II11,IunI.
I Liquid Cool .11 ("111111111111 ‘Ipni 3.1111 LiI‘t \\c1'k|} .\,I. th chgan .111d I.111 'Ihoinpxon pI.1}111g top 1111th1 \ocal gatagc .1111I hottw 111 .1 c IttIt [1.1; kt'tI \\ tlIt I1}pct I11'1Ion1xttc 211 \onicthtng1c\cIIct'\. all 111 \1I111n1 \L'L'lll 111I1.1\L' 1111gottcn that 1I1c} I1.1\c \1111k 111 thc 11111111111}:
I Not for The Faint Hearted .11 1111- (iatagc I 1pm 3.1111 £5 1£ 31 \M'ckl} I111an\It \I.I\It‘l 1111\c\ goodncxx li'oin I11\ dccadc 1I1'1}111g pI.1_\I1\t Including nn\. um and nn\
I Optimo (Espacio) .11 1111- 81:11 (11111. I Iptn 3.1111 £1\t£71 \Vcckl} (iI.t\g11\\ \ Itncxt undctgtoundcluhhing111x1111111on ki'cp\11n1Ic11ntng thcc1t_\\ Sunday \111I1_\o111I1o\t\_II)‘I\\1tch.1111I.I(i \\'1Ikc\
I Silky Smooth .11 11111} Black» IIpn1 3.1111. £5. 311 Mar. II1p hop .111d R1\Ii
I Spank .1t thc (‘athothc | Ip1n 3.1111. £-l 1111'1-1. \\cckl_\. (ict .1 good \panking on thc Sahhath. .-\Itct‘nat|\c. punk. L‘I11\\l£' rock. hip hop. nictal and crowncr 1111I11\111.1| I111 .1Iatcucckcndcrond.
I Spectrum at .\'1cc'11'S|ca/_\.
IIpni 3.1111. £2.\\'1‘t'kl}. Soundx oI thc coxnmx .111d 1111c pop nonxcnxc 111.1 Iicath lll.tL'I\Il'tllll ol \onic 1Ic.1lI1\c.1pc\_ \Vith occaxmnal random appcai'anccx h) \agucI} Iatnoux I11Ik.
I Stay Classy Sundays .11 11111} \1111'1'5'x. I Iptn 3.1111. £-lt£.31,\\c1‘kI_\. I” .\'on gncx )11111‘ \xcckcnd thc and 1111 II dcxcncx. .\ 1111\111 lllll\l£‘.
I Sunday Service .11 01.111 M111:
I Ipm 3.1111. £-l. \Vcckl}. .\I.1t'k Rohh 111111111Ic1' ol thc Hull (‘Iuhl .111d ('t'aig I.o11\cio1nt\ pt‘cxcnt thcir ncu Sunda} Iunk'n'xoul \crx icc. \ch occaxional h\ c hand»
I Sunday Surgery .11 Kttt‘Itttll.
I Ipm 3.1111. £5t£31.\Vcckl}..-\1mthcr \tudcnt night 1111111 Kai'hon. 'I‘hcincd nightx lroin hcach partic\ to doc\ and nurxcx .111d 111.1}I1c thc odd \chool dixco arc 111 thc olling. \Vith hip Imp in onc t'ooni .111d indtc pop and \tudcnt claxxicx 111 thc othcr.
I Velvet .11 Drop, ltlptn 3.1111. £5. \Vcckh, .\ 111111 club 1111' .1 ncn \cnuc.
I We Hate Mondays .11 Bamboo Iltpin 3.1111 £51£J1 \M'ckl} I11.1\t pI.1}~ .1 n1ux1c.1I inching p111 111 .111 th1ng\ go1 1d 111 1'Iutt11. r1 1ck. pop and p.111}
Club I All Star Tuesdays .11 11.111111. 1.1
Illpin 3.1111 £3111cw “cckli I11 thc 111.111111111111 K.1\I1pl.1}\ R1in and hip pop nhilc And} \\’1I\ond1'op\ all tnnc (I;1\\IL’\ dri/Ich \klIIl .1 Iittlc Itkk .111d 1111hc 111 thc Ioungc I The Beat Club .11 1111- Iit'JI (11111 ‘Ipni 3.1111. I’riccx \.11'_\. “cc-kl} Scc 'I I111.
I DIRT .11 thc ('athouxc. IIp111 3.1111 £3 \Vcckl}, I).I \Iuppct play 111c.1t and 11111 \cg lock. I.1\c 11111d\\1‘c\thng .111d pi'i/cx.
I Juicy Tuesdays .11 Kuxhton
I 1pm 3.1111. £51£31.\\'cckI}..\ \lttdcnl flight It) CIIIL‘I‘lultt IIIL' ltl.t\\L‘\ .tL't11\\1\\11 t'otHllx R1101“ 1111C IL‘JIUI'LN ttltItL‘ [1111‘ .111d chccw \\I11Ic rooni 1\\11[\I.1}\ R1in .111d h1p Imp.
I Killer Kitsch .11 thc Butt
I1).3I)pn1 3.1111. £41£31.\\'cck|_\. Izuan and I).1\ c pIa_\ aII )11111‘ Ia\our11c clccti'o 1111\cd 111 mm \otnc1\’11\ \}111I1.I1111I111|1 .111d.111_\thing clxc thc} Ianc}.
I On Fire at (‘rih Itlpni 3.1111. £5 1£3 1. \Vcckl}. I11 room onc Ichk} pIa_\\ 11p Iront Rtin. I11p Imp. dancchall. garagc and grnnc \quIc Big .-\I pIa_\\ \cI\cl_\ \nmoth I<1&Ii .111d \ouI 111 11111111 1x111.
” ‘ Supersonic Tuesdays at I‘it'cuatcr. I Ipm 3.1111. \Vcckl}. I)a\1d Stonct'l'hc NHx111I.1}\.1 1111\oI indic. \ouI .111d Iit'Itpop.
Chart 81 Party
I Audioculture at B11111“.
I Ipm 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl}. .\ 111i.\cd night HI L‘Itétt‘l. CIIL'C\C and Rin It'nttt I).I Shana IIaIIiucII.
I Big Tuesdays at thc (iat‘agc.
IIpn1 3.1111. £51£31.\\’cckI}. I).I .\'1coIa Pl‘L'\L‘llI\ part} .tlllIlL‘lllx Iroin thc Iaxt [Itt'CL' LIL‘L‘JtILN.
I Happy Tuesdays .11 1hc Vipct‘ 11.11 1k ('Iuh. Illpni 2.1111. £51£31.\\'cckl_\. \Vith hotth .111d indic on tlic go. thcic‘x nothing \ad ahout thix night.
I Psycho Circus .11 (‘111111111111
5pm 3.1111. £41£31.chkl}. Supcr \Itck tII\CU. \\ilI1 Roxx .\IL‘.\IIII.111 .ttttI I;ttttc\ I.ithgo\\.
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to clubs®list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.
Indicates Listpicks entry
I Balkanarama .11 111111111“ “pm 3.1111 U1I1c1o1c Ilpn1.£\.11tc1 3 .'\[‘l \1ght ot g}p\} Balkan kIc/1nc1 111.11I11cxx. 11I111 .111d \ 1x11.1|\ 112111111111.) IiI.1ck('.1t.II11x111.1n\111.1I1\t \It Ic11 KIIIK .111d I).| \I.11k11 1(Itk1'\11.1 1IcI SoI1
Born to Be Wide .11 1111- \111111I1111I{1111111\ ‘Ipni law 3 \pi \quic 1111I11\11} \11c1.1l cIuI1 lI1.11 .11111\ 111 I111ng 11111\o\. tournahxtx. pion1otc1\. tccoid \I111p \1111kc1x .111d 11111\1c1.1n\ togcthci \o\\ .11 .1 nc\\ \cnuc I Bounce .11 1’11\.1 \.1 III 311pm 3.1111 HIV \\cckI_\ II1111\1I.1_\ 111ght1111\111cl.1\\1c Ix’.\II.11111k} I111tI\1' .1111I1I.111ch1c.1t\ 1111111 I11k§11I1I11'\ I11I111 IIlllt‘IllMtlI. I Cheated Hearts .11 1111- 11111- I Ipni 3.1111 £2. \\cckl) II1ctc.1n1 hchlnd I‘.\11I I.tllll\'IlIIll\11C\\ nlght 111 .1II1I1.11\ gtcal .1I1ottl ttldtc p.1xt .111d [H'L'u‘tll I Chocolate Kiss .11 .\l.1\\.1 Illpin 3.1111. £311rcc1.\\‘cckl§ \c\\ niqu kicking oII \\IIII icxidcnt I).I 'Ion_\ ’I‘.\"I‘ 1.\I.11nhoi pI.1}111g out thc but 111 R1ka .\I11111\\tt .111d 111I1.1n, I Kinky Indie at ('111'11\(‘I11|1. I Ipm 3.1111. £51£21.\\cckl_\. Indtc n1ux1c \\1t|1 a touch 111 \ka. Mix and Ntlx I Kiss the Robot .11 lItc Bongo ('Iuh. I Iptn 3.1111. £thc. 37 \I.11‘..\
.‘I\I‘.1. \‘1 Iit‘I1\\. ‘It.2I\I‘\.‘.i .l.I\I 1 IIIII\ 1111.11'I‘.‘ .:\I I.‘:‘ .‘1 x
I Limbo .11 11:.-
\;‘:'.1 ..1.111 - ‘ 1
\.111.I1111I\‘1111111\ \\.‘.‘kl\ Ihc IiI.1.k \1‘1111-3III\111.1.:.11.'.Ic. k\.111.II\11111' \111. '.'.1.11I:\.' .1.t\ I1 neck I11.I111I111§.‘ 'I1.‘ .11'. pop I\11\..'I.'\ .111.It 11111.‘ 1111 .3 ‘ \I.11 c. Ic. 11. 111.I1c 1111111 I\11I (L111.1\.‘1.1i.111.I Ih.‘ \\IIllll.tIlt \c11c13 \pt .1111I ‘111I‘11I‘catx' 1111111 I111111' pqu nn\ \1.1\.'1\(’.111..'I1I1.' \\111‘11.tlll\1III \pi1 I Mutiny .11 tI1.‘ Ii11111'11t I11I‘ I Ipni 3.1111 13I1.'t111.'11111I111;'I11_ 2 1 .1111'1 Ill \pt \I\I.'11.I1111I111111.\ I\.1\\. I1.111I tc. I1n11. I11c.1k.111.' .111d I1.111I.111c I On/Off.11111.~11o111_-111 I11I1 IIpn1 3.1111 t3 3 \pi (1I1t.h\ }_'11111\c\ .111I11\11c\\ 1'I1xt111 I11111\1' 11'1I11111p.111\ Red Star Institute .11 111-.1 Itlptn 3.1111 \\c1'kl\ II11'I\c\111p.1111I .111111111' I11..1I l1l\ .1111I \ I\ I Robopop .11 MIN) I11 {llpm 3.1111 I I\'\‘ I‘t‘IHlx‘ I Il‘lll. I I «L i' .tIIi'l \\cckI\ Itcn1I\ \\c111I\ .1111I 11111111I\1111\ 1|.1\\1. pop 111nm and 1'11'1111. I\c.1l\ 1111 tI111x1'11I1111.111't \\.111.111111I11'11I.1\ to \t.1111I11'11 \\1'1'k1'111I I Rubixn tI11'(1I\’\ \pni \I.11 I111I11‘ 1111'I11 \\1IIl I1\1‘ \1'tx 1111111 I\\1n \tI.111111. Ihc \.c1t\. (.1111\1'1I11II111n.1111-\.1111II'1'1111\ III.11 k. pI11\.1I)I \ct 1111111 I).tII\ k'I)I\.I\Ik'I( il‘IIk‘kII\k. Sick Note .11 t'.1l1.111-1 \11lt.1111- IIpn1 3.1111 \\cckI\ \c\\ 1111I11' 1'Ic1t111 111;'ht1111111tI1ct'.1I1.\111I111'x11Ic111x1111111 (‘l.1\I1.1n1I\'p1c\1111I1c\\111'\ I Souled Out at ()pal I 1111111'1' Illpni 3.1111 I 11‘1" I1c1111c llll1Illl_‘.‘IlI. £ 3 .1111'1 \\cckI_\ I1111111I1\111t11\111thc111 S11ttl.(i.11cth \111111111'1\1|I1'.1111I I 1.1/1'1 \I1'(1I1111I11'§ 111111I 111111 111'1'1I\. .11I1I1n_1.' .1 1I.1\I1111 I11111\1‘ .1. .I11' night 1'111‘x 1111 I Stiletto .11 I 11I11 .\pn1 3.1111 I 11'1' I11'I111c IIIpni. £5 .111c1 \\1'1'kli II1'11111 I“‘l‘. 1’I.1\\1c\ .1111I 1I1\111 1111111 Ic/ I|1II .11 IIIl\ \\\.1ttk§ (icoiz'c \111'1'1 \1-11111'
Call 0131 225 7377
pI.1}111g \ouI. garagc. RkB. griinc .111d \ nm1'c. l" I
Chan 8. Party
I Be There Bitch at \‘aIdor.
I Ipn1 3.1111. £5. \Vcckl}. I)I\ Nick} .\I111II111 and \cch mixing cxcr}thing Ironi clcctro. pop .111d indic to Rkli .111d Inpx Imp. 9'" I3“:- Budda at Iiudda. Noon 3.1111. \\'cckI_\. Scc 'I'hu.
I Sunday Roast .11 $1.11 ka.
Noon 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl}. (‘hart .111d part} CIQI\\IC\ 111 kL'L‘p IItL‘ \\ L‘L‘kL‘lltI going.
‘\’m. ..\1 ml _:.
FREE Asbo Mondays at I-‘ircxxatcr.
1 1pm 3am. \\'cckl_\. DJ Anton pla'u indic and rock CI'.1.\\IC\ until Iatc.
I The Beat Club at thc Bcat (‘luh 0pm 3.1111. I’ricm 1.1r_\. \Vcckl). Scc 'I'hu. I Burn at thc Bull Club. I lp111~-3.11n. £5 (£4). \VCL‘kI}. I’rcscntcd 111 )011 b) .\'or1n.\ki. Zt‘lh .111d Maxh. Burn prm idCx aII thc dixco \ongx _\ou'\c I‘orgottcn about and thc 1111c\ )1111 can‘t forget.
I Passionality .11 B} 111m.
113th- 3.1111. £3 1£21. \Vcckh. I.ikc .111 agcing pop \tar \\ Im rct'uwx to gixc in. thc \xcckcnd Iaunchcx a Iaxt-minutc comchack .11 B}I‘I0\ \\ III] [)1 Rohcrtx pla_\ 111g chart hits tor thc gayflniwd cro“ d.
I Poptimism/Rocktimism at the (laragc. I Ipm 3am. £4 IIIL‘L‘I. \Vcckl). Docx c\actl_\ \\ hat it \a} s on the tin. .-\ hcalth_\ dosc 111' pop and rock for mid- \xcck part) pcoplc.
Club I After Hours .11 1hc Butt.
I Ip1n 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl). (iL‘l‘l‘) I._\11n\ pI.1_\\ .1 11111 111cwt'}tI1i11g hc Io\c\. 1111111 'I'hc Stoncx to Ilot (hip.
I The Beat Club .11 thc Bcat ('Iuh. 0pm 3.1111. I’ricm \.11'_\. \Vcckl). Scc 'I‘hu.
" ' Firewater Wednesdays at I’ircnatcr. | Ipm 3.1111. \Vcckl}. I’auI (‘1'.mt'ot‘d t'I'hc (iriin .\'orthcrn Socialt play indic. rock and punk.
I Fundraiser for Ecuador .11 thc Vic (‘atc Bar. Illpm 3am. £3. 2 Apr. ('harit} club night.
I Octopussy .11 thc .-\1‘L‘I1L‘\.
Itlpni 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. Jacuuix. hounc} caxtlm and .1 (‘hapcl oI I.o\ c at thc Archcx' regular \tudcnt night. Rehab at Box. Midnight 3.1111.
Vcckl}. .-\n indic. punk rock .111d px} chcdclic \oundtrack.
I Square Go .11 .\I.1ggic.\I.1_\\. Spin— 3.1111. £3. \Vcckl}. Iiach 11 cck handx .111d I).I.\ congrcgatc to bring 11111 .1 night ot~ dancing to \oinc grcat tuncx. I Tongue in Cheek .11 Bamboo.
Itlpm-4a1n. £51£41.\\'c‘¢kl). I)J MigucI play Rth in thc main room. [)1 'I'oaxt pla} \ chart 111 thc loungc and .-\11d} \Vilxon play rock in thc rcd room.
I The Wonder Years at the (iaragc.
I Ipm-3.1111. £5 1£31. \Vcckl}. 'I‘hc (iaragc ix turning back timc to pla} thc bcxt track~ trom thc Iaxt I3 wan. And} R and Brian McUiII takc )1111 through thosc muxical ’uondcr )carx'.
Thunsdags 1111111
ab 58813
The best In rnb. hip hop 5 danceholl!
cum-numeric.” mama-1d.“
Doors 1 1pm - 3om.F1ee entry b4 lam wnh oflyei.£41heieotter
Alyul'nartyanttmufll. umawmuuflb== WMVJFm'o-I‘ 1 "4.1;: 54.4414-.b@4 smmmuimamr. .. (“mum-ts.
69 the cowgate, edinburgh, 0131 225 7377
‘ ' 27/: THE LIST 39