Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to sport® for sport or aroundtown© for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin Innes.

2%: Indicates Listpicks entry


Activities 63 Events FREE Stitch and Bitch 'l‘liiirstlii}s. (ilasgott \Voincn‘s I,ilit;it'}. 3nd l‘ltkil. SI l’ainic Sttcct. 5‘3 M45. (i. W S. ‘ltpin l'tiu. ind uool and an} pent up gossip at this close ktitt knitting group. (‘all to sit} )oii‘tc going along as places .iic liiiiitcd Laurel 8. Hardy Night Wed 2 Apt. Hittiiniiia l’anopticon Music Hall. lli ll"'|tong;itc.55:08-11). “pin. l‘lllltll'ill\lllj_' c\cttl lot the Britannia l’anopttcon. \shctc Stan laurel made his

coined} dchut. A sctccning ot ottc ol their

iiimics. suppotting pcitoi‘tiiaiiccs. and sales stalls. (Kill Hill 553 “3-10 lot more itilo. Sec l.l\l|\lt‘l\\.

Photography Walk: Beginners level Still 0 .'\[tl‘. Mugdock (‘ountn I’at'k. ('t'aigallian Road. .\1ilnga\ ic. 05o (illllt lllillll -l.3l)ptii. U5. Rcccnc aducc and cnciiui‘agenient li'otn mpct‘tcnccd photogi‘aplict |)a\id l’alinai'. A“. that's nice ol lltlll.

FREE Can You Tell Your Ash from Your Elder’.’ Sun (i :\pt'. Mugdock ('outiti‘) I’at‘k. (‘t'aigallian Road. \liliigaxic. 05o (dill). 3 Villpiu. We“. can )oii'.’ ;\ tt'cc identilication session tor beginners to the licld. Icarn hon to tell Milli ash li'oni )ttlll' cldct‘. or indeed _\oui' oak li'oni tour talilc.

FREE Scottish PEN Sun o Apt'. (ilitsgim 'l'lllsllt‘ llotcl. (‘ttltlltl‘ttlgc Street.


Easy tiger April. Brothers Raj & Pops are well known around Glasgow for their blend of Bhangra and hip hop - they’ll be running free workshops for 14 to 25-year-olds interested in learning to produce their own urban/electronic crossover music. demystifying DJing, and passing on their mixin’, mashin’, multitrackin’ skills.

I /f you're interested in getting involved If” the workshops. contact ,iu/ie’ or see thearcheseoak. The Tigerstv/e [113 can be foo/70' at we. ittigersti'leonline.COL/K

30 THE LIST .‘i‘ Mir—TO At" 2305

\\ \‘ll

5pm -\ contctcncc cntitlcd Iii: In t i/imi (innit Iii: litigm u' mu Ii/u I'l‘. comprising workshops. panels and discussion. it is the culmination ol .in International l’l‘..\' l‘lL’llllldl cttlllc'rt'llct' on \Vtitci‘s iti Prison and surtountling issiics Booking tequitcd

Glasgow Subway Festival lhu

lH Sun I i s\pt. (ilasgim l'ndct'gt'ound l’ticcs \dl') l-it'st exer lL‘\ll\dl celchtating the ('Iocktsoi'k ()rangc. \Hlll t'oatiitng subterranean [X'l'lttrlll.tltc‘c. sttcct .it't. iiiiisic. catwalk \l]()\\\ and tatiiil) exents and a ditlcteiit tlietnc hit each station


Me, Art and the Garden (idllL‘l') ol Modern .-\t't. Rinal l'.\ch;ingc Squatc. 33" lWo, l'ntil Stiti 37 .»\pt‘. .\lon \Ved tk Sat litain 5pm; lliu lilatii Spin. i'l'l & Sun llani 5pm, A group ol _\Ullllf_‘ gitls ltoni thc i’t)llttl\\lllL'ltl\*l1il\L‘tlngillllMlllUll

\l ‘S.-\. \tot‘kcd “till the Ilti/i/i'u (ion/i m" artist in residence. Rachel .\litnicc. to create this minimum inspired h} then c\pct'icnccs ol being in the ('iat'dcns.

A Moment in Time (killer) ot Modern :\l'l. Roin lixcliange Square. 33‘) IWo. l'ntil Sitti 27 Apr. Mon Wed & Sat

lilain 5pm; 'l‘liu lilatn Spin; l't‘i & Suit llatii 5pm. l'ttllt’ tuned-media collages h} pupils ol St (it'cgor) 's and Vl'}tidtord pi‘iiniii‘} schools. tnade mm the hpr ot artist \ictot'ia Skogslict‘g. lcaturing old and next images ot Mai‘}hill. (‘oiiitnissioned as part ol the .\l;it‘_\lii|l Housing Associations Rik-war aiinixct'sat'} pi'ogi'anitnc.

FREE Visual Communication Research Cluster(;lasgou School ot :\l'l. :\ll‘llllll (iallet'). lioulis Building. “)7 chlt'cu Street. 353-1731. l'ntil Sat 12 .'\Pl' (not Sunl. lilain lptii. (iSA's \ isual ciinitnunications research cluster \\ ill also be participating iti ‘Stlll _\cars ot‘ printing

iti Scotland' this c\liil\it:oii \sill tcatuic photograph}. l}l‘i‘;‘ll}. illiisttation. colout lltc'i‘l} .tlltl gtiiphic design


Glasgow Art Fair Hill 2‘ Sun ill \lat. (ieorgc Squaic. 5‘: hill” to 1th”) spm {hit-1i l‘hc l‘tli teat tot Scotland's national contcuipotat} ill'i tait \Klllcll \Hll teatutc met 5“ galleries and atts organisations ttotii thtoughout ltutope l’t‘cx ioiis artists to li.i\c tcatutcd include Damien Hutst .ind lurnci l’ll/c‘WKlllllL‘l Sinioti Statling

FREE Sloan‘s Market Stinila} s. Sloan‘s. h: :\l_‘._“\ lc .-\tc.idc. lttS .-\t'g} lc Sttcct. III SUI" 11am 5pm \Vcllhcclcd \tcekl} outdooi shopping lll.tlkL'l lust tucked ott Buchanan Street. \Hlll stalls stuttcd lull ot gout‘nict ttcats .itid class} ctatt} things

FREE Scottish Green Party Spring Fair llillhcad l iht'ats. Sat 5 '\pi. HS list‘cs Road. ii" "I: i, ll Wain lndoot stalls and actix itics tot childicii and adults including tacc painting. tarot reading. hgitid tli.iss;igc\. secondhand hooks and it‘}\. cakes. plants and t‘cc}clcd goods

Food and Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 5 _-\pt'. Queen's l’.itk. 53H langsidc l’at'k. IV 52“ *. ‘tain Zpin local produce. ltotii local people l’l.l:.-\Sl- \( )ll-L tlictc is no l)tt\\;llllllll l’t'iniai'} School l'at'tiicns Market this tot'tntglit


FREE Stake Your Claim: Save our Botanics Sun 30 Mar. (ilasgim Botanic (iai'dens ioutdooi‘i, 730 (Brent Western Road. 3 ‘4 3-133. 3pm. Join the Saw ()ut' Botanics campaign to protest at the potential dmclopnient ot' a (ll (iroup liar iii the park. and stand up

Local Bhangra-bhoys the Tigerstyle DJs (that’s them, pictured, up there) will be opening their hearts and the doors of the Arches to a whole new generation of musicians as of Tuesday 1

l\‘l lllt‘ \ik‘\ti g‘lt‘c'lt Plat CS tlt‘dl g‘lt‘t‘tt sl‘ittL‘S \c‘c‘ l t\l[‘lck\


FREE Stafffinders 5k Charity Race Sun o -\pt. \lugtlis‘k t‘ountts l‘.itk. (‘iiugalliiin Road. \liltigaxic. 3-35 MSWS

i 1“put \\.ilk. tun. hop ihop ‘I. skip oi Ititnp .itouiid \1ugtlock i‘tllis to ltll\L‘ tnonc) lot the lititish Red ('toss


Friends of the Glenlee talks \lon -\pt'. 'l‘hc llill Ship .it (il.i\go\\ ll.tll\‘lll. ltll Stotx‘toss Road. 332 I‘l‘ 5 "pin Nautical chit chat It's Ian .lolinstoiic this month \\ itli .i talk ctititlcd ‘lhc ()iigins .ind (‘otisttuttioii ()t lhc ()l'.“ \it. tiic llt‘.tlllc\


Glasgow Arts Circle |'tid.i§ s. (icotgc Squatc. l5pin (iioup that meets outside (Lilc Netti c\ct_\ l'iida} to \\lllt'. \ll.l\\. collahotatc and shale lilt‘.t\ l-ot \\lllL‘l\. .it‘tists. pliotogtaplicts .iiid otliei .lllk t_\ pm No incitihctsliip t'cquiied (Kill Hm"? *Illlll lot more intot’tiiation

FREE Tigerstyle lllt‘ l x\pl. l'lit- .-'\t‘chcs. 25“ '\l;:}lt‘ .Sltct'l. filfi HM“ (‘icatitc inusic iii.ikiiig piogiaiiiiiic headed l\_\ Scottish hhangia outtit llg‘t'Hl} lc “till a series ot classes and \sot'kshops looking .it urban music production. (‘lasscs .it‘c ttec .ind iipctt to amonc .igcd H 35. lot iiiotc into contact |tlllL'(” tlieatchcsco tik Scc pictuic. hcloxs Introduction to Aromatherapy 'l llll R .-\pt'. \Voodland llcths. Hill Woodlands Roail.(ll~11 5N1 ilS-l 7pm :\n cxcnitig talk to learn him to Use .llttlllillllL'litl‘} L‘SSL‘llllitl oils stilcl} lot t‘cla\;itioii. skincare or to iniptose niood,

FREE Up Close Sat S Apt. (‘( ‘,-\. Wt Saucliiehall Street. 352 4000, l I. Want 'l‘ickctcd. l);i_\ ol \sot‘kshops. \stttcis surgeries and a reading ol li’i'i/ l)ll'\('/ h} Ian [on tat 7pm) litl' aspiring and up .llltl coining plinut'ights. l'tlll h} the

l’lil}\\ rights Studio.

Club Noir: Burlesque Workshop Sim o Apr. (lather iii (ilasgim. l'ppcr l-'|ooi_ 37 Rutlncn lane. ll7l)o7 IHHSI 1.

llatn (i, lllptn. £75. Learn the art ol being a burlesque [X‘l'lttl'lllL‘L ll‘ttlll stage presence to costumes. tassel tmrling. git'lte tricks and choieogt'apli} Put together _\iitit' UVHI act tltctt pct'lot'tti it at the end ol the da}. 'l‘hcsc uot‘kshops tisuall} sellout t'eall} quickl). and. aina/ingl}. this one hadn‘t at time ot going to press. (io lot'th and least" l’t‘icc includes tno tickets to White ('luli .\'oit exents. liinail sarahm cluhnoircouk lot more details.


Activities & Events Ceilidh Culture l'ntil Mon I4 Apt. Various Venues. 33 l 33‘)“, Times tar). Prices \at'}. A month-long celebration ot Scottish traditional tins, including music. dance and stot'}telling. building on the legac} ol the lidinhurgli l-olk l‘estnal. Sec u \t \ or our l-olk section. lot tnore into. Observing Evenings l'fltlil}\. Roin ()hserVator)‘ Visitor (‘entre. Blacktord Hill, 668 8-104. 7 8.45pm. £4 (£3; lattiin ticket HUSH). Pop domi to the observatory and get all starry-e)ed at the sight of the revolving Victorian telescope dotne and one ol the largest telescopes in Scotland. You can observe the stars tu'ith experts on hand with guidance) or. it it‘s cloud); handle a space rock. Yeah? Space rock? Booking essential.

FREE Edinburgh Bookswap

Tue I Apr. Adam House. 3 ('hamhers Street. 650 3058. 1 Iain 2pm. Free literature? As part ot the 500th anniversary celebrations ot the Scottish printing industry. Publishing Scotland are hosting an afternoon's literar) amnesty. Bring along a copy of a much-loved book. write a recommendation card. and swap it for somebody else's old favourite. There v. ill also be a chance to meet selected