I Sunday Singers Session 1' 1..//

11:7 1 \" ,. - ‘1'

' 1‘;1. ' 15.71.. 1;

, o Ii 1‘ I I

13" "

I Dick Lee and his Septet 11. :1:.

1 1'11: 1111121 '1313111‘1" (11““1‘

*‘1'1' 9.‘ 1:1 \ 1111.1.“ 11211111111; 1.1111‘ "1.1119131 111.1 1 .11111 1.1\ 111 "pl? 111 111‘111’. 1’11'5111 \11\ (1 1’.

1 ’1"*111"111 I The Jazz Bar Big Band 11 1.1// 11.11 1111.1111112'1~ \2111'1. .“11 3.1‘1‘ 11111111 1‘ 1f.‘1 \.'.'\111111‘

The Late Great Jazz Jam Session 1111' |..// 11.11. 1(‘11.1'1.111'1\ \111‘1‘1.,“l‘ 1“” 11111111 \11 \1-111 1

11111111111111; I The Offenders 1111' 1.1// 11.11. 1 ( 11.1111111'1\ \111'1'1. “11 1.“1\ f\1*11111 1.1 11..‘1 1111'111111.1111‘. 111111'\

Funk Session 1111- 1.1// 11.11. 1 (11.11111‘1'1\ \1'1'1'1 .‘7‘11 1“’.\ {11'1111 \1'1‘ 1111' 1\


I Eska Mtungwazi 1111' (11.1 111111111.111..'1.( .1111111'11:.'-.'\. “1 \111111 \11111 L111 \11 11111 .‘11

111111111111111 Andy Park Octet 1111- 1.1// 11.11. I (‘11.1111111'1x \11.'1'1. .‘.‘11 33‘“ .\ 1*[1111 (11.1\\\1'§'1.111[11.1111\1.111111111111111x1'1 111.2}1111'111".\ 111.111'11.1|.1111111111111'1111.1// I Ouattro MacJazz 1.1//( 111111: ll1.‘ I111. 111111.1\\111.11k.'1 111' V1111 \ 1111111 1.\ \111111\1111.1111.1//11.1111111.i111.11111 1‘11\]‘.‘1.111111‘.‘.‘- 1'111111‘,.'1111\. Organism 111: |.1// 11.11. 1 (11.1111111'1x \11.'11. ‘1' '~.“’\ \1'1' \\1'11 1‘1

11 *‘11‘111


Frank Holden’s ‘Sinatra Quartet’ 1 .1‘11'1.'\ 11.11. 11 1\'111_~.' \111'1'1. "1.“ .\|1111 11111111'11 1'111111.11‘1'\ 1111' 1'\1‘111'1111'111.111111'11111111111111(11111111- 1}1'\' 111'}11.1\


I Jamie Graham Band 1111- 1.1// 11.11. 1 (‘11.1111111'1\ \111'1'1. .‘.‘ll 1_“’\ .\ 1‘11111

L1 1L.‘1 111111111111111111'1 \11111111\ 111'\\ 11.11111

I Robert Glasper Trio 1.1//('1'11111'. 1111' | 111. 111111.1\\111.11111'1. 111‘ \‘1111

.\ z1111111 Ll.‘ 1111111}.111\1'111111'\1111' 111.1111\1 111.1111111' 111x \1'11111xl1111'11111.1xl1.11111 11'.1111'1 \'1'1'1‘11'\11'\}.11.1;‘1‘11~


I The Lang Spoon Festival 1111111.~\ 11.1|1\.1x111;:1111111(1'11111'.111*‘1311111111 \.1111111\ \111llxll1‘ 11111~11 11'\11}.11 1.11111 .1 \1‘11'1‘111111111 1.1//. 111111 \1111111.11111 11.1111111111.11.111\


I Joe Longthorne \1111-11 1|.1ll\. 111111111.1111111 1\’11.111. 1117\(1-1‘1 ‘41

11111111 111 111.1111 L1" 511 \\111111111'1' 111‘1‘.1111'\11l 1'\1\'111‘111'1‘ 1111111'1 111\1\1'1l. 11111;:111111111'.11111111.111\11111111111'11.1}\111 [111 .1.’ 1111 /’..'.'.'..'1.‘.':1HI. 1‘1‘11111111x 1.}1111 .1





5 :5“ V‘J.-. fi'.$u . \ yl. j 1‘ 1' 1 ,1 .- 1‘1'3': ' 2f>~‘§_g.t.=’ ( .2 g .‘ . ,- " 4, n i, ' ,. 11'. r. ‘4 fl. : ' ' v I h" ».‘ E

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers. Indicates Listpicks entry


I The Stars Band \1 \11111.'.-. x 11.111. \1111.:1.'. \3 \11111.".}\ \1111.11.'. *“""1’.‘

' "11'I11 L‘ 2’1 (.-1.'111.1:1'11:1 1'11" \1,111'..'1\.11.1111111"\1.:111111_(11111 “.1111: 11\ 1111111191. \1111111 111111.\111111'. .:1111 1111‘ \111lxl1.1111l11111.:111111x1. 1111111'\1.11\11.11111 I Scottish Ensemble: Bluegrass Across The Water 1 '111 11.111\ ('.1111111'11~.':'\. “1 \llllll ill11111

911 <II L1 3 *1111111111'xx11111x.1'..111.11111'1 |1'-.'1'1111.11} \1111'111.11111.1\\111.1}1'1 111-3.11 \11'j.1'1 111.1111-\ 111\ \111111xl1111'111111111111111 \111111xl1111\1'1111111'111.:\111'11411}111'1.1\1'11 111111'1.11111111'11111'1'1111.11111111'\1'11x111111l11w 111111111'2'1.1\\ 1111' 11111p'1.11111111'.11\11 1111111111'\1111111'\1111\(1111.111211111 [11111/1’1 /1'1/1\ .1111/ \.'1/1.':'1


I Tom Bliss 1 .11111111. 111111 ('11111. 1111' 1’1111x11('11111. \111111\111'1'1.1111.‘ll11‘§‘1< ‘\ i1111111 (1111..'111.1i \1111} M11115 .11111 111111111111 11111111111'111:'11\1111111111111xl1111111'111.111\1


I Scottish Ensemble: Bluegrass Across The Water (.1111-1-11'x 11.111. 11.11 \111~1-1.11l1.\ .‘11111 " 1‘11111

Ll.‘ 111*‘1 11111111'w11111x .1'..111.11\11'1 \11 11111 1

I Thunderdog Ceilidh Dance Band \11’1'11'1\('11111111.1111111111‘1.11‘1'.(1l11 111“ M1111 11111111113111 Ll1l1‘11111111'111111111'1 '1.‘ 11111 \.1111\111'1'11'11111 11.11111 11.1111 1.1111'1(‘111111\1.1111'1111.111 11\()1111‘11'.1\1' 111111;.'\111111111.1111'111'\111111'111v

I Teannaich 1’1111111-1. 11.111» 1111l}111111l 151111 1\’11.111. i1111111 L\ 11111 (11111111

111111\ 1‘ i\.111\1


I Jenna Reid 1(111111'x 1|.11|\. k111j:1111111 (111111: 1115": (1| 1 1111. 11111111. LA (111'.1l }111111;.' 8111-11;11111 11111111' \1.11. \1. 1'11 1111111111 1111 111'1 1111111 \111111~11\11.1.111111111111.1\. 111111111111'x 1111 111'\} .111111111.


I CLASP Competition 1111- \.1111111.11 1’11111113 ('1'11111'. \111’11.111'1 3111‘1'1. (11111.111111'11x 35‘ 5‘11 ‘1.1111. \ .1.1} 111 111111111'111111'1'}1'111\ 1111 .1111.111'111 111111'1x 111;:.1111\1'1111} 1111' ('11111111'1111\1' 1.1'.1_~_'111' 1111 \111.111'111 \111111’1111'1x


I Kris Drever .11111 Heidi Talbot 1111' 1’11‘.1\.:111'1' (1111.111'1 11.11. 1’11‘.1\.1111‘1‘. :5 \111111 l111‘111 L1: \\\..1111\}11111111j: (111.1111.11; \11121'1 1:1111.111\1 11'111111111' 11111

1 .111, 1111'} 1'1 .111111'.11\|11'11'111.11111111111' 11111 11111111111111'1\111.111\11111111111]1

111xl1 \1111'111‘.111.111 \1111111'1111111111(‘111'11\11 1111'l.11111'x.11111111111111:111'1 1.111'\1.111111111/11

/ 1‘-( 11"1/ I I‘VK,

1311111011 I Lori Watson and the Rule of

Three \111 11111111 11.111. 11111'11.111.111\111'1'1.

1111111114111411 111'111'1\111.111}.11111' 1111111 11.11111111 1 1111.11} 11111'1‘111111'1111‘111.11‘} 11111111" .11111 x1111; 11111. 11.1111;_'1111.11 .11111.~.1'1'1111111111.111.1} \1'11111\11 1111111'1111111~11‘ 8111\1‘11111111111\\1111\11111'1\ \11 \.1\\ .\ (11'1 111-1'1 \ll\1.11\

111 1121111111 11111131


I An Comunn Gaidhealach \1111-1'1 11.111\.[11111111411011R11.111.111"N1 4'3 914 " 311 11pm L’J,.\ 1111;111111 11.1111111111.11 8111111x11 11111x11' .111111'\11111111111111.1111‘111;

banjo playing of 'i'fl'.“ 1" .1. 5.3:].[ 1.": 1'4”. II,

1141111111}: 1111' (1111.111 1111311111111 11.11111'1\. .1.111111'(11.111.1111. K11xl1'1'11\1.111)1111.1|11.11111 111111'1'11\1111111


I Big Bang (1111111111'11111 (113.

1 111\1'1\11} \\1'11111'. “1151‘: 711111111 L111 L l.‘ 1113111'111'1g} 1111111'1111'111.11111 11111111111111}:111}111111\11111111111'\11131'11 1.11111111111111.1111'l'1\' 1‘1'11111' 1111 1.111.1111'x1' 11111.1111111111111111p.

I 40 Strings & a Bow (1111- ('11\\.11'11111\. 1(11\\1.111('1111111.11(11111.: \111111118111'1'1. $1115“ ‘111111 L11 '11.1111111111.1l 811111141. 11‘1~11.11111 11111'111.1111111.1| 11111~11~ 1111111 (‘111'}1'11111' 11111\}111\111.11111:11111.11111$1'}1.11111.1\11'1 11'1'1111;11111\111‘.1|\1


I Stonedyke\\1'1-111111111111. 1111}.1l (1.111.111111111.11} \111'1'1. 55" 3‘171 .\ i1111111 Li \11111111'1 1111' 1111111 1‘11111'1'1111'


I Scottish Ensemble: Bluegrass Across The Water \1.11R11111-11 (111111: 1 111\1'l'\11}111\1111111p.111HN(1-1(1(\(1(1(1 <11111 L1111Ll11 ~\1-1' 11111 I;


I Mike and Ali Vass 1.1-1111 11111. (11111. 1111‘\111.1L'1‘.5111111111111\11'1‘1‘1.»1-5 ~.\ 111 T 11111111 U‘ 1111' \111‘111111 511111.11111 \111l111§_'\111111111111'.11111p1.11111

I Ceilidh Club 1111' 1.111. (11'11xx111.11111'1. 3:3 33‘") \11111 L11, 1111' 111-111' 81.11\ (11111111 1).1111'1' 11.11111


I Pete Shepheard and Arthur Watson K11'1'11'1111111‘l11111’.111\11(’1111r1‘11. 11.11111 \111'1'1. 111."< 5—:\1‘1 21111111 L5 1L~i.1'11111111'11L: 4111 \111111'11111 11'.1111111111.11 x1121;\.1111111.:11.111\ 11.1111 1111'111111'1111.111.1 \\111\111‘1‘:1 1'1K1'111\11111.11111.\11111\1

.11111111111.111‘. 1' 1‘1'1‘11111111'1x

The proliferation of quality bluegrass acts in the UK is evidence that geography is not a barrier to divining the musical spirit of the Appalachian mountains. This London-based six-piece have just released their second album Reviva/s, Rituals and Union Songs which is underpinned by the lilting tones of Oliver Talkes and the finely crafted

Pat McGarvey. Roots music that knows few boundaries.


I Michael Simons 1111.1111111.1. 111-1111\111111111\1'.l11‘1“.‘§x X11111 l..‘ (11.1\_~_'11\} 1111\1'111'1111.111\l111.1}\ 1111111111111'\;11111111‘}111111


I Fribo .11111Abagail Grey 1111' 1111111111 ( .11111. \1111.1} 111111\1‘. 1‘ 1111|}11111111\’11.111.i‘h '11111 ‘11111 L5 \111x11'.11111 \11111: 1111111 \1.11111111.1}1.1.1111| 311111.11111

I Mr McFall’s Chamber 111111111111 1111'.1111'.1..111}\}1'|1\\.1}. \il1\\1'11‘lllL'1l. (115 23-111 11111111 L1 411_11.\111111'111\ 1.115111 '1111' 1'1'11'1111 1'11x1'1111111'11111111111' 8(1) 111x1' 11111s11‘ 1111111 1111' 1:111' 14.1111111111'g11 11111111'1.111111'1 .11111 1'11111l1m1'1 \11111 1111' x11111111x111 1.111;.‘11.1'|.1\\ 111111.11111111111111.1[111121.11111111'1'1111111'11 \11: 111,11111'11111111111111 1/11/1111/11'11111'11 81'1' 1111'} 11'11. [1111'1' V1.

I Southern Tenant Folk Union, Blueflint .11111 James Cumming 111'111\'\('1'11:11 11.11.1\ 1(1;1\111111\1111 \111'1'1. 3380101 H i1111111 L‘ 1111111111. 111'.111 1’111111111 .111111\111 1112111

I Findlay Napier and the Bar Room Mountaineers 1211111111115311 111111 (11111. (1.111.111'1 11.11.1111'1’11'.1\.11111'. 151x111111..\p111_E11111 71111'11111lx} \11111111111111'1‘1x 111.1} 811111141 11.1x1'11 111.111'11.11\11111x111.11\11} 11.111.1111111' \1111111\ 111111111} \111111-1


I The Waverleys11111111-111111111-11111. (11111. '1111\111"1.'1}1'1‘11. 11.11111111p1'1111111. 111133 "2111?? 811111. L< 1'111111.111111'\. 11111112111“. 1.1// .11111111111111111 11'111111111\ 11}1'-1111'1'1'11111111-111\11'111111'111:1111111111


I Jim King 81 ,-\111111'\1. \ 111 1111' Squaw. SI .\11111'1'\}\ 8111111112 55‘) 5‘)”: ". i1111111 L'1L51. 1’1111111;1r(il;1\j_111\1. \111g1'lvx1111g11r1111