

; a Sips: ' I a". I. .1. ,‘ Licketyspit

, the people who brought us Molly Whuppie and Wee Witches, are back with another helping of inspired kiddie theatre. This time, it’s set in a world where

only play and imagination can save the day. Featuring a plethora of languages and dialects, bagpipes and

African drumming, this rich tapestry of a show is well worth checking out.

I Platform, The But/go, Glasgow. Nut (22'- S")! 95) Mar.

FREE Science at the Museum Sat/Sun Il.45ani. l2.45pm. l.45pm & 3.45pm. National Mtiseum ol Scotland. (‘hamhers Street. 247 4422. ('tntle lace to lace with science and scientists eyery weekend. Please [tote there are limited spaces (seating for up to 20). Ages 5+. Russian Dolls Sat l5 Mar.

l0am noon. £25 per adtilt atid child

I0 per extra person). Imagination Workshop. I36 Marchinont Road. 466 0148. IIay'e a go at decorating your own set ol’ sey'en Rtissian dolls in this parent and child Workshop. Suitahle lot‘ ages 6+.

Working with Leather Sat l5 .\1ar. I0.30am 3pm. £45. Four Winds Inspiration (‘entre. The Pavilion. lny'erleith Park. Arhoretuni Place. 332 222‘). A Ieathercralt Workshop l'or parent and child led hy Simon Potts. Booking essential.

StoryLab: Before There Were Books Sat I5 Mar. 2.30pm. £5. Scottish Storytelling Centre. 43 45 Iligli Street. 556 957‘). Judy Paterson and Sally J (‘ollins talk you through the process ol~ tuniing a story into a hook ys ith hands- on activities. Ages 7 10.

Children‘s Activities Wed It) Mar-Sun 13 Apr. I0am 5pm. £5 (£4). (ieorgian House. 7 Charlotte Square. 225 2 I60. Activities to keep the kids entertained during liaster hreak \s rite with a quill. try on costumes or handle the collection.

Springtime Easter Trail l-‘ri 2l Mon 24 Mar. 9am 5pm. Admission applies: £l l.50 t£8~£l0z under 3s tree: family ticket £35—<£40). Iidinhurgh Zoo. (‘orstoiphiiie Road. 334 ‘)I7 I. l.ots ol‘ egg-tastic actiyities around the IUD. Dinosaur Egg Hunt Fri 21 Mon 24 Mar. l0amw5piii. Admission applies: £9.50 (£7.50; children £5.95; under 3s free). Dynamic Iianh. lloly'rood Road. 550 7800. A careless dino has left eggs all over Dynamic Earth ~ find them all. collect the letters and enter the pri/e draw.

84 THE LIST 13—27 Mar 2008

Easter Chick Hunt I-‘ri 2I Mon 24 Mar. I0am 5pm. £5 t£4). (iladstone‘s Land. 477h I.ayynmarket. 226 5856. I'olloyy the clues to lind the chicks atid a treat.

Easter Treasure Trail Sat 22 & Sun 23 Mar. I0am 3.30pm. Admission applies: £0.75 (£5.75 £7.75; lainin ticket £22.75). Royal Yacht Britannia. ()L‘etttt I)riye. I.eith. 55.5 5.566. ('Itttih onhoard the lascinating Royal Yacht Britannia. and take part in some l'un Iiaster surprises.

FREE Homes for Wildlife Sat

22 Sun 23 Mar. l0am 4pm. Royal Botanic (iarden. 20a liiyerleith Roys. 552 7l7l. Find otit limit the RSPB yyhat you can do to attract \s iIdIil‘e into your garden. .Ages 5+.

FREE Real Life Science: Britain’s Rainforest Sat 22 Mar. noon 3pm. Royal Botanic (iarden. Iny erleith Royy. 552 7I7I. Yes. Britain really does haye a temperate rainlorest. Iiind otit more l'roiii |)r .\Ia\ ('oleman. Ages .S’+.

FREE Easter Bird Events Sat

22 Mon 24 Mar. ’I‘imes yary. IIoI_\'rood Park Ranger Sei'yice. IIonrood Lodge. 652 SI50. A yyeekend ol hirdie tun. ('ontact the Rangers l'or more details. Suitahle tor all ages hut under l6s must he accompanied. Booking essential. First Impressions: Faberge Sat 22 Mar. 'I‘iines yary. £4.50. Out ()l' The Blue Drill Hall. 30 36 l)almeny Street. I.eiih. 07‘)5l I372IS. Look at the rich Work of Faberge and create your oyy n jeys elled eggs. I5irst Workshop litll‘ ages 5 0. second liot‘ 7+.

FREE Traditional Games Sun 23 Mar. I2.45pm. l.45pm. 2.45pm tk 3.45pm. National .\Itiseum ol' Scotland. ('hamhers Street. 247 4422. Indulge in some old-time Inn \y ith the kind ol outdoor games your grandparents \yoiild has e play ed.

Easter Eggstravaganza Mon 24 Mar. I0.30am-—noon. £3.70 t£2.20). Hopetoun Honse. Shore Road. South Queeiist'erry. 3I‘) 3956. ’I'raditional

Iiastei‘ yyoi‘kshop Ill\t)I\ ing egg painting. egg rolling and other lainin actiy ities. Bring a hard hoiled egg or lWo. Booking essential. Spring Daisy Bedroom Name Plate Inc 25 Mar. l0.30 l I30am. £I0. Imagination Workshop. I36 .\Iarchmont Road. 466 0I4S. .\Iake your oysn daisy- shaped name plate. Ages 5+. Charm Bracelet Wed 26 Mar. I0 I I.30am. £12. Imagination Workshop, I36 Marchinont Road. 466 0|4.S'. l'se heads and string to create a da/lling charm hracclet. Ages l0+. How to Make the Perfect Poo Wed 26 Sun 30 .\lar. I Iain noon. £5 (£4). National \ltiseuni ol' Scotland. (iltttltthel‘s Street. 247 4422. Iiyer yyondered Itoys Iood turns into poo'.’ Well \yonder no more. as this shoyy takes a l'un approach to our digestiye sy stems y ia a giant rag doII. Ages 5+. I’m“! o/ Iii/tn/mre/t InIi'I'IntIi'onul .S'i’n'ni'i' l’cstnul. Puppet Making Wed 26 I'll 23 Mar. 2 3pm. £30. Imagination Workshop. I36 Marchmoiit Road. 466 (048. Make an animal string puppet and “File a play lor it to star iii. oy er the course ot three day s. Ages ()+. Card Making Thu 27 Mar. I030 I I.30am. £I0. Imagination Workshop. I36 Marchinont Road. 466 (ll-13. Make three tllllet‘eltl cards lot special occasions tising dillerent techniques. Ages 6+. Flame On: The Science of Fire Wed 26 Sat 2‘) Mar. 2pm. £4 t£3). National .\Itiseum ol Scotland. (‘hanihers Street. 524 0830. I-ind out all about the red tIainey stutl. yy ith tIoating lire halls and

Check out the

on paqe6

Iifihtning stitkcs I‘m: lancer

I':.'t Hafiz: w... \t a ':.i It ~::1..'

Theatre S Dance Martha \at t5 \Ial. 2pm :6 ‘I.tIIlII\ ticket 122‘ Binnton Ihcatie I .itlyyyell \\.ty. \Itissclhntgh. 665 2241' (Lithetitie \\ heels tctain \s ith the tale ol sttil‘hoztt \Iaitha. \sho Iiycs In the sea .tII on het oystt Ages 4 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears 8. Other Tales I II .‘I \Iai. .3 ‘tlpin 16 d4» Scottish Stoiytclltna' t'enti.‘ 3i .15 High Stteet. 556 “550 Isttlz'loyes I‘nppcts piesents this tctclline ot the t hiltlicn's \I.I\\I\ ItlIt' \flL‘S 2‘ I’m": " flit lllt,","i.' tut/nation It \i’titt/ 20¢” Cabbages and Kings \at if \I.tl. .‘pm £6 ll.tlll|I_\ ticket ’22 Iliiiiiton Ilieattc. I .idyyy clI \\.iy. \Insselhnigh. 66* 2210 Iahnla Rasa Ilante ( 'oiiipany picscnts .i pIaylnI and \isnal ilantc peitoiinancc tot young childien .III\I then laiiiilics. I.tklll‘.‘ place in .in oyctgioyut ‘.'.lItIt‘II

Peter and the Wolf W ed .‘6 .\

Ihti 2“ Mai. Ipiii .\ 5pm £|65ll LIS 50t£l3501l5 50 ll.tlllII\ ticket £50) I't‘sll\.tI Ihcatte. I 3 .“l \icolsoti Street. 52" 0000 \ iicys tI.iiitc \ci’sion ol I’iokoliey ls l.llllt)lls st oic lot .Ith‘\ 9 see |)|‘t'\ It‘\\ TWO Can Toucan Hit: 2" Hat. 2, 30pm £6 tt-l) Scottish Stoiytelling (‘entrc. 43 45 High Sheet. 556 ‘l5 "l Puppet play lioiii I'HItIlllfJ Pnppct 'I'Iieatie (‘o With a stoiy hasetl on Ilay ItI \Icls'eeis lahlc Ages 3 I’it/tu/ t/it I’ll/i/ii'l ,tnt/nittton ll'\/I\ti'/ 21" IN


FREE Talking Trees Storytelling stiii I6 Mat. 2 3pm Royal Botann (iaiden. Itiyeileith Ross. 24S 206s IaIcs oi lll.lj,'lt. tltystel'y. [tees and ttaycl lot cItiItIicti ol .iIi agest5t)

Family Story Circle Sat 22 \Iai. 2 30pm £ 3, Scottish Stoiytelliiig ('cntte. 4 3 45 High Sheet. 556 052‘) A llt'W cyent loi IaiiiiItes: gathei .iionnd ('Iaitc \ \ItllI tot tales and songs. Ages 4 t In! of ( i't/iiI/i ('ti/ttm'

The Well at the World‘s End Illt' )5 .\Iai‘. 2pm. £6, Scottish Storytelling ('cnttc. 43 45 High Sheet. 556 95") IIIIt'I.ltIl\t' puppet story hascd on an llIlI Scottish lolk tale ysith Ailic I'inIay Ages 5 0

Puppet Basket “ed 26 \Iai. 2pm t6 Scottish Storytelling ('entic. 4 3 45 Iliin Street. 556 952‘) \ilic I’lllltl} opens hci hig hasket ol puppets lot an atteinooii ol iiitci‘actiye story lun Ages 4 0

Outside the Cities

Activities and Fun

Easter Eggcitement In ll \I.” Still 2o Apr. I0ain 5pm £5 3 50) Almond \.illey Heritage ('cntie. \Iilllield. I.i\ingston.

0| 506 4I4 V5." Spiingtiinc adycntuics lot the Izaslei holidays \sith hidden clues. a treasure trail. springtime tialts and games Easter Egg Specials In 2! Mon 2) Mar. IIatn 4pm £tht Bo‘iicss tk Klllllt'll Railysay. I'iiion Stieet. Bo‘ncss. 0I506 822293. Izastci Inn in Bo'ness \'-IIII stcain trains. I'.;t\Iel eggs and childicn's entertainment.

Easter Eggstravaganza Sun 2 t \I.ii. l0.30aiii 5. 30pm £tht 'Iiaqnaii IIoiisc. Inncrlcithcn. 0|.S‘l6 S 30323 IItlIll Ioi oyci 6000 mini eggs in the 'Itaqttaii \Ia/c. take part iii ttcasure hunts III the house and grounds. plus painting. lace painting and a hottncy castle.

FREE Vogrie’s Easter Monday \Ioii 24 Mar. I30 3.30pm. Vogrie ('otintry Park. (iorehridge. HIS—75 S2I‘N0 Bring along a hard-hoiled tot traditional I'..’t\lt'l ttc‘llHlles.

Theatre & Dance

Fevered Sleep: Brilliant Inc IS Sat 22 Mar. the IS I‘ri 2I .\Iar I0 Wain ti I.30pm; Sat I Iain at 2pm £6 l£5) .\Iacrohen. l'niycrsity ot Stirling. 0]".S6 466666. ('handeltcrs. stars and lIickcring candles emhIa/on the stage tor a tantasncal exploration ot the ysorld attcr 'Iights out'. I'ittr .5 4 year oItIs.