

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days beiore publication to suzanne.black@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 13

G asgow

Vital Synz l 'nncixit} ol (il.t\j_'ll\\.

x\ll.ilttlll} lccturc lhcatic. 'lhoinwn Building. l'ni\ci\it} ,\\cnuc. 3 *llpiii UH 1L5» (il.i\go\i\ ncu pocti‘} .l\\Ut'l;tlIUll [‘lt'SL'lll\ dand} ioikxhiiciiian Siinon \iiiiitagc and )oung pocl lla/cl l'icu lickch axailablc on tlic door

Aye Write! (Glasgow's Book

Festival) \litclicll l.ibiai’_\. 3ll| North Sticct. 3H“ 30‘)” l'ntil Sat l5 \lai lllllt'\ \ttl'}, l’i‘icc\ \al‘}. (‘cntrcd on lhc cit} \ iiiagniliccnt \litc'licll l.ibi‘ai'_\. thc lt'\l1\;tltlllt'l'\;t plcthoi'a ol book i‘clatcd math and top litci‘ai‘} naiiicx lioiii Scotland and bc_\oiid. Among Ihmc \clicdttlcd Io appcar in Ilic lc\li\al\ linal lcu da'u arc \Vill Scll. Mcaghan llclahunl ixcc pic-x icu. pagc *3 l. (‘lii'ixtophci Biookiinic and Ro} llattci'xlc}.


FREE Alex Gray \liixxclbui'gh librai}. Ill Bi'idgc Sti‘cct. («)5 3|“. 7. ll) 0. lllpiii. 'l'hc \xi'itci‘ ol crinic Ihi'illcix talk\ about llt'l' “(ilk tillt‘tid ol lllt‘ l‘L'lL'IIW ol /’III II ll/m A. Booking i‘cquircd.

Saturday 1 5

Glasc ow

FRE Pat Monteath litil'tlt'H lionkx. ()8 Buchanan Sti'ccl. 333 77le. killplll. 'l‘hc poct and author ol ll'lio ’Iii'x I/ii‘ l-I'rrimim ’. an account ol thc i'cal c\ploil\ ol tlic ll<.i\ and lil'lllSll liitclligcncc. t'lltih about lllx lilc and books.

FREE John Barrowman Borch Book\. ‘LS' Buchanan Strcct. 333 "700. lgillpin‘ l‘l‘tllll \chl land \tagc to a lilc ol ,lm Illi'imi ll'il/ I)u. [hi/ii mg on It! and kicking alicn axx as ('aplain .lack in

Ion liiiom/ il'x all Iii llic Scottish boi'il. .'\lllt‘l'lt‘;lll acccntcd actoi‘/\iiigci'\ autobiograph}. .lmI/iiiig (ion.

Glas ow

F EE Jackie Kay(ila\go\\

\\'oiiicii\ librai'). 3nd lilooi‘. SI l’ai'nic Sti'cct. 553 83-15. Illani l.5llplll. lidinburgli born poct. author and kid\' \xi'itcr .lackic Ka} l't‘;ltl\ ll'Ulll I'lic [.41III/lllk'lllt'l'. \xhich c\ploi‘c\ thc licai‘t ol‘ cnxlaxcincnt through thc c\pci‘icncc\ of tour \wiiicii. and Mr ai‘ticlc 'Mixxing l‘accx‘. \\i'ittcn l'oi' 'l‘lic (hum/run in March 300’. FREE John Barrowman \Vaic-rxioiic‘x. l3b' l’l‘lllt‘t‘\ Sll‘t‘t‘l. 33b 3mm. Ilooli. l'l‘L't‘. Scc Sat l5


FREE Reading Group: Round Table Scottixh l’octi'} libi'ai‘). 5 (‘i'ichton\ (‘loxca (‘anongatca 557 38%. h Spin. 'l‘ickctcd. .»\n inloi'iiial pocti‘} i'cading group that cncoui'agcx Incl} dcbatc and ol‘lci'x iiiciiibci‘x thc chancc Io chooxc thc ptk‘lll\ l'Ul' booking and mom \lt‘lttllS plcaxc phonc oi' cinail

icccptiontd \pl.oi‘g.uk

Tuesday 18

Glasgow Tony Benn \litchcll librar}. le| North Sti'cct. 38" 30‘“). 0 "pint L“ It'bi. In an c\ti‘a littlc :\}c \Vi'itcl bolith. thc l'oi‘inci cabinc‘I lllllll\lL‘l‘. labour lcgcnd and pipc \llltlkcl' \Ul‘l‘L‘lllC rctlcctx on i‘cccnt lllllL‘\ in thc ltth\l instalment ol' hix \llill'lL‘S. .llort' Iimc for I’M/mm: Iliurim Soul-Joli“. FREE Jack Vettriano Borclcix Book\. 98 Buchanan Street. 333 “W. opin. 'l'hc Scottish paiiitci' ol‘ astounding!) popular

34 THE LIST ‘3—3" Mar -‘Q‘E

l.i//_\ dancc \c'c'llt'\ \l‘_'ll\ ci‘l‘l'c'S lll\ autobiogiaph} loxc oi Ioalhc lib '.‘.i‘lk. Ihcic'x no onc on Ilic plaiic-I who can tic-:2". lll\ llitllhll gcai l\ .i\lw'.llltllllf_'l_\ popular

Wednesday 19


FREE Jack Vettriano \\tilt‘l\l~7.c'\ \i (it‘itl'g't' \llt't'l. 33; 1~1 :(i ’Wm M“; la; '1‘ Trees \ct'lllxll l’ocu} l ll‘lal}. S (‘i’ichton‘x (low. ('anongatc. 55‘ 3S3“

3 llll‘lll L5 it‘i \ \pccial [‘t‘llitllllallct' b} bai'iloiic l’ctci (liiiipbcll and [‘lttllhl ('hiixtiiic ( iough ol l‘hxc \lacka} K l/I‘III'IIIL' IAN”! rm. \Klllcll \\.i\ wt to lllll\l\ b} l-dinbiii'gli c'itlllpil\t'l \lichacl l (\lt‘l (‘iibb (liganixcd bi lhc l’ocIi} \wiciation ol Scotland

Thursday 20

G asgow

FREE Gerald Michaluk lililtlk'lS Bookx. US Buchanan SIicct. 333 "UH (ipiii lhc inai'kctiiig guiu gi\c\ .l\\.t_\ a lc\\ liadc \ccich uhilc \hilting copicx ol lllS ncu book. [In Hit/kt ling Hm I in! \ lt’o/I‘ III Hus/urn I’ltmnmg imi/ ( iii/mm]. (rrtlt'l'lltllli in


Jay Muirhead litil'tlt'l’S lititll\\. UH Buchanan Sli'cct. 333 "till

Noon 4pm. 'I’hc author and mint gocx In Hell um/ Hulk Io pi‘oiiiolc lici dcbut no\ cl

Tuesday 25


Reading Group: Nothing but the Poem Scottish l’octr} l.ibi'ai‘_\. 5 ('i’ichton'x ('Iosc. ('aiiongatc. 55“ 38%. (till .S'piii. L5 IUI chioxing Ihc [\I'L‘\\III‘L‘\ ol i‘c\ icu. ci'itici\iii and h}pc. and \xithout i'cl}iiig on background knonlcdgc. llll\ gcntlc i‘cading gioup lcd b} Julic .loltiixloiit‘ locuxcx on thc icadci'x l't‘\ptlll\t‘ to thc tc\t l-oi' booking and iiioic tlt‘lllllx plcaxc phonc oi cinail

i'cccptionUI \Plittl'g‘llk

Wednesday 26

Edinbur h FRE The Bridge Readings: Meaghan Delahunt National l.ibi'ai'} ol Scotland. (icoi'gc |\' Bi'idgc. b3.i 4675, 7pm 'l'hc ;l\\;tl'tl \\ inning .\lclboui'nc gal lio\\ baxcd in \uld Rcckic. i‘cad\ li'oiii hci‘ llt‘\\t‘\l noxcl. I/It' Ru!

lion/I. Scc prcx icxx. pagc ‘3.

Thursday 27

Glas ow

FRE Meet the Authorhouse Team littl'tlL‘H Book\. 93 lltlt‘lltlltttll Sll‘t‘t'l. 333 7700. o Upin. .\lcct llic Icadiiig \cllr publishing coiiipan} and lllltl out him to [UN] that llltlllllw‘l'lpl into inonc}. \\ iili a pi‘i/c packagc to bc \xon.

FREE Crime Fiction Reading Group \Viitchtoiic'x. I53 I5" Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘llll5. (rill “.Rllpin 'l‘liix iiioiiIh thc group \\ ill tll\t‘ll\\ S.l Boltoii'x Sm Illltt


FREE Doug Johnstone \\alct\lolic\. l3S l’i‘incc\ Slicct. 33b 3N)!» bpin 'lickctcd. Young Scottish .tlllllitl'illlthlt' inakci' Doug .lohiixtonc launcth lll\ ncu l‘tltlb. l-IH' ()HIIJIH. l‘dSt‘tl \lll lllC L‘\Pliill\ ill a lictioiial Ioi' IS it ’i band. l:\pcct a icading and mm \onic song» Scc i‘c\ icu. pagc ‘1 Luath Ceilidh 'l‘hc \illagc. In South l~ort Strcct. lcith. 43S "Slll. "pin. L5 it.“ l’i‘ogi‘aniinc ol pocti'). lllllSlL’. \toi'} and iiii.igc\ troni Ihc Scottixh l\lL‘\ llI\\lt‘\l b_\ (‘hi‘ixtinc dc l.Iic.i and Robci’t .\|an .l;tlltlL'\Ult. 111‘: or (I i/iilli (ii/rim

Meet the Editors: The Reader Scotlixli l’octi'} librar}. 5 ('i‘ichtonk ('low. ('anongatc. 55" 3S"h_ ‘Rllpiii. L5 IL? i. Philip Um I\ icditoi‘i and Janc l)a\ IS idii'cctori. Ihc crcatn c lllllltl\ bchind Ilic litcrai'} niaga/inc. Hit Rt tit/I r. arc on hand to tll\c‘ll\\ tiitiii‘c plain tor thc iiiaga/inc. l’lcaxc book in admncc In xpacc is liinitcdi


ALAN GRANT & CAM KENNEDY Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde

- .0.


II’ffffi'.‘ BILL dmmm

‘1 ' Zippy: Walk A Mile in ' ' My Muu-Muu ‘“‘ I i:”:~i coco REGINALD HUDLIN LARRY STROMAN & KEN LASHLEY Black Panther: Black to . . . theFuture 2f .': z. :- ; ,3, ' " CC. ' . . o

-; xvi/aw Mir :ii iii "g:.:/,/§’-—'a<l.’Ilia/fill: