Visual Art


ill .\Hlill \\(N)tl‘lllt' Rinltl. llni)(l\ :3: 151 'lttc Snn noon .Sptn

FREE Buy My Love I nnl \‘u-d 1‘) \lat Solo t'\ltll\lllttll h} lontlott L'lalllll .tllhl l.\S.\


~1S KlllL' Sttcctt 553 3l5l \\ctl Sat

ttoott 5pm

FREE Stephen Healy: Ethereal .0. l‘nttl Sat 33 .\lat \ tollcctton ol photoptaphn \kotk dcptcttnf: ltuht llllt‘rH‘llllHllS lit tctnotc lttcttllttllS ll} \htntng pom-tittl lllell \tllllkt'\ tttto \\.tlt'll.'lll\. llH‘tS .tlltl llltll\. llt'tll_\ ttanxlijgntcx natntc ax \kllll ahcn tcchnolop}. tnttntcktnj: hcawnl} lllell on catth 'l ltc \cttxc ol \kntltlcl and lllll‘llelt' \oon lach. hnt pcthapx lhc photmjtaphct IS tnaktn}: a potnt ahont lltc llt‘t'lllljJ natntc ot \ttch‘lt'\


5 St .\lat'patct'x l’lacc 55‘ 3Nt3 lttc Sal I 5pm

Craig Mulholland: Grandes Et Petites Machines com I ‘nnl Sat 33 .\lat. ,\n tnxtallatton ol painting. \cnlptntc and \ ttlco at l\\tl lttt’allttttS tll (ilaxgon. Scc .\lacktntoxh (iallct).


-l5 KIN}: Stt'cct. 553 ~lS| i. 'l'ttc Sat

llattt 5pm:

FREE Ann Bowman, Luke Collins & Derek Lodge lnc IS .\lat Sat 5 \pt. .\'c\\ \ tdco \xot'k h} tht'cc ctnctggtnj: ;Il'llSl\.



(t l)nnda\ Stt'cct. 557-1ll5tl. .\lon l‘ll Illatn optn; Sat llattt 3pm. Graham Rich l'nttl lltll 3” .\lat.

Hcltcalc \caxcapcx patntcd on drtltnood.


(icorgc l\' Ih‘tdgc. 3-13 Slltlt), .\lon 'l‘hn Illatn Sptn; l'l'l Illatn 5pm; Sat

‘latn lptn.

FREE Edinburgh: Past and Present l'nttl l‘t't ll .\pt ltnagcx of thc ctl_\. \clcctcd h} \artonx pcoplc \\ tllt a \tgtnlicant conncctton to lidtnhnrglt.


3 \lat'kcl Stt'cct. 53‘) 3093‘ Mon Sat ltlatn 5pm.

Ansel Adams: Celebration of Genius O... l'nttl Sntt 3t) ;\pt'. [4 tL'3.5(); latntl} ttckct L'lth. .«\n c\hthtnon ol‘ .-\datn\‘ lattdxcapcx attd othcr ttnagcx ol’ naturc. 'lhtx ix thc nto\t contpt'chcnxix c L‘UllL‘L‘llUll tll llt\ \Htl‘k t‘H'l' t‘\lllltllt‘tl ltl thc l'lx'. \\ tth |5tl pltotogt'apltx spanning lllL‘ l‘llex it) the l‘l(\(l\_

FREE Recognised: Highlights trom the Collection l‘nnl Sat It) :\pl‘.

Illatn 5pm. lhgltltghtx lrotn thc (‘.-\("\ collcctton ol' Scotttxh art. Including \tork h} Rcdpath. Paolo/xi. lilackaddct‘ attd llcllan}.

FREE Boyling Point l'nnl Sat It) :\pl'. Illatn 5pm. l’oltttcal \attrc Ill cartoon l'ot‘tn lrotn tltc \\ ttt_\ pcn ol l't‘ank llo) Ic. C;tt'lttttlll\l lot thc lit't'mnc .\‘nn \tncc [00%


33 3S (‘ockhttt‘n Strcct. 330 l3ntt.

'l‘nc Sat noon 5pm; Mon Sat

‘Utlatn .5ptn.

FREE Them l'nttl Sat 33 Mar. .\'c\\ mhihttton ot‘ \ tdco work h) l’oltxh arttxt .-\t'tttr ltttijcu \lu. run in conjunction \\ tth a progratnmc ol‘ c\cttt\ uplortng ‘l’oltxh- Scottish cultural \ntnnlation' tn (iallcr) ll. 'l'hc progratntnc \\ ill alxo hc curach h) tltc artist.

I CORN EXCHANGE GALLERY (‘onstttntion Strcct. 5th 7300. \Vcd Sat

l latn 4.30pm.

FREE You Are Still Here l'nnl 'l'hu In Apr. .-\t‘ll\l .laltlL‘S (lrL‘L‘ll.\ lir\l \olo mhihition in Scotland look back at tltc an of ancicnt cultnrcx and qumttonx \\ hat

98 THE LIST '3 .‘ ' ‘.'g:'

tntntc \l'~lll\.lllt‘ll\ null dncoxct Throttch thc \tnd} ot thc att that xx c lca\ c hc'tttntl


3‘ llcltottl Road. “31 “3”” lllatt‘. 5pm FREE Collage City: Urban Space in Contemporary Art oooo I an! Sun 31) \pt \\l‘ll\\ on papct ht .tlll\l\ \nch .t\ loh} l’alclv'lt. l anplantlx and llcll and (atol Rlltttlt'S looktn: at thc “at \ktitttt'x. map and t It} .llkllllk'x tntc hax c tmpttctl ttcatnc \kttllx lll|\ t'\ltll‘lllttlt htjghltc'htx thc \lllLlJl pmttton ot nthan \I‘JkC .t\ .t pl.t}gtonttd tot .tl'll\l\ o\ ct tltc paxt h” )t'.tl\

FREE The Scientific Aspect of Surrealism: The Work of Grace Pailthorpe and Reuben Mednikoff

l nttl Sun 3" \pt \\ttll\\ h} In (itacc l’atlthotpc and .tlll\l chhcn \Ik'tlllllfllll on thc lhctnc ol antotttatNtt tn \llllt'allSl att .tlltl lllt'll lL'\L'.ll\ ll lllltt tltc llll\ Ultu lttlIS FREE Ben Nicholson l mu] \lott i \la} l’.llllllll_‘.'\ and [‘lllllS h} lllllhll .tlll\l llcn \lcllttlutll o lS‘H my.


ll (i.t}ltt‘|tl Sttttatc. 55K “l I” Inc ltt llatn optn; Sat noon 5pm

FREE Group Show coo l nttl Sal 3h .\pt. lhc \I\ .llll\l\ taktngg patt tn dogpct'ltxhct‘x annual 3.3tonp \hou lll|\ _\cat' arc ('latt‘c llatcla}. Sata llatltct. \ctl ('lctncnlx. Sall} ()\l\ttltl. Jonathan (l\\cn attd J\ll\lt‘\'lll Schatct .\ll thc .lll|\l\ atc concctncd \\ llll thc do tdc and \hatcd tctt'ttot‘} hctuccn \cttlptntc and \tall haxcd \totk. attd tltcn \kttll\\ man than tloot to ccthng. Scc tc\ lt‘\\. pagc ‘lh

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 3i l’ntonStt‘cct. 55331“) Inc Sat lll.tlll (ilttll.

FREE Alastair Clark Sat 33 .\lat Sat Ill .\la). ltlant (\[tllt Solo L‘\llll\tllttll In tltc tnt\cd tncdta artt\t.

FREE Gill Tyson Sat 32 .\lat Sat In .\la}. Illatn (\Plll. Solo c\hthttton h} thc l-tlc pt'tttttttakct

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY ~15 .\lat'kct Stt'cct. 23.5 23K}. .\lon Sat llattt (tpnt; Sttn noon 5pm

FREE Print the Legend: the

Myth of the West 0.00 [mil Sun J May (itonp mlnhttton cntatcd h} .lI'l .lIUIII/l/\ cdttot' l’att'tcta lltcltctx. c\plottng_' thc tnl'lttcncc lcgcndx and lll)lll\ ol tltc lloll}\\tnul-conxtrnctcd \\ tld \\c\t ha\ c ltad on contctnlmtar} .tt‘t. lnclttdcx \kot'k h} .\Illxt‘ \clxon‘ l)t\ll:_‘l;l\ (tol‘tlolt. Sttnon l’attcrwn. Salla l'_\l\l\a attd (itlltan \Vcartng. Scc t'cx tcxx. pagc 05


() (‘at‘lton 'l‘crt‘acc. 55o ~l-l-l I. Want 5pm, David Austen 8. Man Ray l'nnl Sat 15 Mar. 'l'hc latcxt tn tltc lnglch} \ \crtc\ ol lotttl c\lttl\ttton\. ultct‘c lltc \\ot‘l\ ol a contctnpot‘at‘} at‘ttxt IS \lltt\\ll alongxtdc that ol a clawtc 3(lth ccntur} ligntc.

Ori Gersht 8. Jan Brueghel the Elder Sat 33 Sat 3‘) Mali li\hthttton ol \torkx h} ()rt (icrxht and Jan llt‘ttcghcl thc lzldcr.


l5 Ralltlttlplt (‘I‘L‘SL'L‘IIL 335 SSH).

.\lon \Vcd & tn ‘Ullatn 5.3tlptn; 'l'hn noon 5.3tlptn; Sat 0.30am 3pm: Exposition Fabrizio Maltese l'nnl 'l'htt I.“ .-\pt‘_ .»\\\ard-\\ tnntn; pltotographct‘ l'tll‘l'l/ltt .\laltcw \\lll c\lnhtt at lltc Ill. .1 \crtcx ot portrattx ol' l-t'cnch actorx attd iilnt dtt‘cctot‘x.


‘l'ltL‘ .\ltttllttl. l’l'lltcL‘S Sum. (\34 63””. Mon \Vcd ck l‘lt‘t Sun Illatn 5pm; ’Ihn ltlatn 7pm.

FREE A Response to Joan Eardley: Recent Paintings by Saturday Art Club and Saturday Studio l'nnl luv 35 Mar. lnxptt'cd h} thc patnttngx ot Joan liardlc}. clnldt'cn agcd hctuccn to c and I5 wars hax c hccn crcattng UN” on n artxtork at rcgulat' Satnt'da} clawcx. ‘l'htx is a chancc to \cc tltctt' \Htl'lc

FREE Reunited: Rubens - Ribera l nttl Sun h \pt lhc tll}lltt‘l\\f31c:tl patnttnz' ot 'lltnnltcn Stlcnnx' h} lnxcpc tlc Rthcta IS on loan to tltc f_'.:llcl_‘~ tot txxo lllttllllIS. and \\ lll hc doplayul :tlHllL'tht' l’t'lL‘l l).ttll Rlll‘t'llSA k'.l\l \‘l llctod‘ lhc pan \xctc thc htchltgghh ol a l"th ccntntx \l‘llt'\ll|‘ll .ttn.t\\cd l\_\ \xcalth} llt‘IIHSll tnctchant (impatc lx’ootnct

FREE Warder‘s Choice l nttl Sttn 3~ \pt \ tollcc tton ol punk and \ll.l\\ lll_L'\ ltotn thc ( i.tllt'l\ \ collcctton c hoxcn h) thc \\.tltllll‘_' and ttont ol hottxc \talt

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l,.ll.lct' Hl llttl}ltmtlltt\tl\c. <5“ Q lllll

t( loxcd l H 3lt t5 “.1 5th

Bruegel to Rubens: Masters of Flemish Painting l nltl Snn h \pt lhc lll\l c\lnl\ttton c\ ct tnonntcd ot llt'HIISll patnttttgrx tll lltc lx’o_\a| ('ollcctton l‘lllljJS topcthct 5| \xotl\\ ttotn tltc

l5th lath \t‘lllllllt'S. tnclndtnfg \totk h.\ llanx \lctnltnfg. l’tctct litttcjgcl tltc l-ldct and l\’tll‘t'lt\ l’lcaxc notc tltat hclotc I ll 3l \lat l.t\l .ttlIIIISSIHII IS l lllpnt

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ltnctlcttlt Ron. 553 3|"I l)atl_\

lll.tlll l 5llplll

FREE Images of the Garden X

l nttl Sun In \lat. ltlatn -l 45pm lcnth anntxctxat} ol lltc annnal c\htl\ttton ot lllt‘ lk'Sl ttl lllt‘ \\tttl\ l‘} \llltlt'lll\ tll lllt' l\’( illl adttlt cdttcatton clawcx \lan} ol lhc ptcccx. tn a \attct_\ ol tttcdta. .ttc tthpncd h} thc cattlcn


ltnctlctth Ron. 3-lS 3‘lSi Inc Sun lllatn 5, illptn.

FREE Neville Rae: A Town for Tomorrow l'nttl Sun 3” \pt.

ltlatn 5 illptn. .\ collcctton ot hlack and \tlntc pltttlttjjlttplh. colottt collagcx and tnatlncttcx that httng to ltlc [Hopoxah lot pnhltc art tn (‘ntnhcrnanld tltat \\t‘tt' llt'H'l' l’t'allSL‘tl

FREE Nick Evans: Primary School 0.”. l 'nttl Sun 31! .\pt.

Illatn 5. lllptn .\mx \cnlptntal \xotltx h} thc (ilaxgou :Il'll\l. hct‘c nun}: a ductxc t‘attfgc ol tltctlta ltottt caxl and axxctnhlcd l'L'Slll to pont‘cd alnttntntttn and hand htttlt ccratntcx to \ttlncrt \cttlptttt'al ll;ttllllttll\. \\ltllt‘ dtxpla} lllf.‘ an acntc nndct‘xtanthng: ol Ins choxcn tncdta.

FREE Tony Swain: lmpure Passports moo l'nnl Sun 20 .\pt. lllatn 5.3llptn. \ctx patntcd. collagcd “(trim on ncu \papcr cntttnggx lrotn thc (ilthgoo l‘il\L‘tl :tl‘lISI. \\lltl\t' ll';ltl\lttl'llt;lll\c Stll'l'callSl \ktllx lcnd c\ctt thc \tnallcxt \tot'k tntt'tgtnn; ptcxcncc.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY ’l'ltc .\lottnd. 335 («F/l. .\lon Sat

lllatn 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

FREE Cultivating Creativity l'nnl

Mott M \pr. School art \xot‘k and \ktll'lth lrotn thc RS.~\\ pcrtnancnt collccttott.


lo l)lllltl;t\ Stt‘cct. 55S 13””. Mon l‘l'l Illatn (tplll; Sat Illatn Jplll.

Archie Forrest l'nttl Sat 5 .-\pt'. \cu patnltngx h} thc R(il :tl'IISI.


"’5 llcllord Road. ()34 030“. Want 5pm. FREE From Sickert to Gertler: Modern British Art from Boxted House Sat l5 .\lat‘ Sun 33 Jun.

Illatn 5pm. x\ collcctton ol 30th ccntnr} lil'lllSll art that hung tn llo\tcd llonxc. hotnc ol' Bohhtc and \ataltc llcxan lrottt I‘m» "'4: .\l‘llSlS t'cprcxcntcd tnclndc .\'ataltc Hum}. .\lark (icrtlct‘. \Valtcr Stclxcrt. llarold (itltnan. ('hat'lu (itnncr. (‘ht‘txtophcr .\'c\tn\on. John .\rtnxtrong ttlltl l‘l'L‘tlL'rlClx (iorc.

FREE Maternity: Images of Motherhood Sat l5 .\lar Sun 33 Jun. ltlatn 5pm. .\ xclcctton ol' uorlcx lrotn tltc \attonal (iallcrtcx ol Scotland

\hoxt tng; t‘cprcwntatttuh ol' tnotltcrhood

trottt thc cat‘l} chatvancc to thc prcwnt.

ll‘. [\tllttc‘ISlttl‘ \\llll lltchland 300‘ and thc lhchland ('onnc ll

FREE Miroslav Balka: Entering Paradise l nttl Snn 3" Jan l‘ttnt t‘otttoho ttotn thc l‘oltxh .tlll\l


l Unccn Sttcct‘ (‘3 1 tx‘tttl \lon \\ctl .\ lll Snn ll’attt 5pm: lhn lllallt ‘ptn. noon ‘l‘lll

FREE BP Portrait Award 2007 l nnt \nn 33 \l‘l lhc lcadtnpl ix \hoxnaxc tot .lll1\l\ \\otl\tn;' tn l‘t‘lllalllllt‘ llll\ \cat tot thc lll\l tttnc thc cotttt‘ctttton l\ opcn to all .tlll\l\ a;'cd l\ and oxct

FREE The Somnambulists: Photographic Portraits from Before Photography l lllll Snn h \[‘l l xtny \ttlllt'llll‘t‘lafl tll;‘ tcthntttncx. .llll\l loanna lxanc tcndctx [‘ltotoytaphtt llht'llt'\\t'\ ltont [\t‘lllallS ol htxtotttal \xlllll\ll ltg'tttcx. t.tkcn ttottt an I tltlll‘lllt'll collcttton ol lttc and tlcath tlt.t\l\\ lt‘x l.l\\lll.tllll‘.'. \hcddtng' \tl\t‘l_\ hz'ht on

lllSlt‘lk nottonx ol \ttctttt"


l lll\t‘l\ll_\ ot l’tllltl‘tllt'lt. Sonth littt g'tn h5ll 33W lnc Sat lll.tllt 5pm

Enrico David Sat \ Sat lo \l.l\ (ionachcx. photog'tapln and l.tl_‘.'t‘ \ .lll\.t\t'\ \ll .tlonggxtdc \cttlpttttc ot \.tt_\tn§.' \\.ll\' hx thc ltaltan .tlll\l. \xtth clcat htth to an llllct‘llll‘lt‘lllhllll'. hold ltahan tlt'\l‘.'ll ltadttton

I TOTAL KUNST @ FOREST 5llllSlH l’lacc. 33H 15:5 lllatn tnttlntrht FREE Shadow Bestiary l lllll Sun In \lat \c\\ all ltottt .\lhatt lla\tct and Rohctt l’oucll


I DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS I53 \cthctgatc. HI iSI ‘M‘Ntttt Inc. “M. l‘ll tk Sat I” Want 5 ltlptn. lllll Ill Want .S ‘llptn. Snn noon 5 lllptn FREE Camilla Low: Straight Letters 0... l lllll Snn ;U Mar Ill Want 5 lllplll. l)c\c|opcd cxpcttall} lot thc |)('.\. tlnx ncu \cttlptntal c\lnhttton h} thc .\ttl\\t'_‘.'l.tlt .llllSl ctcatcx \ttt'pttxtngl) light. holdl} colotttcd ptcccx \thtch \xot‘k pct‘lccll) Ill thc lllljJt'. \nnn} \pacc. out ol hatd. lnntttonal haxc lll;llt'l'l;ll\ FREE Arts Action l'nttl Sat ll \la}. Spin t-\ latd hack swoon tot panic pcoplc to pct tn\ol\cd tn tnaltttt}: atmoth and hand prtntcd tnapa/tncx. ax \H'll a\ chcclttnj: out c\lnhttton\ and llllllS at l)(”.’\ FREE Alena Asenbryl l‘nttl Stttt 37 .\pt‘. I”. 5ll;tll| 5. lllptn. .\n c\hthttton ot tlltttntnatnc |L‘\\L'llt'l'_\ tlcxljgllS. FREE Bethan Lloyd Worthington l'nttl Sllll3~1\lll. Ill lllant 5 lllptn l-\plorc tlnx tll\t'l\t' and altcrnatc cctatntc \tot'ld \tlttch \tllll'ISL‘S c}ntcal cotpot'atc unaucx. pt'cxcntx tllll‘ltlllS loolanj; tahhnx lll llt'cle'l'L'lllt'lS. dtpx Into thc \.lj._'.lllt'\ ol accottntattc} and L‘\[tltth\ l',a\lct'lt litll'ttpt‘all \\ ttchct'alt. FREE Graphic Works: Will Maw l'nttl 'lnc 33 Apr. ll). illatn 5. lllptn l<o_\a| ('ollcgc ol .»\rt arttxt \thl Man pltlllL'IS a \crtcx ol L'\pct’llllclll;tl St'lL‘L'llpl'IIIIS ulnch \nhtly and \IlllllllallCttUSl} rclctcncc lltc tt'adttton ol tlltttntnalcd tnannxcrtptx and contctnpot'ar} printing: tcchntqncx.

I DUNCAN OF JORDANSTONE COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN l'nnct'xtt} ol l)undcc. l3 l’cnh Road. ll|33334531tl .\lon l'rt (llllitlll 5.30pm; Sat 9.30am 4.30pm.

FREE Gavin Renwick: The Home Office l'nttl in II Apr. Draw n lrotn lllx cxpcrtcnccx ot uorktng tn thc .\ortlmcxt 'lt‘rrtlttrlt'x ol (Itnatla lltlS hod} ol \xorlt c\plorc\ tdc‘ax (ll land Usc. (nutcrxltlp and hotnc. ln anttctpatton ol lllS ncxt norlx. \klllL'l] \Hll hc ccntrcd on Scotland. chxxtck IS [ritllxlttrllllllg thc gallcr} tttto lnx uork \pacc and “Ill hc lll\llll];_' opcn tllScUSSlttll.