
[filf~.l,l,»\{ i 1"," All HEM": ME in» - - - Poles or Asuans? No, ou ust have a committee of WHITE SEASON d h h .3, ’hd b h BBCZ' Starts Fri 7 Mar co gers w o aven a res l ea etween t em. Rivers of Blood (Sat 8 Mar, 9pm 00. ) takes us on a voyage into the past back to Enoch Powell’s infamous

No doubt there will be chins being stroked and hands being wrung over whether the BBC is correct to be speech which prophesised Armageddon in the streets of 1 giving a voice to some of the unchallenged casual Britain. The film shows the aftermath of Ted Heath I , i‘ I" xenophobia and downright blatant racism that is aired ousting him from the Tory Party and how the outpouring "W at ' during this season of dramas and documentaries. of support from left wing trade unionists to right wing Whatever you think about that, there's an odd feeling thugs very nearly caused a revolution. White Girl (Mon r' z , ' ' v .' . .; w . .

that some of the strands don‘t quite hold together. 10 Mar, 9pm 0. ) is a strange drama, in which young ' ' : w " ,' : x ' :z .' " Last Orders (Fri 7 Mar, 9pm 00 ) is a reasonable Leah rebels against her family by wrapping a hijab round '1' 1 :' : " w w ' ' depiction of a Bradford community going to the dogs herself and quoting the Koran at her abusive dad. The :' :' ' . . ' z w " :' j v " «-

but simply tags on some undiluted hate and ignorance whole point of the piece is unclear but if it‘s meant as a : , 1. ' .' v . almost for the sake of it. The programme focuses on a metaphor about teaching tolerance in the young, that's in ’1 w ' i " w w w .iw A working man’s club which has hit hard times and can't all fine and well. I‘m just not sure it knows what it‘s Bionic Woman 3’1. . ' 1 Wu. cope with change. It must be the fault of those pesky doing. (Brian Donaldson) v: o ' ~:

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i‘llfli' (1 filtlrfi («J-"lthrh L‘ I [lr‘l'tflfl

Brian Donaldson finds alpha males M (M Uh, (W ,p l v ,1. . W . .1 I” I‘ r i“! if t'f., / . ‘..‘\)i!'_'l7 .1 ,(.\'>i7'((. '~"V .‘,“H‘," i","\l, f.1.:.(: : and reconstructed women are H M . (z >r‘.<i,ti lfjii‘Sti'T. filmy“; .<:,"..w’-!>‘. ' -' H", ' I‘, r,' ' , Ir ' l: i running amok in new US dramas W ) \ I r Hill‘ilt'llllt'l vitiigllt;;l'zr'taiir‘trnil. .wzu Pix-mm: .'.‘:":.'il"524"t’l

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