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> Live Visuals by nofimput

Suppon from Simon Hallworth, Steve Foulds 81 BrokenChann €10 Adanssaon 128 881018 Miomgnt r ECCF NUS Friday 7th 01 March. Doors 10:30 - 3A 1

n n

151 Friday every Month

{‘35 14 Plan), Pt 5 ’_ . Emu E11131! 1111 01314787434

40 THE LIST 38 Feb-‘3 M111 2335

1.17 f. y 1 The 88 crew step back to the 80s for one more

15"“ ‘Superboogie Breaks‘ special. So expect plenty of 1)- boy action from the tracks that helped shape the face of hip hop. from Run DMC to Public Enemy. As if that wasn’t enough excitement, there‘s also a live show from Style Trial‘s Etch’n'Sketch.

'"L~(/1I/1n' {,1 .~ .11'.! 1 1.4 1

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I Modern Lovers .11 1111- (111W 1.111. \1.;: 11:2;

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I Moonstep 111 1111'\'11111111111{1111111\ I Planet Earth .~.‘ 1 1

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1'11't’11111‘1'1‘ 1.111: j" ‘1"

I Skunk Funk .' 1‘1.» 1 1/ 11:1;

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01;; Nemesis 111 1111- \1111111111 1\)111llll\

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K111}.1111'11x111g11111111'11111111-1 x1111- 111 11.21.11 11:31“. "\1.-:

11111'11'x1111c. [11‘1'1111'111.1111‘1- 111111 1311111111 I Soul Biscuits 1

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I Boogie Fridays

FREE Espionage

I Why Not?

I Bastard 3-

I Cabaret808 \‘1

I The Egg i~' 1,

I Fever 1

IFishFry -- 111'.

1" 1‘ 1111'- 11‘1111'\~I "

I Give it Some! " 1'. 1

‘\‘..' \11‘ .111

IKarnival I

I Liquid Soul 1‘ ‘1 ':

.LUIU'1 ~ «11'

I Luvely 1 1'

I Messenger Sound System w " 11 1 .' w

\L I..\_