
KllllUllWlfl 111 my 111.11.;

Yeah, sorry, we couldn‘t resist. Kimono Mackintosh, Glasgow‘s

festival celebrating the art of the pretty dressing gown goes into its second year, with a stretched out programme of events. Look out for art and orgami workshops, traditional dance performances, a sushi demonstration and a kimono fashion show. See listings for more details.


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Spirit: Chinese Spring Lantern Festival lx’nyll 11111.11111 (1.11111‘11. 311.1 1111.1'111'1111 lx’nu. 1*; 2111111 1 11111 \11111) \ldl llllll 1115.111 (l :11 N illllm Lliltl‘ 1.111111) 11111-1 L11»: l.1§_'|lI .11111 11.111111‘ \‘111111\111t' 1111\1'.111111I11 1'111'1'1 111\.nl!.11111\ 111\l (‘11111m1' 5111111: 1 .11111'111 1c\11\.11 111111111“) 1111111111111111'g|.l~\11nll\c\.1ll11 uplnlc 1111‘ \1;111\.11111 \Hlllltl\l‘l .1111'11‘111 (11111.1 11111111211 1111' t'nllllll‘} \ 1111141111411 111‘111'\. 1111111\ 1‘1'111111‘.111nll nl 1111'111.1§_'1g.11 lnl'lll nl 1.1111t'l'll\ .11111 1111- 111'11111} nl ('111111-w 1‘1.Illl\ 111111111115; 1~\\1'1111.11

111118 & Festiva 8 Edinburgh International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace 2008 8.11 1 1111- 11 \1111. \‘.111nll\ \1'11111‘x. :‘1 131111 111111*\ M11} l’ilt't'x 1.11} \ t‘clt'llmllnll nl .hpct‘lx nl \11111111.11 111*.11‘1'111.1k111;_'. \\ 1111 .l \\ 1111' 1.111131' nl L‘\t'lll\ 111111111111: \11111111.1|lullmlx.\1111k\11np\.11111 t'nlllclcnt'cx 111.‘ 11'\Il\.11 \wlt‘nlllcx ;_'111w1\ 1111111 .lt'lll\\ lllt'l .Illll llll'lllk'l .Illt'lll 11‘ 1-11111‘11t‘1111\1-1\.111n11\.11111 1111‘ \11111111.11 .11111 (llllllldl t'\t‘11.lll§_'c \w \1 \l. \\ 111C\[‘ n11; 11k lnl lull 11\1111;_'\ Scottish Motorcycle Show \.11 \ .\ $111111 \l.11. 1(n}.11 111;;111.11111('1-1111'1‘. lllgllxlnll. 315112111 11.1111 511111 L13 Ll.< 1:".1'11111111'11 1111111-1 1511mm \111.1t'11n11\ 1111'111111' 1111111111'11~ nI 1c\1nlt\11\11\.'~. 111.111111.1t'11111'1\‘ 111\111.1}\ .11111 .1 111111111;1.11‘111.‘ 1‘\1111\111n11. I‘llh 1111' .11.111t1- 11111} n1lI1111.111111k111;.11111\llpcllllnInx. .1111111111111111 \111} 1 11:11 1n1 111: l c.111c1 nl Illc 1’.1g1\ \1nnnlll. \1nnlll'

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Dine Around Edinburgh 1 1' 1 --

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Edinburgh Fur Free City: Fur Free Drinks 1 11 \l.11_ \( 1. ‘\\.-\1 \lnllI-jnlll.'1\ 1’1.1\ “a "f 1.‘ "1‘111 11.'.' 1111 11\'1'1111111.\.11111111\11\\11'11.11111111 1111111113.: \11'1‘1-‘1111'1'1111‘Jl 1111 11.111.1n11 lll.'111\111111.1_\ 111."..‘13 111-»!1111 111111" .11.- .11\l“.‘-\'1‘l\l§ 1‘11‘11'\1\ .17 \lll1l11‘\'\ .-‘.1‘!\ \.1Ill111.11 .1\\1'1111\|1‘.11Rcz'lxllf. lll‘lln' .11 1lnnll


Mark Wallinger \.111n11.11(1.1111-1_\ .11 \11111.11111 ll.1\‘.llll‘111\11‘11 l .xlch 1111x1111: 1111' “111111111131 1131111 11 \[llll 111'1' 1.111. 11} 1111' 31111" 11111111 1’11/1' \‘.111111-1 .1x 111' 1.1k1w1111111x111'u 11'\1111*11.} .111111111\111;:|1 (.Hllt‘g't' 1'1 \11 \1'1' I1l\llllkl. [MISC :11 EAZA Year of the Frog Talk 11111 n \l.11.11111111111211/nn_('nhlnlplllll.’|<n.111. ii-l‘IIW (1 i11 \ l1111111 111111.1111‘11\

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The 2008 Middle East Festival Lecture 2 \l.‘ 11,, .1,‘ y .1, l. \ \ \ \,1\ ‘\ \\ x \z. \\ i1 1. .\\

Silver: Made in Scotland: Watercolours in the Museum \‘.1"\ \..r‘ ‘\l..' \ \11.\.-.~ .1? \..1' m1

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'- 1'. -‘ THE LIST 31