Visual Art



David Pollock talks to the artist whose sculptural works frame the films of Sarah Tripp and The Magic Lantern at the CCA’s new exhibition

David Pollock What form does y0ur work take?

Robert Orchardson Effectively. it's sculpture, its three- dirnensional work. But it also sits between sculpture and the references which play out within each piece. Certainly for this exhibition the works are also functional in the sense that they interrelate wrth other parts of the show: they're pieces of furniture too. and architectural interventions. I can use a moment from a film or an architectural detail to inform a piece. and these are chosen randomly.

DP In what way?

R0 There's a series of wooden screens I've made which take stills from the stargate sequence at the end of Kubrick's 2007: A Space Odyssey. a very trippy. hallucinogenic. fast-moving animation. 80 it uses the language of traditional furniture-making alongside this modern design someone described it as being like a Bridget Riley piece conceived by arts and crafts carpenters. It creates a paradox between these two idealisms. the futurist and the traditional, although I prefer to think of it as a tension.

DP Which pieces have you created for this show?

R0 I've made large aluminium screens which were derived from various different areas, primarily the work of an architect named Bruno Taut. He wrote a book called Alpine Architecture in 191 7, which was a utopian proposal for a series of crystalline buildings to be built across the top of the Alps. The technology just wasn't there to create these. but I'm interested in the way people borrow these ideas to Create something new. Of course. We also been influenced by the films being shown here. although they aren't a collaboration. We designed the forms they'll be projected onto and the seating around them. so again there'll be a tension there which adds a more tangible element to the experience of watching video art.

I Let Me Show You Some Things, CCA, Glasgow. until Sat 29 Mar.

98 THE LIST :8 Feb—‘3 Ma' LOSS

I BOURNE FINE ART fi I)lllltl.l\ Street. 55" -lll5ll \lori lll lilarn opni. Sat llarn 2pm Graham Rich in 2‘) l'elt lliti Ill \lar lk'llt'dlt‘ \t'.l\‘t'\ l‘allllt‘tl iitl tll‘lll\\tltltl I CITY ART CENTRE 2 \latkel \llt't'l. 5:" 1"": \li'll \tl lllarn 5pm Ansel Adams: Celebration of Genius O... l ntil Sat l‘l \pr. lllarn 5pm til it: 5”. larml} trtket t; lili \n e\lirl\rtron ot .\tl.irn< lanilseapex antl other llll.lj._‘t'\ of nature 'I lll\ IS the illit\l eornprelrenxn e eolleelion ol lll\ \xork e\er e\liil\itetl in the l K. \\llll l5ll pllitlogtaplh \parmrng the l‘llllx to the l‘lollx See re\re\\. page ‘lfi FREE Recognised: Highlights from the Collection l'iitil Sat lit :\|ll'. lilarn 5pm. llrghlrghtx from the ('.-\( "S (llllt'k'llllll til St‘itllhll all. rneltrtlrng \xork h) Retlpatli. l’aolo/Ii. lilaekatltlet .llltl liellan} FREE Boyling Point 1 lllll Sal l‘l \pt'. lilam 5pm. l’olitreal satire in ear'toon lor'rii lr'oin the \xitt} pen of l'l'alllx “rule. eat‘toorii\t lot the mug .Vt'li \ \Illk't' l‘l‘l‘)

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY :3 3S ('oeltltut'ir Street. 2:” lion. lue Sat noon 5pm; Mon Sat ‘lfitlam 5pm. FREE Them 0... l'ntrl Sat :3 .\lat‘. Ne“ e\liiltrtron ol \itleo \\tll‘l\ h} l’illISll ill‘llSl .r\r'tur' /.rnr|e\\\l\r. run in eoniunetion \\ ith a programme ol e\ent\ e\ploi'ing ‘l’olixlrSeottrxh eultural stimulation‘ in (lilllt‘l'} ll. 'l'lie pr'ogr'ainriie \\ ill alw he eur'atetl h} the tll‘llSI. See t‘e\ ieu, page ‘Hi.


73 lik‘lltll'tl Road. (ill (iZtltl. lilain 5pm. FREE Collage City: Urban Space in Contemporary Art eeee l'iuil Sun 3t) :\pi'. Works on paper h} tll'llSlS \ueh ax 'l'oh} l’aterxon. l.ang|antl\ and Hell tllltl (.ill‘Ul RlltltlL'S ltlitlxlllg til the ua} \k)linex. “talk and eit} ar'eluteetut'e ll;l\ e lll\plt'L'tl L‘l'L';tll\L' “title llllx e\hihilion highlights the erueial position of urhan \paee as a pla)grotrntl l'or' ttl'li\l\ m er the [MN (ill }L‘;Il'\.

FREE The Scientific Aspect of Surrealism: The Work od Grace Palithorpe and Reuben Mednikoft l'ntil Stiri 3t) .\lar'. Works h} In ( ir'aee l’ailthorpe and artist Reuhen \lt‘tlrirkoll on the theme of autornatixrn lll Surrealist art and their r'exear'eh into the tineonxeioux.

FREE Ben Nicholson Hi 2‘)

Feb .\lon 5 Ma}. Paintings and prints h} British artixt lien \lellolxori i 1804— NS) l.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l‘nion Street. 557 347‘). Tue Sat lilarn (iplll.

FREE Reveal 2008 t'ntil Sat 3 Mar. lilarn oprn. .-\ group e\hihition \llo\\ea\illg some of the best artistie talent that has sprung from the Seottrxh art eollegex in the laxt _\ear.

I DUNDAS STREET GALLERY (ta l)untla\ Street. 558 “303.

lilaru opni.

Nicola Moia, Camilla Watson and Claudia Massie Thu 28 l-‘eh .\li\etl e\hihition ol~ painting and photograph} h} three )oung Seottixli artists. See

\\ \x \\ .earmllau alsotreouk antl elautliarnaxxiegoiiglepagexeotn for more information.


45 Market Street. 335 3.‘~S.‘~. .\lon Sat llatn (rpm; Sun noon 5pm.

FREE Print the Legend: the Myth of the West Sat l .\lat' Sun 4 .\la_\. (‘iroup e\hihition euratetl h} .lrr .llorrt/r/i' editor l’atrieia Bielxerx. e\plot‘ing the inlluenee the legends and

ttl}lll\ ol the lloliiuooti tozrxtrtieteti

\\ rltl \\e\t l‘..t\ e had on eontertiporar} art ltltl‘atltw \xork l‘} \lrixe \elson. l)i‘tl;‘l.i\ ( iortlon. Strtton l’allt'lvttt. Salla l}l.l.a and (ir'Llrart “eating


ti ( arltori letrate. 55o .11 ll

lilarri 5pm

Alexander Gorlizki & Indian Spells: Drawings from the 19th Century l rml Sat l \lat l \llll‘llli‘ll David Austen 8. Man Ray Sat \ Sat l5 \lar llie latest in the lnglelyx \ \errex ol roint t'\llll‘llli‘ll\. \xhere tlie \xork ol a tontertiporar} .tlll\l l\ \hoxxri alongxrtle that of a t laxxit .‘iltli tetituri figure


l;l\).llltllll|‘ll (itexeent. 335 5 :of»

\lori \\etl .\ lri " illarn 5 illpm. llm noon 5 illprn. Sat ‘l lllaiii 3pm Exposition Fabrizio Maltese lllll o \lar Hm I" \pt \\\artl \iirmrng pltotiigtapltet l .ll‘ll/Itl \lallew \klll t‘\llll‘ll at the Hi a \erie\ ol portrartx ol l-ierieli .ietorx antl lilrn iliteetorx


llie \lountl. l’rineex Street. (if-l tifllll .\lon \\etl & lr‘i Sun Illarn 5pm; llm lilam “pin,

FREE A Response to Joan Eardley: Recent Paintings by Saturday Art Club and Saturday Studio l'ntil 'l'ue :5 Mar lllSI‘llt'tl h} the painting\ of loan l-artlle}. elirltlren ttgt'tl l‘L‘l“ Ct'll ll\t' ttlltl l5 _\t'.ll\ ll.l\t‘ heen er'eatrng their imli .lll\\illk at regular Sattrrtla} elaxxes llll\ IS a eliarlee to see their \xotle

FREE Reunited: Rubens - Ribera l‘ntrl Sun o .»\pr‘. l'he in}tho|ogieal painting of "Drunken Silenux‘ h} luxepe tle Riher‘a IS on loan to the galler} lor l\\o months. and “I” he tlixp|a_\etl alongxrtle Peter Paul lx’uhenx‘ least of llet‘otl'. 'l he pair \\ ere the llllellllelh ol tl lralll t‘t‘llllll'} L‘tlllt‘t‘llilll tilllttSSL'tl ll} \xealth} l'lL'llll\ll met'ehant (iaxpare Roorner‘.

FREE Warder’s Choice l'ntil Strri :7 .-\pr‘. .\ eolleetion ol [ll'lllIS and

than rug\ from the (ialler_\ \ eolleetion elioxen h} the “aiding and front of house \lttll.

FREE Cultivating Creativity l‘iitil Mott M .-\pr. Seliool art \xork and walks lr'orn the l{o_\al Seottrxli .»\eatlein_\ \ permanent eolleetrori.

FREE Mark Wallinger .\lon % \ltll‘. (i .S’prn. 'l‘allt h_\ the lell" lurner l’r'r/e \\ inner a\ he takes up lllS neu rexitlene} at latlrnhur'gli ('ollege ol .t\r't.


('hanilterx Street. 3471.133. lilani 5pm; noon 5pm.

FREE Jerwood Applied Art Prize 2007: Jewellery l’ntil Sun 2 Mar. lilani 5pm. .-\ pr'extigiotix pr'i/e lll applied arts run h} the (rails ('ounerl antl .ler'uootl ('liaritaltle l‘tllllltldlltlll \\ ith a tliller'ent rnetlrum represented eaeli )eat'. 'l'he reueller} makers \xho made the \lltll'llISl this _\ear are .\'ot‘a l-ok. Yoko l/aua. (ir'ainne .\lor'ton. .\lali Rana antl. ioint \kitlttet'x. Stthll (row and .-\tlatn l’a\ori.


l ()llL’L'll Sll‘L‘L'l. (‘34 (illlll, \lttll \VL'tI (K l'l'l Sun Illarn 5pm; 'l'hu lilarn 7pm; noon 5pm.

FREE 8P Portrait Award 2007 l‘ntil Sun 37 .\pr. 'l‘he leatlrng l'K \houeaxe lor' til‘llSlS uorkrrig in portraiture. 'l‘hrx _\ear. for the first time. the eornpetrtron \\;1\ open to all itl'llSIS agetl lo and o\ er.

FREE The Somnambulists: Photographic Portraits from Before Photography eeee l'ntrl Sun o .-\pr. [Sing eonternporar} digital teehniques. artist Joanna Katie renders

pltotograpltn likenesses ltorti portraits ol lirxtotttal Stottrslt ligtrres. taken trout an I tlirilmrgti tollettron ol lite and tleath ltla\l\\ See re\ie\\. page "ti

I THE QUEEN'S GALLERY l’alate ot llol\rootlliou~e. 55“ 5lilll llarl\ ‘l Warn tiprn. " illam .‘pm 1‘ i1; 5ft. Bruegel to Rubens: Masters of Flemish Painting l ntil Stilt ii \pr llie lrrst e\lirl\itiori e\ er tiioirrrtetl ol llermsli l‘.llllllll‘,‘\ in tlie lx‘o_\al (‘ollettron l‘llllt'S together 5| “orkx ltorri tlie l5tli l‘tli tenltiriex. Ill\ ltrtline \\t\ll\ lo ll.ilt\ \lertrlrti;:. l’ieter liiuegel the I Met antl l\'tll‘\‘ll\

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (INVERLEITI‘I HOUSE) lmerlerlli l\'o\\. .‘lS .‘llSi lut- \iirr lilarri 5 illprii FREE Nick Evans: Primary School 0.... l lllll Sim .‘il \pt \eu \tulpttiral with l\\ the (ilaxgou .tllISl. liete ll\lll_‘,' .i \ll\\'l\k' range ol riietlia lrorn taxi and tl\\\'llll‘l\‘ll resin to poiiretl .iliirrirnrurii ariil ll.llltl lmrlt terarmt \ to \ulneit \\ iilptiiral ll.ltlll|l‘ll\ See te\ re\\. page ‘l5 FREE Tony Swain: lmpure Passports .0... l lllll Sun .‘ll \pr \e\\ paintetl \kiitl\\ on lle\\\p.t[\t't euttingx lrom the ( il.t\_\_'ii\\ l‘.l\k'\l lllSll .llll\l Ht‘t‘ lt'\ It‘\\. I‘.l_‘..'t' "a


lo lltiritlax Street. 55S lfilll \lon l rr Illarri opm. Sat lilarii -lprii

Art in Exile l lllll \\etl 5 Mai l.\llll‘llltlll ol l’iilISll [Mlllllt'h \kllil \xiirkt-tl lll pmtuat llrilain

Archie Forrest Sat .\ \lar Sal S \pi \eu paintrngx hi the Rt il .llllSl


3 St Stephen l’laee. 335 (i355 \lori lll llHllarn 5 illprn. Sat “Mill 5 illprn. Stiri noon 5pm.

FREE Pat Kramek l lllll Sat l \lar Solo \lltl\\ ol neu \xor'k lrorn tlie Seolttxlt lantlxeape .llllSl.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'rii\ei'\it_\ ol l-.tlirihtii;.'li. South liritlire. o5ll lell. ltre Sat lllarn 5pm

Alan Michael l‘iml Sal l .\lai \t-ti. geornetr'ie .intl ahxtraet \\tlll\\ h} the (ilaxgou ttlll\l ll\lllj_' oil. paper antl

I TOTAL KUNST @ FOREST ilir'txlo l’laee. :3” ~15 *5

Illarn tnrtlnrglit.

FREE Andre White l'iitrl Sat 1 Mar .\'e\\ \xork l\_\ While. an ttl'llSl priiiiaril} eoneer'netl \Hlll nature and him our t'elatromltrp \\ ith ll llt‘llllt'S US as human herng»

FREE Shadow Bestiary .\loii

i Sun lfi .\lar'. \eu art from .\lliarr lia\tet and Robert l’ouell

Outside the cities


l5: \L'lllt'l'gtlle. l)lltltlee HI ‘33 WNW)“. ‘lue. Wet]. l'll tk Sat lfl. illttlll 5 illprri; 'lhu lfl.3il;irri S tilprn; Sun

noon 5. illpin.

FREE Camilla Low: Straight Letters 0... l'ntrl Sun ill .\lar l)L'\L'lHPL'tl L'SPL‘L‘lttll} lill llle l)(‘.‘\. llll\ next \eulptural exlirhrtron h} the \ill'HL'glttll tll'lhl er‘eatex \lllpll\lll_‘._'l} light. holtll} eolour‘etl preeex \threh uork perleetl} in the huge. \llllll} \paee. otrt of hard. lunetional haxe lllttlL'l'lttlx.

I STIRLING SMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM l)urnhat‘ton Road. Stirling. fll7f<ti 47l‘1l7. 'lue Sat lfl.‘~flarn 5pm: Sun 2 5pm i('lti\etl .\l(llll.

FREE Bridge l'ntil Sun 9 Mar. An exhibition of Pillllllllgx h} Robert laurnan.