lL'.lli5 .r trio. ‘.".Illl Rov Hamilton on haw .llltl Haziil l)llll\llrllll on L'lL'LlllL L'lllldl


Steph 8- Jen \u l- (at. lllk' ()ltl \llt‘llll ('ourt lluiltlinj; lirunwatl. \tit-t't. 4“Hill *‘lprn ltlt'ttit hurl.) \l.l\\l\\

Leana Zaccarini 8. Jenny Clark Trio \it (lk'( at. illk' ()lll \lit‘rill (Null Hurltlrntj. iilllll\\\l\l‘. \llk'k'l. ‘1‘ iii-H h I“ illprn \t-t'lri l5 I Stephen Duffy on Holiday ( it} ll.ill\ Rk'kll-ll Riurllh. (‘autllcriuux ‘5‘ MN") 51‘!“ U) \lt-plit‘n Hull} [\.r}\ llll‘lllt‘ to lllk' \tk.tl\ ol llillu' iil‘llkl.l_\

l (linliurgh The Apocalypse Funk Trio llit- Jan Hai. I (‘lianiht'ix Mint. 3le 3395 5pm \r'c l'll l5 The Supper Club lllL' \iuuliul Roonix. l‘la \M'xl Ru:th \un‘t. 55" "Will. 5 ill .\. illpni MT in Is I The Jazz Bar Quintet I llL‘ .la/I llai. l ('hanilwrx Strcvl. 33” ~13“ H illpiu L i till \.ll}lll}‘ llllL' ups oi top inuxu‘iam. a\\ciul\lctl cat'h \wck h} rnarnxta} ol illt' latluihiuyh |.'t// \u‘nt‘. iliuinnu'r Hill K}lt'. I Skunk Funk lht' .la// Hat. l ('liauihcrx Sliu'l. SSH-1303. l I illpur iaiu L5 it ii. Sci" l'rr l5.


I Lights Out By Nine and Paul Lamb 8. the Kingsnakes l’ipmlam (loll t\' it‘|\lllk' RL‘Mlll. i‘ll\\ll\. lllih': 5&1 ;'"l Spur. L‘ltl. St't- 'I'hu 3|.


I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra: Popular Classics for All The Family \layiohcrl. l'niu‘rxrl} ill Smiling (ll 7.\'(\ «lhhhhh, ~plll. L l” iljhi. llic colourlul his hand [k'l'ltll’llh a \L‘lk't‘llttll ol popular \lio\\ttlllc\ lioiu lllH\ l\'\ and cartooux.


Jen Clarke Trio Hit-l. 3‘) ll \xluon l auc. HZ JUN». i (\pin. (‘ool llltltlk'lll |a// lroin tlux l\;l\\l\l.

The Michael Deans Quintet liar Bloc. ll“ Bath Sum-t. 551 NW). .5 8pm. (‘luiutct lul h} tcnor \.t\tt|‘lltllll\l lh‘anx. pla} in); a modern l‘lt'llll ol hchop. ran and lunk.

I Lights Out By Nine and Paul Lamb 8: the Kingsnakes ()ran .\lor. E ;l "15 (il’L‘al “tNlL‘l'll Riturl. 55,“ (Gun. "pin till. Scc 'l'hu 3|.

Leanna Zaccarini 8- The Silver Screen Heroes .r\t'l \lL' ('al. l’ht- ()ltl Slit-rill ('ourt Building. lilllll\\\lt'l\ Slit-cl. 3 i3 (NJ-1. Tillpiu. \tT Sttl lll.


The Hot Club Sessions l‘hc \ootloo Roonix. I‘la \\'c\l chhtcr Sll’t‘t‘l. 55h "(Hill 3 4pm, SCL‘ Sat lh.

Trio Jazz lltc .la// Bar. 1 (‘harulwrx Strcct. DIN 4208. 3.30pm. 5C6 Sal lh.

I World Premiere 'l‘hc .la/I Bar. l (‘haruhcrx Slrt'ct. 320 42%. 8.30pm. U (L: i. ,\ \llllk‘l'k‘lll \clcctron ot' liw lcathug ia// pla}cr‘\ conic togcthcr tor t‘ach wxxrou \\ ith no rchcarml.

I Fish Fry l'hc .|a// Bar. l (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 320 4208. Midnight 3am. £5. 5C6 Sal lh.


5 . f‘ .. t , +3 ’. -- u g . m


I Eddie Walker and Fraser Spiers String Jain (‘luh \alrnon lnn. Hank \trcct. Hlfi5'l 2H5 *5 Hprn :5 lolL. hlucx. raglunc .lll\l gig-at :llllal .llltl ll‘lillll‘llILA l‘l.r}lllf;


Loretta Reid lion lllk‘JllL'. hi lrongatc. 552 ~13h" 5pm .|a// \ingcr loit'tta RL‘ltl pr-rlorim horn llt"l ilk'l‘lll album I.( IN (it 1 [mi I The Strathclyde University Big Band l)o\\nlo\\ir (\ .\ \\.ucrloo \licct. 33] “5”” "pin :3 illk' lug; hand at tlo\\n .unl p|a_\ a wlution ot |.i// .IllgtlljJClllCllh lroin llicir L'\l\'ll\l\t‘ lL'l‘L‘l'lHIIL'.


I Herb Geller ’l llk' .la/l Bar. l (‘harnhch Sllk't'l.::ll71:‘lh .\ kilpni L5 iL-li l'S alto \.l\ \l.tl llllllk'tl h) \t'\\ \ork tlruuunt'r .-\tlain Murmur. lathnhurgh pianixl l’aul lx'u‘h} and Munich l‘il\\l\l \lartru [crikci tor a night ol cool ial/ \Hlllltl\.

Edinburgh I The Jazz Bar Big Band llk' .lal/ Bar. l (‘haiuhcrx Strcct. 320-1303 Nfitlpiu. U it'll. Scc \lon lh‘.

The Late Great Jazz Jam Session 'l'hc .lal/ Hat. 1 (‘ltainlk‘rx Strccl. Ill) 4298. lllpni. Sct' Mom is,


I The High Society Jazz Band Stirling l'olk (‘Iuh Stirling; (‘ounl_\ Rugh} l-oothall (‘lulx Hrulgchaugh l’ark. (‘atixmun hcatl Roatl. lll35‘) 3|.\’53|. Spin. U). .\'ot quitc lolk. but a ltlaxt ol traditional ran to 34¢! cwryurc dancing; at Stirliug'x laxouruc lolk cluh.

Edinburgh I The Offenders 'l‘hc .Ia// Bar. I ('hanthcrx Strcct. Ill—1208. Sillpiri. £3 it'll. High qualit) hlucx.

Late, Live’n’Funky '1 ho .|a// Bar. l (‘liauihcrx Strcct. 320 4208. l l..i()pm 3am. Scc luc 1‘).


Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra lhc .la// llar. I (‘haiuhcrx Strcct. 320 4208. 5pm. Scc \Vul 3t).

I Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble Thu Jan Bar. l (‘hatnhcix Strcct. Jill-1395'. HWHprn. LllllLXl. \irtuoxo lxracli \a\ophoru\l .'\l/llltlll lllCl'guN lll\ \lltltllc l'.;l\lt'l'll l‘UUl\ \\ llll hchop \t)|c\. in llll\ iuuruatc wrung; lor the iutcrnatrouall} rcnounul ja/l itl'll\l. I Trio MB .la/l (‘L‘nlrLfi ‘l‘ltc l.ol.-1/(r (iraxxuiarkct. 40" 52M). NSllpui. LN. lunmatiw ra/I lroru thc lrcc and lll\ltul whoolx. pcrl'oruiul h} Phil and 'l'oiu Bancroll i\a\ and tlruiux rcxpcctiwl} l and guitarixt Kmin \larKcn/ic.


I Joe Bonamassa 'l’hc Art-hm. 2.53

.-\l':_') IL' Sll‘L‘L‘l. 505 Hill“. 7pm. Ll“.

Virtuoso ol' hlum rock guitar. touring in

\llpport Ul' lll\ \l\lh alhuru lull (1’l(/.‘l('. ; Real Live Jazz Session Rio

(".llL". 3" ll} nullgtml ~Sli‘L‘L‘l. 55-1 ‘)‘)(l‘).

8 l lpm. Scc 'l‘hu l4.


I Michael Lutzeier Quartet 'l‘hc .laH Bar. l (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 3le 43%. 8.30pm. {.5 iUi. (icrrnan harrtonc ~a\ pla} or.

I Paul Towndrow Sextet .la/l ('cntrc. Thu [.01. 4th (ilkhfllhtl‘kcl. 40-. .5300. 8.30pm. £5.50. 'l‘hc alto \a\ophoni\t Icadx hix acclauuul \c\tct through jal/ claxxicx and original\.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers. Indicates Listpicks entry


I John Hinshelwood Band \r \utlrc‘m K in the \tpian'. \t \ntlit'v. \ mam: 5‘" Wu: ' lupin 1“ .6. \loh ;_'uil.ui\t l‘l.i§\ totintrx axitl

I Ross Clark, Arca Felix am! This July \rtt‘tiNlt‘a/t. \aiu lucliall \llk'k'l. z“WNW \ illpn‘. (‘)lllll\.\, .l\l‘ll\ll\

\ingt'i xiiri;'\‘.:itcr\


I David Gibb l allurk lolk (’lulx illt' l’olhh ('luii. \inot \lrt't'l. Hl 91

fr] HU5 \pin L5 \on;'\ with L'llll.” .lllkl humour


I Dick Gaughan lllk' Baronial llall. llunain llotr'l, \pin lllt‘ l rtltllt‘ lit'c prcwntx lilk' lll.l\lk'l St'oh

\rngt'r j_‘llll.rll\l .llltl \tk’lalhl trouhatlout ('ontat'I llkltllt'llk'k'l‘: htuucint't toiu


I Lost’n'Motion lion llicauc. 'lrouggatt'. 5.53 13h" ‘) illpin Lb lllk‘ hand that hlcntlx pop. country tolk .lllll hlucx l.tllll\‘llt‘\ a MC“ ll’. Mn ll liar )ou lluur.


I Donnie Munro Band ()ur-cn'x llall. ('lcrlx Strcct. (MN Jill‘) “pin LIN l’oprlolk antl \UlllL' (iaclrt' lrorn llll' L'\ Ruling; \ogalixt.

I Fanattica 'l llL' \‘illagc. \ouili lou Slt‘L‘L‘l. l.L‘llll. ~l-.\' "X lll 5‘. {llpllr L5 Balkan \ountlx

I Teannaich Pollock ll.tll\. lltll}lniul Park Road. "fitlpur. LN (UH. ('cilitlli tlJHL‘L‘ l‘alltl. »

I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance .»\\\t'iuhl} Rooinx. (it-orgv Slrcct. ‘3‘) 537i. .\'pui. L5 {Ill \liw & .lrggui' and III ,I [‘llh caller Run (iourla).


I Malinky lx’cgal ('onunuuit} lllL‘dllk'. \orth Britlgc Straw-l. “1.54% h U555

". illpui. L‘ I“ i Ci. llic Stotx lrixh llllllll instrumcutal and mu}; group u'lt'hralcx itx tcnth ;llllll\L‘l\.Il'}


I Shooglenifty l’ill'litlk‘lln link H Hall.

Millpin. L'l5 l)unl\ opcn ". illpru. l'hc grcal. lztlinhurglrhawtl gloltclrottuij: acid croltcrx lll a groow h} lllL' huagh. ’l'\\u ll\L' \L‘h. \lk't‘lal pucxlx tlanu' ruusu‘. ratl'lc autl inorc. l’rcwntul h} I’orlohcllo ()pcn Door, 'l it'lwtx lroin lll-qih 2—235“. KllL'llL‘llL'h i)L'll. \llt‘a \Vniltlwul‘L‘x and .11 lllL‘ tliml.

East Kilbride

I Cockalorum l‘,a\t Killwritlc .~\l'l\ (l‘rtlt'c. ()lkl (Mach Road. “I 1.5.5 ZMHHH. ' .‘Hprn. l Hi. l‘.a\t Krlhritlc- hath thrcc-piccc on mandolin. hotlliran and hou/ouki


I Julie Fowlis llcari ol H;l\\lL'l\ :\U\lll\ll'llllll. 'loucr Hill. 35“ NM“. NFllpm. £12 @135” on thc tloori. (iaclig \lllgL'lrWllhllL‘ play-r pipcr launchcx thc llcart ol ll;t\\lcl\ .»\utluoruun as a lrxc mqu \cnuc ’l‘iclxctx .nailal‘lc ll'Hlll thc \cnuc or lrom Bcanxccnc.

" "it

I Adam McNaughton \tuling l-olk ('lul‘. \nilin; (‘ounh thgl‘} lootl‘all

t Etil‘. llritigt'iiaugn l‘aik. ('auxcwnlicatl lx’oatl. i": :5" :i\5_‘l \pzn 1h illk' ‘.\11’.\.\clt‘tanlilaxgou \uigci. lolk l‘.1\l«‘ll.ifl.1lltl\Hllg\\lllg‘l vlic'x lllk' nian l\'\;‘l‘ll\ll‘lk' lrtl 'lllt‘ ,lt'k'l} l,l\‘\ C \t‘llg. l

15lllk' lll.lll‘. gucxt


I Jenna Reid and Kevin MacKenzie l cull loll ('lul». llrc

\ illaz'c. \outli loit \lrct't. t‘x "Mn

‘tlpin Ln \lit'tlautl horn litltllc pltncr Hill!) I ll\l\.l anti llotliax l\ iouictl h_\ ia// fjllll.lll\l l\t'\in \lat kt'n/ic tor a lll.ll\llk'\. lk'k'l\ .uitl rnoic

I Ceilidh Club lhc l or. (ll.l\\lll.lll\L'l. .‘.‘5 3.7"” .\prn Lo \totthlitlaut'uig. lixt‘ l‘.lll\l\ antl a \.lll\'l to haul M‘ll through lhc \l\'[‘\ “mu hour

at t ortliouixl \antlx Him hin


I Michael Simons lx'llal ()xna. lkuuhtoii llrnt'. o1" 5:53 .\piu {I (ll.l\::ll\\ ltaxt‘tl g‘ltllallxl l‘l.t_\\ lullx'l‘llltW


I Tom McConville, Claire Mann and Aaron Jones l tliiilmrgli l-olk ('Iul‘. ('altart‘l liar. lhc l’lt'axanu'. h5ll I»l5.\ hpui L" iuii (in-at [‘L'llllllllt'l\ on lllltllk'\ llutcx. lrct\ .lllll \m'.il\ \‘Hllllllllt' ruuxu hour the lhrtixh [\l\'\ and l‘t'}\lllkl I Colin Steele’s Stramash .la/I ('cntit'. illk' l ot. (ll.t\\lll.lll\t'l. lo" 53”“ A illpru {Ill |:\liil.uatui;r |.r// lolk lll\lUll lioru \t'ollarith lcatlrug: ia/I llllllll‘t'lk'l. lrouliu}: a lk'll prcu‘ hand that C\l‘.lll\l\ lll\ iaI/ illlllllL'l \\llll tluu' top llllkllk'l\ .lllll a piper


I Beck Sian HHIllk‘llllllllt‘ l'ulk (‘lulx llmllc lam-in. Haltlntlpt'huru. ill 38‘ "I‘lls‘i \piu. l5 Kart- Huxh'x \thlll k'\|‘l|ll\‘\ UHIlCllll‘Hldl} llllk'llllt‘lillltllh ol ('cltit' autl ( iotliu \l_\ l\'\

G asgow

I Tom McConville, Claire Mann and Aaron Jones Si .-\lltllt'\\ ‘\ in NW \rluarv. St Audit-u \ Square. 55‘) 5002. " illpui L" iL5i \t'c \Vul 2U.


I Open Mic Night l alkirk l-olk (‘Iuh lhc l’tllhll (‘lulx Arno! Strccl. lll 33-1

(ll H05 X \(lptn. 'l\|.o south or pngLN [\L'l l‘t'lxnll, :\ll ;rt‘Hll\llL' \l} lL‘\ :ll'L' \wlt'oinc hqu \lllfJL'h to lll\ll'lllllL‘lll;tll\l\

lo puclx


I Don Mescall ll'Hll 'l llL‘dll'L‘. 'lioiigatc. 553-120" 9. illpru L'lll. l.llllL'll(l\ horn \tillfJ\\l'llCl uho has \xuttcu llll\ tor a \kulc raugc ol ill'll\l\ lllL'lUtlllljJ Rouan KL’étlllljJ.

I Ceol’s Craic ('( '.-\. Saucluchall Strccl. 152 4mm. lell \lirntlil} (iaclic club and plattoriu lor (iaclu‘ art and cultuth


I Janez Dave 8: Bostjan Gombac .la// (‘cutru 'l he l.ot. (iraxxrnarkct. ~1h7 53W). H Wer t“ 5H. |)o\ L‘ HIL'L‘HHllHnl aritl (it'lllhitp llllllL'/L‘l£tl’lllL’ll lrorn l'ringc l-wlnal \Ktlfltl/L’LMICH] lzuropcan hand ‘lcrralolk.

I Flaming Nora Ceilidh ()uccn‘s lldll. ('lcrk Strcct. hhh :lll‘). 7 Mlplll. UH. St‘ttllhll (Cllltlll dangc tor thc uholc taiiiil}.

I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh :\~~crnhl} Rtmmx. (iwirgc Street. 33‘) 53‘4. 8pm. {.5 £10 Sec Hi 15.

t, ’~, THE LIST 81