(J £1'>(IU1'/ I Alicia Keys \111 11111111x1111| 1‘)11.1\,11\"111111111111111141111111 LI" 5" ()111'51111111-111.1111111111111'111«11111.111-1111111 1111' 21.111111 11111.11. I11111;'\|11'1 \1111‘J. 1111111~ \111 ‘ Acoustic Night \1111‘11 \11-.1/1. 131 \.1111I111'I1.1II \111'11 11411‘11111 “11111 \11 \11111 1‘. I The Hold Steady .11111 The Haze II11'11.11.1:'1‘. -1‘)11\.11111111'I1.1II \111‘1'1 1‘: 1|.‘1l 511111 111111 1111-1 ll\ \111111. 111111'111I|.111111111'1111k111:11111111111\I\ 11.1111.1111111I11111'1.1II1111'\11111111~111 \111111:\11'1-11.11111 II1111I1//111111I11'11 111111'111.1II111111[111.111/1111111111n lHH/l11l I Jimmy Eat World 11.1111111. 1.11111, 3 H (1.11111\\f.j.111‘. 55.‘ 111111 “[1111 \()I I) ()1 I ()\1'1 llx \111111 11111111'11x111'l \ 1'11111x1111\11'1'11111-k111\1111-11111111'\\I} Coholic, Local Tour Guide, The Last Corinthians .1111! Paper Few 1111\. 111 \1111 1111'11.1|| \111‘1‘1. 11: 5111 Xpn1 1111111-.11111.1|11111k 11111' 11p. 111111111111131111'11111} 11111111: I’.1p1'1 1'1‘11 I Lowers, Ex Wives .11111 Hyena K1113: 1111\\\.1|1\\.1I1 11111. 3511\1 \'1111'1'111\111'1'1. 331 53””) .\ 11111111 L \1111111;_'I1.11111111111'punkx.11111111113111.11'k 11.1;1. 1111'111-1111x .11111 1111' Ix’1'pI.11‘1'1111'111\ Iseeshapes 11.11 111111; 11“ I1.11|1\111*1'1. 557111111111 11pm 1111111'x11111' 1111111‘.111'1111'k \1illll1I\
I Lipsync for a Lullaby .11111 Swiss Krissley II1‘111_‘ \ (1111.11 11.11. X 111.1 \111111x11118111‘1-1..‘IN‘H‘H Rpm. 131
I 111\)111' 1111 .1 I 11|l.1I1_\ 111'x1‘11111- 1111-111\1'I\1'\ .1\ 11.1111111111/1111: 131111111111'x \11111 \1111113‘
Open Mic \\ ln\1|1-I1111k11'\. 1 11 \1111111 111111331: 55 ' 51 II ‘lpm 511' \I1111 l.\
Open IIIC \1111111111 1(1111111\. I‘|.1\\1'\1 I\'1'le\|1'l 811111. 5511 "111111 ‘lp111 \1'1' \11111 IN.
I Editors (11111113: \1'.1111'1111 (1111\311111. III 13:111111111 8111'1'1.1|.\'"1l 111111111111.
‘p111 (IN 511. 111‘1111111111‘ .l11_\ I)1\1\11111 111111.1111lx.111111111;111x11pp111111l 1111'11 11111111411 .1II111111 \11/1111/l11111.\11111.
I Hanoi Rocks .11111 Soho Dolls 1111‘ 1111111111“: 15 I 1111111811111. 3111511111111. “l‘ln, (13.511 (1x111 I-lx \111111 I*111|.11111\ \11'11 11111‘11 11.111‘\pI.1_\ 1111'k1'1x \11111 p1.11‘111'.1ll} 1111111'1111'111111k111111'.1\111111‘k. I Hot Chip .11111 Matthew Dear 11.11111“ 1.11111. :11 (1.1111111 1.1.1112 5.53 111111 5 11111111. SUI I) ()1 1. ()\1‘1 I-l\ \111111. ()un'k}. 11I11‘1 11.1111‘1‘.1|1|1'1‘11‘1'11111111‘.1 1111111 1111‘ ‘1 )\1'1 .111111)\1‘1'1‘11I|1‘1‘11\1‘. 111111111? 111'\\ .111111111 \I111."1 1111/11-l)1111_ 81'1‘
p11‘\ 11'“. [1.11:1‘ 115
I Cash Back \I.11‘.\'111I1‘_\\ \I11x11‘ Ikn. .l.llll.ll\'.1 811'1‘1‘1. 2-15 Np”) 1111111111 1‘.1\11111111111‘ 1111.11111111 1111.11 111111111I1.1\1'|11'1'111111‘ .\I.n1111 111.11‘k\ “11111111111111.11
I Kid Harpoon 8. the Powers That Be 11.1111} 111p\1.111\1. 31111111111“ 811‘1‘1‘1,1l.\'"1l111|“ 111101), .\p111. L11. I'11Ik1x11 \11u111lx 1111111 1 1111111111\ k111 II.11'p1111n. p111‘111‘11 x111111'\1l11‘11‘ 111‘1111‘1'11 1‘1111' 111111111} .11111 .l1'11 Hucklc}
I The Magic Carpet Cabaret 1111.11 (M1111. ~13 ()1;1_1_'11 I .1111‘. 35” 153-1 8pm (3.11111 \11'.\11‘1'1'p1'1‘x1‘111\.1 1111;111 111 \1‘II:_'\\ 1111‘1x .11111 1111111lx,
I Richard Fleeshman .11111 Murray James K1111; I111K \\.1I1\\.1I111111.:"3.1 S1\'1111‘1‘111 5111'1'1. .‘II 53“). .\‘p111. {111. ()\1‘1'- l-lx \1111“. 1111‘ 1.1101 p11\1 Blunl \111g_'1'r\1111g\\r111‘11111‘111111‘k11111‘k1ng 11.1\ .1 11111-x11-x1‘1'11'1 In~1111'_\ 11x .111 .11‘11111111 (.11/'111111111’” 51111]. .\\'L'1\I1111C\ IIIL‘IIMIL‘ “111111111; S1'\11‘\1 .\I.1I1' .11 1111' 2111111 111111xl1 811.111.\\\.1r11\
Edinburgh I Last Gang .1111! The Manikees 111114101\'11|1.1111'. 311 .‘11\' 1111111811011 3311
'11511 51‘11. :11 \1'1' 111:. ( ‘1\( I I I I I) I The Twang 15111315131. \1a111':1' I 1111111 111x111\1111.11.\- 114113151. * L1- 5‘1 I111111.11:11-1111111-11111_1-1\111.. :1'11'11'1111‘ 1".1'1} :11111111'111 1111111' 11.11111 21.1.11 1‘11'1 111.1111'11'11
Band Showcase \\I11\1I1-I1111k11'\. l 11\.11,;11 “111‘. <;‘ 511-; ‘1p111 \1-1' 111; l"
‘1 ';‘|I,
C111 15391 1
I Editors (\1111112 \1 .1111'111\ 11I.1\:11'.1.
l ‘_'III‘.I11l| \111'1'I_ “\5‘11 Ili‘NlIllll “[111. LIX 511 \1-1- 1111' :11
Senceless Apocalypse, The Uprights, Married to the Sea .11111 The Bob Dylans 11111111111. \11111111111 \11. 111'5111‘11111'11 \111‘1'1. ‘51 3511 "pm \1-1111'11'xx \11111.1I111\1-11.111'111111'111111\ 1111,1111 \1'\.1p.1l1111/.1. .11111 \1111 111‘ 111.11111; 11.11kxl111111111v11.1II111111\11: )111! \1
I The Sweetheart Revue .11111 Rachel Mackenzie 1111-1. W 111 \\I1111111..1111'. 1-1.‘ 1111111 ’ (11'11111'1111'1111111'\.1111I.1\1111111'11111; n1\11111'1 1111111 1111- \11.1'1'1I11-.111 I\’1~\111'. 1111111'11.11 1|11x \1\.11111'I111111.11113111l1} 11\I.\ 11.1111111 I\’.11|11‘I \I.11'k1'11/11'
I Flatliner, Neon, The Lonely Fires .11111 Suicide Underground (111111111. -111.\ .\.1111|111'I1.1|18111'1'1. 1‘1 1111111 .\pn1 L5 1111.111111'1.1111‘ 111x111n111 p1111k.1'I.1\\11'1111k .11111 1111.111 111111.111111111 11.1111111‘1
Freudian Slop, Scunner, The Viragos .11111 Cortez 11111. 111 5.1111'1111'11.1|| 8111-11 11.7 5111 .\pn1 1|1|k1|11'1 1'11‘1'1111p11p 1111111 8111111111 .11111 1'|.1\\11~ 1111'k 11111111*1111'\ 1111111 (‘111117
Oran Mor Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic 111.111 \1111. “11 "15(111'.11\\1-\11-1111111.111. 15“ (131111. 1\p111 1,111'11111\11'
Open Stage 1111- 11.111 11.11. 11111 \\11111II.1111I\I<11111I. {‘3‘1‘1‘I11. .\ “111111. 51‘1" “1‘11 311.
Lions.Chase.Tigers 11.11 111111; 11‘ 1111111311111. i“1111111119111” \1'11'11g1.11111111' \1111'1111'1111111'111'.1\1111'\\.
' 11111111 L:
1:1111111111'gl1 I Kid Harpoon 8: the Powers That Be1‘.1|1.111-1\1111.11112 111 W 111.111 8111'1‘1. 3311111511511111. L11 \11 1111' 311 Stephanie Dosen .11111 Peter van Poehl 1111- \1k. 1 ‘ \\.111-1l1111 |’I;11‘1'._‘_‘1\‘|1‘)‘~. .\pn1. (5.111111 \1111'111*II 111xpn1'11 1111 111Ik 1‘11.11111'11\1'1111111111;I11‘1 111111111.1II111111 I [111 I111 11 .8/111111. Echofella \\I11\111'I1111k11'\.-1 11
81111111 111111211. 55“ 511-1 ‘lpnr \\1111 1111111‘
111‘I\ II‘L'.
Paranoise .11111 Melvitronica II11'11R\..1511111111'11-81111‘1.2311395". ‘lpm. (‘1111111111 \1'xxr1111.
I Joe Bonamassa |‘l11~ \11111-x. 251 .\1‘;_'_\I1* 811111. 5115 1111111, “pm. 1111 \1111111x11111111111‘\1111‘k 3:1111.11.111111n1_1_'111 \upp111'1111 Inx \1\111 .111111111 11111 111:11’ \11. I Newton Faulkner 11.111-1111 1.11111. 211 (1.1111111 gate. 552 11111], “pm \1 11.1)
1111 11111111} l’.1_~_'1'.1111111:1.111\I.11 1'1111111x1'11_\1111111_' \111g_'1'1 \11ng_'\‘.1'111'1 \1‘11\.11111n. “1111\1'111‘11111 .1II111111/l11111/ [1111/1/11 [1’11/11111 I1.1\ 111-1'11 1111‘ 11111'\p1‘1'11'11 I113; \1‘111'1 111 1111111 1111111111»
I Out from Animals .11111 Any Colour Black 811111-11. 211 25 111-11111111 1.1111: 32‘ 3351 “p111. L11 1.11'1'1111’'11111 11114111 112111111111; 1111'1'11‘1'1111 punk p1-1‘1111111.1111’1‘\.
I Paramore1‘.11l1111_1 \1‘.11I1'111} 111.1\1_'11\\. III I-,;_'I111111n811111115441“ 3111111 “pm. SUI DUI I. Ix’c\1'111‘111111'11 11.111' 1111'1111' 1111‘1'1‘.1\n1:_‘1_\ p11pu|.11 1'11111 punkx 1111111 11‘11111‘xw1‘. 111111111111} 11.111111; 11.111111 \\’1II1.1111\
I Eels I\’11};1I('11111'1*1'1 Ha”. I 8.1111‘1111‘11.1II 811'1'1'1. .155 8111111. "51111111 {33.511 £511 Sk1‘111‘11 1.1k1‘ 1111 1111‘ 1111111‘ 1111111.11 1111111 11‘11111111.111.1111I11111111— 111x1run11'11111llx1 IL.
I Maeve O’Boyle 1 11.111 \1111.
"11 ‘15 (11;.1! \\1'\11':11 R11.111. :5" 1131111 - 11111111 :5 1111.111111111'1111k
I The Young Knives 1 'I.1\\11 (11.11111. I‘ I.1111.111.1\111‘1‘I. \;~‘|\_1' 1111‘” \11-111111 1111111111.111'1111‘1k1 1111\1 punk11'.11111111:'1111‘1'111'111111.1II1 11.11111‘11 I‘.1\\1\1 111111x1'111 I 11111\ 11111111111111 111111, \1'I1._ 1111' I1111111‘111'.111\.1111111.111;~ 111 111111 .11111111;;1|11'11 1.111\
I Das Wanderlust, The Defended, Felix .11111 The Debutantes 11.11111 1111111.111\1. 31111 \[1\\'1_ 1|\_‘1| 1111—5 lI‘I‘)" \PH] :5 \1'11 \1111'11‘11xI11‘1 1’1111'111111'11111111111' I11'.11II1111'1\.111111pnx111;111//j;1111.11\. \1111111\ \111.11\ .11111 1111\111 11.1\11. 11.1111}. 11.11111p 1’111\1111111‘\111‘1‘1111\
I lain Morrison .11111 Lee Patterson 1111~l. 4" 1* \xl1111111.1111-, “15511331111111 1\p111 1‘ 1’1.1\I1 \11 \I111I1'11'.11 1111111111.1n \111111\1111 111.11\.1
\11111.11‘1111\111 \1‘1 I Operator Please 11.11111, 31111 (‘I_\111' \111'1'1. 11.\"11”11“1l‘1‘1‘1 .\p111 11'1'11.1;_'1- \11x11.111.1111111111'111111111111111'1 11.1111x1.1111-1111111.11.1l1.111|11111 1111- 11.111111 I Phil Lee, John Sieger .11111 Stephen Maguire 1 .111111-\ 11.11. 1-1 k111;'\111'1'1. 55: “1.71 .\pn1 LN (111111“). l1'xk'llil111k 1‘1111'1'1‘111‘lh1' I1'Ik .111111111‘k.1111111 .1|| 11111111111111\ 1.111- 11111111111111; 11111x11‘1.111\ \11111111 \ I .1111'11 \1121'Ix 1‘11111 I Rush Hour Soul, The Phrames, The Series, DeNile .11111 Cartoons Raised Me (111111111. ~111.\ .\.1111‘I111'I1.1|| 811'1'1'1. 1‘11 111111511111 15 “11111111 1111111-1111‘k1'1\|11‘.11|1111\I11|I I Black Bic Biro, Baillie & The Fault, Ming Ming & The Ching Chings .11111 Black Alley Screens \11‘1'511‘811'4/1. 131 S.1111'I111'I1.1Il 8111'1'1. 11111111111 .\ 11111111 111-.11111111'1\ 1111111 SI11'11;1111I. \11pp11111'11 I11 1'\ I)1'1:1.1\\1 111.111 \11k1‘ 11.111111- \11111 Inx 111'11 11.11111 \11111.1pp.111'1111_\ \11111111 |1k1' $111111 I’.11111l \111111111‘
Stephanie Dosen. Peter van
Poehl .1111I Amy Belle Rm: 1111\ \\.111\\.111 11111.3"3.1.\1\1111'1‘111 811‘1'1'1. 331 .53“). N 11111111. {N511 81'1- “1'11 3*
Mr Protector 111111 Dead or American 11111 1111111. 11” 11.11115111-1-1. 571111111111111111. Slop \11111 \11111111111-xx 1111111111-1111111.1111I.1111| k1111111'11\'1'11111\l1 \llppml
Edinburgh I Found, Down the Tiny Steps 111111 Roy’s lron DNA1'.111.11'1-1 \‘1111.1111'. .111 131111111 811111.331111171"pm. £11111 I'.\p1'1‘11111'111;1|1111111} p11p|1111111I11- 1111111111" 111‘1111\111'. \11111pI1-1x .11111 I.1pl11p \1'1 11p 111 1111111111, I Jewel 8. Esk Presents 1111- I111111_'11 1.11111. \111111} 111111\1*. 1‘ 1111111111111R11.11I.55h "(111-1.511111 L1 \11\1'1I 11111' 11p 111 11.11111\ 11111111111' 11‘xp1'1'11‘11 11111x11 1'11111x1- I The Marvels .11111 Echo Parade 1111' .\1‘k. 1 “ \\;111'1|1111I’l.11'1'. 223 ‘1 1‘) 1. 5. 11111111, {11112 1’11111‘1 [11111. I Staathaat, Cathod, Hitcher .11111 Vacunaut II1‘111_\\ (111111 11111. X 111.1 \I111’1'l\11|lSIlL'1'|. I) i”; I)11uI1I1' 11111 111 1'\111'1111' I)1111'1111;1111I\. \1111Ig1' 1111'1'1\ \11.1\11\11111S1.1.1111.1;11;11111 11111'111'1111‘ 1111111 ('.11|1111l1-. I Correcto .11111 Sellotape 1111- \1111111111 R1111111\. I‘111\\1'\| Ru‘ghlcl \111'1'1. .5511 "(N111 1\p111 1.1111 L11. \1'1‘ IIIu I~l \II1111111.111111‘111111111('11111'11111|)11111111111 I Ten Storeys High '1 111- \1111111111 I<1111111\. I‘);1\\1'\1 R1-;_'1\11'1 811111. 5511 “111111Hpn1. L11. S11 11p11p 111111111//.I11p I111p. 1111'k 111111111‘11111111' 11111111~I11-\.
Little Green Machine and Mike Kearney Trio \Vlnxllclnnknw. .1 (1 81111111111‘111g1~.55q 5| 1-1 ‘1pn1_ \11crn.111\1*1111'k .11111 1.1//.
Sonorous, My Radio .11111 The Constants 1111- 11111111. 11111111 \\.111 1111\1-1x11}. 1(11'1’.11’11111. «151 511:4)11111. 1111111'11'1pl1' 11111 111111.111111‘11 I1111p\;111111'11'1'11111111‘\ 1111111 811111111111»
The Freaky Family 1111- .111// 11111. 1 ('1111111111-1x SIM-1'1. 32114205. II..‘~1|p111. Scc 'I'I1u 14.
"711111111. 15
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson. Indicates Listpicks entry
Real Live Jazz Session R111 15.111‘. .‘ 5 II\111II.1:111 \111‘1'1 ‘ 11 ‘1‘111" \ Ilp111 I1\1- \11-1‘klx \1'xx11111 11'.11111111_-.'.1111.111;'111:'I1111'1111111 «1.1113111.1111'.11I.1111111.-\\111‘11.11111\ I Radio String Quartet, Vienna 1111 11.111\ I\'1'111.11 Ix’1111111\. 1.1111111'111'fxx. 15‘ \111111 \11111 1.111 1111' \111111'1111.1111'11x11x11.:II\ 1111111111111111' 11.1xx11.1l “1111111. 11111 1111\ \11x111.111 11111111.111*1.111\111:'.1\11111111111‘11.11k111 1111'11 \1111111'111111‘111'12'1x1‘11 11111-11111'1.1111111\111 1111-11111\11 111 |11I111 \I1I .1111.'I1|111\ \I.1I1.1\1\I11111 1111111w11.1
I 11111111111111
I The Action Group 11111 I.1// 11.11. I 1‘11.1111|11'1\ \111'1'1_.‘,‘11 1‘115 \ 11111111 151131 I.1//.11111|1111k11111111111x (1|.1\;'11\\ 11\1' [111-11‘ 1121111111113 \1'11 \111k1111n111111‘1\\.11.111/111‘1 .11111 \.1\11p|111111\1\I.111111I1‘II
I Cathie & Gina Rae 1.1//1‘1-11111-. 1111‘ l 111.»111111.1\\111.11k1-1. 111‘ \‘1111 .\ 11111111 1." ‘\11111'\ 1111 \111111'1111.‘ |11\1'1\‘ .11 1111\ \.1|1'1111111‘\ \p1‘11.11111 1111'1'11111p.111\ 111\111.1II\1\('.11|111'.11111 (1111.1lx’.11'
I The Kings of Swing1 .11111 11.111. (511} \11111111'. 111 <5) lil‘llll 5‘ 111111“ 1111111111* 5111 \11111111111.1\11-111111- 11111113111111k111;'1111111~I1'|11.111n:'1111' I11'\l11| 1111' Ix’.11 I’.11 k 1'1.1 \111111111' K111;r\111811111;,'1)11’111'\11.1
Leana Zaccarini 81 Jenny Clark Trio \1111111'11. 1111111111 \111'1111 (5111111 1111111111113. 1111111\\1.11k \111'1'1. 111111-11 h 111 11111111 11l111'x. 11111k_\ 111111. I .11111 .11111 \11111 11111.1 1.1// I Lost’n’Motion 111111 I' -.1111-.111 1111111211115531311' ‘1 11111111 1-5 \11'1111111 1111-1111111 p11p.1111111111. 1111k .11111 I1|111'\ 1111111 I 11x1‘115\1111111n. 111111 .111'1.111111'11111g1111-11 111-11 I I’ \111 111111! I11u .1/11111
The Apocalypse Funk Trio II11-,|.1//11.11 l ('I1.1111|11'1\ \111'1-1. 3311 IZ‘H 5pm Innk. \11111.1111111111I 111-.11\ 1111111131111.111\1 I),I \kl
The Supper Club 1111-
\1111111111 1(1111111\. I‘)11\\1'\I I{1‘i,'1\11'1 \111'1'1. 5511711111 5 111 .\ 11111111 1111‘ I111\\.11111\.11111111 1111' I)1.1\1)11.1111-1. I Radio String Quartet, Vienna .I;1// (1'11111'. 1111' 1.111. 211 (11.1xx111.11k1'1_ 111“ 531111 \ 11111111 1}) 811‘ 11111 I l I Skunk Funk 1111- 1.1// 11.11. 1 (‘11.1111111'1\ \111'1‘1.3_‘11-13‘l\ 1111111111 1.1111. 1511.11 \1j.'I11111111p 11111k1111111I)_I\\1|k/|11111111.n111II\1' 34111'x1x 111111111111\111111'.I1|111-\1111' .11111 \11111 111111111111111} K1111: 1M 1111- K111g1'1xl11‘1xll5 |1-I11 11111111111111} 1111' 111211 111113;} 111111.111 1.1111111111-1-1111111- \1111111113311'111
_ ..-l- V-IA I .- , x. Q : _r;.'~'.1{}; {9“ q. 1‘ -