~ The Freaky Family The J.1// 15.11. 1 (11.1111herx Street. 33114395 11 31111111 See 11111 14 -.I .l '- Glasgo :1 I Kate Walsh ()11111 .\lor. (ire.1l\\e\lerti1(111111. 35~ (131111 ~pni 1}) 511 1<.1111er 1e} 111111 \I. 111111\c1.11 )oung \rnger wrigurner lrorn Brighton I Michael Schenker 8. friends 'l’he ('.1111ou\e. 15 1 1111111 Street. 34811111111 "pin £13 (her l-1\ \hou 1'.\71'1'()111.111 11.1111 \1111 he11e\e\ 111 .1 thing c1111edold \klllllll 11.1111 rocl. I Mirror‘View (‘1.mic (11.11111. 1H .1.1111.'11t.'1Stree1.S-l"1ix3ll "pin £5. \1.1rit11111.1n pop/r1 Kit 11111. lor'rrier'l} known .1\(‘11.111111enol the Bored. I Nazareth '\1l('. 1311 Stiticliiehull Street. 333 33 33 7pm £1" 51), 1)11nle111111ne111.1ne \11.1l\er\ lt'orn the "llx. lr'oriled h} the redouhtnhle 1);1n \lt(‘.1llt'rt}. who could \1111 \hou )ounger l‘.tlltl\ .1 thing or two 111111111 rock eeoriorm ;1\111e_\ e111h;1rl~ on their 411111 .'1nn1\e1\;11) tour. I Playtonet‘luwc(11111111. 13.111111111c11 Street. H47113311. "pm. A ‘unique 1111-1111 ol .1cou\11c 11nd electric 111ch 1111111 l’l;1}lolie.

Steph 8 Jen Art tlL' (311. The (11d S11er'111(‘o1ir'1 lllllltllllg. llr‘trnxuiclx Street. 33311344. 7. 31111111. 12electic lunk} L‘l;l\\lt'\. I X Factor Live Tour Si-.('(‘. 1-rnnrexton ()1111}.(18711114114001). 7. 31111111. £311. See 11111 31. I The 1,2,33, Roughmute, Spearbrave 11nd The Hoydens B11111) 111p\lgitl\1. 3(1ll('1}1lt‘ Street. 1137119117 (NW). Spin. £11. Indie. rock 11nd punk hill \\1111 llillltlS hirilrng lr'otn the ('eritrul Belt. I Cut Off Your Hands, Cazals 111111 Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man 1111111}. 31111 ('|}de Street. (13711011711901). Spin. LS. l’ouet‘ punk pop 1111;1r‘tet 1rorn.-\uck|;1nd headline. I Danse or Die 'l‘he Bent (‘luh. 375 Snuchrehtrll Street. Spin. £3. Note chringe ol \enue 1111' HMS gig h} the 1oc;11e1ectro indie rockerx. I The Dirty Violets, Austin 11nd Monterey Soul Nice‘n‘Sleul}. 431 Snucliiehnll Street. 3331101111. Spin. £(1. Altpunk pop 1111111 The Dirt) \‘iolelx. 111‘1‘341‘exxrx e 1101‘ rock l‘rorn Anxtrn. 11nd 111111111111 ;1cou\11c \oundx lrotn Montere} Soul. I Electric Drugstore, Sol Diablos, The Defended 11nd The Moonrunners Capitol. 4(18 Snuchiehull Street. 331 11141), Spin. £5. (ilnxgou indie r‘ockerx headline.

Panhandlers, The Debuts .11111 Beatnic Prestige 1311\. 431 Snuchielinll Street. 333 5431. Spin. 111’ me rnod punkx troni Dunlerrnlrne. I Sisa, Type 23 11nd Dirty Kudos Maggie .\l;1_\\.(illA1hron Street. .\lere|1.1nt('11y 548 13511. 8pm. £5 (£31. lilectr‘o lunk pop l‘rorn Sixn 11nd Britpop inlluencex lrorn Dirt) Kudox. I Foy Vance 11nd Thom Stone King 'l'ut'x \\'.1h\\'.111 11111. 33.1 St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). S.3llprn. £8. Altei'nntixe. henrtlelt \ongx irorn 11 tllSIlllCll\ e. \oul-lolk \oice uith hint\ of Vail Morrixon 11nd Richie 11;1\en\ to 111x \nltlld.

’I Isis Samuel 1)o\\\, 11’ "7| .\'1111\d;11e Rtltltl. 433 (1111*. 8.3011111. Sol’t rock.

I Pocket Promise 13111 .\'ote (Hue. 511 (111 King Street. 553 10351913111. 1ri~h quartet. non hmed 111 1.ondon. \\ ho dexcrihe their \ound ;1\ ‘1111 e\plo\ion oi hone_1coinlwd ice creuni'. Indie pop. to )ou 11nd tne.

I Don Mescall and Esther O’Connor 'l‘ron 'l‘hentre. o3 'l‘rongnte. 553 436". t131111111. £111. 1.1111er'ick-horn \onguriter \\ ho 1111s \\ ritten hitx for ;1 \\ ide range of .11‘tixtx including Ronnn Renting. and

\\ lioxe 1m 11 work lltlS drum n conipnrimns uitli 1’11111 Simon. Joni Mitchell 11nd Sting. plu) x .11 thix Acomtic Aiiliir e\ent.

I Islands Stereo. 311—38 Rentield Lane. 333 3354.(‘A.\'(‘1{1.1.li1).


76 THE LIST 317-38 R)? QCCS

1’ V) 6.)?)





It happens to the best of us: you‘re out on the town, quaffing fine wines. enjoying good

conversation, maybe even a bit of harmless flirtation . . . then you wake up. next morning having fallen asleep on a flight of stairs with your new Japanese teen bride. You would like to hope that The Wombats will learn from this situation and will apply such knowledge to their ever growing catalogue of frisky

power pop indie tunes. Barron/Kind. G/asgow, Thu 27 F011.


I Lee Paterson, Brother Sasquatch 11nd Roguestar \Vliixtlehinkiex. 4 (1 South Bridge. 557 51 14. (1pm. Free hel'ore midnight: £4 tiller. Singer-mug“ riter' nction. indie 11nd \tndiurn rock.

I Dead on the Live Wire, Johnny Downie, Poor Edward and Dirty Modern Hero (‘aihgiret Voltaire. 3(1 38 Blair Street. 3311 (11711. 7pm. £4. .\1et;11 plux 11 douhle hill of acoustic gtiitzir‘x \\ ith indie rock l'rorn Dirt) Modern Hero.

I Stevey Hay 81 the RayVons 11nd Doc Rodent llenr}\('e||;1r Bur. S 11111 .\lorri\on Street. 331’ 0393. 7.311pm. £thc. Blue»

I Volts The Ark. .3 7 Waterloo l’lnce. 33811303. 7.3011111. £5. A(‘/1)(' trihute.

I Rise with The Fallen Studio 24. 34 30 Hilton Rond.551\' 3758. 8pm. £5. Hardcore nietnl.


I Voulez Vous (i;1iet_\ Theatre. (111-rick Street. (11393 (11 1333. 1.311pm. £15.51). The longext running Ahhn trihute hand continue to recreate the sound\ of the “(ix \uper Suedex


I Redwire, The Shakes, The Manikees, Beatnic Prestige, The Front, Retraspective 11nd The Routes Capitol. 4(18 Suuchiehull Street. 3.31 111411. 3pm. £5. A11 du} \hou (MC 111‘ 1oc;11 zictx uith line-up .11xo including 1.1.1111 Fernx. Scott Bonnynun and more ll‘C.

I Gallows, Fucked Up, SS and Set Your Goals ABC. 3311 Snuchiehull Street. 3.33 33.33. 7pm. £13. ()1er-14\ show Hardcore punk band \\ ith

Silll\l_\ill:_'l_\ lllL‘llllllISI 11111111111111 \11111 topped .\'.l//:”\ 3111)" (.1101 l.l\l \Hl 111111 he czir'ex. See prex 1e\\. p.1ge (m.

I The Murmurs of Tension, Leigh Miles and Intervals .\1;1gg1e .\1.1} 'x. (111 Albion Street. .\1er'ch.1nt (’11). 548 1 3511. 7pm. £5 1£31, lix—(iurn xinger .\111e\ l'L‘L'tlll\ lllL‘ lll\ll L'lL‘L'll'HlllL‘tt 111 (itdtllldplt nnd Air.

I Nada Surf 'l‘he (i;11'.1ge. 4011 Snuchiehnll Street. 333 11311. “pin. £11 (her—14x \hoxi. 1’op 111e|odrex .1nd \ke\\e11guitnr‘lickx lr'ont .\'\'('outlit

\\ 11o \ound like Rli.\1 on .111 .-\111er'1c.111.1 tip.

I Reel Big Fish(';1r'1111g Acndern) (ilrixgou. 131 liglinton Str'ee1.1lh44 4" 311111). 7pm. £14. (her-14x \hou. Reel Big 1"i\11 \\ ere one ol the legionx ol Southern (1111111111111 \kn-punk 11.1ndx to edge into the 11111111\11e.1111 lollomng the coriiinercitil \uccev 111' .\'o 1)o11ht. liotrxting h}perkrnet1c \t;1ge \ho\\\.

.itnenile humour. ironic co\cr'\ and

meltrllic \hnrdx ol 4.1. I Lights Out By Nine 11nd Paul Lamb 8- the Kingsnakes ()1-1111 \loi. 7.31 7.35 (it'citl \VLNlet‘ti Road. 35" (131111 7.3(1pnt. £13.50. See 11111 31. I X Factor Live Tour Sl-.('('. tinnimnin (311.1),115‘11114114111111 7.3llprn. £311. See 11111 31.

King Furnace, The Trend, Nine Circles, A True Story 111111 The ID Parade Box. 431 Snuclirelmll

Check out the


Street. 333 5131 511111 11.11111111-111111111. rock etiio 1111111 1)11111e11111111e ’l.1111.1\\ rockerx‘\111e(‘11t|e\ I Savage Messiah 11.11111 1111»\1.111\1. 211111111. \‘111-1-1.H.\"11‘1o' WM \11111 LS 1~\11e111e pout-1 111e1.11 111-111 1". |)r.1gorilor.e\1.11\11.1111.1\\. 111e1111\er\ I Soul Circus Sim-11.311 .‘\ I<e1111e|tl 1.1rie. 333 3351 Spin 1.11 11111 on rock‘n’ioll

Tigers on Vaseline 111.- (‘.1t\‘..1|1\1{oc1\1,111111ge.‘l51 1111111\111‘1'l. 34S (1111111 Spin 111111.11" lrrluite I Brothers of Craig \rcc’ri‘Slen/‘x 431 S1111c111e11.111 Street. 33311‘11111 S 31111111 v\111111111.11111.11 I Daemonolith, Achren .11111 Amputated l 1111 \1111- (1111-. 5H 1111 King Street. 553 1’13S S 31111111 15 1.oc.11 111.111 111et.11 lull. 21.1111 11e.1111111er\ ltonted 11} .1(1e1111.111\ot.111\1.\u1111e1 c1e.111_\ 111e.1111\11\111e\\ I Duffy King 1111\\\.111\\.11111111. 353.1S1\1rice111 S11ee1.331 53“) .S. 31111111 SUN) ()1 1 \ev. \111111.1// c11.1111e11\e11.111111g111111e'u..11.eol \\lllL‘llttll\L‘;1lltl \1lL‘lL'

1W0 Bob Rocket S.111111e1 l)11\\ ‘S. (in “l \llllnldlt' “H.111. 1:3 11111533011111R1rck ctl‘.t‘l\

You Take the Bigger Half .11111 Cheer 1111-(11N-1w..111»1}. 1:11 l'.ltlL'l\llL' \HL‘L'I. 353 “W31 3 31111111 1.1\c .1cou\11c 11111\1c.11 the net-1.1} ('oncrete(X1rt1pli1enight I Mustafa Zahid 81 Roxan $1.1 '( '. 1'111111e\1ori (311.1}. 11.x"1111.111.1111111 Uplli £13. 1’111\1\l;1nr pop rock 11.11111


I Safehouse, The Zips 111111 Demons Eye \\111\11c111111».1c\. 4 11 South Bridge. 55" 5114. (1pm l‘rce helor'e midnight. £4 .1lter,'11ght ptrnl. r1 tc‘lx lrorn ‘1 he /.1p\