
Paranoid Park i 12A, 000 1(3le Van Sant. L'S. 2007i (iahe Nexinx. Dari lau. Jake Miller 85mm l'reewheeliiig adaptation ol Blake Nelxoii'x young adult novel. in which Van Sant returnx to the territory he mined ch‘L‘cxxlull) in Hep/unit, Where that lilm examined teenage hehax iour through the extreme event (ii a high xchool xhootiiig. Paranoid Park attempts xoiiiethiiig ximilar \ ia the xtory ol a xkate kid who lxtllx h). accident lt lookx and xoundx lovel}. hut itx cinematic indulgence xooii hecomex tedioux and the trite concluxioii clumxil) underxcorex the thin notion that kidx Juxt don't care about the adult world. (when, Edinburgh.

Paris, Texas l IS; oooo twiiii Wenderx. [IS/W, IUXM Harry Dean Stanton. Naxtaxxia Kiiixki. llunter (‘arxon l44miii. Mixxmg lor lour yearx. middle- aged loner Stanton turnx up iii the Texan outback, arid ix later reunited w'ith hix xoii. The two embark on a trek acroxx America to lind hix extraiiged wile. the young hoy‘x mother. Wenderx' coolly dixlocating \‘ixtial xeiixe comhmex with writer Saiii Shepard‘x

verxion ol' Aiiierica'x dexolate heartlandx to

produce a movmg xtory ol' perxoiial alienation. l'i'lm/muw, Inklinlmreh.

Penelope (lf) 0... (Mark l’alanxki.

UK/US. 200m ('hrixtiiia Ricci. Jamex McAVoy, (‘atheriiie ()‘llara. 89mm. With her moneyed background and good xeiixe

J‘F‘f 3‘,” firm—din-

sil- “-


Czech and Slovakian Republics have been somewhat marginalised. This short season goes some way to rectifying this oversight. Highlights include Jan Hrebejk’s dark romantic table Beauty in Trouble (pictured), David Ondricek’s Grandhotel, and, most interestingly, Dan Wlodarczyk’s character drama The Indian and the Nurse about sub-cultural divide in the new Czech Republic. Visit or for more information. I F/‘Imhouse, Edinburgh from 77m 74 Feb.

54 TUE LIST 14—28 Feb 2008


ol humour l’eiielope iRiccii xhould ha\c been a hit ol a catch Sadl}. xhe hax a pig'x xiiout lot a noxe. and. not Hill) do her xwimxh leaturex xcnd the ho}x running. the} alxo c‘tlilllilc her to dating the landed gentt} l’ene/u/u' ix characterixed h} itx xuhtlet). rejecting eax) plot turiix and .S'lirrl.»c-xqtic' pop culture coriiriientar}. itx indixidualit) and intelligence making it a hit (ll it ll} l‘rltl lreak (it'ltt’ru/ I't'lc'tlw' Piglet‘a Big Movie it‘i il-rancix (ilehax. l'S. 2003i 75mm (‘artoon The gang lrom Hundred Acre Wood are hack with another enchanting tale ol adxenture When l’iglet \anixhex into the woodx alter not being allowed to participate in one ol Winnie the l’ooh‘x adxenturex. the gang hecome worried and xet oil on a iiiixxioii to lind him uxiiig hix xcraphook ol' memoriex. lix ltlL'llll}' to adultx the underlyng mexxage ix appreciate your lriendx and enxure they know you lo\e them. l-or children. perhapx Megan l.ehiiiann'x iNew' l'orA Post) quote ix particularly apt: ‘When the world getx too big and xcar)‘. the Hundred Acre Wood

remaiiix a clearly delineated comlort /oiie'.

I’ll/rilmine, Iz't/iIt/iiireli.

Rambo i no 0.. (Sylxexler Stallone. IS. 2008) Sylvexter' Stallone. Julie Betti. Matthew Marxden. 90min. See rex iew. page 47, General releaw. from I’I'l 32 I‘l'l).

The Rapture 1 IX) ooo iMiehat-I 'l‘olkin. US. l‘)‘)2) Mimi Rogerx. David

l)ucho\rix l’atrick llauchau. \\ ill l’atton l02miii A telephone operator tirex ot unxatixt} mg caxual xe\ and eiiihracex a new tound heliet that the world ix tacmg imminent dextruction 'l'olltiii'x dehut ax

w riter director ix a flawed hut proxocatixe olleriiig that iiexcr letx tix dixmixx the protagoiiixt ax a hihle haxhing nutcaxe Infinitive/i [rim (it'll/(I. l'rltIi/mruli Ratatouille i l C... Illrad llird. l-S. 200“ Voicex ol l’attoii ()xw alt. llriati l)L’llllt‘ll_\. Brad (iattt‘ll llllmm 'l‘he latext l’ixar iiiaxterpiece lollowx Rem} the rat noiced h} ()xwalt i ax he chaxex hix dt‘eatii ol hecoiiiing a gourmet chel l‘hix ix l’i\ai at itx hext. otleiiiig atidieiic ex hoth three diiiietixioiial iiiiagex and xtoixtelliiig with itx thoughttul coiixideiatioii ot the i‘elatioiixhip hetw eeii the creatix e procexx and lr‘ieiidxhip Yet Bird'x colourlul production iiexei xtiiitx oii laxt. tuiioux tun. with plenty ot xight gagx and chaxex through the xticetx. waterwaxx. xew erx and dinner tahlex ot l’arix ('mruuili/ l’urkhc'ml. (i/meow, (‘irii'nolltl lit/lH/HU'L'II. lat/in/iureli.

Rivers and Tides it'i oooo t'l‘hoiiiax Riedelxheiiiier, l'K/( ierman). 2001i l00mm. ‘Ai‘t lor me ix a toi‘m ol nourixhiiient.' xuggextx xculptor And} (ioldxworth) at the xtar't ol tliix meditatne docuiiiciitai'}. Audieneex on the continent and in the l'S haxe L'L'l'lttllll) touiid ‘l‘homax RICtlL‘lxllCllllCt‘\ liliii a rewarding chew: it'x

Unlike Czechoslovakian filmmakers of the communist era (Jan Sverak, Jin’ Menzel, Karel Kachyna), the new generation of directors to have emerged from the devolved

picked up awardx at the German l5ilm -\waidx. the San l'l.lllcl\c\‘ l'lltl‘. l-extixal and the Montreal International ol l-ilmx on Art lt ix not ditticult to xee w h_\ liix woi‘kx hax e a xta}mg pow er hecauxe the) are ephemeral -\nd while (ioldxworthx 'x xpeech ix textooned w ith purple patchex. he ix alxo thoroughl} tliHNtl-lnrt'dtlll llix work ix concerned with nature and piocexx and lite. and it ix hard to watch a caielullx won-n xtriiig ot leax ex xlip tioiii their pattern and xiiake dow iixtieam without teeliiig xiiiii xoul llll ~\( ‘I- I'u’lIt/ltlltflt Romeo and Juliet t 1:» oooo in.” l.uhriiiaiiii. \tixtialia’l'S. WW” I eoiiaido l)i(lll‘t'io. ('laie llanex l.‘0iiim l'lie

Mm tlx [iii/{mom directoi ‘x treatment ol the Shakexpeaie traged} ix a Ill.t:.'lllll\‘t'lll i‘iot ol colour. action and xe\_\ teeii ioiiiance. without an} need to xaciiliee the te\t lo call it ‘M'lV liliiiiiiakiiig' lllI\\L‘\ the point that the camera tiickx and iii Vltlkc\ don't iii an} wa} dixtiact tioiii the lact that |.uhiiiiaiiii liax coiiipletelx giaxped lllt‘ lxxttcx at the u‘ttlte Hi the pla} .-\tt iiito\icatitig. hieathtakiiig llll\ ot ('atholic iconography. high camp and xtieet \ iolence that'x hoth deliciouxI} lt'\t'il\ll .iiid xtudtetll) cool (innii'mil; (i/uwim

The Savages 1 IM oooo t latllata Jeiikinx. l'S/('.iii;id.i. 2007i l.auia l.lllllt'). l’hilip Se}iiioui llollmaii. l’liilip lloxco ll~<lllllll A richly ohxeixed and ter'iilicall} acted chatacter xtud_\ ol two intellectual iiiiddle-aged xihlitigx and their dementia xull'er'iiig lather Jlltllcltitlxl) halaiiciiig humour and xoi'iow_ Jeiikiiix prox ex .i quietly axxuied xtot’)tellc'i' while l.iiiiie} and llollmaii deli\er urixhow y. iiiultilayei'ed pei'l'oiiiiaiicex (nmm l'alilrliu/‘gh.

The Secret of Roan lnish tl’(il C... (John Saylex. l'S/lielaiid. I‘l‘Mi Jeni ('oui‘tiiey. liileeii (‘olgaiL John l.}llL‘ll l0lmm. Maxtei liliiiiiialtei Sa)|ex tlelixeix a wondei'lully wixtlul ('eltic laiitaxy that .xhould appeal to older and )titltlgt‘t \ iewerx alike. ('apturiiig the mood ol i‘uial Ireland and the legend ol the hall human. hall xeal xcllxlcx. he xplnx a rlch tale ol cu't'ytltiy magic which tapx mto the cultural identity ol the xeltiiig without a hiiit ol cotitlexcetixioii (incisor/(I I’llI/K/ll'tfll. (ilusguii:

Shadow Companyi Nie llicaiiic/Jaxoii Bourque. ('aiiada. 200m Stiiiiiii. Ari iiivextigatixe feature length tlUclllllL‘lllttl)‘ exploring the role and In ex ol modern day tttcrccttartcx .'l( lit/lli/Hll'tf/l. Singapore Sling i la; oooo (Nikm Nikolaidix. (lreece. l‘)‘)0) Meiedyth Herold. l’anox 'l’hanaxxoulix. Michele Valley. I l lllllll. A detectne hecoiiiex a pawn iii a hrutal game ol xexual domination. torture and murder by a deranged mother and dauglitei team An artixtic yet outlandixhly conlroiitational. demonic and oi'giaxtic i‘iot ol a llllll lioiii (ireek director Nikolaidix. A l’x)‘c‘lllllitllllL‘ (‘inema pi‘exentatioii. (iluxgmi- I-i/ni Tlit'll!f¢‘_ (i/uxgrm'; I'il/iiliuuw, Edinburgh. Southland Tales ( IS; 00

(Richard Kell). (iermaiiy/l7S/l'rarice. 200m Dwayne Johiixoii. Seaiiii William Scott. Sarah Michelle (iellar. 144mm. lt ix July 2003. xoctcty tx on the hrtnk ol xocial. economic and em irorimerital colltipxe. An action xtar/hoxer. a porn xtar and a police officer are making a laxt xtaiid in their ()Wll peculiar w ayx. l’aiiilully xophoiiioric and devoid ol the w'it, intelligence and pathox that made l)(llllll(' I)(lrku xucli a unique experience. South/and 'lki/m ix ill- CUIICClVCtl and poorly executed. xhot through Willi xlapxtick \‘lUlCHCC and xiiiug jokex. ()rlr'nn A! The Qiun, (jlmgrm: Space Station 30 «ti; (Tutti Myerx. Canada/US. 2003) 47min. Narrated by Tom (’ruixe. thix hig xcreen lMAX prexentation lollowx real axlronautx into the big blue. lmprexxive. but not ax