SIANI) tli’ JO CAULFIELD The Stand, Glasgow, Thu 14—Sat 16 Feb

Jo Caulfield knows that it's good to let off some steam now and again. On her website, she allows her fans to rant on her Angry and Annoyed page. Among the more recent complaints was the woman who gets angry and annoyed at people who insist that ‘kids say the funniest things; well, they don’t, they just talk a load of bollocks.’ Then there's the bloke who gets all irritable over the daft names of porn stars and the anonymous poster who rails at the ‘moron’ who put wind chimes outside his house in a built-up area. All perfectly reasonable topics to get het up about.

Others might be exasperated that this comic isn’t more famous than she is, having burrowed away amusingly on the stand-up circuit for the entirety of this century, a Fringe debut arriving in 2001 with It's Not that Important. These Stand shows play a part of her warm-up for an appearance at the Glasgow Comedy Festival with Jo Caulfield Goes to Hell in which she will offer witty words of wisdom on subjects such as late night poker, binge drinking and why divorce isn’t so tough on the kids, it’s the friends who truly suffer. Prepare to be angry, annoyed and amused.

(Brian Donaldson)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan. Indicates Listpicks entry

Glasgow I Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(‘t(' Building. ll Rt‘ttll'c“ .Stt'cct. (LS—ti 78" 0'0". 8pm. £8. .longlcutx don IISCH proud llllS owning. \\ itlt coiitcd) troni John Warhuiton. ('hrh \lct‘athland and (icordic Icgcnd trio. not (lanai (ia\ in \Vchslcr. Hc'x \xa} tunnicr thatt (id/I‘d. Dancing attcr. The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 333 Woodlandx Road. (LVN (ile

6055. 8.30pm. 9." tin; £3 tltL‘ltth‘t‘Sl. .-\\\\\.

42 THE LIST 31—35 Fel‘ .j.\ :4

\'.t|ciittiic\ l)a_\' ll _\ou'i'c alonc aiid hatt' lllt‘ \kttt‘ltl lhcn go along [U 'liltL‘ Slillltl. ‘l‘llL'l'LTH lk‘ loadx til [\L‘oplc llla‘ )ttll lltcl't' tonight. (‘hccr )ourxclt tip \\ tth hoxt .loc Hccnan. .lo ('aullicld. (iat"\ lattlt'. \lit'hacl lahhrt and Martin \lc:\|li\tcr. Scc pm IC\\ tor .lo (’aullicld.

I Peter Powers l’;t\ tlion l'hcatrc. Ill RL‘llllL‘lLl Sll‘L‘L‘l. .55: ltS-lli Lil t l 5. H_\pnoti\t act from l’oxicrx. \\ ho hax hccn (allL‘tl 'lllL‘ .-\ll (i \‘l SlugL‘ h}pno\i\',

I Watson’s Wind-up (ilmgoxt l‘lllti 'l‘llL‘alt‘L‘. l: RUSL' .SlrL‘L‘l. 5.“: high, \VL‘L'lxl} topical conicd) tttti at thc rccot'dtn; ol BBC .Scotlatid'x popular \kctch \hoii. \tarrtng Jonathan \Valxon.

Edinburgh I Impmbabble 'l‘hc ()utliouw. 12a

Broughton .Strcct Lane. 55— («MS 8.15pm,

£3 til i. 'I‘hc linprohahhlc crcix dcwcndx

upon I dtnhuzgh hrtngtn; shotgun. ttnptoi ixcd .ontcd} c: to lh.‘ l luthouxc Bring wins good idem. thy} titttfilt! tthl ax'k _\oatoi .1Sllj_':_"t'\lli‘lt

I Heresy In; lc'mli .\ ltxac. “.1: Hanoxt'i Shoot. :35 INS: ‘il‘l‘tt‘. :5 thk \lollandk dun of :zicautti xivltottxo anoth load ot .otrtcdtanx Lilllt'.t\l‘.lftf_' thc datkwt pitxcx ol tt:.tlL‘ thy} tar: thank ot I The Thursday Show In.- Stand. S \otk l’latt', 55S 5.“: ‘lptii :5 lilt‘llllX'lS‘ \\k' l‘li‘HHSK' that no ont- \le ti} and xcll ~\ou tom-x al lllk' Stand. tht' platt' \kht‘tt' low dim and l.tll_‘..'lllt‘l lX'mnx Hrugt‘ l)t'\lllt hoxtx. \Kllll kttti llati.i~.'.iti. (oh- l’aila't. \nton) \ltllla} and \dt't'l \ntint

lL(\' \

Glasgow I Jongleurs Comedy Club .Ionglt-titx. l‘( i(' Building. ll Rt'nlit'xt \llt't'l. llS’ll ‘S'Wi‘ii‘ Spin Ll: St-t- lliti H The Stand lllt' Statid. it; \\t‘\‘\H.tlltl\ Rudd. llqul fillll fill55 S illpni L” i (S. :5 lllk'llll‘t'lSl (it-t tht‘ \it-t'kt'nd part} tiaiii \‘lllllllllj: along: \tith niott' tonicd} ltotit \lattin \lt' \HlSlt'l. \lit'hat'l l'alihri. ( iati l llllL' and HIV llllf.‘lll_\ ,lo ( 'aultit-ld lSL't‘ pm N“ i. t’onipt'rt-d h} .loc llk't'lldll I Peter Powers l’.t\llltttl lllt'dllk'. I31 Rk'llllt'lkl Sllt't'l. it: lh-llt till Ll i \t‘t' lliti l-l


I Jongleurs Comedy Club .lotigglt-ut» ()inni ('t'nttt'. (iit-t'nxtdt' Plan". “550" .Sallqllh‘ .\ lsttlll. [ll \\till tltl\\ll )tiiit Surl 'ii‘ lurl lllt'll L‘ll|tt_\ Sillllt' titialiu \"t‘lllt'tl} lroin ()tiint'}. l’aul Kt'i‘t'iixa atid l)otti (‘arroll Hit'ic'x dancing: .lllt‘l\\.lltl\. a\ ll _\oti didn't knoxx

I Laughing Horse at Meadows Bar laughing: littlxc («I lhc \lt'adoxix Hal.

~12 4-1 Huct'lt'uch ,Strt't't. no“ two"

N. illptn. L5 itii. Ht'at\ ol lllt' laughing: Horxc \cu .\ct ol tlit' _\cai t‘otnpctition lcaturing: a \xholt- hmt ot caper nt‘ix actx. \\ llll lltml .ltitti Stilltt‘llttlltl St't' lllt' \lalx til lttlllitl'l't‘“. L'lt'. L‘lL‘.

I The Stand 'l hc Stand. 5 \mt l’lau‘.

55.S' 5352. “pm. L“) HA [5 illt‘llll‘t'lSl. lllt‘

lowl} llllL‘ up pit-writt-d to )0” on ‘l'liurxdai (Ullllllllt'S throuin thc \tt‘t'lwnd. It‘d h} thc lll.ll'\t'HHllS Hruu' l)t'\ liii

G asgow

I Club Fab! Haxui'a Blanca. l’irunxmt'k Hoch Baxcnit'nt. lllfi Hrunmtt'lx Slit-ct. tiTSII ill-W58 .Spni. t5 tt-li. ()uccr caharct llllell lull ot \on):\ ol to} atid lL'dlS ol laughtcr \HHI hoxlc“ Rachcl .llll}. t-ittt‘rtaintncnt horn l)l'L'\\ 'la_\|oi. (italiain Hault'} atid |n\'ot*al. l.cg_';_'} l’cc'x puppt-tx and lailidh \lat‘.\\ktll tol dai|_\ ukult'lt- (onccrt lainc i.

I Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltiltfjlt'lttx. l‘(i(‘ Building. ll chtimx Stit't't. USA” ".S' it‘ll" .Spni. U5 Scc 'l'hu H

I Comedy @ The State lllL' Start- Hat.

HS Holland Stict'l. 5‘: 3|5‘) ‘lpni {.5 Ringtnaxtcr ('hi‘ix "l hc Ranr Htootnticld prcwntx l’arrot. lllL' gcntlt-inan (Ulllt'tlldll \xho'x making; a rcturn h} poptilat dcniand. \Vtth ()ucntin Rcinoldx arid lulainc .\l;llt'itlltt\ttli. The Stand the Stand. iii \Vtititllgmtlx Road. lqul) (illll (ill55 ‘ipni. U3. .Scc in 15 I Peter Powers l’.i\tlioii l'hcattc. Ill Rt'llllt'ltl Sll'L'L‘l. .5 5: lNllt \lltllllglll til {I 1. Scc 'l‘hu H


I Lemoncustard Comedy Harlctiuin ('atc. 5H Bucclcugh Sttcct. Spin. ti donation 'l’hc lllttSI giggl} [light in Sgotthh L'UlllL‘tl} \itugglcx into lllL’ Harlctiuin ('atc lot' thc owning. \iith gonicd}. gattlt'S and H“ )H. lhcic Illa} cwn hc \\\L'ClS. ll _\ou'rc good.

I Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongluttn. ()ntnt (‘cntro (it'L‘ClhltlL‘ l’lapc. “VH— x“ii“ti'. 5.15pm. £14, Scc in 15

I The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. .5 York I’lapc. 555 "2'2. Upin. LIZ Scc l‘fl l5

KTtlSEhM... I Michael Redmond‘s Sunday Service l’t.‘ Stand ::;\\\‘\‘\‘.ti\ Road.

ti\'ii(ititir\iiS\' \ {tip-H 1S 1. i, iticttilwix lik tho Sahhath \o :‘u'. down that t‘ioush .tt‘a‘. "zcad out tot \i‘llik' fut:

\i‘..lit”\\ o! H? lx‘.u‘.iito:id Ho \\.t\ :n law-tr /«..'. \ou knou \\t'.?‘ \l;\lt.t\'i‘l‘lt_ (:o'dott \lt‘\.indc: llatno \laltolnixott. \uxttn l ou and MA \lotzou

I Peter Powers l‘.:\ ttton Hit-ant: l.‘I lx‘cntit'ld Shoot. ‘1,‘ lSlh 2 ll 1!‘ Su‘ lhu l-l


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? lhc Stand. 5 \oik l’law. 55> i.‘ lptn lhank tht‘ l‘lHHHt'S tot \lllttl.t\\ .tt lht' Stand :‘tatttl tood. ;'iand tit't' lllll‘linSt'tl tonit'di and :‘tattd \t‘llll‘alh. ll ton haw grand lticnd\ lt \oti don't. tuxt t‘nto\ tht‘ \otiit'di and Rap \tlllllllj.‘ I The Sunday Night Laugh-In llit- Stand. 5 \oil. I’la.t-. 55S S H'I‘lll 2‘ it»1.t| Hlt‘llll‘ClSl \oiiii:' l\k'\lll lliidt't'x \l‘llll‘t'lt'S HHS thilli Stindax t'xt'. \\llll ('olt' l’aikt'i. ('oittiat Hunt and tl\|ll‘.' \ \nton} \lutia\ lnd tht' \xt'vl. \xnh .l lll\‘\' lt‘l.l\t‘\l iiijght ol tillllk'tl\


I Magners Comedy Monday \l\(.lllllll\. lit Hit'h Stit't't. 55.‘ .‘l ‘5

.\ l5piii L‘.‘ it It litiprolialililt' \ ht‘t'i up Monday tn ( il.i\_‘_'ti\\ \\llll \tllllt' ol tht'ii ttuit'k \\lllt'tl. itiipio\i\t'd iapm ('onit‘ tt'adi \xith \tipt't'xtton» the} itii;‘ht |llSl axk _\ou lot \otnt' tdcax and \ilt'tttt' IS |ll\l plaiti .l\\i\\\.tltl

I Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance lllt' \lalltl. i5i\\tititll.ltttl\ Ritatl. llNi‘ll ltllll (itiSS .\ itipm Ll (‘oint-d} t'oodtt'\ liotti lt'dlll \lonkt'} lllt' t'wr popttlai lx’.t_\iiiotid \lt'dlllS. I’aul l’ittt- and \Ht'll ('haltitt'ix \ it‘al|_\ yood \alut' lllf.‘lll ol t'oiiicd} toiiiint.‘ ltotit all anplt-x

I Peter Powers I’a\ ilion lllk'dllt'. I.‘I Rt'llllt'ltl Sitt't‘l. it? lhlli l_ll l.l i \t't‘ 'l liii l-l


I Fit 0’ The Giggles Absolute Beginners lltt- \tt-ttat. .‘\ \\t-\t \lattland Stit't'l. .‘35 ;Mil Spin tl lonight'x illlt'llll}' ol tit-\wt at ix t'oniinj.‘ tip on lllL' \UtlllSll tumult t ittuit IS llt'dtlt'tl tip h} thc Ion-l} Hill} Kitkuood lad} kt'aia \luiph} \(‘Hlpt'lt'S ax ttxtlal

I Red Raw lllt' Stand. 5 \oik l’liltt'. 55S "353 .\ illpiit t3 \ llt'\\ hatth ol Ht'\\ \tllllt'tllilllS \L'l tip to thc llllk \t't' ‘-‘.llt'lllt'l tht'} llSk' to lllt' t'hallt'nt'c. ltkt' Sparta \tith itiort- \\\t'.illll}_‘ (iiat'itic lllttlllitS and l).l\t' Strong .ttt' lllt'lt’ to t'oiiipt'tt- and llt'dtlllllk'

G asgow

I 88d Raw lllt' \lalltl. {55 \\|Nltlltlllll\ Rtmt. i).\"ii (illll (ill55 .\ input t-) it] lllL'llll‘k'lSl lht' t'oitit'd} Hltlllhtllll ol Suitland. Rcd Rav. nurtuim IIL'\‘. toiiit-d} talt'nt Ill a total!) llL'L' tanct- tiiaiint-i Kt'Hll l’iiidjgtw llk'dtlS up tht- le'“

I Peter Powers l’aHltittt lllt'dllt'. Ill Rt‘ltllL'ltl \llt't'l. 5;: lh-lfi Ll l iii \t't' lhti l-l


Pleasance Comedy lllL'

l’lt'dMlllut' (Kiltatt‘l Hat. (ill l’lt'axatitt'. 5llpttt Ur iL5i il\|.ti til [ltt' lk'xl hulllhli agtx citlcrtatn lllL' \tudcntx |)c\ ('laria- and .lot' llt'cttaii (to along. ilix opctl to all, put tuxt lllllell lccl old Sec 5 'l llllljJS lot Dex (‘lLit'lkL‘

OOT II: The Second Coming

'l llk' Stand. 5 toil. l’latc. 553 “'3”: x Riipm LS tuii 'lhc ya} iricndl} UllllL'll} llllell lClUl'llS to l hc Stand. hmdcd h} lllt' original lord oi Lillllll coined). \lt (rat: Hill Ht-K titlllL'tl h} Jill l’cauigL. thc 'lalnu alircal. gum-n .\lr\ Harhara \lLC and hij: Scou.\yncu. I Hairy Watt Comedy Club the l'iiion. Hcriot-Watt l'ntxcrxit}. Rtgcanoti.