Savag alnt

Julianne Moore has built a career playing complex, troubled women in cutting edge films. But, as she tells James Mottram,

the characters she portrays couldn't be further from her own life

22 THE LIST 3115 :et‘

iriee eiirriiiig tn the pulan attention in Rnherl .-\|trrrari\ I‘M} llilll Vin/'1 (ill/M Julianne Moore has huilt a eareer on pla)irig rules other starlets \Mitliti run a mile l'rurri. \Vhii else \mtrld ha\e the guts in go lrnrrr pl;t_\irig a porn star in Hung/r .V/u/irx la rule \\hieh alil'nrded her the l'irxt til iiHlll' ()xear riiiniiriatirinsi to taking m er l'rnrri .lndie I‘mter as ('lariee Starling in Si/emr u/ l/lr' [um/n sequel llumrr/m/I’ 'I just do shirt that interests riie.‘ \he \ht‘tlgx. \xhen \\ e meet on a heaehxide terraee during the (‘annes lilrii rmmr. Still. Moore. 47. the daughter iii a riiilitar)

judge and a Setittixh \rieial \Mir'ker has ;i|\\;r}\

II\ ed on her ner\e\ a\ an aellexx Her hext perlnr'riiarrtex are turrehed l\_\ a la\\ ptmer that sets her apart llHlll her \‘Hlllt'llll‘itl.tllt‘\ \nthrrig. hii\\e\er. \xrll tlrrrte prepare yin lur her latest. Milt/er (mm: Ihreeled h\ lurii |\'aliri. \\ilH\\‘ last lihii \\.r\ Phil's highl_\ prar\ed \nuuiz. a retelling til the rintnr‘rurix I enpnld and | neh irrtrrder ease. Strider (imit l\ ariuther true lrle tale ml errriie and [‘;t\\lHll that heearrie the wereu searidal Hi its da_\. Spanning the permd I‘Hli I‘Fl. \Iimre p|a.\\ Harlwara Haekelaiid. \xell tn dn heir ml the Bakelite plaxlit‘x luiltiiie. “lime erurrihliiig marriage rln ~\tepheri |)r||arie\ Hrmikxi and \tlllueating l'L‘itlllthilll‘ until her

ongside Stephen

(1 above left. and

above centre. who

play: her son. in Savage Grace