Market values

As Fairtrade Fortnight hits Scotland, Kirstin Innes looks ahead at the best of the events

eyl You there? Traipsing abottt in your l'ashionable bttdget high street eoat. sipping at your ehainstore eol‘l‘eeY This is

your eonseienee ealling? Since 1996. the ever-expanding. l'K-wide Fairtrade Fortnight has been nagging Seotland’s consumers to put a little tnore thought into their

purehases. And quite right too. With all ol‘

Scotlanth eities aehieving Fair Trade ('ity status. the eampaign is on to earn its that Fair Trade Nation badge.

"The aims behind the Fortnight are to engage consumers in a really positive and inspiring way just to give them the ehoieel' says Tania Pramsehul'er ol' Handup. an ethieal publishing and events eompany who help eo-ordinate Seotland's Fairtrade Fortnight eontribution. ‘\\'e want to .say: “This is Fairtrade. here are the



Catriona Munro 20, art school student, Glasgow

Halr and make-up is a key part of my look, it really sets off whatever I’m wearing. This look is an original take on Dita von Teese’s whole 19405 thing.

This outfit is a particular favourite of mine as not only is the ensemble achingly on-trend, it also features the must-have of the season, the fur jacket.

I shop in a huge variety of places but today everything I have on comes from MI, Primed: and HIM.

10 THE LIST 1-3—28 Feb 2008

On first glance you could be forgiven for thinking this is a creation of vintage gold. It does have that feel about it but in

E actual fact my outfit is

\\ \

comprised of top-to-too hlgh strut.

_._, - _ I like to think the way I . ‘31-vu ’3» ‘J -. dress proves that you ' " don’t have to spend a million dollars to look it!

people. here are the produets. here are the people behind the produets". and we hope that people leaye our events rieher than when they eame in terms ol~ know ledge and inl'ormation.

'It‘s sueh a positi\e and an easy thing to do. too.' she enthuses. ‘You support the mmement just by switehing your ehoeolate or your eol'l'ee or your .sttgar.‘

Last year. there were ll).l)()ll e\ents throughout the [is alone exerything l‘rom small seale loeal eol'l'ee mornings and wine tastings tising Fairtrade-tnarked produets to eomedy nights. awareness-raising gigs and London's lull—on Fairtrade Fairground. The biggest was l’ramsehuler's own projeet. the Fairtrade lixperienee. a weekend-long l‘estixal whieh lilled (ilasgow's Royal (‘oneert Hall with ethieal markets. world musie gigs. talks and debates.

‘The l-‘airtrade li\perienee is a platl'orm lor Fairtrade produeers lrom developing eountries we bring them over and they talk direetly to and thank Seottish eonsumers and it’s also a way l'or Seottish eonsumers to be able to hear a hit more lirsthand about Fairtrade. On top ol~ that. we haye a market: in er 4t) lair trading businesses l‘rom around the world hay e stalls there this year * e\er_\thing l’rom Fairtrade Mod and drink. lashion. jewellery and kids slllll.‘

The keynote speaker lor the weekend will he Kenyan Fairtrade tea produeer Julius iithang'atha. ln expanding the movements prolile. Pramsehuler wants people to realise that Fairtrade doesn‘t just mean ethieally-produeed tea and eol'lee. These day s. over 3000 produets l'rom almost (it) developing eountries bear the Fairtrade mark. Marks d; Speneer and Topshop both run Fairtrade lines. and [)ebenhams is abotit to Iauneh one.

'Faittrade is important. beeause as itidi\ttittuls we slum/(l be taking on responsibility l'or the way we eonsume.‘ says Pramsehul‘er. ‘By eonsuming even a little bit more thoughtl‘ully we can make a very positive impaet on people in developing eountries. and it‘s about showing that respect

Fairtrade Fortnight 2008, Mon 25 Feb-Sun 9 Mar. Fair Trade Experience, Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sat 1-Sun 2 Mar.