
the um \anonal (i.tllt'ttt'\ or \kl'll-lllll \liu‘A llk"-lllk'tl\1llk'l:\ lH .tlellllt'xllli't'

II: Collage City: Urban Space in Contemporary Art 0000 I nnl \nn 3‘) '\pt llt'L' \\orl.\ on paper hj. .tlll\l\ an h .x\ lohj. l’alt'twn. l .lllL'l.lll\l\ .lllll l'n'll .tthll atol I<ll“\lk'\ looktn: at the nu} \l.\llllt'\. map and en} .uthnettntt- haxe n.4pm-.1nt~.m-.t-unit llnx exlnhttton lllL'llllL'lll\ lln' t ttn l.tl pmmon ol uthan \pate .t\ a playground tot ttllhl‘ met the li.|\l (ill '\k'.ll\

The Architect and the Artists \lon i leh. l2 ~l<plll l-tee Philip I one. turatot ol the Hm! {ml/'11 luttm \1/ limI/ \ln IIH /‘//Iw I‘V/r exhibition. Itatex \pentek e\ten\n e tnxolxetnent \trth ll_‘._‘lllk'\ hlxe (itahant Sutherland. Jatoh l‘p\letn and John l’tpet

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS Iii nion Street. ‘V 31"” lm Sat liiatn hptn l'tee

Reveal 2008 l lllll Sal .\ \lat.

liiatn hptn l'tee .\ groupmlnlutton \houe.’mn§: \Hlllt‘ ol the hex! artrxln talent that ha\ \prunj; ltotn the Seoltlxh art eolleyex ill the laxl _\e.n



lhe Mound. l’rtnetw \lteel. (13-1 (CW! \lon \\etl tk l'll Sun lilanl *pnl. lhu lilaln ‘pnl

Turner in January lhu 3| .lan. Annual thxpla} ol .l.\l\\ 'lurner \mlereolotn'x. bequeathed h} llenr} Vaughan. ltotn earl} topographleal \xaxh lllil“ lllj.‘\ to the allnoxphene \ketehex ol eonnnental lztnope III the IMtlx antl INN» ’l he tleheate \xaleleolourx are on|_\ \houn Ill .lanuar} \xhen tla) light I\ \xeak. \o the} \\lll Iltil ltttlt'

A Response to Joan Eardley: Recent Paintings by Saturday Art Club and Saturday Studio l'nnl 'l'ue 25 Mar I'ree. lnxpn'etl h} the p;tlllllll;_'\ ol .loan Izartlle}. ehlltlten aged hemeen in e and IS _\ear\ hax e heen eteatlng then oun artuork at regular Satnrtla) e|a\\e\ llil\ I\ it L‘llttlit't‘ In \L'\' llk'll' \knt'h. Reunited: Rubens - Ribera In I l‘eh Mom {I .\lar. lhe lll}llltil0f_'l(;tl painting; ot “Drunken Silenux' it} .luxepe tle thera l\ on loan to the galler} lot No month. and \\ lll he tlhpla§etl alonpxitle l’elet l’attl lx’ultellx' 'l'eaxt ol llet'otl'. llle pan new the Inghhghlx ol a |"th eentut‘} eolleeuon aniaxxetl It) \xealth} l~|ennxh Inet‘ehant (i;t\ptll\‘ Rootnel,

Warder’s Choice Sat 0 l'eh Sun 37 :\pr. .\ eolleeuon ol pl‘lllh and tlramngx lroin the (Ballet) '\ eolleetton ehmen It} the “arthn; and front ol houxe \talt,


(’hantherx Street. 2V 4-122 lilaln 5pm ; noon Spin. l'ree

Jerwood Applied Art Prize 2007: Jewellery l'ntll Sun 2 Mar. Iiialn Spin. l-ree. 4-\ pt'exngtoux prl/e lll apphetl arlx run h} the ('ralh (‘ounell and .leruootl (’hat'nahle loumlatlon \\ llll a tlll'lerenl Inetlnnn reprexenletl eaeh _\ear. 'l'he |e\\ellet‘_\ makerx “ho lll.l\lL' the \horthxl tlnx _\ear are \ot‘a l’ok. Yoko l/axxa. (iratnne Morton. .\lah Rana and. lotnt

\\ Innerx. Stlxan ('xoxx and S\\l§llll l’a\on.


l’alaee ol' |lol_\ llMNlllUIl‘L‘. 550 Slim. Hall} ‘Htlatn oprn; ‘iaillant 2pm. £5 «USU».

Bruegel to Rubens: Masters of Flemish Painting l'nttl Sun 0 .-\pr. 'l'he lirxt e\|ul\|tlon e\ er mounted ol' l5lennxh |‘.tllillll:_‘\ in the Royal (‘olleenon hrlngx together 5! \xorkx lrotn the l5th to I‘ll} eenturlex. Ineluthng \xot'k h} llanx \lenlltng. Pieter Bruegel the liltler and Rubenx.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnxerleith Ro“. 553 ‘l‘lt Hail}

ltlam 3.30pm.

Images of the Garden X l‘nnl Sun 10 Mar. liree. 'l'enth anni\er\ar_\ ot' the annual e\hthltton ot' the hext ot‘ the \Htl‘lx h} \lllthllI\ ol‘ the RUBli adult education

Polish artist Artur Zmijewski presents video work in Gallery Two while

Gallery One provides a space in which to host an additional programme of events, ‘Polish - Scottish Cultural Stimulation‘, curated by Arek

KOZak. to run in conjun tion

\‘l;t\\t'\ .\lan_\ ol lhe pleeex. In .t \al'let} ol tnetha. .ne lll\l‘llk'kl h_\ the ganlen


lmerletth Rou. 552 I I ‘II lue Sun lllillll 3.30pm

Smith/Stewart O... l'ntIl Sun i l'eh. liiatn .iteiiipln. l'ree. l'htx nNalletl \eulpltnal en\ nonlnent l\_\ the (ilaxyoxx haxetl artlxh hrlngx the thetnex ol lu\ e tk tleath. larox and 'l‘hanatox Into the (ieorglan e\lnlntton \paee. lilaek reetlhnear IllUllHlllll\ cut into the \paee at head height. prewntrng: the \IL‘\\ er lrotn \eetng both the \xhole pieee at onee. and the laeex ol the other \ Ieuerx HI the room.

Martin Creed Sal ‘) l'eh flue 1 .‘\pl’ tnot Mont. Hiatn 3.30pm. l‘ree. 'l'he lll’\l Senilfllt \Hli) \llU\\ til lllL' 'ltll'nL‘l' l’rt/e-uinnlng arttxt. hext knoun lor lnx lelll lnxtallatton \Vork \o. 327: 'l he

lightx gman on and oil.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY lllt‘ \IUlllltl. :25 (\(W l, .\lon Sttl

lilant 5pm; Sun noon Spin.

Order 8. Chaos Thu 31 .lan. .\ eolleetlon ol eontetnlmrar} antl luxtorleal \xorkx iron] the RSA ('tillct‘lltill.


75 lit‘ll‘til’tl Rutttl. (ll-l hit)”. \lttll \Vt'tl tk l'l'l Sun lilatn 5pm; 'l‘hu lilaln "pm. >31 Carol Rhodes 0... l'nnl Sun

3-1 l'helt. l't‘L‘C. Sel'ltw Ul Itlmle\l.

‘ttnietional' lilllkl\k'.llk‘\ ill the tint major

retroxpeelne litil’ llit' SL‘Hllhlt ttl‘lhl. RlIULlL'\ el'eatex \ntall_ \llll \paeex lor eonletnplation. \Hlll an ahxorlnng Interiorit}.

John Watson Prize: Paul Chiappe l'ntil Sun 34 l-eh. The John \Vatxon pri/e ix auartletl annuall} to a graduate ol lithnhurgh ('ollege ol .'\rt. 'l‘hix _\ear\ \\ inner. (‘htappe. hax taken anon} liltilh \ Intage photograle ol' unknou n ehiltlren ax lnx \ouree material and protlueetl highl} tletalletl pencil

klld“ ingx ol' thetn


l Queen Street. (ll-i (CH1). .\lon \Vetl & l'rt Sun lilant 5pm; 'l‘hu lilaln "pin; noon 5pm.

8P Portrait Award 2007 l'ntll Sun lh .\l;tt'. Free. The leading l'K \lhm (Ju' tor artixtx working in portraiture llll\ war IUI the tint tune the eontpennon l\ open to all ttl'll\l\ aged Ix and o\ er. The Somnambulists: Photographic Portraits from Before Photography t'nul Sun h Apr. l'xrng contemporar} digital techniquex. artixt Joanna Kane TL‘Ille’l\ photographic likenevex from portraih

with the

main exhibition.

ot lll\lttll\‘.tl \‘eoltnh llgtn‘ex. taken llotn an l thnhurgh eolleetlon ol ltle .tntl tlealh lll.t\l\\.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY [nut-ml} ol lzthnlnngh. .South Bridge. (fill 33]”. line .8.11 lilatn Spin

:2: Alan Michael .000 t'nnl Sat 1 \lat'. See In ten. page ‘M.

Private Galleries


o (’arllon 'l’erraee. 5504-141. Iliatn 5pm. Howard Hodgkin 8. Edgar Degas l'nttl Sat 3 l-eh. ’l he lalexl 1n the

Ingleh} ‘\ \t'l‘lLN ol e\lnhtt1on\ eontparlng; eontetnporar} and elawte .n‘ttxtx pain a

I“,. - 'v 7ft- y- -. g . "If ’1". I y .


I (l(

. O V :9 J ' .; .I.£ . . 2'- ' D R u l I b. ‘r’ h Q l a ,I, I , \

' 4

1614iij -'

L'unterian Art Gallery - ' *3: j "January - 17,April 2008 ' ".w;huntierian.gla.ac.uk

Visual Art

ne\\ painting; it) Hodgkin with a \tntage I)C:_‘.l\

Susan Derges 8. Hildegard von Bingen ~\‘at W Sat lo leh Joint e\htlntlon


l’atnothall Stuthox, ~13 llannlton l’laee. Slot kl‘tttlge. 335 lb"

The Great Exhibition 2008 l'nnl “ed M leh \ neu exhibition e\ploring \ tetottana ttotn tontetnpotat)

\ teupotntx h} l‘thnhurgh te\ttle group lra_\etl l'tlgex. \Hlll guext .tlll\l and curator Jeanette Sentllet

I THE GRV i"(iuthtte81teet.ZIHZ‘N“

Richard Box l'nttl lhu l-1 l-eh l‘lte (':R\ \ lli.tl|_‘_'lll.tl C\llll‘lllUll I\ an lli\l.tll.tlli\li oi the neu light work h} the l ontlon haxetl artrxt llo\ l\ ntoxt latllulh tot lll\ hugel) aeelannetl \llt‘ \peettte It"): lli\l.tll.tll\\ll ln'ltl. In ulneh he ll\L'\l .\ *1 tluorexeent ltlhex to Illunnnale a llL'lkl ol eleettlett} p}lon\


H lllt'dtl SIIL'L‘I. Ill 55%

Starting POINT “ml l i I'k'l‘, I) 0pm Inaugural petlortnanee ltotn the lzthnhtngh hawtl .llll\l eolleeme laeho. See tntetxteu. lett

Outside the Cities


152 \ethetgate. HUS: ‘NN‘HM. Tue. Wed. l'll & Sat lilitiatn 5 iiipin; Tim I”. Warn 8. itiptn; Sun noon 5. lilptn. Camilla Low Straight Letters Sat 2 l'eh Sun it) Mar. llHUatn i lilptn l-‘ree .\ neu \eulptural e\lnh|non lroln the \orueglan gtl'll\l\ antl (ilaxgou School ol :\rt graduate. ulneh eotnlnnex the eaxual prexentatlon \\ nh the (Ulhlllt'l't'tl and “an tleH'lUPL'tl LWPL't‘Itlll} ltil' l)(‘:\.

to A I. ’x ;°. .; ",1" I sat . '1. i'.‘ ' Cr

’2‘ JE:"-"1 Feb 27/: THE LIST 97