Bette Davis centenary celebration unveHed
Monster fetival
Fatboy Slim
Fatboy Slim, Editors and The View to play Rock Ness. v l‘» Anna Millar
he piettii'estpie surrounds ol~ l.oeh New tire set to
lit)\l \tilllL‘ ol the higgest n;iine\ on the [K roek
seene. 'I'he Roek New lllll\lL‘ lestixiil. litllllL‘tl illlL‘l' its lUt‘tlllUll on the hunks ol the liinioiix Seottixh loeh. \xill shoneiixe top hiintlx. ineltiiling litlitorx. Rii/oi'light and The \'ie\\ ;l\ \er| ;l\ \llPL‘l‘\l;ll' l).l Ititho} Slini \xhen it returns lot .i third _\e;ii‘ llll\ .ltine.
('hiintetise Roisin \ltii'ph}. Iiiitho} Sliin. (‘hieugo lltill\L‘ l).l l’eli\ ilii Ilotiseegit .intl Hi'n/ilitin tlzinee popstei‘s ('88 \\ill Lll\U [k‘l'ltll'lll ;l\ pull of the l\\U-tl;l_\ l'estiuil. Stieh .i high profile line-up is i'el‘leethe ol' the l'estixul's groning popiiliirit}. hoth \\ ith intisie lU\L‘l'\ .intl [k‘l‘ltll’lilt‘h \inee its eoneeption in Illllh.
l{\ent organisers hm e proinixetl lh;it more hig n;iine\ are still to he .innonneeil illltl h;i\e \illtl the} \xill eontinne to support and \llU\\L';l\L‘ some ol' the l'K‘x linest tiiisignetl t;i|ent ;l\ [hill of their progruinnie.
'l'he_\ also hope to hniltl on last Muir‘s stieeesx \\ ith higger hiintlx iintl inore \trnntlx th;in e\ei' helore: '.-\litei‘ the \tieeess ol lust _\e;ir. \\ e eun‘t \\;iit to open the gates for Roek New Illllh’ iintl get the \llU\\ \ttii'tetl. \oi'ingin i(’ool\. ;ik;i liitho} Slim! is hiiek. \xhieh is going to he gi'eut. lle’x heen
ehoinping ill the hit to eoine hiiek \inee Jill)!» and it's going
to he tough keeping liiiti egilni until June.
'\\'e hane got :in tinni/ing l).l line-tip ;l\ \xell. Roek \esx linonrites :lliilll}tll\ ill'L‘ huek \\ itli .i higger e;ip;ieit_\ .ii'en;i and some tinni/ing guests: l);i\itl (illL‘llil ll;l\ agreed to hring lhi/ti's eoolest eliih night to the llighliintlx; .intl l~eli\ l);i llthL‘Ctll is iilretiil} peneilletl in il\ .i lilll\l \ee ill'll\l .it lllL‘ lt‘xllull.
'\\'ith :ill these :iets. ;l\ \\ ell ;l\ lots ol ne\\ ;itlr;ietion\ ;l|ltl on—site h;ii\ illltl piihs. \\ e are \lll'L‘ it's going to he the hest Roek Nev )L‘l.‘
\iii‘iii;iii ('ook \Llltl ol' his return to the lL‘\ll\;llI ‘l’l;i_\in.‘—' ;it l.oeh \esx in 2mm \\;i\ Llll iine\peetetl tlelight. It's A liihiilotis p|;iee. the people iire great and lint i‘e;ill_\ looking l'oi'\\;irtl to eoining htiek to see meryme ;ig;iin.‘
Roek New \xill he held on Suttii'tln} 7 k Siiiitlu} 8 June
just outside the \illiige ol l)t\l'C\. negii' lii\ei'iie\\. 'l'ielxetx
are no“ on \illL‘ ;it Ullll lor the \xeekentl l\lll‘lL'L'l to hooking leei Lllltl Lll'L‘ ;i\;iil;ihle l‘i'oin n\\\\.tiel\etline.eii,iil\ or h_\ culling 037] 434 4444.
See for more details.
I Edinburgh City Council is due to make a decision regarding the controversial £300m Caltongate development at a special meeting on Wednesday 6 February. The project involves demolishing listed buildings in Edinburgh‘s Old Town to make room for a hotel and conference centre. It has provoked strong objections from heritage groups and locals.
Historic Scotland asserts that there should be a presumption in favour of preserving listed buildings. especially those in good condition such as in this case. Developers say there is an economic case for their plans. Edinburgh World Heritage has dismissed the economic case, arguing that it is “not backed by real evidence". Due to the high number of objections, the matter may ultimately be referred to Scottish ministers.
Glasgow Film Festival
programme launched
.x'x‘ ‘t‘ii- lii'l’ lii 'tlin
i" (ii l. ii llill‘l l’ll‘\
Ail ‘. ii 4' Ll" ll vi .iriil /\il.iii
i'l itiivl ti»
"1w ul'l'l t'lill' ti:uii.i.ii
lit" iijo- ttiiillh. tilii .z‘a-tvliii'm il‘ill'l lillltlff‘.
i-w'ii wi"i,~r iiiiiiiii‘ l'l'l
l tittiliiit ft; ll‘ll tut liilil 7M.
iv? ll""l“‘>li.illl"ifl'llltf'lil illllliir"‘Jl"l'll':‘.iligiili‘i'.
‘v.i','i,- ii .pi‘ ‘i I {will m". i igi! '..'lil;,lfii}l«tflilll‘fili.ll
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