
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to galeist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 31


I The Hub Hilll ('erttre lor llealtlt A \Vellhetrtu. ‘) lloue Street. 52* llth

'lue 'llttt it. ill lllptn. l-ree Stop it} alter \tor'lx or on _\our \\.t_\ out to cltat artd lind out about tlte certtre'x .tctn lllt'S I Oueeries Joltn ('otton ('etttre. lll Stillll}\ltlc. (t3: ZINt ‘lprtt l'r'ee -\ drop trt lor IS 35 _\eat oldx to \ll around attd cltat \Hlll l.(il£'l people trt .t re|a\ed tillllttxpllel‘c.

I Racqueteers Badminton Group \leadottltartk Sportx (‘ertlte. l‘t‘) l.ottdort Road. (ml 5 *5] 7 ‘lprtt. .\ tttarttl}

l.(il£'l group who rtteet t‘ejgttlat'l} to pla} littll‘t'tllllpclllnt' hadrnrttton. lot more tnlor'tnatrott erttatl l‘l'ltllll“ lteeteeorg:

I Robopop (till). 4 l’rcartl} l’lace. Silt I730. Ill. illprn lain. l't'ee helot‘e llpttt; H it it alter. 'lr'end} \Vettd} artd lr‘tendx llll\ claxxtc pop ltlllL'\ lot lltttxe \\lttt can't “art to start their \teekertd.

I CC’s Karaoke (‘(‘ Bloom» 2* 24 (il’ct'llSlth l’ltlL‘t‘. 55h ‘) l l l. l‘l't‘t‘. l’l'etltlle lltt\l\ ueekl} cateruaulrng \L'SSIttlh UPSIAIIIN. \\llllL‘ Shana keepx llte lllllt'\ gout): tltt\\lt\l;tll'\.


I Boy George SH '(': ('l_\de :\lltlllttl'llllll. l‘lllllle\l(tli ()tta}. HS?“ ll4ll .lllllli. 7.30pm. £25. The lto}\ \oap opera lllt‘ L‘ttllllllllL'S \\ ttlt a new album artd a lie“ tour.


I Audioaerobics (ill(‘). 4 l’icard} Place. 550 I78”. lllfillprn .latn. l-ree helore l lprtt; £5 lUt alter. .lort l’leaxed artd luck} l.uctano hrtrtg an international attttude to electt'o houxe. \xhile Heprflnrd \Itllt\ indie. ltip ltop artd claxxtc dartce.


I OurSpace: Making Inner and Outer Space for LGBT Lives Keltirtgrow :\I‘l (Ballet) tk .\lu\eunt. .-\rg_'_\le Street. 370 95‘)”. [hill 3 Mar. Illattt Spin; l‘rt & Sun llartt Spin. l-ree. SL‘C partel.


I Boutique (illQ. 4 l’ical'd} Place. 550 I7S'll. lllfillptn Rain. l't'ee hel‘ore llpttt; £7 tL'ttt alter. lilectro attd houxe lrottt luck} luciatto attd Do“ let:

I Fever ligo. l4 Pleat-d} Place. 473 7434. llpttt Rant. {Ill lLS ttterttlterxt. l'ixher & Price and Martin Valentine are on llte main floor. \\htle tlte \ixttor artd Kanpth take art ;trt_\tltirtg_' goe\ attitude ittto llte (‘octeatt lounge.


I Pink Links .l‘llL' Sll'L‘L‘l. 3 l’lcal‘tl} Place. 550 4372. Spin. [5. Speed dattng lttl‘ ga) tttett artd \xotnett. Book tickelx ortlttte or at The Street. or contact l.i//te at coolix/iew ltottnailcortt

I Hifi (illQ. 4 l’ieat'd} Place. 55“ I‘S‘lt. lll..‘llplli 3am. l‘ree ltelore l lprtt; (4 ll...“ alter. l‘lllli\ll llte \\ L‘L'lxt‘llkl Ill \l_\ llSlt dehauclter).


I Passionality B}hlo\. l‘ttit Q. Merchant Square. ‘l .-\lhtott Street. 553 3805. ll.3(lptn Rant. [3 ltll. DJ Rohertx pla) \ cltart llll\ lor the ga}/ttti\ed mm d. Edinburgh

I Footsteps a Witnesses: Lesbian

& Gay Lifestories from Scotland \Vord Po“ er Bookxhop. 43 \\'e\t

ounsPAcrs Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery. Glasgow. Sat 2 Feb—Sat 2 Mar

What better way of rescuing the neglected history of the nation‘s LGBT community than through the great Scottish tradition of storytelling? OurSpace: Making Inner and Outer Space for LGBT Lives presents a wide array of LGBT lives through oral histories, artworks and images, film and artefacts. The exhibition has been assembled by OurStory Scotland, a charity run entirely by volunteers, which aims to present Scotland‘s LGBT heritage through the arts, in storytelling, exhibitions and drama. The charity‘s patron is Edwin Morgan, the Scots ‘Makar’ or Poet Laureate.

‘lt‘s the first exhibition of its kind,‘ says Jaime Valentine, chair of OurStory Scotland. ‘People who come along will be able to donate memories, storylines and episodes and participate in oral history recordings or video diaries.’

Following the formal opening, which takes place on Saturday 2 February at 2pm, visitors will have an opportunity to explore a ‘developing reminiscence box‘ or handling kit, full of research materials, which the Open Museum is constructing in collaboration with OurStory Scotland.

Other highlights include a further workshop, on Saturday 16 February, from noon-4pm at Kelvingrove, where participants will have the chance to tell a story from their life visually in the form of a comic strip.

(Allan Radcliffe .I'l‘Iztz ll\l’.<;..("'.“ \ f»:'~‘l‘. \’\;. I”...""l"'

\tc‘ttlxtttt Street. (tit: ‘ll l3. ‘pttt. l'ree. ('eleht‘ate l.(}lt'l' lll\lttl'} .\lorttlt \Hlll the latrrtclt ol llll\ hook. edited h} Holt ('attt. I Out (ill(‘). 4 l’icatd} Place. 55” I‘Sll. lllpttt Rant. l~ree helore llpttt; t4 (Lit alter. Start the neck \\ ttlt a hang: \\llll l).l .lttlltL‘S 'l'eller ort llte deck\.

I Club VERSiON (illQ. 4 l’tcat'd} l’lace. 55H I‘M). llpttt 3am, l‘ree ltelore midnight; U it‘ll alter. lattttclttttg lll|\ rttontlt \\ ttlt a greatext llll\ \electton lrottt the 7llx. Sllx attd ‘lllx. 'l'e\t DI the Prince ol' l’op _\ottr reqttcwtx on “‘03” 3h3435.

Tuesday 5


I Vibe lzgo. l4 l’tcard} l’lace. 4‘S ‘434. lllpttt Rant. £4. The tottcltxtone ol lidtnhurgh'x queer eltth \certe.

I Fab (illQ. —l l’lt'al‘tl} l’lace. 55” l‘Nll. lllfillpnt .iatn. l‘t'ee helore llpttt: L4 tUt alter. I).l l)ale l.ll\ll \et'\e\ up 'l‘ttexda} tttghtx (illexttle.

Wednesday 6


I BiScotland (‘tlmgtm l(illl (‘etttre. S4 Bell Street. 553 4058. ‘..‘~llprtt. l'ree. Support artd \octal network lHl‘ those \\lto are l‘ISL‘Hlttl or tittexttontttg tltetr \c'\tt;tltt}. l-or rttore trtlorrttattort contact llll‘ttll’ l‘lu‘ttllalttlttl'g

I Allure llte lttrtrtel. S4 \ltlcltell Street. le4 lllltll. ll.3llrtttt ‘xtrtt £3; \llltlelll\ t\\o lor one. ('lteex} pop \outtd\ lrottt I).l Darren and the git} \ helttttd l).t\\lttll.tlll_\.


I The Hub Hilll (‘erttre lor Health & “ellheing. ‘) “on e Street. 523 llltlt. (x30 ‘.,‘~llltrtt. l‘ree. See [hit .1],

I Wanted (illQ. 4 l’icard} Place. 550 I780. Illfillpnt Rant. l'ree hel’ore llpttt:

£4 it‘ll alter. \ltdueek clttlthtrty ll'ttlll l).l \ltcllt‘llt‘. lock up _\tttll' \llltlL‘IHS.

Thursday 7


I Footsteps & Witnesses: Lesbian 8. Gay Lifestories from Scotland littl’tlL‘I'S llookc. US Buchanan Street. 33: “till. (tprtt. lree. See .\lot14.


I Robopop ( il l(‘). ~l l’lc‘al'tl} Place. 55“ l‘Sll. lll. illpttt lttlll. l‘ree helore llpttt; L4 (Ur alter See 'I llll ll.

I CC’s Karaoke (‘(‘ Bloorm. 2‘ 24 (il‘c‘c‘lhltle Place. 550 ‘l l l l. l'l‘t‘e. See 'l lttt 31,

Friday 8


I Audioaerobics (ll It). 4 l’lcal‘d} Place. 55” I‘Slt. lllfillprtt Rain. l‘r‘ee helore llpttt: £5 tL'4t alter. See in l.


I Craig Hill’s Makin’ a Big Song and Dance! ('arttegte llall. lzaa l’or't. lll.‘~S§(»ll3_§lt2.7.31lprtt. Ultt'llt. ('t'atg lltll returns to the \tage.


I Club Noir: Valentine’s Night in Paris (‘arltrtg .\cadettt_\ (ilaxgou. lll lzgltrttott Street. llS44 4“ 2mm.

‘)prtt 3am. t; l4 it; Hit ('hatttpagne l‘rertch le~mrt~ et l'antottr ax ('luh .\'otr goe~ \loultrt Rougculatltcw Bergere lor \'-l);t'\. See \\ \\ u.clttltrtotr‘couk lor dress code: tll'L’SS up attd cast oil )out' itththttionx.

I Utter Gutter lllt' (il.t\_:'t‘\\ \\ llt‘i‘l ol \tt. ltt‘ lx’ertlre\\ Street. llpttt ;am t. I” l\)\‘\ltlclll \ladartte S [‘ltt\l\lt'\ tlte lllc\\c\l up Sl‘lllltllldxlx lot _\ottr .ttttal [‘lt‘.t\tllt‘ .tt IllIS titteer .tltertt.ttt\ e t llll‘

{S R .lfljh


I Craig Hill's Makin‘ a Big Song and Dance! lltttrttort lltealte.

l ad)“ ell \\.t_\. \lll\\\'ll‘lll}‘ll. (mi ,‘_‘.ltl " "’l‘tn {I4 H.131 See I ll .\

I Boutique ( ll“). 1 l’tc.trd_\ l’late. *5“ l‘Sll lll lllpttt ;.llll ltee ltelore llpttt. t‘ tUtt .tltet See Sat:


I Hiti ( int). 4 t'ttattn l’l.t\t‘_ «4.,

l‘Sll to turn“ :‘m, rm. NW“. “PM Ll it ll .lllL‘l \t‘y Sm] K


I Passionality lltltlm. l mi (3. Merchant Square. ‘l \llmm \‘tlu-L is: “"5. ll illpttt l.llll t. i tt_.‘t \t-r-

\lttlt ~1,


I The “Lib l.( illl (lt'llllt' litl llt'alllt \\ \\e||ltettt;_'. ‘) lltt\\e Street. ‘3‘ llllll (rut S. *(lprtt l'ree. See llttt ll

I Out ( il l(‘). -l l’tc.trd_\ l’lace. iill I‘Sll, lllpttt iartt l'ree ltelote llpttt. til it.“ tlllt‘l. St't‘ \litll l

I Club VERSiON ( ill(‘). 4 l’ttard} Place. 550 l‘Sll llpttt iartt ltee helote lllltlllllell. ti ttlt alter See

.\lort 4

Tuesday 12


I lljJH. ll l’lcaltl} l’l.ttt‘. -l‘.\' ‘4‘4 lllprtt lain L4 See Itte S

I Fab ( ill“). l’ltdltl} l’l.l\ t‘. QRll l‘Sll lll illprtt lartt ltee ltelore llpttt. L31 ititaltet

\t't' ltlt' Wednesday 13 Glasgow I Allure llte luttrtel. Sal \lrtcltell Street. le4 lllllll ll illpttt *artt U. \llltlt'lllS [\Ktt lttl Hllt‘ \t‘t‘ \\L’(l (t


I lcebreakersH' illootm. 3% 34 (ireermde l’lace. “0 ‘l il {llpttt l't‘cc. Sitclal ylttllp lttl [tt'itltle \klttt \‘..tlll to make llL‘\\ lilt'lltl\ ttt ltiltl corttpart} I Wanted (tilt). 4 l’ttattl} l’lacc. Silt l‘Sll. llHllprtt lattt ltee ltelore llpttt. Ll it.“ .tllcl Set" \\cd it

Thursday 14


I Speed Dating l he l’ttltt l.<tllllj:c. H-l Wilson Street. ‘42 40M) ‘prtt tlll trt adxartce l)on't lta\ e a date lor \alettttrte\ )et ' Speed )ottr \\.I} through a whole ltttttclt at llll\ rttrxed etettt. .v\|l Pl'HLt'CtlS go to ("lttldl.trte Scotland in] u/ Iii/fl l/HIHI. lIrHlI/l. 'ltclxelx lrottt

scotlattdeterth L‘lllltlllllt'.ttl‘_'.lll\ or llS44 at): tt2l3.


I Bobopop (tilt). 4 l’lc'ttl'tl} l’lacc. 55H 173”. lltillprtt *attt l'rce helore llpttt; £4 tUt alter. See 'l ltu ‘1.

I CC’s Karaoke (‘(' l‘lltttllh. 2* 24 (ireenxtde Place. is“ V l t l. l'ree. See ’l‘htt 3|.

' '. k. 11 THE LIST 63