
The Kite Runner .i ‘I

i).'n|:. Hil5

The Lives oi Others (Das Leben der Anderen) I 15!

Sat 1 (ill


inc H 15

Mee-Shee: The Water Giant M I Sal I“ ‘lilnnI

Michael Clayton I I S I

in l ill \iIIII I\ iilll llllimnl ilik' (I ;H

No Country ior Old Men I ISI

lull} ll Him,. 3 IIII S llil. \ IIII

Over her Dead Body I I.‘.\I

i);lli\ I: III. tin. (IIIS. SSH

‘\i\ll iIliL’ i ii I\ \Il ii :5


l).nl\ 13 ill. 4H“. 5 iii. 5'55

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Il.‘.:\I

\Il Ill “LIIII

PSILoveYou I.‘ \I


Spider-Man 3 I I.‘ \I

Run II) NLIIII Sunday I If \I i..liL' i'll I\ \II Run II 45.nII \iiill N {H Surf’s Up ii’(iI \nl. lilililuni Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street I iI\l

Hill} I l S5.nn. .‘. ill. i 15. Mini Mimi, X Ill. ‘lilS

.-\i\u IIIII' in I\ \.II Iii") Taking Liberties I l.‘, \I


5 :il fish

in: illll \iinl: (I ill ilit'. l. ill

Things We Lost in the Fire I ISI l).nl_\. I.’_ III. Hill. SSII. 3 ill .\|\II illit' i ii I\ SIII' ll._‘5

This is England I IxI

l-II: (xiii,

IIII' lilliknn

Underdog II'I

Hull}: Il.-ill.iIII. |.i5. illll, (Ill5

|I\’ \t'uimlllt‘ it'i'lilk‘k'. ('(' honking: ill zl 4-17 477i iIIlIIi ill {I 447 Ihhll .IIIIi H“ 8450. .‘\tiliii. SIuIIIiInIl L570. San'I‘IIII UIiIll. ('IIIcIIm V4 Umil. .\iIIII i'll hL'iUlL‘ (Ipni: SLIIIIign'Il L470. SIIIwI‘iIII HUI). ('nII'nIu 3/4 L5.(Ill. (‘IIIII‘cxxIIIIh/i‘lIIIIiII'II: SluIIIlnI'Il L43“. Superior L5H). ('nII-nm 3/4 L420. l’nllnmnx: .-\lII'IIIIIIm UH)“. l-.\I‘IIIII3_'

L'l l.5ll. Swim/Rochncrx: .I\llI‘I'IIIIIIII: £7.50. lam-Inn}: H150, (‘IIII-IIIII I Swim: .‘\iiL‘l'llUUli L75“. [awning {8.5” SIIIIlcnlx ISIIII 'l'lInI Llhll inulndvx .I drink. l-InIIII} III'kt-Ix il'Hlll i; ‘40 pm PL‘l‘MHl. i’.nI‘nI .nIIl huhx \t'I'I'cnnng: t" iiil' cgich .It‘I'IIInpun} In; .IIlnll.

lill liiSli/Vi .S‘

Charlie Wilson’s WarIISI :IIII SIIII XIII).

Dan in Real LlfeII’III I45. IAmLegendIISI .\',-ill. PSILoveYouII3.\I l.5ll. 4.5ll. ‘SII. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetIIxI 3.:II.


l HID/\Y 1

Charlie Wilson’s War l l 5 I

Hail}: 5M). Mill

.'\i\0 l'i‘i. \\'I‘Il IK l'lin: Jill). Enchanted I l’( i I

Sui Ik Sun: 2.l5.

Over her Dead Body I i:.'\l

Hull): 4.30. “.IIII. IIIIII,

.‘\i\(‘ i-‘I‘I. \VcIl I\ Hm: 3. 15 Penelope II'I

lhil}: 3.45. t\.ll5 iliUi Sail. I\'.l5. .~\l.\n Sal & Sun: 1.45.

St Ti'inian’s I I 2.-\ I

8.1! I\ Sun: Jill).

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street I l.\‘I

Hail}: 3.30 lllUl Mun Ik incl. 5.30. 8.30.

lllI MN)“

58 THE LIST 3‘ ‘-1 :I-i‘


Last chance to see Alastair Fothergill's feature-length version of documentary TV series Planet Earth. Edited down from the popular David Attenborough-produced series Earth follows the life journeys of

various animal families, including polar bears, African elephants and humpback whales. Shot in high definition, Earth looks amazing and carries a powerful environmental message. Matinees only

. :I

Edinburgh Film Guild

i‘lililililll\t‘. INS | IIIIII.nI ix’ImIl ill 1I (If; Nils“ \it'llii‘t'i\ill[‘ 9.35 Iii.I|l \I'.I\IIIII (inle lulu-Ix l‘k'l \III'I‘IIIII;' UI I’II'.I\I' ilUiL‘ III.II IIII'II' .III' llH ii.iiit‘l\ III .lii\t'ii\ .IIIII \I'II'I'IIIII;.'\ \ .II hpnI lfil‘lll \\I*III \ \ik'iiii‘k‘i\ .nI' .Ilw I'IIIIIII-Il III .IIIcIIIl IIIII' IIl IIII' ililil\ lII-Ing' \L II‘I‘III'Il l»). IlIc l-IlInlIIIan' Innll Snn I'\I'IIIII;: I Hi illliiit'i Iit'l.lli\ \L'L'

\\\\\\ I‘IlniliniglililnipinIIl (um

“.I :IIE W I ill“

Anna Boleyn III II IIII

.'.l {NI EIIJIII ‘IE-i

Electra Glide in Blue I I.\I " IIII :3II‘IIIII‘I‘I ' III

Television under the Swastika II- I II IIII

‘.".i i‘Ni ill VII E 5“,

Nine to Five l ISI “,IIII

Edinburgh Printmakers

3‘ l’InIIII Slim-l. ill ‘SI 55” 34"”. i‘I’I'I'.

lill li {SD/W (3,

‘: .JI'xN Negativnlghts I I; I “.I II l.


Hegativnights I l: I 'l’hn' Will

33 i Uiiliiill Rihiti. iii.” 3:5 :(\I\.\. Hui. Rt‘xlnnmnl. ltwnnlg \I'I‘ccnnigx IlI'IInI 5pmi: {(I It~1.5ill. .\l.iIIIII'I‘\ IlwlIII’c 5mm: L45” l (SI; i'll ixn'gnni III;IIIIII'I'\‘ {5.51) I I: l.

HUI Mb: '.I\' .,IIl\.

1. No Country for Old Men I ISI II. III. .\.4S.

2. Opera Jawa I IZ.\I §_ilil_ .\_ ‘III Gandhi, my Father I I’( i I 5.45.

The Killing oi Sister George I I.\I I I IIII 3. Lust, CautionIIsI HS. SW. S IS

F£:I[5.\\ I ma

1. Asterix at the Olympic Games I I:.\ I Inn. SSII, IIIIII

No Country for Old Men I ISI S. III

2. The Lady Vanishes (2008) III IIIII.


No Country for Old Men I ISI HS.


3. Control I ISI :IIII .\ ,‘II

A Touch of Spice (Politiki Kouzina) I ISI

i. Asterix at the Olympic Games I I .T \ I Illll. :zn. (IIIII

No Country for Old Men I ISI \ III

2. The Lady Vanishes (2008) II I I W. .\. %S.

No Country for Old Men I ISI \ IS.

a an.

3. Hotel Harabati I ISI I.IS. .x 5H Control I ISI KJS

Hostage I ISI (I (ill

:;I "iiirhh 1. RatatouilleIl I I IIII

Asterix at the Olympic Games I I 3 \I

‘\_ ill. (Illll.

No Country for Old Men I ISI 3. in

2. The Lady Vanishes (2008) I l I I IIII No Country for Old Men I ISI 4 IS. SSH.

Control I ISI 3 IS

3. Hotel Harabati I ISI I IS. \ SII Control I ISI 13S

One Day in August I I: \I II ill),

I.'II’ Nix»?! I‘. I I E:

1. RatatouilleII l Ill NLIIII

Asterix at the Olympic Games I I _‘ \I :_ Kli- (Hill

No Counb'y for Old Men I ISI x III

2. The Lady Vanishes (2008) II I I III I. .\.4S.


3. Hotel Harabati I ISI I. in. x. 1S Elias Petropoulos: An Underground World I iI\l IIZS.

l~Ii Cnl'i‘ I!

1. Asterix at the Olympic Games I I _‘.\I JAIL (Illll

Ho Counb'y for Old Men I ISI .\ :II

2. The Lady Vanishes (2008) III Kim. .\.45.

No Country for Old Men I ISI Min

3. Hotel Harabati I ISI US. A <S. Festen I IS. II IS.

1. Asterix at the Olympic Games I: \I j Ill. him

No Country for Old Men I ISI .\ III.

2. No Country for Old Men I ISI VIIII. (xiii).

The Man in Grey It}. \45 3.Tokyo-GaIl'I Kin. ‘iilil.

Sugartown: The Bridegrooms I .‘ \I (I in

1. Asterix at the Olympic Games I I .‘ \I {ti (Illll

No Country for Old Men ISI .\ III

2. The Man in GreyII’III <IIII. x IS No Country for Old Men I IS. I. IIII

3. Tokyo-GaIl I : III ‘Hill

The Zero Years I l\I S 5i)

1;.1' ,‘x.’ .. Lii.‘

1. Azur‘and Asmar: The Princes’ Quest Tlheiiiv‘ing Bell and the Butterfly I I.‘, \. 2‘.iltio ior Old Men I ISI I I S. and Asmar: The Princes’ Ouest II I Heirer on Sunday I I.‘ I\I II I S

3. Aste‘rii‘t at the Olympic Games I I .‘ \I iiié‘mggi’II‘I‘a‘T'II.

‘>‘iilFJ‘/I,‘Y tlyv D

1. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly Il.‘.\I I ill. (I l5. 5 i5

Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Ouest I l I 1 till

2. Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Quest Ii I Hi)

Funny Kinda Guy IIIIIII 4 In

No Country ior Old Men I ISI S SII

x 3<

3. Asterix at the Olympic Games I I .‘.\ I I IIII_ (I Ill

Barton Fink I ISI I III

Chromophobia I ISI x 4”

1.-Azur\and Asmar: The Princes’ Ouest Bell and the Butterfly I I_‘-\ I ior Old Men I ISI I IS. Alliii and Asmar: The Princes’ Quest I I I Bait’on Fink I ISI .\ 4S

3. Asterik at the Olympic Games I I 2.\ I éiiémiii’abi; ’I‘ ’l < . .\ II I,

i. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Parent and Baby Screening) I i::\l

lll. Siknn,

Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Quest II I l :I I,