MUSIC/\l (ZOMLDY TIM MINCHIN Queen's Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 1 Feb; Tron Theatre, Glasgow. Sat 2 Feb

Considering the few acts who are able to pull it off without being greeted by a sea of groaning, musical comedy must surely be one of the most difficult cross-pollinations in the arts. There‘s Bill Bailey, Flight of the Conchords and, erm, well that's probably it. And lodged somewhere between Bailey's Middle Earth aesthetic and the Conchords’ Kiwi carry on is Australia‘s Tim Minchin. When the madcap eyelinered one arrived on these shores in 2005 singing ditties about how he'd get the Arabs and Jews round the negotiating table and of his life as a rock’n’roll nerd, audiences took to his schtick with venom. Minchin himself was a little more circumspect about the acclaim. ‘I suppose I'm a satirical songwriter and I don’t feel that comfortable being put in the box “comedian”. Because then l’m lumped in with genuine comics like Daniel Kitson and Stewart Lee but what I‘m doing is writing complicated songs and performing them as a musician, not just as a comedian with an instrument.‘

While Stewart Lee was one of his early voices of support, the last ever Perrier panel also gave him the thumbs-up as their final Best Newcomer, holding off strong competition from Mark Watson and Rhod Gilbert. Now based in London with his wife and daughter, it seemed clear that a move to the UK was required for Minchin to take his comedy career any further. ‘lt’s a very isolated industry back home. Melbourne is very strong in comedy but there’s no sense that you’re part of a bigger thing while Edinburgh is seen as a rite of passage. Aussies love to go to the UK and if they’re comics then it‘s a great excuse to go and get pissed, do some comedy and hopefully not lose too much money.’ (Brian Donaldson)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.

Glasgow The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 000 h055.

8.30pm. £7 rt'o; £3 rncrnhcrxl. ('harrncr Sand} \L‘lxon hoxtx thi~ linc. hcautitull} \ar'icd concoction ot~ corncdianx: Ian (‘oppingcrz And) Sir. Ro ('arnphcll and L11'L1CL1Ch (‘ooku [ind 111C ltitllllh \\ 111i a laugh.


Impmbabble Thu ()tlthouxc. 12a Broughton Strcct Lane. 557 6608. 8.15pm. £2 t£1 l. The Improhahhlc crcu dcwcndx upon Edinburgh. bringing

42 THE LIST 3‘ Jaw—13. Ct‘t‘ 33.25

cncrgctr. trnprmrwd gorncd} met to 1'hc ()tlthotlxc Bring xornc good rdcax. the} nnght ltl\1.t\k}t\tllt\t a xuggcxtron Heresy LiiL‘ JL‘k}11 K 11}dt‘. 11: 11ano\cr Strut-l. 225 2022 0pm L" thk .\1olland\ dcn ot inctrurl} \\ chorncx another load ot golllcdtanx un1ca~hrng thc darkml plum ot rnatcr‘ral tht'} gan think iii

The Thursday Show the Stand. 5 York Plagc. 558 "272 “pm L7 rncrnhcrv .\1rt'hac1 Srnrlc}. \crl Hougan. Kart-n 11.1}1c} and (ior'dolt ‘\1c\andcr hunt a drxcr'xc illlt‘dll‘. gurdcd h} tht- hand ot gornpcrc Raunond \lcarnx


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx 1'(i(’ Building. 11 RL‘1111L'“ Slit-ct. 0870 78" 0"0" 8pm, L12 .'\nothcr .lortglt‘tth cwnrng ot laughtcr' and chrpx and dancing \xrth gorncdranx Roh(‘o1|rn\. Stew (ir‘rhhrn. .-\nthon} King and .-\d.rrn (’r'oxx '11rc_\'rc rnar‘t}r'\. thc} r'call} arc. The Stand 1110 Stand. 353 \VoodIandx Road. 0870 (1011 (1055. 8.30pm {‘1 11,8; {5 lllt‘lllik‘hl. \Vclt‘ornt' Ill thc lltoxt ruhhrxh rnonth ot thc _\car‘ urth lan ('opprngcr. .-\nd} Sir. Ro(‘arnphc11. 1'rt'dcrrt'k (‘ookc and lcrxt} ho\t Suxan .\1orrr\on.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcur‘x. ()rnni ('cnlrc. (ir'ccnxtdc Maw. 118707 870707. 8pm. £1 1, 1’ndouhtu11} \tcrltng pct‘ltll'lllttllt'cx will crnrt t‘r‘orn '1‘rrn ('Iar'k. Joe 11ccnan. Stcw Hughm and Rogt'r l). 1'xual l'lllt‘\ appl}: hot l'ood at'or‘c thc laughter and dancing at'tcruards.

Tim Minchin ()uccn'x Hall. 87 8‘) ('lcrk Strcct. (m8 201‘). 8pm. £15 11.141. ‘LhL' 2005 1’cr'rrcr But Noncorncr \xtnncr \110\\\t)11 hrx \kr1|\ ax a CHIHCdHHl. actor. cornpowr, 111ll\1L'1i111 and “cart-r ol c_\c1incr. Scc pm icu.

Laughing Horse at Meadows Bar Laughing Horw ((1 'l‘hc Mcadoux Bar. 42 44 Bucclcuch Strcct. 607 (1007. 8.30pm. £5 (£51.111C 1il‘\l hcat ot thc Laughing 11orxc NC“ Act ot thc _\car' cotnpctition l‘caturing a uholc litlxl ot' cagcr‘ ncxt actx. \\ ith hoxt Jojo Suthcr‘land. 'I'hcr'c arc \o rnan) actx thC} haw to \pr‘cad it owr thr‘cc t'trn-tillcd ltlghlx.

The Stand 1110 Stand. 5 York Plan: 558 7272. 9pm. U) (£8: £5 rncrnhcr‘xl. lt’x thc ltthttlotlx'1‘httl‘xdtt} line-up again. returning l‘or' )tttrr‘ \ icxx ing plcaxurc.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. 1'(i(’ Building. 1 l chl'rcn Strut-1.0870 787 0707. 8pm. £15. Scc Hi I.

Tim Minchin 'l‘ron '1'hcatr‘c. (t3 '1‘r'ongatc. 552 4267. 8pm. 9.14 11.12 1. Sue 1'11 1.

Comedy @ The State 'l'lrc Start- Bar. 148 Holland Strcct. 332 215‘). Uprn. £5. ('hrix Broomlicld cornpcrm thc cwr- t'r‘icndl} Statc Bar hawrncnt \xrth hcadlincr Mark Nelson and \upport lir‘orn 1'rhan Joker Auxtin Lou and Kirst} Mow \Vho\ not art l'r‘han Jokcr.

The Stand 111C Sltllid. 55.5 \Vtmdlttllth Road. 0870 (100 (1055. 9pm. £12. Sarnc lint-up. it jllxi ain't thc tirxt ot‘ thc month


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. ()rnni (’cntrc. (irccnxidc Place. 08707 870707. 8pm. £14. Soc Hi 1.

Laughing Horse at Meadows Bar Laughing Horw ((1 The Mcadoux Bar. 42 4-4 Bucclcuch Street. 66.. 69117. 8.30pm. £5 HEN. Sec Ln 1.

The Stand Thc Stand. 5 York 1’1acc. 558 7272. ‘lprn. 1.12. See Ln 1.


Henry Rollins: Provoked Thcatrc R0} :11. 282 Hope Strcct. (1870 (161) 6647. 8pm. £15 £17. Punk lcgcnd Rolltnx sets out on a \pokcn \xord tour. sharing \ltlrlL'\


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5. {so Harry-d alto' tin

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Show. ft/x/ teams 1)tlrlt thorr owrr tar to (,t rrr‘r ‘t‘itf in some wen. loud and sun. (151119010115tliilllUts.

Hrs 1'1()||‘,“.'.'t)t)(ldebut arrrxod irr 19911wrt11 Hit}(:,’7.15;t?‘.'.’1il(i11ilittftéf’l Charlie Sheep and Kristy 8‘.‘.'arrt,r,rr Rollins played a hyper atltrrwml‘m polrrtt: officer and llilt3$$ltl(,€31réttéll a prrsorrgtrard11m?erflrt'.'.'r'.;. escaped (:ormct tri/iorqgrrs'r. for/.1 and SWN tearrr loader rBad HUM;

A(I(I()f(1tllg101‘10111118, UL’ 11(1‘.'(.' '1)‘, far the worst rlrytlrrr‘ matron of any popular t>arrd.' t $narr Dorraidxorn

Theatre Royal, Glasgotz'. Sir!) I)’ Feb.

and gcncral hanlcr ahout hrx )t'arx 111 rock. 11n- man 1\ a 1L'1’111}lll}._‘ L't'lllllN Not r‘ccornrnctnlcd lor undt-r' IH\. unlcv _\ou “ant to rot tht'rr‘ tin} rnrndx Scc 5 '1'hingx.

Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 111C Stand. H*Woot1lrtlttlx Road. 0870 (100 (1055. 8, illprn L5 It-l. Ll lllL'llth'l'H. .\1r' Rt'dniond \tandx at hrx altar oncc rnorc. Irkc a It'adt'r ot thc lmt and hrokcn Joining 111111.11t'.'\1lt1} Sir. Ro ('arnphcll.Adm-1:\rnrni. Martin .\1t‘.-\11r\tcr and (‘or‘rnat' Hunt


Whose Lunch is it Anywar.’ '1 in- Stand. 5 York 1’1at't'. 558 7272. lprn 15r'cc.'1hank thc lltllllllcx tor Sunda_\\ at Thu Stand: grand tood. grand lr‘t-t- 1111[il'(l\l\Ct1Ullllt'ti} and grand t’onrpan}. it )ou hatt- grand ll‘lt'lttlx. It ton don't. rust cnro} thc corncd} and kct'p \rnrlrng Laughing Horse at Meadows Bar Laughing Horw (U 1hr Mutde Bar. 42 44 Burch-ugh Str’cct. N17 (r007. 8.30pm.L5IUi.Scc1'rr 1.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l'lrt- Stand. 5 York Plan: 558 7272. 8 10pm 1,511.4. L1 rncrnhcrxr. Stixan ('alrnan ltoxtx lhc owning that will bring )ottl‘ neck to a gcntlc glow. \rt'k Morrow and Karen Ba}1c_\ pcrtorrn \tand-up ulnlc Stuart Murph} and (iarr} [)1 )llxtllt do \tlllic corncd} rrnprm \t}1c.

Monday 4

Glasgow Magners Comedy Monday Mc('htli11\.40111gh Slrccl. 552 211*