Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Thursday 31
Mists and Monsoons \\ nit-is‘ \liiscuin. lath Stan's ( ‘losc. l..iv.niiiaikcl. 5:" ~l‘llll l iitil 2‘) War \lon Sat lilam 5pm licc .\iic\liihition locusing on toiitcnipoiai} \\lllt'l\ lioni Scotlantl antl lllt‘ lntlian \uhcontincnt to mark tlic hit _\t'.ll\ snitc tlic partition ol llltll.l and Pakistan
>§< Bridge Readings: Kevin Williamson National lihiat'} til Scotland. ( icoi’gc l\' Britlgc. (Ci iS15. 7pm. l'rcc. Williamson \ias t‘tllltll antl lountlci ot tlic Icgcntlai'} iintlcigrountl Rchcl lnc puhlisliing arm tts \xcll .t\ hcing an acclannctl author and poct. cultural coinincntatoi and w“ pioclainictl ‘nictlia tciioi‘ist'. llc \Klll icatl li‘oin lll\ lirst collcction ol poctr}. In (1 Room I)(ll'l\('llt’(l. antl icllcct on l5 )cars as a tlisscnting Scottish \oicc. ('liairctl h} aiitlior laincr \lar‘tiii.
Words Out of Place National lilirar} ill ~Scotland. (icolg'c l\' Ht'ltlgc. (C5 “45. l'ntil 2 Mai. .\loii tk l’uc. 'l'liu tk l‘l‘l tLillian S. lllpiii; \Vctl Illani 8.30pm; Sat 0. illam lpiii. l'lL't'. .'\ll c\liihition ol \xorks h} artist in icsitlciicc (‘atnona
la} loi. locussiug on No corc tc\ts. l/i'iirr u/ .lliillorliiiui h} Sir \Valtcr Scott and Sorlc) \laclcan's li’tiiiuii ptk‘llls. along \\ itli a collcction ol cinigrants' lcttcrs.
Poetry Reading \\'ortl l’oucr Bookshop. ~15 \Vcsl \lc'nlsiin Slit-cl. or»: 0| l2. .\'oon. l-rcc. .lanc Mar} \Viltlc. .’\lan (ia) and Mar} Johnston on poctical at llll\ iiioiitlil_\ painplilct ptK‘ll'} C\Clll.
Monday 4
Reading Group: Nothing but the Poem Scottish l’octr} librar}. 5 ('ricliton's ('Iosc. ('anoiigatc. 557 3870. (Lil) Spin. L5 (Ur. Rcmming tlic
hut scrihhlctl notcs and lll\cl'lplltlll\ arc tlic lll\Pll'.tllHll for Kcn (‘ockhurn‘s latcxt
collcctton ol poctr}. (hi the l.'x:i ti"
Vox in the Box lllc \lc-rcat. 2S \Vcst \laitlaiitl Strcct. 225 iShl Spin L“ ipcitormcrs 2.) .\ ncu monthl} poctr} and \pokcn \toitl c\cnt run h} chin (‘asxxallcntlcr antl \nita (ioxan llic l_\rical clixiucncc conimcnccs u itli an intlniilual slain tor tirst pri/c of a tiopli}. paitl gig and a puhlislictl (‘liaphimk l-oi rulcs and into plcasc contact \o\ho\intom )aliootouk
Friday 8
CCA Book Fair(‘(‘.-\. ‘5” Saucliicliall Strch ‘52 J‘MNI. \oon Jillpm. l~rcc .\ \clcction ol crcatixc .llltl liinitctl ctlitioii puhlications from .iltcrnatn c and intlcpcntlcnt Scottiin puhlislicrs, tocusing on contcmporar} art. tlcsign. antl arcliitccturc.
Reading Group: New Books Scolllsll l’octr) l.ihrai"\. 5 (‘ricliton‘s ('losc. ('anongatc. 557 2870. (rill Spin. £5 lL5I. .lulic Jolinstonc \clccts tlic pick ot tlic lihrar} ’s ncu poctt‘) tor tllSL‘lhslUll u itli llll\ month's hook l’t'HINHUH fur lli'gnim'n h_\ Sopliic llaniiali. l'ot' hooking and tlctails plcasc plionc or cniail rcccptioiitu sp|
Tuesday 1 2
>l< Suhayl Saadi lll\llltll l‘rancaix tl'licossc. l5 Randolph (.ll'SCL'lll. 22.5 53M). hpni. l-‘rcc. Saatli. a Scottish author ol' Pakistani tlcsccnt. lcatls a discussion on tlic suhicct ol' translation in litcratiirc. BOOK Group \Vttlt‘t‘stottc's. l5 l4 l’rinccs Strcct. 550 3034. (3.30 Spin. l’rcc. 'l'lic rcgular hook group porcs U\L‘t' 'I‘liir “WIN/"(Ill of (iii/um Muck. .lanics Rohcrtson‘s talc ol' a Church ol‘ Scotland lllllllslt‘l‘ “lltl niccts tlic tlc\ il.
The School of Poets Scottish l’octr} lilirar}. 5 ('ricliton's ('losc. ('anongatc. 557 3870. 7pm. Annual subscription i ll) it'5i. Montlil} \\Ut'k\lltlp-l_\[k‘ poctr) scssion aiming to cncouragc and tlcwlop \\ riting skills for hcginncrs and thc c\pcriciicctl. Booking rcquirctl.
>l< Close Encounters: Don Paterson Scottish l’octr} l.ihrar_\. 5 (‘ricliton's
soittiewERe VARIOUS 52 (Books 1—4) DC 0..
The mr‘st LLC)l‘.‘:l)l(?X am: a'nbitieos project i" comics gets the graphic; “op/e} treatme"t printed across foar books. Taking .ts one from the real time adventures of television thriller :4, each issue of :38. '.‘.ltl(lll was printed weekl, for a full tear. covered one week in real time I". the: DC Universe. And it's a very different [)(JU we find ourselves in after the events of Mfr/rife Cris/s. a \.'.'or|d ‘.‘.’lll‘()lli its three greatest heroes. Batman, Superman and \li/onder Woman.
Various heroes attempt to fill the gap as :32 sheds light on some of the lesser-known characters from the DC canon, wrth Black Adam. Booster Gold. the Question Elongated Man, Adam Strange. Animal Man and Steel coming to the fore. Even Lex Luthor weighs l With his Own super
'33: ":1 EIJ'Y " . I; ' . 't‘tlfl.‘ l' ’ ‘ 3‘ ' l r
(I I , vvr‘s I. I. ' I. I xii'tit fe‘ii, -; i
titil‘Tl)£"S_”‘é’;7‘35: r'l'W-F l"t". KIN} "U. .l"1".'l"' 2’
e'.e.".t"i'\i "m. ‘ 'f' -' "an are Rt‘tttt: "luf‘n. ‘. ' setttio"s of ex:‘ slt'l " 9.2: fi' as var-aas [ll ‘t T.‘.=~;’_5~ \t’w' I . are UXUlle‘le. it w ~- flotit‘ders l'l palm", aw: i
a pretty QXIOHSl‘J‘ i knowledge of the [XI l‘vl;it‘.~-I lutiw Universe is a huge f
tltl‘.;l"t£tt1(:‘.‘.”t(?" Min .'» \ embarking on :53. But are» at.» 't' the biggest fault it; tl‘i- 'll.l‘_'.i: iv
final <le"ooemer‘t \‘i."‘ile Mair lut' " S$€¥l‘.'l(fi(3tll)l(? ,oa cant ft‘rllli' i it help but think. ‘Is that i. si'flfw‘t .
it 2' You're left lt)"()l't(} twin-r t'w 'r .i
tor a seismic shift in the DCU. not a fer. t‘.'.eaks "am- ll‘."‘i '3,
on lllll‘Ol Characters tl'l’l her/w: tin? pseudo cosmic .v‘t'tw ' .' :imt ,' revelations Ithoiigl‘ of l\l(it a i .. f ,. course this is a set air t;’illll"‘i, tuna;
for Cot'ittti/Ot'.rn ‘.‘.’lll(l'l leads directlv into Fingii CNS/$1. However. this, is a real achievement in (IOllthS that should be applauded for its ambition and breadth of vISIOr‘ alone. That it's a thrilling ride for most of its ran is Just the mug
.‘.'l‘l:" M-“i’
‘)\‘kll‘!li. t‘:"’l‘t"‘) " ‘7i'"
’i'.":l it lli’ilzii ttt'.""t T" 1'
ll 31""' . I.
or) tr, '».- 'ia.'-'-’
r-iatiit: t'a"
('losc. (‘anoiigatcx 557 2870.
7.30 8.30pm. £5 18!. l’atcrson tllSL‘ll\\C\ onc ol‘ his (in n pocnis and onc h} a poct lic atlniirc's. Book in atlxancc as spacL‘s
team. Infinity inc. on the cake. Stem Mall/av ' vi? To say tOO much i‘He'irfi,’ Northniore rilri‘)‘, ar’ 1‘, int", .i' 't w0uld give the game lmliavt w n .v;'
prcssurcs ol ic\ ic\\. criticism and lupc. llll\ gcntlc rcatling group lctl h) lulic .lolinstonc t'ocuscs on tlic rcatlcr‘s
rcsponsc to thc tc\t. lior hooking and SUPERHEHO
tlctails plcasc plioiic or cinail
Footsteps 8. Witnesses: Lesbian 8. Gay Lifestories from Scotland \Vortl l’tm L‘l' Bookshop. «l5 \VLNl \lc‘ttlsoll Strcct. on: ‘H II. 7pm. l‘rcc. llclp cclchratc l.(iB'l' llistor) Month \\ itli l-imNc/n tk‘ llimi'm'x. a collcction cclitctl h) Boh ('ant.
Wednesday 6
The John Masefield Lecture: Michael Phillips Scottish l’octt'} library 5 ('ricliton's ('losc. ('anongatc. 55" 2870. “.Rtlpni. {5 tUi. ln tlic l’octr} .>\ssociation ot~ Scotland’s annual lccturc. l’llllltps \xill hc discussing ‘\\'illiani Blakc and thc 'l‘ciror in l.ainhctli'. in anticipation of lll\ forthcoming hiograpli}.
Footsteps 8. Witnesses: Lesbian 8. Gay Lifestories from Scotland Bortlcrs Books. “8 Buchanan Strcct. 333 "'00. hpm. l‘rcc. Scc Mon 4.
Ken Cockburn Tlic Ja/z Bar. I Chambers Strcct. 220 4298. hpiii. lircc. Sonic ma} consider it the \ ilcst ot‘ crimes.
34 THE LIST 3‘ Jan—‘4 :98 QCCS
arc llltlllctl.
Wednesday 13
Muriel Spark's Prime Augustine‘s. 41 (icorgc l\' Britlgc. 325 (i575. 7pm. £3 inicnihcrs from. In [his ()ltl litlinhurgh (‘luh cwnt Alan Ta} lor. litcrar} cditor ot' 'I'lic Hem/d. gncs a talk on Muricl Spark.
Poems Aloud: Love Scottish Pot-tr} librar}. 5 (‘richton's (‘Ioscn (‘anongatca 55" SSW). l 2pm. l-i‘cc. 'l‘licrc can onl} hc onc thcnic on Valcntiiic's Du}. Bring along a lamuritc or find a non one in tlic lihrar} at this rcatling aloud \L‘\\lt)n. l’lcasc hook in athancc as spac‘cs arc llllillL‘Ll.
Selected Works for Valentine‘s Day Scottish l’octr} l.ihrar_\. 5 (’richton's Close. ('anongatc. 557' NW). ".nllpni. £5 it'3t. Rcacliiigs of ilnouritc low poems b} No pairs ot~ poctsz Hamish “hue and Diana llcntlr} thotli ol‘ \\ horn \xill hc pi'cscntt and l'.-\ liiiiitliortw and Rosic Bailc_\ txxhosc tic“ book is [,UH' I’rwmx.’ From My in littll. Book in athancc as \pacc's arc liniitctl.
away. particularly as these foar volumes are packed '.'.’|Ill intrigue. it's a gripping story Wit". multiple fragments adding up to a complex whole. It takes a while to get gomg. but once all the SiOl‘) threads are set up. 52 ‘.‘/lll have you nookeu. despite its length
The fact that this is so gripping lS "ardi, surprising whet“ you ‘ook at the dream Cleall'.’€ team of Mark \‘Jaio. Grant Morriso". Greg Packa and Gas“ Johns rat" Keith Gifte" o" layout 8"?) a .er'table stable of artsts
C OLIVE. I I/ t' Cfi'fi‘ aftermot'a to eer‘, iSSqe :tnmk ‘dl'ECIGf'S
commentary ‘,ss get e
(.il/ ‘. ’II I'*(. 'vid' '
MARK MILLAR & . STEVE MCNIVEN Civil War Marvel 0...
page TW: i,a 'l‘1irtlll' ’; éil‘: {2"‘:' ’/"*r’:' 1: Having (.lealt .‘ritl‘ DC's acfiz' ambitious crossover .ve have to mentio" Marvels edsnale't Civil ‘.‘/ar. a far more tiseri frieedl, prospect for the casual comes ‘an T'e outbreak of unrest .vitoi" (Leoble is rarel, less than tumultuous. a"d bloodshed a tragic theatabilit, but .vhe". the Clas" isr't between mere mortal "omens bat among ssoerheroes the reserberatross are tar greater and felt further. The fa? so: ‘rorr: a battle CE!.‘.’€€" a grooc ‘Suoer .iélatos are a teen“ of ,oxg asoirast
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