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Ovm II'. IOU-year rerun the King's. has playr-rl hunt to dozens 0! Edinburgh

International FOSIIVJII shown, including the uItmnmq MnImu MINDS. DolIHoum:

The show must go on

Speculation continues about the future of Edinburgh's King's Theatre. Words: Anna Millar

ast week‘s announcement that there was ‘no

imminent threat‘ ol closure to lidinburgh‘s King's

'l'heatre arrived amid increased lears that the space would have to close its doors to comply with salety regulations. With any major much-needed lacelilt unlikely to start belore 3(llll. campaigners had leared the theatre would he l‘tH'L‘L‘Ll In close down immediately as there are no plans. or indeed lunding. lor' refurbishment.

In response to increased concerns lrom theatre workers and a well-supported online petition. Edinburgh (‘ity (‘ouncil last week brought in independent experts to assess the situation. lingineering consultancy. lrons Foulner. who completed the survey. passed the theatre's electrical equipment as lit lor purpose lor the next couple ol years.

:\s one ol Edinburgh's most-established venues. the King's has staged some ol the world's most exciting companies during its l()()-year reign in the capital.

(‘ity culture leader Deidre Brock said ol the rumoured closure: ‘.-\s soon as we were made aware that this could be an issue by the management ol the King’s. we made it our urgent business to investigate.‘ She added: ‘The King's is in need ol investment and we are very keen to secure its

luture. We eagerly await a business case about the luture ol

the venue. and once we receive that we can consider options and make realistic decisions based on the needs ol

the building and on what lunds are available.‘

Last night. theatre insiders said they were keen lor the council to lay out their luture plans in lull. Many leared the battle was lar lr‘orn over. with lingering concerns about the theatre's sanitation and disabled access.

()ne concerned theatre-goer said: "l'he King‘s is an institution in Edinburgh and the strength ol support lrom both the public and perlormers has been phenomenal. btit it‘s important lor action and money to be ptit in place to ensure any potential threat is diverted lor the luture. There is still much to be discussed.‘

At time ol going to press. the council was still waiting lor

a lull report. which promises to outline the needs ol many ol Edinburgh‘s most popular spaces. l’ull-scale relurbishment ol the King‘s is already being estimated at around £20 million.

Raini ()kasha. lrorn the Save the King‘s 'l‘heatre campaign. said the venues short-term luture was still uncertain and called lor locals to keep supporting the project. He said: ‘lt‘s great news that the electric work is better than expected. However. there are still concernsf


I Details of 007 creator Ian Fleming's centenary year celebrations have been announced. As part of the festivities, acclaimed Birdsong writer, Sebastian Faulks, has written new James Bond tome, Devil May Care, due for publication this Spring. Penguin will also publish new hardback editions of all 14 of the original novels while Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, originally written by Fleming for his son, will be re-published in May with original illustrations. The exhibition, For Your Eyes Only: Ian Fleming and James Bond, opens at the Imperial War Museum later this year while a Royal Mail issue of six stamps, featuring six of Fleming’s most famous novels including Casino Royale and Dr No are out now. (AM)

HORROR STORY One Book - One Edinburgh reading campaign launched

I The Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature Trust launches its second One Book One Edinburgh Citywide reading campaign next month. which this year is based around Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The initiative aims to get as many people in the capital reading the novel as possrble. The programme of events includes graphic novel workshops, film screenings. CIISCUSSIOHS and walking tours as well as a live performance piece by Donald Smith.

Ali Bowden from the trust. said of the campaign: ‘We were completely blown away by the enthuSiasm generated by the last campaign. We're really pleased so many community and book groups have Signed up to participate. This is a fantastic. dark tale. and it'll be a great read to share.‘

10.000 copies of a new paperback edition of the original text wrll be given away around Edinburgh and will include exclusive sketches by graphic artist. Cam Kennedy, and an introduction by Ian Rankin. Full details can be found at www.cityofliteraturecom (AM)

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