
The Nightmare Before Christmas 30 1‘111... 1111.". \1'...1 l\ l"'l‘ '\\11'.’. '1. .11 11(111'1~ \.:.’.1.’11l11?. 1111111.1111'..1: 1.131111113111111” “mm.

1.1.1 \1 I11." 1. 111‘ 121111. 1'I111\1."1.1I:_‘

11111' '1 1 111.11 \.:11I.1 .111 l ..111.-.11.111 .11 '1111116 .1.l1.:"1.y11.1\111 ‘11 1’1 11111..-1.11.1!I.:\-.'11111. '_l1.:1.:.1.'1-11'. [11111111111111 1111-1\ .11 .111111..:'1!1.111‘.. 711'.1' 111~l1111111\l‘. 11.111.

111; 11111111111.Illlll1.lll|'ll"111111'1‘1L' \1 lt'k'll

1111 ‘1) 111.111'11'..'1 (11:1 /\'1 1"11.

:13 No Country for Old Men 1‘1 C... 111111 I 111.111( 11:11 1 \ ."l‘l~1 l.1‘.11’1 11.11111'111 111-111 1'11111111 1\.'|1j. \l.111l1111.1l1l l.‘. 111111 11".11' * Opera Jawa 1.7 1. eee 111.11111 \11:'111l1n 1111111111'x1.1 .‘H‘Nn \l.11111111\ \llrnln. \1111..1\.111 1).".1 11.11\1111111.111111 1311111111

" [HUN/11111.1};

‘111111 \1'1'11111'1‘.11".1. 11.11'1' 1

'.‘. 11.1:‘1‘ 1'1 (111:1111‘111.‘11111

\1'1‘ 111111111” [1.11'1' ll 115/1111111 The Outsiders 11’1 11 00.0 11 1.111111 1111111 11111111111 \. 1‘18.” \l.1II l)1ll1111. (‘ 111111111 111111.111 111111111 I \11-11‘/ ‘11111111 \1l.1111.1111111nl \11x11' 1111111111 \ 11111111111 \11111111: 1111111111 211111‘111111111111I111'1111‘1'111111'1111111 1.111»1(111'.1\1'1\1.1111l1111'111111111l\1\n1 x1111.1 1111111111' \1111'111.111 I11\-.11 ("11111111la'x .-.1111.‘\I .11111 \111111-111121111 \11} \1‘11111111‘111.1l. 111-.111111'111 111l11\111.1l1'11.1|1\.111'111111111Il11-x1111111 111n\11'\111111111111;'111111111111111'1111.1k1‘ .11111111111' “111111111111111111111'1 ‘1111111\. 111111 .1 \I.1:'_-,'1'1111j.'1.1\1n| 11111111'11‘1'1111111l\

/ 1/111/1111111 /1/111/11'11:j/;

PS I Love You 1 1.‘ \1 0 11111111111 1.1(11.1'.1~111'\1-. l \ .‘1111'11111.11'\ \11.111k. (11'1.11111111I|1'1.l11.1l\11111n\1_(1111.1(11'lel1111 |.“111111 1111-1111111' 111.11111.1111111.1111l'1\l1'1l .11l.1111.1111111nl 1111' 11111.11 l1_\ (11111.1 (\111'111 \ 111111111111111111.\1\\1..111111;f111*1.11|11\111y111‘1 1111\11.1111l1\I1'111|11'11‘1l11111‘11\111'11111l\ .1 \1‘111‘\ 111 1111'\\.1;'1'xl|1‘ \\11111‘1l1'l lWlHlL' 111‘ tllt'tl 111111.11|\ 11‘11111.111I I1111' 1'11;‘.1;:1'\\11111n\1'. 1111' \11111111'111\1'1\111'1 \1'11\1‘ 111 \111111.11111111111

21111-1131”: .‘12

.‘11.\11.;:1.i .111'.‘

«11 111111111} \It'px 111111 111-1 1i.'.1111:.,'l11'111111111111.1l1n\1‘ Paranoid Park I.‘ \1 000 111111 \.1?. \.1111 l \ SHIV (1.1111; \1".111\ l).1111111. 1.11. \11111': “111211 111'1'.\l11'1'l111;_‘ .11l.111I.1111111 11? 111.11..'\1‘1\1111\ 21.112111 \..1. \.:11! 11-111111\1111111'11'1111111} 111'


1111111'11\11.1.'\~!1;il} 111/ '1,'1I':..r;.' “1111.- 111.1! 7111111'1..1111111.’1l1.111.111‘111-11.1‘1111111111111111‘11 1111-."1111'1111'1‘11'111111 .1111-_'l1 \11111111 111111111; I’M-1111:1111." /’1.rl .1111'11111I~ \111111'Il1111j; \11111l.11 ‘.1.1 1111' 11111} n1 .1 \11.111‘ 1.111 111111 1.1ll~ l1} .1111111'111 II111nl.\.1111l\11111111\l-1‘11‘l} 11111 11\ 1 1111'111.1111 11111111ge1111' “11111 111-1111111'x 11-1111111\ .1111lI111-I11I1'111111111\111111111111x1l} 1111111'1x11111'x1111-111111111-I11111Il1.111111\11n1 111111‘1 1.111‘ .1111111l 1111' .1111111 \11-1111 ( 11:1 12111.11" /\'1II/I1‘1'. \Il111" (1/11'11'1111

Peeping Tom 1 1x1 0....1\11111.1el l’n\\1'll.l k. I‘WII 11.111 11111'11111, \l1111.1 \111'.111'1. \1111.1\l.1\\1~} \111111.11-\111111111111'11x [111111-11'11111[1\111\ 1.11111'1.1 111111 .1 \111111' .11111 \1'l\ 11111 In 1111111111 11111111: \1111111'11 1111111" 1111111111'1111'11'.”11111111'111.111-x l (1111} 11'\1|1‘111111n111I\111111.1|11'|e.1\1‘.1’11111-ll‘x 11.111111:1-\.1111111.1I1n11111 \11}1~1111xn1 .1x .1 1111-1.11111111 1111 1111-11111'111.111\1'11 1x111111 11‘;'.11111-1l .1x11111' 111 1111'111nxl 11111'111311-111 11111141 111111\ 1'11-1 111.1111‘ Part 111 1‘111‘11111111'11. l11I\.Il11'll. l'.1111'1l \1‘.1\1111 (flavour II/III

//I1 111/1 Pura Vida 111 11.111 \111111111. ('11x1a

R11.1,| 111.111111. 211115 1111\11e\111111'.1111111111 the 11'.1l111\1\111 1111'.111111111 1111111111111111 111(‘11xt.1 R1141 .\l\11 \11111111131 1\ [111111111 (11/1 [111111111111 111111111 11111111'1'x 111 11111111111 1‘11.1111'113_'111g_' I111'11 1'111|1111}1'1x l'111111\\e1ll1} 11 (.)1\.-\ \111111111'11111'11111 (‘11111.1111\ expln‘lt \11111'111‘1'111111 1111;:11I 11111 111' \1111111111' 1111 11111111: 11111111111 ,l( ‘l.. I;11111/111rg/1 Ratatouille 1l 1.... 11111111 111111. l'\'. Illllflt \11111'x111 1’.1II1111()\\111|I. 1111.111 l)1'11111‘l1}. 111.111 (1.111eII 1111111111 1111' 1.1th l’1\.11 111.1xl1‘11111'1'1'1111111\\\l{1'111) 1111-1111 1111111111 11} ()\\1.1II1.1\ 111-1'1111xex l11x 1111-11111 111 111-11111111 .1 1411111111111 1‘l1e1. l‘111x 1x l’1\ar



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:3: The Savages 1 1510000 1 1.1111.11.1 Jenkmx. 1'84 ‘.111.111.1. ZINF1 1.111111 1.111111'). 1’1111111. 81311111111 ll1111111.111. 1’1111111 Mono

1 14111111 See re\ 11'“. page ‘18 31111 1111 11111111 1111111 l‘l'l 35/1111

The Scarlet Letter (Der Scharlachrote Buchstabe) 1 131

0.. 1\\'1111 \Venderx. \Vext (1e1111.111}18p11111. 10711 Senta Berger. Rafael \1111111‘111. ll.lil\ ('111'1xt1an 1111111 1111111111 .-\ 11111111111 1111111111x111'1111dnut\1de111 111111'r111ge 1x 1111'1'1'1111111 111 111-1' 1”I11 1‘1‘111111) 1’111'111111 111111111111111} and 111.1111' 111 111-.1111 warlet letter ‘.-\' 1111 adulter} l‘11e\ 111 but 111terextmg 111111111.- 111111111 ,-\ 1111111 111 1111111111 eonxm I11

l .11\ \1111 1'11e1\ l)11u11l1'1 Part 111 Wendeh xeaxnn [rim/1111111; 111/111/1111141

Silent Light (Stellet Licht) 1 151 0.... 1(‘111‘111x R1‘}g_'111111\. .\le\1111/'l~1'11111'1-/Netl1e11.111d\/(ierman}. 2111)"1 111/11111111 l'el11‘. 1111111111 Klaxxcn. Marla l’ankrau. 1411mm .-\ north} \KlllilL‘i‘ 111 the

l 10.31}


This late-night show offers an early chance to see Flemish filmmaker Koen Mortier’s outstandingly nasty comedy based on the novel of the same name by cult writer Herman Brusselmanns. Following the nihilistic travails of a hard rock band made up of disabled members, this anarchic freewheeling trawl through the underbelly of Ostend society has a visceral energy all its own. The film will be released properly in Scotland later in the year. I 1713112111. 5111111.."131‘1. C." 78 1‘; Sat 79-3.11.


(11.11111 Jt1r_\ 1111:1' .1I (annex. 51.11:: [11151: 1x .1 11111111111.1111111111 Re_\g.1d.1\‘ 111111 looking .11 low and dexne. and ho“ [hex 11111 men .11 11ddx 111111 ~11e1et} lI~ 11111;: ~1111tx. .111‘11111111'al 111111'11.1111e .11111 ~11.11\edr.1l11gue .111' delxheratel} 111.1lle11g111g. trrgmg 11x to 11111111111 exentx 1111 .1 11111r.1l and \pmtual 11'11‘1.1\Il1e11ln1.1\i.~ 1111.1ttml} 1‘ .1111'11Iable human hehauour (ltrtxtandmg l1.'111":1111\1 11111:.‘11111'1'7

The Simpsons Movie mm 000 11).1\111$1111'1111.111. l S. 21111“ \111eex 1111).“1 (‘.1~te11.111et.1. Julie Kaxner. Nane) (‘.11I\\113_'l1t 511111111 II\ not going I111‘hange the “111111.11111..11911111111utex. 1t \llghtl) rum 11111111 \Ieam hut Il11~ 1x111111etl1elexx .11.11rl'\ 1'11111).111le 111:; «men 111111111: 1111 e\e1'_\11ne\ 1.1\111111Ie 1.111111) l‘l1e11l11t..1\ Her. 1\ \1'111111l.11_\ liome1 accidentall) pollutex the 51111111111111 \~.1te1 \11111111 and eathex .1 111.1“ e\11dt1~ While the xtrong 111111I11‘.11 \atire 111 the c.1111 eprxodex 11.1x long been replaced by 111111 etilltlit‘ refereneex. t111x 11111 \llll he 11111-111 the \uret‘ire 1111\111 the \ummer (Hum 111' [711’ Qum. (11111111111

Soviet Animated Propaganda 1i-L1 1\‘.11'111u\. Rtl\\l.i. \'.1r111u\1 911111111 Annnated 111111\ 1111111 the Souet l'mon [51111111111141 l'l/IH (1111/11, Izdml‘m'uh

Space Station 3D1l'1 1111111 Myerx ('.111ad.1’l 8. 3111111 47111111 Narrated 11} 111111 1111111. tl11x 1111: \1‘1ee11 |.\1:\\ presentatron 111llt1\\\ real .1xtr111111utx 111111 the My blue lmprexxne. 11111 11111 .1\ 1m exome 11x 11 \l1ould l1.1\e been HIle 'Ihmm‘. ([1111111111

3t Trinian's1131x1000 1()11\e1 Parker/11111111111} ’l‘hompson, l'K. 2111171 Rupert l:\e1'ett. ('111111 1‘lrlll.J1KlIC Whittaker. Rt1\\t‘l Brand 1111111111 11111 bloodied. 1‘.11111111_\ 11nd exer x11 camp) 1‘e1111111e111 the popular 81111113 “filial/151.1111. launder 1:111 1111111111111: \ehool comedrex 1411111. lixerett and Brand are clearly 111111111: 1111111111-111 .111111e 111 Ihrx \111} but enro) able corned} Definite!) 11111111 11 11111111. (imvrul I‘('/¢'(l\('

The State 01 Things 1 151 0000 1\\'1111 \Venden. l’S/i’onugal. 198.11 l’atrrek 1111111111111. l’aul (Betty 111. Sam l'luller 131111111 A lauropean 111111111ai1er. who 11111 ereatne 11nd I'maneral trouble on location. 111C\ to ll1111}‘\\ootl to seek help and gunlanee hut meetx 11111) disappointment. A profoundl} dexpalring comment on the \tate 111 the emema as an art 1111'111. [11h is notable for a eaxt of mterextmg eccentrics. and Henri Alekan'x r11\ rshmg 111111111ehrome. A dour hut \attslymg trlp. Part of Wenderx seaxon. l'l/llihflltit'. Edmburylr

Statysci (Extras) 1 12111 1M1eh11l Kmeermkr. Poland. 20061 nga Preh. Bartov 0111111111, 8111111111111. Brund)’. Kr/}\/t11i Klervmm \1111. 1 13mm. Award 11111111111g P1111111 comedy \Cl 111 a rextaurant mth 11 111ult1-r11e1111 \taff and L’llCiil haw, Thu 111111 \wept the hoardx at the 2007 l’olhh lillm Award» 01/111111, Ii1/1n/1urglr. Straits ot Hunger (Klga Kalkyo)

1 151 O... I'i‘omu [Teh1da. Japan. 19651 Rentaro Mrkum. Saehrko iiidarr. Jun/.ahuro B1111. Ken 'l‘akalxura. 183mm. Powerful black and whne erlme drama. which follows a man on the run from lll\ pttxl. ihh 1x 111M) a metaphor for those who returned 111 then peacetime roles after leading the country 111 war Part 111 l'ehrda seaxon. I'll/mlmuw. [1.1/1/1/111/‘141.

Surf’s Up 1P(i1 00 mm Brannon/('th Buck. [28. 20(171V111cesof Jeff Bridgex. Sh111l.aBeouf.Zooey Dexehanel. 85111111. A reasonable unprmemcnt on the hemy-handed emironmentahsm of last year's hll Hap/11 [’1'1'1. Brannon and Buck's ammatron Ix a colourful parody of surfer moviu. Entertammg and cheerful but not qurte good enough to make seeing another C(il pengum mone an appeallnt1 proxpeet. (111141111111Park/1111111. (21111141111; ('mmmrld [1'1lrrrl1t1rglt. Iidmburgh.

>1: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 1 181 0”. 111111 Burton. l.'S/L'K. 211071111hnn} Depp. Helena Bonham Carter. Alan Riekman.

1 16min. See rex rew. page 41) General release.

>1< Sydney White 1 12A) .0 1101: Numhaum. US. 20071 Amanda Bynes. Sara Paxton. Matt Long. 1117mm. See review. page 411 (iv/rem! release/mm Fri 25 Jun.

‘1 7—31 Jan 2008 TH! LIST 4"