Son a gun

Josh Brolin was most famous for his childhood turn in The Goonies. Now he’s tipped for an Oscar. Kaleem Aftab finds out what’s changed

osh Brolin has arguath been the most

industrious .-\mcrican actor ol‘ the past year. III

Rohert Rodriguc/ (irindhouse homage I’lum't 'li'rmr. he was In” ol' ticks and outlandish gimmicks as Dr William Block. III .-Iim'i'rt'uii (iimgxlt'i' Brolin acted RtIsseII (‘rowc and I)en/eI \\'ashington oil" the screen as the corrupt New York cop I)etecti\ e 'I'rupo. 'I‘his l'ortnight we hayc the pleasure ol‘ seeing Brolin twice. playing (‘hiel Buchwald in Paul Ilaggis' In The Iii/Icy (’7' Iz‘ltI/I and also in the (‘oens‘ .\'o ('ounlry l-iir ()lr/ .llt'n. It’s in this (‘ormac .\Ic('arlhy adaptation that the 30-year-old deli\er.s his best pertormance to date.

Brolin recounts how he first heard about the part \\ hen in .-\u.slin. 'I‘e\as. ‘l w as turned on to the hook hy the playwright Sam Shepherd. We were out one night and he told me that I should read this hook. I knew (‘ormac and his writing. hut I hadn't read that particular hook. I liked how the narrati\e popped hack and t‘orlh hetween all these characters. Shepherd told me that the ('oen Brothers were going to do an adaptation.‘

Brolin started courting the ('oen Brothers tor a part hut they did not always leel the need to uphold their end of the com ersalion. "I‘hey ‘re a quiet hunch. I had Iithan go out l‘or dinner with me and he brought a book. which he started reading during dinner. I tried to remind him that I was at the dinner table too. and he said. “I‘m sorry". They think I'm insane. The worst

tear l'or any director is haying actors say to them that you haye a great script you think should be their next lilm. So anytime there was a silence I‘d say. "I think I haye this really good idea l‘or a tilm. it's loosely based on lingo." Since then. eyery time we email. I say I'ye almost linished the script.'

I’laying midnight cowhoy Llewelyn Moss was a role that Brolin immediately connected with: I’ve stolen many things in my life. but that w as a past life. I didn't

Ilse that experience tor the character. I have a lot ol

childhood triends like l.Iewern .\Ioss. so it wasn‘t dit‘licull to imagine him. My locus was on creating a subtle character: it‘s almost like the dialogue is in the body language and how he presents himsell in this may physical way is his own country Vernacular. As a country boy my sell w ho grew up around these people I don't know one person in the community I grew up in w ho wouldn't have taken that $4 million..

It‘s at this point that Brolin raises one eyebrow with a smirk on his lace. He's an enigmatic character who‘s sometimes dillicult to read. In addition to acting he writes plays and has his ow n theatre company. but like so many things associated with the man. were only now discoyering the true nature ol his talents.

No Country For Old Men, general release from Fri 18 Jan. In The Valley of Elah, general release from Fri 25 Jan.




>l< The Savages Mature. unshowy and multilayered drama starring Laura Linney and Philip Seymour Hoffman as siblings charged with the care of their ill lather. See feature. page 10 and review. page 40. Cameo, Edinburgh and selected release from Fri 25 Jan.

=2: No Country For Old Men The Coen brothers return to form with this seamless adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's violent thriller. See interview. left and review. page 38. General release from Fri 78 Jan.

:t< Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Sondheim's Broadway musical gets the Tim Burton treatment to marvellous effect. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter are a joy. See review. page 40. General release from Fri 25 Jan.

:3: Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story Judd Superbad Apatow shows his magic touch again as the co-writer and producer of this amusingly silly spoof rock star biopic starring John C Reilly. General release from Fri 78 Jan.

:2: Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead Excellent heist thriller. Out now on general release.

>2: 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days Stunning Romanian drama tackling the tricky issue of illegal abortion. GFlZ Glasgow & Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh, until Thu 24 Jan.

>l< Opera Jawa Indonesian opera extravaganza. See profile, listings. Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh, Wed 30 8 Thu 37 Jan.

>l: Eagle vs Shark Kooky and endearing New Zealand comedy comes out on DVD. See review. page 41. Out Mon 27 Jan (Optimum).

7-':1 Jan 2038 THE LIST 37