Around Town
Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.
Activities & Events
Seeds of Thought l'l'l 25 Jan. (‘( ‘.-\. ‘50 Stitieliieliitll Street. 153 4900 q Hit‘lli l'lt‘L‘ litil tieketed l he lii‘xl .Seedx (ll 'l‘hou‘uht exerit in the New Year ix looxel} themed around ‘aneient \oieex xpeaking urhan poetry 'l’here'x .i huge. e\eel|ent and tliorotighl} di\erxe lineup. unit It separate lllllSIL' and xpoken \xor'd aetx :\.\’l) ati open rnie xlot tor an} upeomrng; xpoken \\ttitl\liitlll\. lookout ior e\er_\thirig_' ll'Hlli traditional \lhiia tr‘ihal lllll\i( to pure dead (ilaxgtm alto-reggae lroni l)readnian/ron and the Natural \l}xtrt'\. \UlllL'llllll}! ealled 'xpoken eleetrorirea' hour the l:\—.\len. and a guext xlot ir'om lzdinhtirggh xeherner‘x 'l'he ('heinieal l’oetx.
Ceilidh Dance Sat 3r) Jan. \liliigaxre Town Hall. Station Road. \lilngaue. 95h 582‘). 7.30pm. U5. litir'nx Night eeilidh with the Seott “an e} ('eilidli Hand. and the ohligator'} haggrx.
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Sat
2o Stiti 27 Jan Kehingrme .'\rt (itlllL‘l') tk .\ltixetim. :\r'g_\|e Street. NI 0992‘. l't'ee. l'or tuo da}x. keen m iteher'x and amateurx all aeroxx the eotintr} \\ ill he eounting hirdx in the \xor'ld‘x higgext hird \lll'\t‘}. Vixit the RSl’ll xlttll at Kehingrme to iind otit hou )titi eaii ioin in. We‘re not xtir'e \te‘d “ant to xhar'e a hit mm a ‘keen tuiteher'. mind )titl. Reacting to the Past: Changing the Future: Holocaust Memorial Day Stiii 27 Jan. l’eople'x l’alaee 8: Winter (ial‘tletix. (ilaxgtm (it'eeti. 27l 2902.
noon .iplll. Free. See pre\ text. page 23.
Blind Faith: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (ialler') oi Modern Art. Ro}a| liwhange Square. 22‘) NW). l'ntil Sun 20Jan. l0ani Spin; llarn 5pm; l0ani 5pm. :\x part oi' the Blind l-‘aith outreaeh programme. artixtx .-\nne lilliot. l.ixa Fleming and Jane .\lelnall_\ haxe been making with )oung people and (ilaxgtm ta\i drner‘x to dexelop next \Hil'k e\ploring_' xeetarianixni. identit}. nation and territorialrxin. lliix e\hihition
.xlitm C;I\L‘\ the t‘exttllx til thexe l\\t\ eollahorath e proieelx.
REBELLAND (ialler) oi Modern .-\r1. Ro}al li\ehange Square. 22‘) WW». l'ntil Sun l0 l~eh. .\lon Wed & Sat l0arn 5pm; 'l'hti l0ani Spin; l"r'i tk Stiti llatn 5pm: l0am lpiti. Free. \Vr‘itei' Magi (iihxon and artist .-\nthon) Sehr'ag hax e heen “orking \xith _\otitli grotipx around (ilaxgtm on ixxuex oi' xeetarianixrri and itx related ixxuex oi‘ territor}. neiglihourhotxl and identit}. 'l'he e\hihition e\plor'ex xorne ol the artxxork and \\ r'itingx the gr'otipx ha\ e pr'odtieed
Voices from Africa Part 2 St Mango \lllSL‘lllii oi Religiotix lite and Art. 2 ('axtle Street. .553 2557. l'ntil Stiii 24 l‘eh. .\1on llill & Sat l0atn 5pm; l't'i & Stin
l lam 5pm; l0ain lpiti. l‘ree. l’roieet that \Hit‘kx \\ ith meniher'x oi (ilaxgoxx 'x .-\i‘riean and .-\l'riean (‘arihhean eoniniunitiex in the reinterpretation oi man} oi the ohieetx held iii xtorage in the St \ltirigo .\1uxeurn. 'l‘he muxeurn hax alxo eorninixxioned a ne\\ artxxork h}
(ilaxgou -haxed artixt Beth l’ot‘de.
Holiday and Travel Show Hi 18 Sun 20 Jan. Sl{(‘('. liinniexton Qua). 0870 040 4000. H} Oil [0 the \llii or head litll' the liillx \\ itli ad\ iee i'rom traxel indtixtr} e\pertx. Noted holida) enthuxiaxt (iloria Hunnii‘ord had not eoniirnied her appearanee at time oi going to prexx. Scotland’s Careers 8. Jobs Fair Sat Ill-Mon 2l Jan SlECC. Finnieston Qua). 0870 040 4000. l0..‘~0atn4pni. Free.
24 THE LIST 17—?" Jan 2308
look around :xl'lll oiiiee \o‘.\ take a deep hreath and admit that _\otir \xorkinatex repulxe )ou and }tttll ioh ix xlo‘al) :riaurn; aua} at \that'x leit oi )i'lil xotil l)on't \norr'}. though help ix at hand at the SH '( '. in the xhape oi xtallx otterrn: \tllL'k'l optionx. and ad\ iee on ('\ \ and higher edtieation eotrrxex \oted \torkplaee enthtixiaxt Sir \lan Sugar ix not rumoured to he attending
* January Reshuffle \ai 3h Jan. l’L'dt‘ee ltixltlttle. \40 ( io\.tli Road. 22" 5420 noon hpni l'ree See llrtlixt
Food 63 Drink
Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market xat M Jan. ()ueen'x Park. 520 l anexrde Park. 2h" "2"; Want 2pm loeal prodtiee troin loeal people
Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 20 .lati. .\latixlie|d l’aik. l’artiek.
ill " KS 4-104 ‘0 “am ‘pm. I tee (ligaiiie \L'j2t'ldl‘lt‘x. handmade hiooinx and happ} haeon. You ean hit} tutti/ring on lhiinhar'ton Road thexe da}x
Norwich Union International Athletics Sat 20 Jan. Kel\ iti Hall International Spor'tx .‘\rena. l-H5 v\r;_'.\le Street. 35” 2525. Beginning: the athletiex xeaxon iti thix er'ueial _\ear ax the ()l} rnpie (ianiex approaeh. the \oru ieh l'nion International ix the \torld'x riehext indoor meet. (lr'eat llr'itain \till eompete againxt the l'S:\. Sxxeden. (ier'inan) and a (‘ommonuealth Seleet team
Holsten Premier League Darts lira ;'1 Jan. \l ('t f l inriiextori (‘ltiay “\‘i i Lli'
4"“ 1-513% (lite hundred and e'llllgllljx' l’l.i}t‘lx are eorirpetin; tor a lll.l\\l\k'11*;‘l.”~'l‘ll/L‘llllltlllll.ll;t'
\ entiex all around the l l\ the (ilaxeoo ieattirex deiendrn; eliarnpron l’hrl l.t§lot and reigning \\orld (‘harripion R.t_\rnorid \an llarriewld alongxide newtorner .laiiiex \\ade the 2-1 war old \\oild \latehpla_\
xi. inner \h. hut ix he good enough to get hrrnxeli a xpeedl‘oat. or will he \xind up \\llllllti\\ll‘llllllSl‘l15l.llt'll\‘lllk"
Rosie Goolden: The Perfect Storm llili l“ .lan l ni\erxit\ oi (ilaxgoo. Hind ()i'r litiilding. H" SS“ .xpm g" <0 i Lit 5” ad\arieei lhe \ll(~ mountain etude .ttid iotinder oi (‘hit kx l nleaxhed Ia hit like (iirlx \loud. but \kllli eiarnponxi dixetixxex her ad\enttirex in the l’ertixian \ ilieonta. \\ here xhe pioneered a next route on rtx unxealed “ext lilllllL‘\\. dexpite a ie\\ pitiallx along; the \\.i)
Food for Thought lliti 3-1 Ian. l’io\and'x l ordxhip. ‘(Xixtle Street. 55“ 25.5" 12 10pm l'iee Stitiee/e lit a xpot oi hixtor') oxei )tttir Itineh liotir unit a talk about \lai'}. Queen oi Seon
Curators’ Favourites \\ed to Jan. llur‘iell (‘olleetion (‘otit't}.iid. 20h” l’ollokxli.i\\x Road. 2S" 25.50 I2 illprii l'iee \oor’ah .\lr( idlldlll. ('tir'atoi oi lxlamie ('i\ili/atioiix. talkx about a Valeneian Itrxtr‘e painted eeiamie dixh trorn l5th eenttir} Mooriin Spain
(p. '9.
“Q. we, r’
\ . \\
Pulling together a host of well-
meaning, spiffily-clad and shamelessly talented Edinburgh bohemian types in the brand new surroundings of the Voodoo Rooms, Neue Liebe, performance-poetess-about-town JL Williams’ (pictured, right) cabaret evening, is back for the new year. We’re promised fire-dancers, poets, acrobatics and burlesque turns alongside music from Dominic Waxing Lyrical, Wounded Knee, and Laura Lewis and Her Tea Dance Orchestra,
before all the dancing starts.
LUV“r.'»eae:\-'3,ow etitfrix/t
2" '/ 5’ "a fi'\ RAW V“ Fan» 7 I wade beta; bloc-iii! ‘ eeh s :t,
Vi. e‘lwb Club Noir: Burlesque Workshop \ai l" Ian ( lather in tllaxeoxx. l pper lloor. ‘7 Rtithxen l arie. 02W“ l\\5l‘~
liarii o Iiiprii :55 lookout tour xparkltext xt‘tttriiiiit'tl paxtrex and prepare to leexe it like liita' l earn the art oi hem; a 'htrrlextrtie pertorrtrer. iiorri xtaee piexeriee to u‘\llllllt‘\. taxxel txxrrhny and thoieoeraphx learn iron to put together _\our «mt! aet then perioriii it at the end oi the d.r\ l‘riee int ludex [no he ketx to itittire ('ltrli \oir mum. and tl\l\.lll\k' hooking; ix lt‘xi‘llilllk'lltlk‘tl .tx uorkxhopx xell out taxt lniail tinai t ltll‘lli‘ll to tik tor more detarlx
* Celtic Connections Workshops Sat 1". Sun 20. \at 2“. Sun .‘5 lan
Royal ('oneeit llall. .‘ \atiehiehall Street. ‘2‘ \000 \t‘t‘ llllllxl
Tron Studio ltie 22 Jan. lion lheatre. oi liongate. 552 -12h2 “pm thi t L ‘0' line oii \xorkxhop iot .idttltx \\llll a ll‘lk h oi the drama queen .il‘i'lll tlierir. interexted tn de\elopin;' their perioiniante xkillx llarline
At)ll\’|ll£?8 & l writs
Observing Evenings l-rrtlatx l\’o_\.i| ()lixenalorx \ixitor (’entre. lllatkioid llill. (lax Slim 2 S .l5pm L1 it *. iamrlt tieket Lilli 50> \’re\\ llll.i:_'t'\ oi the xttii x.ilel_\ ll\lllj._' the l<o_\al ( )hxerxatorx 'x xolai telexeopex and keep _\otir e_\ex peeled iot xtinxpotx. Hooking: exxential
Basil Spence Architecture Tour \at I” Jan. National (ialler'} oi \totlarid i.\lain Izntianeel. lhe .\lotind.h21o.‘00 U Want l2 30pm LS tUii. loin ar'ehiteelural hixtor‘ian ('li\e l-enton on a guided htix tour oi llaxtl Spetiee'x \lodernixt huildingx in lithnhtirgh. rneltidiiie e\anip|ex in the eit_\ tentre. \euhm en. ('ler'niixton. ('oixtorpliine and \lortonliall. \leet otitxide the trout eiiti’anee to the gather) on lhe \lotind Booking: exxential .ix plaeex are limited
A Wander Through the Woods Still 20 Jan. ('orxtoiphine llill. ()treertxit-ru Road. l)a\idxon‘x Mainx. lilaiii noon l'i'ee. Join the Ranger tor a \\.llk on (‘orxtorphine Hill and look at mine interextingg hixtor'ieal and geoloeieal leatut'ex. \Vear uarm \xatetprooi elothings Hooking: exxential on 0| ll 4-1" “H5 .'\fJL‘x 3+.
Zoo Tea Dance \Veti Blair. l-tiinhurelr /.oo. ('or‘xtorpliine Road. il-l 1H50
2 4pm. [7 iineinherx Uri. 'l he l‘.tlllllilllj2ll ('oneer't Band pimidex the iiitixit. all you ha\e to do ix ltl'llljJ _\otir‘ daneirie xhoex Hooking: exxellltal
Supper with Burns Wed 2 t Jan. Seottixh Stor'}tellin3_' (‘entre. ll ~15 High Street. 55h 05'“). "pin Ll5. lino} _\out traditional lilil'lix Supper u itli xltil'}lt'llt‘l\ l.inda llaridelter. |)a\id ('arnphell and Donald Smith. Supper ix ineltrded in the tieket pr'iee Hooking: exxential
Big Word lhti 24 Jan. 'l'he Ja// liar. l (‘hainherx Street. 220-1208 ‘J llpin H IL i I. “it lll'\l ttitixlt~ .‘ilid xptiketi \ktitd eahar'et til the )eai lealltt'ex .v\l‘ llatiold. lhe Shellxtiit \laxxaere. Kenn (‘aduallender and intixie lroin .lattiex \Vaterrtian. "l he Sliellxtiit .\laxxatie' ix an exeellent. e\eellent name. and xx e want to ha\e itx/tlieir hahiex. lot more rniorrnatron eontaet
ienn} hndxa} (H entaileorn
Zoo Review 'l‘hu 24 Jan. lltlllllillllel /.iiii. ('iit‘xliii‘plillie Rudd. 5l-l 0 W0
" ‘)_ iliprn H 50 rinetnheix Hi :\lillll;tl department xtaii ioetix on the llilellllellx oi 200“ '.\lon the hah} aniinalx' Apex l~1+ Hooking: exxential.
Guid Crack Club ill 25 Jan. \Vaxerle} liar. 1 St .\lar'_\'x Street. 55!) 057‘) “Klipni. L i, ladinhur'yh'x monthl} xtor}tellin:_' eluh tieleornex all to lixten or eontrihute to the \pllilillifJ oi )tiriix 'l hix rnonth'x xtoriex \till ha\e a litirnx theme. with l’araig .\lae\eil,
* St Columbas’s Hospice Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh Hi 25 Jan. (’orn litehange. l 1 Next Market Road. 4‘7 1500. £13.50, See llrtlixt.