Classified Noticeboard


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SCHOOL OF SUFI TEACHING ,-\ulhcnln‘ mcdlmnon pmle lo hclp opcn lhc hum and dcxclop prolound nmghl \cugonn‘h \wlcomc \wckl} mcclmgx Contact:

07928 392 586 / simon580©

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Accommodation to let


HIRE A VAN WITH A MAN Local k long \lI\lLIIlL'L'. Inrgc «k \nmll. llouw /()lllcc/ gurugt‘ clcumnccv’lkm l’it'knpx ctc. Rcliuhlc. l’ncndl} land on limm. l’l‘cc quolulionx. Contact Philip 0131 332 1272 / 07836 633 006

Flatshare Glasgow

I Flatmate sought for l'ricndl} Soulhxldc llul. Douhlc l‘Ckll'UUlll‘ li\L‘L‘llL‘llI lzlt‘llIIILW lhl‘oudhund. dlglul IV. gt'h. \wnmt'hmc. lIllL‘l'U\\;l\L‘ & poucr \l1o\\cl'l. Rcm Ullll pun Hnt'Iudt-x ("l' & lullxl. .\'on- HllULL‘l' [‘l'L‘lL‘l‘l'L‘Ll. .l‘L‘l: llqllhh (NH 385

I Double room for rcnl lrom'). lull} lurnnhcd & bathroom. (il'll. IX}. \ccurc cnllxmcc. lrcc parking. .\'o L'Ullplc\ [‘lL‘.l\L"l)SS. \llll (l monlh rcnl UN) pun mt‘ludmg hill\ council l;l\ clc. Dcpoul [Mill 'l‘L‘lI UNIT-l lSN 55”

I Double bedroom available m lurgc. qmcl Soulhxldc lldl. l‘hllll} lurmxhcd. all umcnmm ncurh}. nut to .\II l-‘lorldgl [rum \lunon. l’l‘UIC\\lUll‘.ll non-\mokcr prclbrrcd £300 pcm + hillx. .-\\;nluhlc l\l I-‘chruury Tcl: (IT-‘0.“ ()3-1 T‘s


Flatshare continued

I Large room available lot lcnmlc. m mlulcln xix“ li‘ll\ llnl owlloolung lmu ling glt't‘n .md p.le lll llL'llllhIHllli lug-Hunt Il.:ll\[‘l‘ll hub to ( in ('cnlxc \\.nl.d\ll' ,ldmml} lllllll \ngnxl Run! :3“ HH «\tl l‘lll\ [y] Ila-“(Ml 7-1" 71h

I Beautiful room in lmglu ll.xI. \IIJIlll‘llllg‘H \ml ()uu‘nx link N \lmuldnlh \lod ponx s l‘lt‘.l\ll‘.lllkl . (\tcllcm Immme . puking UH p \\ mt! l‘lll\ and ('l \\.lll.ll‘lt'\ I‘Ilh \k‘lkllllllqul" gnml pom lcl ll".\~ll V7 15

I Flatmate sought for lllt'ndl} Il}ndl.lnd llnl Room \xnh gl'ml g.ndcn \ n'u l'.\u‘llcnl ldt'Ilnn-x ll‘ldell‘dlel. \ll\ll\\.l\llk'l. gt'h. \\ ’lll‘lt'lllllk‘. nnt‘loxxdw .und \hoxwl l, chl (I‘ll) ppm uncludm ("I L'\\‘lll\lL‘\ l‘lllNI \IIII \llmlu‘l' prclcll‘cd 'lcl: Ill-ll ii" {SUN

I Room available in \nmrl Kclnndnlc llnl. Sharing mlh I lL'lllIIlL‘\ Illltl :ll'x \VnmlL'll llool‘mg. lmlhcl conghcx hrondlmnd ;l\;lll;|l\lc. £2001»an hillx, Looking lor \llIIlltll .lgcd m/l. l'cxpct'llul ~ cm} going, ‘I'l-I: (rum) 5 14 551) / o““(» In: (ll-I

I Double Room available In llugc. I’urk Sldc. \chl land Hut. lo Shurc mlh I ()lhcrx. :\ll \llul (‘th lllt‘l 5L} «K Broudlmnd, .-\\;nl;lhlc l‘chrum'). 3 monlhx lcnxc on|_\. LIN) I’..\I. 'It'l: (llJI 35‘ 084‘)

I Friendly, tidy flatmate \xunlcd l’or gorgconx l'lul m \lecnd I'l‘hornmmdl lo \hgn'c “Illl l lcmulc. UllthlllWl'l‘. l‘ull} lurnhhcd lo high \lundnrd. douhlc room. \xoodcn l‘loorx. homcl) hung room. hcuunlul \Icw Izmgnl

mo \t‘ollw l'xmmlhcl lcl: (ITTR‘) lljl ‘)()(\

I Double furnished room muniuhlc lxl l'ch m hcuulllul. \puclollx 3 bed llnl. (ircul Iowlc. "mnh to ('II) ('cnll'c. \hurmg mlh I l Im. II) ltllC :llx, ‘35 [‘L‘III tlll IIIL'. + \lL‘i‘. lL‘li “.500 35: ::l

I Bright room in ;nn.mng \chl land l‘lul < lurgc lonngc. hlg \lud}. hugc dmmg room and dmmg kitt‘hcn. l’I'UlC\\IHII.ll lL'IIIdlC non-\llloku' m le‘m’ill'x pictured. £35“ plnx hillx. .'\ll mod yon» 'lcl: ll—‘lhh ‘3” 032

I Double room available lll l‘L‘dlllIllll luo-lwdroom l’lxrllt'k lldl Shurmg mlh onc olhcr pml—gmduulc lcmdlc chl: LETS p m plm hill\ .-\\;nl;lhlc from Jun 20le Ior h month» ('onltlt‘lz mlrimnrulhrmdu _\;lhoo.co_uk Tcl; “'01 “'8 -491)

I Housetrained, professional male we“ Tldhlldlt‘ m \\L'\l l nd llom mil} Lm l Ikcx lllll\l\. l‘k'k'l. poptoln .lnd going to lhc \lllL-llld lt'l “N‘Nh I": “h


I Easygoing 8. tidy land- \onng lol Lugc \lnglt' loom m pomlolldhlc gdldcn ll.ll \ nnnx lo l’nnt'm S! \ .\ 3” ill _\ o plol L’Z‘lllptm v l‘lll\lU‘ll| l\)L'l\ \\.nl < l ox lcl WWI «Ho Ill"

I Bright, sunny, double lunlll m Lugc \lmn'd llal. (ioldt'ndt'n'. Ill nnnulcx llom lo\\n. (33“ pm month 0 l‘lll\ ~ t'l.l\. Plult'\\l\lll.|l\ Ulll) lL'l INN)“ W“ S m

I Large Bedroom Ensuite. ('Il_\ ('cnln‘. l‘..l\lk‘l l).lll‘_\ RH.l\l HUI) lllt’lll\l\L‘ ol council l;l\ .lnd l‘lll\' II I\ lah and l\ .nmluhlc m lhc ncu _\c.n 'I‘k-l (PM)! HI" 501)

I Double room in

\lnrm} llcld .n‘m ;l\.lll;ll‘lt' now (Illll pcr monlh. din. lu|l\ l’l‘lllt‘\\lllll;ll onl). mm h month lL‘;l\C. l0 \lldl'L' \kllll I IL'lll;llC\ nnd [\wnllcx lo \IL‘\\ lcl. III II

.‘\I < V‘s

I Double room overlooking lllc \ m 'I'ollt'l‘o\\_ (‘onlumx hcd. \olu «k :n'mt'hun'x :md murth Int-placc mlh \iclormn ha} \\ lllle\\\ (il'cgll room In gl't'nl lm'nllon £340 a monlll 'l'cl: ll“) U (MS "~14

I Double room available l'or rcnl lll lmcrlcllh um: ol lzdmhurgh lrom 22/110“

\hurmg \th ~ UIlICH. {lelpt'm + ("l + lilllx. l)L'pH\ll I'cqunml 'l'cl‘ (WWW ll)" 51‘)

I Attractive double room 1n Ivlcndlx lcnl‘. \\.dk .llllt llnl “HUM \lll' plolcxxlolml \h.nln:' \lelx Illlt‘t‘ l‘lllt'l\ llll‘.l\ll‘.1llxl\ t'fl'lld. Wading 1 V5 ptm lntl l c\\ hulk lcl “\f‘ ‘\.\ W.“ H‘xfi Ho‘ :11

I Female professional wanted m .‘ lwdloom ll.d mun

yolyuonx mollt‘ln

\lx'mlkalmnk lx't'ldll [MIL (ll\'.ll I‘m linkx. \l‘m :onx lonnz'c .md ll\ll.ll mod tom lx'cnl 1x 1 1H" \\.nl.:l\lv


[\Im t'lt'tlln ll_\ and t! .I.:nn.n_\ lcl “Vol 1.‘ I N/S flatmate wanted lot llouhlc loom m goxgt'onx _‘ lwdloom ll.ll on I .l\l\'l Rd to lk'l IlHlll l l.nnml_\ lx’t'nl n1.“ o lullx .md ('l lk'l l' "’l _‘ Vi.‘ hi1

I Dalry new apartment cn \lllIC l.ll_‘.,‘k' \p.n1o11\lwdloom m .l l‘t'dllllllll ll.ll. |.n§.‘v \nlmz' loom dining loom .\ lull\ L'klllll‘l‘k'kl Ill lxll\llk'll \ll.ll||l‘.' \kllll .l [Hol lk'lll.llk' lll llk'l nnd 3m lcl (1"xlllol‘ “an

I ROOM NEEDED! llll .l )oung \ludcnl nndmlv .lnd I Icqunc ll loom m .l \Imn‘d houw nun lo L II_\ u‘nln' llom .llmn.n_\ \l.l\lllllllllllll\\'

L ‘llllptnwhlllx lk'l H “I {-1 1|“ ill

I Double room in .\lo|mngxldv\|c

13/”! Com m nil}. t'onxldmdlc. lln'ndl}. n \ lcnmlv ljhu L I‘ll! pm llllk Iudw Hm. (I. l‘lll\. hiomllmndn lcl “"01 ()‘H lI-‘llh in Hall] Ill: H V‘I

I Looking for a n.” 1.. \lmn' m ladlnhm'gh('t-nlmlo1 \‘u‘xl lrom I Junnni} jllllh lm .l lncndl} 3‘) _\k'.ll old m} ll|.ll(' (ham and no} going l \onl ‘l

lo * lL'l WV): "UH 33*

Courses&Tuition Special page 90