I Gimme Shelter and Live Wire

1 he l'crry. Anderslon ()uay. 'l‘he Broomielays. 0l(i9.\‘ M0085 3pm £5 Rolling Stones tribute act play this MacMillan nurses charity night.

I The Shambolic Wardrobe 'I chat (him. -12 (ltago Lane. l57 4524. 3pm. £2. l.I\t' iiiiisit. presented by loin Siioyyhall.

I Sleazy Come Easy and Sons of the Morning Star Barfly lupstairsl. 2N) (.l}tlt' Street. 0370 907 0999. 3pm. £5. Indie rock.

I Terra Diablo, The Servant and Vertigo 101 Barfly. 200 ('lytle Street. 0X70 907 0999. Hpiii £5. (ilasysegian post rockers \slio constructed a website dedicated to lliicklast.


I James Blunt ( ‘or'ii laxchaiige. l 1 New Market Road. ~l77 500, 7. illptll. £25. St‘t' \Ved 9.

I Missing Cat the Ark. 3 7 Waterloo Place. 22' 939 l. 7. i0piii. £lbc. Psychedelic blues with “tore the.

. Limbo 'l'lle Voodoo Rooms, |9a \Nesl Register" Street. 55o 70o0. Hpm lam. £4. l‘lie Black Spring |)Js man the decks and bring you two live acts each week. Acts for Jan still the.


James ii


I Broken Records and The Kays Lavelle lleriot»\\'att l'niyersity l'mon. Riccarton. 45] 5313. 9pm. £tbc. lauropean folk meets alternatiye indie from Izdmhurgh's Broken Records.

I The Caspian Sea Monsters and The Jack Whistlebinkies. 4 o South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. l'ree, Indie rock I The Freaky Family The Jan Bar. 1 ('hambers Street. 220 4298. l 1.30pm. l'ree. ()rganic hip hop and Ja/ly grooyes.


I Part Hero, Andrew Bacon and The Dirty Violets AB(‘2. W) Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £6. Local indie shovs case.

I Beatnic Prestige BM. 43] Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. Split l‘ree. Mod punks from I)unferiii|ine.

I Love Spurts, The Korovas and Thousand Sounds Barfly. 260 (‘lytle Street. 0870 907 0999. Split. £5. Swedish trio headline.

I Ricoshay, The Inside Story, The Little Extras and First Republic Barfly (upstairsl. 260 (‘Iyde Street. 0870 907 0999. Xpm. £5. New Aberdeen indie band.

Some stories you just couldn‘t make up. The tale of

young Blunt going from armed forces orderly to

supermodel serial dater is one you couldn’t make up. The secret behind his ascension into the upper echelons of international stardom? Those songs. The ubiquity of ‘You're Beautiful’ is only the start of it, his second album All the Lost Souls is shifting in similar hot cake style. It may lack depth but it has a sincerity that is so earnest it hurts. So, fair play to him I guess.

5 Carling Academic G/asgow, Wed 9 Jan; Corn Exchange, Edinburgh, Thu 70 Jan.

66 THE LIST .1 l 1' Jan 2008

I Asylum Samuel Dim 's. o“ "I Nitlisdale Road. 423 0102 S 10pm l-ree Rock classics

I Parka, Kiuy Star and The Draymin King tun \Vah “ah lltit. 222a St Vincent Street. 22] 5229 S ‘~0pm

£tbc Local bill headlined by electro indie sorts Parka \kltti littH‘ relocated to London from Scotland and are preparing their debut alhuiii for Jeepster Records


I Lee Patterson, Modus .iiiil Bannockburn \Vlttsllt‘lilnklt‘s. 4 (\ South Bridge. 557 5| l4 bpill. l‘rt'e before midnight; £4 after Singer-song“i‘tter. authentic Mod sounds and indie

I Dirty Modern Hero, Gildoza .llitl Retraspective The Ark. i 7 Waterloo Place. 228 9393. 7.30pm, £tbc. l’op rock


I The Blossom and The Ramblers AB('2. 330 Sauchiehall Street. ‘32 2232 7pm. £o. Local indie showcase.

I Kung Fu, Delgetti, Airspiel, None of the Above and Day of Days Box. MI Sauchiehall Street. “2 54%|. Spin. l‘ree. Melodic indie rock from Ktlmarnock

I Neil Landstnimm and Dirty

Hospital The lyy. I57 I59 North Street.

('ltaring (toss. 22| ll4-1. X.i(lpiii,£~1.

lixiwrimental. low frequency electroiiica from lidinburgh natiye Landstrumm. pllls Steyen and John Bis in their techno/electro guise Dirty Hospital at this Miso night. See (‘luhs for pI’L'VICW. page 3|.

I Phil Campbell, The Fortunate Sons and The Doledrums King 'l‘iit‘s

Wah Wah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £5. Tom Waits and Neil Young-loving Scottish musician who has been through the personal wars and is ready to sing about it.

I I San Sebastian and Eddie Beggan

'l'he Observatory. I40 lilderslie Street. 353 ()93l. 8.30pm. Free. Local electro rockers and (iems frontman play at the weekly (‘oncrete (‘amptire night.

I The Usual Suspects Samuel Dow‘s. ()7 7| Nilltsdttle Road. 423 ()|()7. 8.30pm. Free. Soul, funk and blues,

I Parka Urban Outfitters. Buchanan Street. Free. No age restriction on this show. See Fri l 1.


I Main Street Blues, One Day Speakers, The Dials and U-Know- Hoo Whistlehinkies, 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 6pm. Free before midnight; £4 after. Blues, indie. rock and funk.

I Flatliner and Nancy S the Fawcets The Ark. 3 7 Waterloo Place. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £tbc. High octane fusion of punk. classic rock and heavy metal from l-‘latliner.

I Henry’s Team Post-Christmas Party Henry‘s ('ellar Bar. 8 lha

Morrison Street. 228 9393. 8pm 3am. £4. A mixed line-up of hands and DJ sets featuring familiar faces more commonly seen working at the door or behind the sound desk.


I Maytene 8. the Sons of Disaster, A Day to Remember and Outcry Collective Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £9. ()yer- 14s show Southern rock-insted metal from LES headliners.

I Random Hand and The Skanx

Barfly (upstairsi. 260 (‘Iyde Street. 0870 9070999. 3pm. £6. ()yer- Hs shim. L’K ska/metal/rap.

I Theoco, The Usual and The Blank Expressions Box. 43l Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. 8pm. Free. Indie rock.

3 Tattie Toes The Sub Club. 22

Jamaica Street. 2-48 4600. l lpm—3am. £7

(£6). ()ptimo is graced with a live set from Glasgow 's 'l‘attie Toes. who are



1 Indulge your musical whims indoors Instead It's January. you're skint. it's cold outside and there are hardly any decent bands playing at this time of year anyway (the ones worth seeing we've told you about elsewhere in the mag). You got some gift tokens at Christmas, so here are our recommendations for how to spend “em on a music themed night in.

2 AO/Dc’s Plug Me In Air guitar in the comfort of your own living room with this gargantuan box set DVD collection, which has seven hours of classic live footage spanning almost 30 years. Get your school uniform out. shout ‘Angus!’ and frighten the neighbours' cat.

3 Slash: The Autobiography If anyone's got a story to tell, it's the world's best and most famously debauched guitarist (and that probably includes Keith Richards). Cat Deeley once asked Slash live on CD:UK to talk about an outrageous thing he did on tour. then was treated to a story about the guitarist getting a blowiob under the table. What a ridiculous thing to ask Slash on live kids' telly.

4 SIgur Ros' Heima Redefining the tour movie, this sumptuous and moving documentary follows Iceland's favourite sons as they play a fortnight of unannounced free live shows around their homeland, performing everywhere from environmental protest camps to disused fish factories and tiny tearooms. Genius.

5 Bit of a Blur by Alex James It Slash's mayhemic life is too much, relive those heady Britpop years with the floppy-haired, Ivy- hanging, country-fopp James. Expect smugness aplenty. but much fun also. (Doug Johnstone) Eat Your house, all fortnight.

influenced by liastern liuropean folk and Japanese prog. See preview. page ()0.


I Edinburgh Rock Riot The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 256-4. h.30pm. £5. Local rock showcase.

I Simon Kempston Whistlehinkies,

44) South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. Free. Acoustic sounds with more acts the.

I Hobo The Bongo Club. Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. |0pm~3am. £3. See Sun 6.