Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Anti/um; /\ri(1 Fun
Festive Art Cart 1'“ 4.1un. 1 3 illpiii l‘li't' (Lillt'l) H1 \lliilt‘l'll .'\l'l. Rtlyll 1-.\tliungv \quuit'. 33‘) l‘l‘Ni 11w \rl ('url 1\ loudt-d with .i \uiit‘l} o1 .ll'l lll.llt'\ to llt'll‘ _\ou uplort' llic tllllt‘t'llllll\ lliiougli lun (lull) .lt'l1\ 111L'\. ;\;'t'\ i 13 )L'un.
Winter Animals Sui 5 Jun.
11 illuiii 13 illpin & 3 ipiii. 1‘i'u', Kclxingiow ;\ll (i;lllt'l_\ & .\lll\t'lllll. .\lf_"\ lt’ Sllt't'l. :70 ‘5‘)”. ()lll\lllt' lllt' illlllllill\ liuw goiic iiilo liilwrnulion. hut _\ou tun \llll liiid lllt'lll iiixidt' llic lllll\t'lllll Hunt lllL‘lll doxxn lllL'll lulw purl in un uri ut‘lml}. :\f_‘t'\ 4 13.
Mini Music Makers with NYCOS '1iic H & 15.1un. Illuni k 11uni. £131or \l\ \wckx. (it) 11u|1\. ('undlcriggs. i53 31H). lllt' \l\ \k'\\lllll course l't'\l;ll'l\. (Ullllll'hlllgj \ongx. gunicx und \llllplt‘ i'1i_\iiic\. llluin loi‘ :lgc\ l) 11* months; lluni loi' 13 months 5)t'ill\.
Tall Tales at the Tron Sul 13 Jun. Illuni. L' *5” ltltlllllh onc L'lllltl und ut't'oinpun} Iiig t‘urt'i‘l. lron ll‘llt‘illl‘k'. (i3 'lioiigult'. 553 43(i7. Inlcrucliw \Iiii‘}lc|liiig \L'\\lllll \xith lllUH‘lllL‘lll. Illllllt‘ und props. .»\gc\ i 5. Showgirls Sul 13.1un. 1 4pm. l‘iu‘. Kclx ingi'ow .\rl (iullci') tk .\lll\L‘lllll. .\ig}1t‘ Sli'ccl. 37005‘1‘). .»\ niolhci‘und- duuglilci‘ punipt'i‘ing ul‘lcrnoon \\1lll \llllnillllt‘ iiiuking. luxliion lips und t‘ivuliw ut‘lix lllL‘\.
Kids @ Citz Sul 13 k Sun 1i .lun. linicx \ui'}. £5 pvr \t‘\\ltlll. ('ili/cnx' lllt'illlt'. l 1‘)(iill‘1t;ll\ Sll‘L‘L‘l. 43‘) (X133. :\ llt‘\\ lcrni o1 \wckl} Cli|\\t‘\ in conlidcnt‘c building. iniprm l\;lllUli. \liii')lt'lliiig und i'olc-plu} l'or lour \cpui‘ulc ugc groups. ('onlut‘l ho\ ol'licc loi‘ tlt'l;lll\.
Skillshops Sui 13 Jun lulm Mon 14 .luiii. limos \ui'_\. U5 {451(35 £35). 'l‘i'on lllt'llll't'. (ii 'I'rongulc. 553 43(i7. 111v lii‘xt in u tcn \xcck block of ion \L‘\\lllll\ touching di'uinu. \oicc und 1110\L‘lllt'lil lo t'liildrcn und _\oung peoplc. \\ ilh dillci't‘iil cluxxcx lor dil‘l‘crcnl ugc groups. Hooking t'\\t‘llllill.
Glasgow Museums Resource Centre’s Family Club Sun 13 Jun. Iluiii lpni. 1'rcc.(i|u\go\\ .\lll\L‘lllll\ Rmmnrc (’t‘nti'c. 31X) \Voodhcud Roud. \lhlllll. 37(i‘15l18. l'.\l‘ll\11‘lllt‘(‘t‘llll'k‘.\ L‘Ullk‘t‘lltllh und lukc purl in :ll'l\. guincx uiid ilL'll\ ilit‘x. 1‘or ugtw 5 13 und thcir luinilicx. .-\|1 cwnls must 1w hookcd h} 5pm llic pm lUll\ du_\.
Kelvin-groovy Costumes Sun 13 .lun. 1 1.3(lum Ipni x 3 3.30pm. 1‘rcc. Kchingi'ow .-\i'l (iullcr) .\ Muwum. "Mi-310 Sll‘L‘Cl. 370 059‘). ('I'L‘JIL‘ u Cthllllllt‘ collugc ul this inl‘orinul \xoi'kxhi‘l‘. 'I‘it‘lwlx ui'c \ci'xcd on u lii'xt» t‘olnc-lilNl-u‘lw Cd h;i\i\. .-\gL‘\ .5 13.
Activities And Fun
Edinburgh’s Christmas l'niil Sun 0 Jun. lllum lllpni l\UlllC ucm lllL‘\ cnd 8pm Sunl. l’rinccx Strccl (iurdcnx. .-\11 the prcwnix huw hecn umu‘uppcd but lllL‘ l’l‘lllt‘tN Sll'L‘Cl liC\ll\ lliL‘\ urc \lill going strong for u lb“ morc du}\. This is lhc lust chuncc to 11m c u go on tho icc rink. lidinhurgh \thcl.
Bung} \no\\doinc. llcltcr Skt‘llcr und ('hristmux (‘urouwl or \ iin thc Ice
56 THE LIST -'- ‘ ’ 4‘35
There was a time when dance classes meant scraped back buns, stern ballet teachers and splinters from the church hall floor. Not anymore. At the sleek studios of Edinburgh’s Dance Base, there’s not a loose plank in sight, and enjoyment, rather than examination, is on the agenda.
Catering for younger dancers has long been a priority at Dance Base, but this year the centre is offering more variety than ever, with 20 different classes to choose from. Artistic director Morag Deyes feels the rising popularity of electronic gadgetry has made physical movement increasingly important.
‘Obesity, stagnation and arse-numbing thumb banditry can sometimes be the order of the day,’ says Deyes. ‘That’s why the Wii was invented, to get them off their kiddie butts and into real live and kicking action. Dance does exactly that, as well as expanding
(iullcr'v 1"ol‘ dcluih \ixil
\\ \\ \\ .L‘tllIllilll’gllxt‘lll'l\llllil\.L‘()lll Amazing Collages of Edinburgh Hi 4 Jun. 1(1..‘~()um 13.30pm &
1.3(1 .ifillpm. 15rcc. (it) An ('cnlrc. 3 Murkct Sll'L‘L‘l. 53‘) 5995. SL‘C 111C piclurcx
.-\gL‘\ .5 l3.
Scotlund. 'l'hc Mound.(i34(i3l)().'1'hc '1 V ".f r g: r’.’ ‘ " ’ ' .-\rt (’url l\ loudcd \\ ilh u \ui'icl} o1 un ' niutcriulx und idcux lo explorc thc
collections through lun crull} uctn lllL‘\.
Saturday Studio: Indian Interlude
your imagination.’
The spring programme at Dance Base features a new Dance and Play class for toddlers. Creative Dance for ages 2-5, Movement Explorers for 5—7-year-olds breakdance and ballet for ages 7-10 and lots more. Teenagers have ten classes dedicated to them, ranging from hip hop to contemporary. For those yet to decide on a style that suits, the Mini Dance Academy, covering ages 5—10, introduces four separate dance techniques.
Similarly, at Glasgow’s Dance House, you’ll find a ‘Funk Workout’, street dance and hip hop classes. Plus parent and toddler classes and mini movers at their outreach centre at The Stand, Clydebank.
‘lt’s all about freedom,‘ says Deyes. ‘Freedom of expression, physically and mentally. A good dance class sets you free to fall over, laugh, try again, stand on one leg or your head and make like a crazy person.’ (Kelly Apter)
I '.‘.".‘..(ft'IlYSUDHSU ’1} (IF (Izi/1(J3.’i()u",i:.“"1
Activities And Fun Costumed Performances at The
Castle Sun .\‘1on Stirling('uxtlc.()1d 'l'tmn. Stirling. (11731) 450001). ('ostunicd
ol' lidinhurgh on dixplu} in .S'vn'n Hum/H lhcn ll\L‘ collugc mulcriulx to crculc )our on n \xorkx of un.
Science at the Museum Sui/Sun 11.45uin. 13.45pm. 1.45pm & 3.45pm. 1"i‘cc. \utionul Muwum ol' Scotlund. ('hunihcrx Strcct. 347 4433. ('onic lut‘c [U liilk‘L' “111] \CIL'llCL' illltl \ClL'llll\l\ L‘\L‘l‘_\ \\ L‘L‘kcnd. l’lL‘;l\L‘ llUlL' lliL‘rL' urc lilllllL‘d \pucm lscuting for up to 3th. .-\gc\ 5+. Art-tastic: Orchids and Tropical Beauties Sun (i Jun. noon 3pm. 1‘rcc. Royul Botunit‘ (iurdcn. 1mcr1ciih Ron. 34S 3‘)(i.\‘. Turn _\our old mupping pupcr into dclicutc 11o“ crx ut this inonlhl} cco- lricndl} drop-in unx und crultx \C\\lllll for kids und udullx.
National Gallery Art Cart Sun (3 Jun. 34pm. 15rcc. .\'utionul (iullcr) ol~
Sui 13 Jun. 1.31) 4.30pm. £40 it'll) pcr “wk 1. .\'ulionu1 (iu11cr_\ o1 Scollund. The \lolllld. 034 (i300. 111C \lun 01 (1 low-
\\ L'L‘k CHUNG 101' 1 1 1.5-}L';il'-i)1t1\ uploring Indiun miniuturc ll‘mlllltilh. Saturday Art Club: Architecture Sul 13 Jun. llluni noon & 1.30 ,‘xfillpm. 9.41) 19.101. |)cun (iullcr). 73 Bollord Roud. (134 (i300. The lirxt o1 u tour-u col». course uploring thc urchitccturc o1 liusil Sponge 'Iihc Illuiii L‘1;l\\ IN lor 5 7 _\cur- Ultl\ und 111C 1.3(lpm (luv 1\ lol' 35' 1 1 )Cur-oldx
Sunday Science: Winter Wonders Sun 15 Jun. noon 3pm. 1'i'cc. Royal Bolunic (iurdcn. 1m L'rlL'llll Rim. 343 3908. l'ind out uh} \Ulllc llimcrx bloom in \\ intcr ul this drop-in \L'\\l()ll. Agcx
churuclcrx giw }oii u ghuncc lo lind out uhout lilc 111\lllllL‘Hl Scotlund'x oldwt buildings.
Workshop: Make and Take Sun () (k 13 Jun. Ipin & 3 4pm. 1111'. \ulionul Muwuni o1 l-light. 1211\1 l'lirlllllL' Airlicld. North BL'Hklt'lx. (11630 307340 Who nccdx L‘iilllplllcl' gumcs ’ ‘Iurn cwrylu} ohicctx into l()_\\ to lulw llHlllC. .'\:_'L'\ 5+.