(U) 84min Curr-t." 3W; refa
Drrer:ted hy Mrehael Anderson, a rrran whose eelectrr: CV rnr;orporates {he Darn Busters. and Logan's Run, thrs low key, hrgh-r:on<:ept thrrller Works through rts orrgrnal central prernrse Wrth some solrd rthznaeter work.
Frlrned rn black and whrte rn 1958. rts llrttthrxxtkran flavour rs not concealed. When young herress Krrntmrley Presrfott (Anne Baxter) rs confronted on her Barcelona haleony one evenrng by a man (:larrnrng to he her apparently dead hrother Wade (Rr(:hard loddr. she rs (tonVrntted he's an rrnposter. Yet everyone who can refute hrs story frnds rt perfectly plausrhle, and only polree rnspeetor Vargas (Herbert Lorn. solrd as ever. although hrs character's rnrtral portrayal as a garnblrng (:harrner rs too-gurckly suhrnergtxl to SGIVICO the plot) retarns a degree of seeptrCrsrn.
Beyond the frlrn's dated portrayal of a young woman rn apparenth troubled (trrcurnstances herng alrnost her farnrly's property. there are many suspenseful rnornents. whrle the \olte faee denouernent rs truly worth wartrng for. Mrnrrnal extras. rDax'rd Pollock)
DRAMA BELOVED (12A) 100mm (Network DVD retarll 0..
After her wealthy slave» tradrng father‘s death. Amada tESlrrtda Nunez‘ eres away her tune on hrs estate. errng Wrth her blrnd mother and her Lrnfarthful husband. Clearly she wants and
44 THE LIST ~1—" Ja" SL‘OS
ICAIC (I‘IIIIfn/‘j‘, 'YV‘J‘: fr!)vv 0“
aridso het'trv‘nt up wrth a (Lousrn Ma“, Arr Cesar Exora ‘rorn ne' past sparks flr,
Crrhar‘ frlrrrrrrgmrrr Humherto Sofas (lees hrs best to rnreet rnt'; thrs oredrr:tat)lt~3 ‘ove story as 'r‘ueh polrtr(:a| passron as enrot‘onal ,’t?£trl‘rlt(_], but the sott focus .rnages lend tnernselvt-as more tr, T'W latter than the former Certamly the (:ousrn Is a revolutronany Journarrsf. hut hrs heirefs are perrpherai whrle Arnada's feelrngs are central Set rn 191-1. the frlnr looks at the contrast between the (:onrplat:ent yet (:olrapsrng wealth of a generatron. and how rt was only a rnatter of trrne reven rf rt would take -‘A:"> yearsr hefore the revolutron would come. ere most of the frnest Cuban frlrns the personal and the polrtrcal are rntertwrned: but unlrke the best of Cuban ernerna nothrng fresh comes out of thrs cornhrnatron: rt ends up offerrng drluted polrtres and predretahle ernotrons. No extras. (Tony MeKrbl)rn)
COMEDY WHAT’S UP TIGER LILY. (PG) 76min tOptrrnurn retarll O.
Desprte HtSlSIrf‘g :ne rntrc to ".IS ‘Qph Orreetorrar debut serfs that Ger‘e ‘.'. If." the ased the same strateg.. thrs was the ‘rrst W“ to rernoxe the male/gee of one rttoxre and Club a completely new stream
A 1' "I A ‘ I ' E‘. A A
rItAF).t‘_I“ f‘xt..’,‘.‘,‘. . II‘E‘I;(:LAIA(II" 4A Mdt‘ue. l're str .t :m; .f, ..
f6, ,0 h, A. Pew." PM". rrte of the- Lyeaf Arger‘t "ean re‘.oitrtronar"~,. * .'..r‘; gruer: (Intrat‘ "a‘ "tarrt. ‘or hs lltll“(,‘".‘§(? organrsatrrv‘a fraud r‘ Castro's 'er.'oratror1_ .s farnrlrar enough But whem rt does fee or‘rgrnal rs wrth :ts of "are ar<:hrve footage of Che hrrnself. and t're rntemrews WIItt those who knew hurt.
the frlnt (2Xiilt‘rtlt?t; rts suhreet fror". hrs early and rather SICKI‘, (:hrldhood. on through
hrs lrfe as a ll‘()I()'(T‘.(‘r(? trzlyeller through l_atrr‘ Arnerrtta. where he
heearne radr(:airsed. The
eentrepreee rs hrs role re the Cuhah revolutron, before :1 ends ‘.‘.rhere rt began. at hrs death rn Both/ta. Perhatfs just as *asr‘rnatrng as the frrrn rs the short (I()tILlftt(3ltI£ill(}t~ added as extras. partreularly one v.-.Ihrt:h rnteryrews the three sun'rxors of hrs frnar admnture. Therr rtu'sur‘. to the Chuea do :1. CIA hacked tasttrst (tour‘ter rnsurger‘fs s a r'tour‘g adxet‘tare f; 'tself. Stew: C'arner
(15) 113mm
Ptt-xelxe' 'eta 'Ar"‘.a
VGSLT'BQTté‘tL‘, ’ea'...u,- depot :ran I 'e‘e as: i:
cr'fer‘ta reease " '."<‘-
'\" 2'0. 0 ' : ’ 1' A II ’. 1 ‘I 24 I t 0' I g .1,“ I" t' f 2' I
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(I‘v. IIIAII l‘ :A‘ L ‘1".'t, ’1'. "Mt. \AA/‘IirtII'i‘r~ I '(}"r< 'I'V“(1.' ttlttlf‘3<>'ul§%hr;.t "s l‘r'l‘r. LINN; " “AA '7 f(:l3r’>‘.'.r length ‘ M, H-t‘ttar'fl one,” 3 I.‘.II<)!IT III}.I.II\A.;W, ‘I‘,, The Ost‘a' "(\r'w'rdt, ;
Stiff; >f ‘r y (5‘, 2,1 m;
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preasant 'r saw 2e"
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certamlu. ttt::;t:t‘.»’:r
ttznefharelease \'
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also gef Hawker"; "'sf
short frlrx \>."_1’(.’ .‘ fr
One as a“ extra “Mrles t"'(:|(It,-."
HOPth )‘3
ANIMATOR (18) 92min
lar'ta" 'e"ta. 'e‘a
\u’ I I ‘ .I ’ EDI'(I’ ' 1 ,~ Ln '. 7’ 1 A .3 3.. " .:'. z :1): f." "(1' ‘ ' I' ' 23'
A,A ,2: 3‘ (1’ :;‘ ‘ ‘7 A ' A A A
B ' '.' I U I .
Crazy Larry ' ":
:- ' " '~ Vanishin
9 Point
I. AA It II HI ". A. ’ I A A .- . o A The Junkman A 1" ° ‘ A ‘A . A ‘I " . A /A " ‘ t ' (11‘ : 1. J A A A \i I' r (If N A ‘I A A F , .. r\ A ;-\I IA A ' A ‘A' vt 'A {. .,J(I .1 /\A A I A A A AA I (I A A, 1| / I,( 1:.0, A ‘1 A A A A A A '{ (IXIV ' A D I. l 1‘) ' I A; A ', A I A’ A I , ‘17 A A I . r r A ., ’1‘ , , I]: Y. I AA/ (‘ l r)/,' A I A I, I, , .{, ’ (‘ .ij AA AA 1 I ’I A , ‘ , A A re, I , (—0: / r,‘, {1'