
.. 7. ;',.. f 37233:; He’s been off the radar for a wee while so it’s great

‘5‘" * to see Joseph Malik rocking the Voodoo Rooms

with a DJ set this January. He‘s famed for his take on nu soul, investing the sound with a contemporary jazzy urban edge as showcased on his albums Diverse and Aquarius Songs (both on Compost Records).

lhu ‘. it n n ~ Hot wrap [autumn/‘1". lrr J t/git"

Ill.3llptii iani. L5 tt-li. \Vcckl}. l)t\t'o |)an play the hut loxml aiitl llt'\llL‘\l tlanct' and pop

I Boogie Fridays at (‘ltih l’tiiplt'. lllpin iatn. U hctoic initltiight; [5 altct. \Vct'kly I).l Stictt‘h prt'xt'nlx thc hcxt tn t‘liait .tlllllt‘lll\. tth'tl and part} le’tlthN. l‘.lll.tll t'luhput‘plt‘w lltlllll;lll.\'t)lll l'ot‘ gttcxtlht/pi‘ioiit} cntt‘}.

I Espionage at |:\pionagc. Tptn Kain. l‘t'L‘L‘. \VCL‘kl}. l't\t‘ l\;tl'\ m (I llu' l'ltml‘x pliniiig t'\t'i‘}tliiiig li'oin lx’th to tnatnxtt‘catn chart ilt‘llttll \\llll plcnt} ol tl.lll\ i‘ornt‘i‘x lot t‘opping oil in.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Boutique at (Mt). Itlfitlpiii 3am. l'it'c hcl'orc I lpni; L“ tUo al'tcr \Vt'ckl}. lilt't'tio and houxc li'oin l.tit‘k_\ lut‘iano atitl Him/Cl. \\llll lh‘tinhirtl inxttttiting a \ti‘tt't no t'hccxc l‘tlllt'}.

I The Egg at “to Rod Bar.

llpin Run. [-1 hcloi'c inttlnigltt; £5 al'tt‘i: \Vt'ckl}. Still lhc l‘\'\l llll\ ol' llltllL'. Nix gat'agc. northcrn \ottl. \ka. “llx pttnk and nun \xaw )iiii'i't‘ Iikcl) to \taggcr at'i‘oxx. I Fever at lago. Illfillptn .‘xiin. L'lll tt'h‘i. 5 Jan. likc Iaxtc l'oi‘ thc l'rttla} night t'i‘ontl. \\llll l).|\ l'l\llt‘l' tk l’i'it‘c pla_\tng an ct'lct‘tic iiit\ ol tht‘ hut tintlcrgi‘ottntl tlant'c intixit'. Martin Valcntmc \pinning tixxwliakttt' global hotixc in thc Ballroom and 'l'hc \'i~itoi and lx'atiptixx [‘l;l}lll:_‘ an ainthing-gom ini\ ot mouthing tit thc (‘ot‘tcau

| otingc. l’t'c—t‘ltih part} in tho Stt'cct

axk thc lllx tot tlixt‘ount paxxt‘x.

I Fish Fry at thc .la// Bar.

llifitlpin Rain. (5. \Vt‘ckl}. Scottixh Ia/l. lttnk. \Ulll and l atin handx ioin I).l\ lirik |Y\'iking and .hti'ohoy Rd“ authcntit' tal/ t't‘oni llooktd l'p t5 .lant \\Illl l)a\ ('onti'ax t I: .lani_

I Give it Some! .it the Bongo ('luh.

l lpnt 3am. U hct'orc initlnight. to al'tcr. l2 .lan. .\lo\ing into itx \l\lll )t'at‘. lURcilo'x dancing t'ltih l\ hack xx ith thc tl\ll;tl \clcction ot lunk. \oul. tan and rart‘ gi'oow. chgac. l'tmh. \ka and \llll‘ lt[‘\l.lll'\ troin Dcco} Ro}.

I Henry’s Team Post-Christmas Party at llt‘nr} \ (‘t'llar Bar. Spin 3am. til I: .lan .-\ nitth llllL‘itlp ol’ l‘.lll\l\ and [)1 \ct\ loatui‘itig latniliar lau‘x inort' coininonl) \ccn \xoi'king at thc tltiiit‘ ttl' lk‘llltltl lllt‘ \tttttttl tlL'\k.

I Karnival vs Beatroot at (‘aharct Voltaii‘c. llpiit Kant. to ht'loi‘c initlnight; [X altcr 1U) lllL‘llll‘L‘l'\l. l2 .lan. ()nc ol'l \pu‘ial ax Kartmal and Bcatroot loin ltll'CL‘\ lot a iitght ol houw hcawn.

I Liquid Soul at l’o \a Na.

Itlpin .5illll. U hcl'orc Ilpin; to altci'. \VL'L'l’xl}. (it‘l tltm ll L“.tl’l_\ l-Ul‘ llll\ conxixtcntl} capacit} rctro-tlixco antl lllllk} lltlUNC night. licatui'ing l’o\ oun Mark B on tho tlL‘L‘h\ l'tixing clawic antl haiig lip—ltl'tlillk‘ lllllk} llUll\t‘ tor thoxc in lllL‘ know

I Lulu at l.llllt. Spin .5illll. l-‘t'cc hcl‘oi‘c | lpin; £7 altcr. \Vcckl). Scc l‘i‘i.

I Messenger Sound System at lllL' Bongo ('luh. llpin 5am. £5 hcl'ot‘c midnight; {p.50 al'tcr. 5 Jan. The inight} .\lL‘\\L‘ll;_'L‘l' Sittltltl S)\lL‘ltl l‘l;I\l\ Ulll lllL' ht‘xt iii rightcoux root\ and duh \\ ith lttttxllllg ll’otlt .\l(‘ Rttx licho.

33’ Musika at thc l.lt]llltl Rooin. Illfillpin .5illll. [5. [2 Jan. .\'ight ol' llttlhc ttlltl L‘lL‘L‘ll'tt \\ lllt lk‘l'L‘k \lttt'tlll llU\llll:_' .\lii\ika'\ .lantiar} llUll\L‘ l’art_\ \\llll \Varncr l’oxwrx. Marco Smith and \t‘il Barth‘}.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal loungc. lllptn 3am. l‘t'cc hcl‘orc l lpin; altctt \Vcckl}. l.alc night \oircc l'caturing l)J Haw Sltctlan and a “hunt ol glainoroux \tk‘dl houw. tit't‘wxil‘lt‘ clcctro \\ ith a hiitt ol Rth.

I Retribution at Studio 34.

llpni 3am. £5tfi-1i.\\cckly Rctrihution takm thc placc ol' the \lixxion hut \llll play the hut in rock. nictal. altcrnatiw and track\ troni thc dark \itlc all night long.

I Sanctuary at ~\‘ttitlio 24. o lttpmi :5 HA incinhci'xt. \Vcckl). 'l'hc hut in goth. rock. punk and nu inctal toi‘ thc tiittlcr lt\\ Ct‘tt“ tl.

I ISIashdot. at the llixc. l 1pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl). Drum & ha“. clcctro.

tt-t'hno .intl ht'cakx li‘ont \Ulllt' ol thc hcxt ll.llllL‘\ L‘H‘l' ltl glitct‘ lllk‘ \\ llL'L‘l\ til \lk‘k'l Ill lztlinhtirgh.

I Soul Spectrum at lllL' Voodoo Roonix. Upin laiii. L11 -1.lan \cxi night (ll ltlllk. littltl L'tlg‘t'tl \(llll. (ill\ and “(B grim and cwn a tl;l\ll ol tltxt'o li'oiii l'i‘_\t'r t Mothcrlttnkt antl .la/xinachuii'tlx. ioinctl h} .lgtxon Stirlantl tl)ccpl'unki and Andre“ l)i\ inc. I Tease Age at (‘iii'tn ('Iuh.

llptn .iani l-t‘cc hclot'c ll.3(lpni; al'tcr. \Vcckl). 'l'hix tntlic \taluart tll\llt‘\ tip t‘xci‘)tltiitg l'i‘oiii \utnging ()ll\ llll\ to hagg} Mant'hcxtcr laxu ax \xcll ;t\ a hoxt ol t'tiri‘t‘nt .\'.lIl-, chart hothcrcrx \\llll l).l .\lonkcc Mickct'. lztlinhurgh‘x lotigtwt Continuall} running intltc night I 2 Much 2 Mix at ('it} Nightclub. Ilpni Faint £8 tHi. \Vcckl}. Sattit'tla} ntghtcr at ('it_\ ax DJ Dan llll\L‘\ tip the hut in lllllk} llUth'. R&B. tth‘tl. llltllL‘ and hip hop.

Ultragroove at (‘aharct Voltaire. llpin Rani. l‘i‘cc hcl'oi'c iiiitliiight; £5 at'tcr. 5 Jan. (iarcth Soinincrxtllc'x hotixc gtt-togcthci‘ tll\llL‘\ otit \otnc tlccp lltlll\L‘. oiganit' tcchno and minimal groin c\ to \\ clgoiiic )ou [o 3on3, \Vith Barr} licll toining (iarcth in thc inaini'ooni uhtlc (iat') Mac th .'\i'c l'ilL‘L‘ll‘lL‘l illltl l’_\ / t.-\CCL‘\\I \tlppl_\ lllL' clcctronica ottt thc hack.

til lllL' \lllltltlt) Rlitllll\

Uptn lain. {7. l3 Jan llcp tlatltl}

\u ing. countr) claxxtu and \IctiI} hxtcning at thc inttltiplc auartl-uinning. inulti-gcnrc L‘llll‘ iitght loi‘ tnoxcrx. groowrx. lllp\lL'l‘\. l'hpxtcrx. guy and \ltlll\ ax \L‘gaxl host tht'ii' annual cut pi‘it'c .lanuat‘} Salc.

I VIP Saturdays at ('ltih l’urplc. lllpni iatn £3 hctorc itiitlnight; £5 altcr. \Vcckl}. \cu night at llll\ ncu \L‘HUL' \xith \c\_\ Rth. hip hop and clawtc part} groon li'otn l)J ltihtilox. liinail cluhpurplc“l lltlllllilllvg'tllll lor gucxthxt/priorit} cntr}.

I Volume! at lago, llptit iatn. L5 hclorc midnight; £5 altcr. l2 Jan. 'l'hc crux hchintl ()hxt'cnc tcant tip \xith l)l'llll\L‘k' lor thc ll'UL‘ \(tlllltl\ ot the urban unilcrgrountl at llll\ night ol tluhxtcp. griinc. hatllc ttink and hip hop troiii thc [K and hcyitttl. 'Bring )otii‘ own harx' \pcgtal toi' axpirtng .\l(\ tarrixc at ‘lll..‘~llpin \harp' I.

I Walk, Don’t Walk at l)l\tt (‘attu llptn Rain, l-rcc. 5 Jan. lzlcctro- hoogaloo part} with Ja/ck Janiotxki and Km Wright.


Chart & Party

I Maniiesto at l'xpionagc ‘pni iant l'lt‘t' \M't'kl) (hail. t'ht't'w and tlant‘t‘llooi .tntht'tm .lt'ltl\\ liw llooix

Edinburgh Sundays

Club I All Back to Mine at ()pal l oungt' lllptn iant l'tct' l‘t'ltllt' nittlntght. U .tltct' \M'ckl} l'.tltiil\ttigli\ hcxt l)J\ tlig iii thcit t'iatt‘x lot aii t’L'lt't'llt' llll\ ol {it'lvilhtl lil\tilllllt'\ I Baby Doll at l’o \;i .\;t llptti iallt l‘rcc hclott‘ ll .illptii. L5 altt't \M't'kl} :\ j_‘l.tlllttlttll\ and \m} night ol honw \kllk'lt' all .llL' \kt'lt'oint‘ to loin Ill. li'oin tht' iotating l)J ltl\lL'l ol \\atnt'i Pouch. l)can \t-uton. (iax (iiant. ’l'oinin} Ka}. Huck Martin. ll.it't_\ .llltl ll.t\ll lxaat'x I Back to Basics at l’tio ( 'attt- "pin iillll, l’lL'L'. \Vcckl} Rt'tro tlanu' antl tlixt‘o lroni Ian (\lltlt'lMlll .intl lll\\'llll l) I Booty at Malina. llpiii iain. L" i. \VL'Chl} l\l;t Bllgt' tgt'tltltl 'l. l” l);tlc huh and Stininonc Black prmttlt' thc ini\ ol Rth. hip hop. \Hlll and ltiiik at llll\ Stintla} \tlL'lAll

Bumpin & Stompin at \\'u- Rctl Bat noon initlnight. l'rcc oJan 'l'hc hcxt ol northci‘n \tllll. Rth. gai‘agc antl t'\t'i'_\thtng in lk’l\‘.t'L'll ax thc Soul Bo}.\ i‘cttirn \\ llll a llL'L‘ all tlil}L‘l ax ‘a thank )oti to all \tlllllt'\ lot‘ thcit \llpptll'l tnCl lllL' )cai” So l\\L'l\C llHlll'\ ol top will :tL'llHll liotii Roh llanlon St‘halci‘ owr li'oin .'\ll\ll';tllil. Kt'nii} Burrcll. Jigg}. [antlcr Mini} and inoi‘c I Carbon at Sit-rco lllpin iatii £4 tilt \Vcckl} Night ot llltllt' l;t\tllll'llt'\ li‘oni Arctic Honky} \ to l'ntlcruoiltl All tloor mung} |\ tlonatctl to ollxcl _\our (ttt'lttin lttttlpl'llll. \H ‘lllL‘ llttilL‘ lllllL'\ )Htl lint. lllL‘ lllttt'L' “(IN _\Hll NHL" I Easy Sunday at lhc Jan Mar Ilillptn 5itlll, l‘rt-c \Vt'ckl} Lounge llllhlL‘. crooncrx and no} ll\lL‘nlll:.J lroin Still] Jtl\L‘ lVL‘gttxl and la” l’aul ((iti-(ittl, I Hifi at (illi). ll), illpni ‘wain l'lL‘L' hclort- llpin. 1.11 MB» altcr \Vt'ckly l‘llll\ll tht- \xcckcntl in \l)ll\ll tlchauclicr}. \Hlll l)J \lit'hcllc proxitling a llll‘t ot tllllllL’llh antl luturc clamu I Hobo at thc Bongo ('hih. lllpin iaiii, L" i. \Vcckl). 'I.i\c Hilth and altcrnattw tth'U tor ltlxllllL‘tl \inncrx' ax lloho l'L’lUrlh tor 3Hth ll\L‘ lelL'xlx ll‘k I Neon/Bang at the lliw llpiit ittin l'rcc. \Vcckly A rock‘n‘roll lllUfllC} \kllll all the hot cub lroiii Clzlxxlt lllclill and hard rock through to 3th giant and goth.

, «' 232% THE LIST 35