
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by David Pollock.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Alternative Nation al Banian

I Ipin 3am, £4 t£3i \k'cckl}. Run h) tun Illillllxlit)\ nl thc (ilaxgnu all \ccnc. DJ Barr) and IIarxc} Kai'tcl. llII\ ncu \Acckl). cluh l\ dcxntcd tn cwtything lrnm itiddcring clccli‘n and \lcal) cnck rnck tn hnunc) hip hnp and lL'l'tK‘lUlh inctaI.

I The Beat Club at thc Hcal (‘Iuh ‘Jplll .ittlll. l’l'lt‘t'\ \ttr). \Vcckl}. (iiititl llIll\lL'. gnnd tll'lllk\ and gnnd pcnplc. I.i\c lIIll\lt‘ \cnuc and cIuh \Nllll innltnp \innking tcrracc. pla}ing hnxl in a \iidc rangc nl Illll\lL‘£ll \t}|c\ lrnm i‘nck tn tlI\CU. 'l’hc Incux hcrc l\ \ct') much nn cuxtnmcr carc and hax mg a gnnd timc

I Calling All Disco Kids at Kaihnn

I lpm iain. £4 tl'rccl. chkl}. Ilcxkc} and Big Al drnp hip hnp and Rtin uhiIc Raw Ii and Iiuan Mclcnd pIa} L'l;l\\lL‘\ and hand nul caxh pl‘l/L'\ at llll\ \tudcni night. Scnlt McKa) pla'u hnuw in lhc Inungc.

I Dig! at l‘lll‘) .\lurr_\ 'x. I Ipm 3am. £4 (£3). chkl}: DJ Nnii‘ pi‘nxidcx )Ulll' lix nl i‘nck. ptiiik. mctaI and \ka.

I Freakmoves al (ililxgtHK Sclinnl nt Art. llpm Jam. £4 IUI. \Vt-ckl). l'Iti'a linc hip hnp night l‘nr lhc \tudcnlx. \iith l)J\ Dcma and Nicc. £I I'ni‘ (BSA \llltlt‘llh altcr midnight l'rcc lk‘llll‘t‘.

I Hi Fi at thc Bunkci‘ Bar. llpm 3am. Il'L‘c. chkl}: Da\c Sinclair lll\llL‘\ up Iiu‘ hnurx nl tnp-nntch indic and i'nck.

I How‘s Your Party? at lhc Suh ('Iuh. I lpm 3am. £3 hclnt'c midnight; £5 al'tci‘. l7 Jan. A ncu 'I‘hurxda} night \llllltllg dnun thc Suhhic and it \Ulllldx illxl thc thing. With a ll‘t‘t‘ rcsidcntx' ptil'l} hcadlincd h} Bnnm Mnnk But.

I Loaded at Bamhnn. Ilem 3am. £4 (£3). chkl}; I.iI' Rich \iith \nmc damn linc RtUi. Iilcctrn—hnuxc. Iunk and \nul plus rnck'n'rnll \iilh Rtixx M.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy al NICCWYSIL‘HI}.

l I.3()pm 3am. £2. 17 Jan. Indic dixcn limc at nnc nl'(ila.\gn\\ ‘s l'axnuritc \cnucx, \killl [Us In hc‘ cnnlii‘incd.

I Plastika at (‘lasxic (irand.

l lpm 3am. £4 t£3l. “cc-kl}. chi night planing a mix nI clccti‘n and hnuxc.

I Record Player: at (Blasgtm Schnnl MAN. I lpm 3am. £4 (£3). chkl}. Skcwcd hut dccpl} danccahlc Iinuxc and tcchnn lrnm thc I’Iaycrl. \iith rcxidcnlx IIushpupp}. Dilllltilll' Bni and Jackxnn Stars.

I The Roller Disco at Sca.

I(I.3()pm 3am. £h (£4). \k'cckl). ch, 'll\ truc. A rcaI hnna lidc I‘Ullt‘l' dixcn i\ hitting (ilasgnu cxcr) 'I'hurxda} at Sca nightclub. Sucat hands. lcggingx. \paltdc‘\ til lllL‘ rt‘;ld_\ inlk‘x. Whccccccccccccc.

I Rubbermensch al AIK‘Z.

I Ipm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. :\ night l‘ni‘ indic kids and indic Imcrx. And} \Vilxnn ix in chargc. and Paul Nccdlcx play thc I’nlar Bar.

I Skint at thc (‘atIinuxcx I Ipm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl). Iimn. Iunk. punk. crnssm'cr. rnck. gnth and hardcnrc tuncx lrnm DJ Bill) Mnat.

I Star.Dot.Star at the Butt.

I Ipm 3am. £3. \Vcckl). I)a\c Bill'dhillthd prm‘idc's a lixcl) sclcctinn nl~ rnck'n'rnII with nnrthcrn snul.

I Super Duper Thursdays at lhc (iaragc. I lpm 3am. £5 (Uh. \Vcckl}. ’I'hc (iaragc'x pnpular \tudcnt night \\ ith (‘icrry I._\nn.\. Stcwn Mnnd) and DJ And).

I Up the Racket at Iiircxiatcr. Il).30pm«3am. Frcc bcl'nrc Illfillpm; £4 (£3) al‘tcr. \Vcckl}; DJ 'I‘nast play indic. snul. Britpnp. rock and punk.

32 THE LIST 4~1 7 Jan 2008

{tamian Lazarus

Roll/m tn Mn/ii) (if the Sui) (IA/.5, (Elam;

I Wake the Town and Tell All the People al Nicc‘n‘SIt-ax}.

Il.3l)pin 3am. £3. Ill Jan. l)llD\lL'|‘. i'cggac and dancchaII actinn.

I Wax On, Wax Off at ihc- l'l_\lllg Duck. Ilein 3am. £lhc. \Vcckl). \L‘“ \xcckl} clccti‘n night at lhc I'I)ing Duck.

I Zero Thursdays al Bnhn.

*)..i()piii 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. I)J \Ul'lllxkl. l'nunding mcmhcr nl' lhc night Ruin. pIa_\\ t\\ I\IL'tl l'unk. dii't_\ clccti‘n and lunk} hnuw.

Chart & Party

I Erotic Pop at thlllull. I Ipin 3am £5. \Vcckl}. I'amnux Nth anthcmx mth a mndci'n da) 1“ ixt.

I Fat Poppadaddy’s

Ghettoblaster at (‘nminnn 5pm Run.

£4 t£3l. \Vcckl}. 'I'hc hcxt mntapcx III tnun \iith (inrdnn ‘IIari‘i‘ .\IiIIci‘. I’auI Rca. ('i‘aig Kclman and (‘i'aig .\IcIIugh. I Innuendo at Stmka. 4pm 3am. £5 t£3 I. \Vcckl). .»\ marathnn nl cluh classicx lrnm ’I‘hc 'I‘unncl\ (ircg .\I.

I Rogue at thc Vipcr Bai' & ('Iuh.

Slam’s Return to Mono night weighs in with a guest slot from Damian Lazarus in the intimate surrounds of the Subbie. Lazarus helped set up both City Rockers and Crosstown Rebels and describes his sound as ‘twisted, raw, deep underground techno, house and electro. Crazy future music that works just as well at peak times in large clubs as it does in the early hours in small spaces.’ Sounds like a perfect start to 2008.

J l' ' .jii"

‘lpin Run £5 It‘ll \M'ckl} I’ai't} luncw li'nm Stcxcn It»)

I Shake .it lhc Itimicl. Illpiii Run £thc, \Vt‘ckl}. ,JUIII Skt'lc‘il illlll (ic’ililc'x Ini' lhc hc\l in lIl'D.lII and hip hnp

Glasgow Fridays


I Ballers Social Club al IllL' (ilmgnu Schnnl nl .'\ll, I Ipin iam. £5. I I Jan. I’maii and Rigax. lUlIIIllL'l'\ nl thc Scandingn ian dancc innxciucnt ‘Skucc' lni' ‘clccti'nnic cnnlIict Rtkli'. appaicntI} l aic lhc gucxt \tai\. alnngudc icxidciih Iludxnn \Inhau kc and Riixlic I'.\pcct acid. tcchnn and lunk} hnuw in lcatiiic. Scc [H'L'\It‘\\. pagc I

I Bunker Fridays at [DC Hunkci Hui. ‘lpiii Run I‘i‘cc. \\cckl} Iain (‘n}|c‘ play lhc hch linm ncu and cxlahltxhcd haiid\ until midnight \xhilc :\nd_\ \Vilxnn tiltilk \Hlllc‘ ncu and c'l;i\\IL' indic la\nui‘itc\ until chucking nut liinc. mm 3am.

I Canvas Club .11 .-\rla Illptn 3am £5

iticc' \\cckl_\ I no l‘andx plux III Inc Dcchan l‘ldklllfi tuiik and pailx t'l.l\\lc\ I Cathouse .II lllk‘ (‘ailiniixc

Ill itlpm Kim L5iL-1l \\c‘i‘kl\ Rlxllllff hiin nn thc nu iiictal \\.i\c, mi; 1\ ting nt thc l‘lI\It‘\I tughlx III tnxxn Rnck. gtungc. iiitlic and .l tIaxh nl hicakhcat at li\\\ thicc lInnix at (il.t\}'i\\\ \ tnp \ciiuc Ini ll‘\ kl‘l\ .llltl .illctnatccnx

I Children of the 803 .II (Imit- (hand I Ipiu iaiii £1 \\cckI§ \nnthci tin tlnxxn .lIllIIt‘\I.l Ianc .l\ \w gn hack tn lhc \llx Int lhnxc nl inn uhn \lllllhl gcl ciiniigh nl II thc III\I lllIIL‘ .unuinI

I Choose Fridays at I tii_\ \Itiii\ '\

I Ipiii Run :5 l‘c‘ll \\cckI\ (I plan .i iiii\ nl \Illll in gct nut in lhc \wckcinl lIliN‘il

I Damaged Goods .tI \n-t-‘n'SIt-JA ll illpiii :AIII H lJJII Ixxn llt\i\l\i\l cxciUhing itiiiginy linin punk inck .itnI icggac tn clawit will and \c\\ \nik lll\\ll

I Dannix .it ('iih I Ipiii Knit t'h l H! \\cck|§ I” \.t\\ and lil \l‘cita plat .i III|\ nl \liicaii. tcg'gac. i.i;'§.'.i. tIancchaII. RM; and hip hnp

I Dollymixtures .il (llllll ‘lpni ;.IIII th t-Ii \M'ckh \cu mghl .il (illlll Mint in hc inith up \xith Dnll} \li\tuici lcatuiing indic. lllk k. clcctin .llltl pnp Ill thc III.IIII innin hnxtcd h} DJx Hill} \IiIIigaii lthlllUlI \ipci l ('amcinn (‘iaig i( ampuxt pllh \xcckl} \Pk'k I.ll gut-xix

I End of the Line Fridays .ll lllt' (iaiagc I Iptii {am I5 it ii \M-ckh (‘iaig and Iitian pIa} pnp. \lI.lll. claxxn \ and .llllllt‘llh III lhc Main Hall \klllli' \It‘nIit llt)\l\ tiltnllli'l lllt'hl nI (;'t' kaiankc I'p in thc ;\ttic. Dixcn Dau- play iiidic ;tl|llIL'lll\. \xhilc III ( i3 (icnigc Ilnmc IIIl\t'\ up hip hnp. Rtkll and \tllll thinughnut lhc mqu

I Fear and Loathing in Glasvegas at Kai'hnn llpm iain l5 tlicci \\cck|_\ \cu I'iida} night .it Kaihnn \Nllli indic and inck L'l;l\\lt'\. hip hnp. RA“ and hnuxc.

I Flirtini Fridays at Huh”

l). illpm Kim Ui \Vcckl} “Jim I).i Iicxt' klt'k\l;tll\ )illll \wckcnd uith lll\ nun hiand nl pail} tunc\ and Ilnni liIIci\

I Funhouse al liaith. llpm igtlll £5 i£-Il. \Vcckl}. DJ I’auI \ccdlcx and Alpha \Iitchcll \[IIII p\_\ch. punk. \(illl and mantuum inck'n‘inII

I Horrorshow .it l'llt‘\\;tlt‘l. llpm {am £3 (Ht. \VcckI} l‘llt‘HAIIt‘l ll\t'\ Il\ Ialc Iiccncc tn glni'inux cllcct u ith llll\ ncu night. |,i\c hand\ and (‘iaig Md icc mci) ucck.

I Mark Robb Presents al \laggic .\Ia_\\. Ilpm *am. £5 \Vcckl} A innw tn Maggic .\la_\ \ \iInIc thc§ \till nut L‘\t'l'}IlIIlljJ at Ihc chal Sncial (‘Iuh nxci Ihc \llllIlIlL'l. I’Ia}ing ia/l. lunk, will and alxn thc Ialcxl It'lt';t\t'\ Itntn lll\ ncu Iath Slal‘ltt IL'k'lilll\.

I Nice’n’Sleazy at Nicc'ii‘Slt-a/_\.

I IRIIpm iain. £ I II Jan. Scc I'hu.

I Numbers vs Monox at lhc Suh ('Iuh I Ipm iam. £7 t£5i -I Jan. I'nt‘gcl thc pn\t IInginana} haiignxci \Hlll thix \cu Ycai l)l\Illll\ItilI night lrnm tun nl (ilaxgnu lccllllt)\ lincxl. I-catui'ing \pcc'lgtl glule l.nt’_\ I) chpllh’k \Vit'chlncki. .\utninat lI’nintlhn-l. Haw} Rt‘ll ttlld l't'\IllL'IIl\.

I Old School at thc Bull.

Ill. illpin iain. £(i, \‘icc-kl}. l‘IllL'\l nId \chnnl Ja//. lunk and \nuI lrnm (lint: cl al,

I Pinup Nights at llIL' llcal (‘Iuh

9pm Kain. £5 t£4i. \N'cckl}. Indic. punk. will and clcctrn-pnp.

I Popshop at .-\Ii(‘3. llpm Kain. U) It‘ll. \Vcckl}. Ncu night at AIK'Z \xith Paul} t.\1} Latcxt \nxcl) \pinning thc llixL'\ nl I‘Nllx. Inchn it lhc Bunnyncn and I:S(i plllx a Inc hand at midnight L'étL‘lI \\ L'L‘k.

=11 Return to Mono at lhc Sub ('Iuh.

I Ipm 3am. U”. I I Jan. A Iirxlclaxx hnuxc part} lrnm lhc Slain guy. xpccial gucxl-xtai‘ring Damian |.a/aru\.

I Symbiosis at Snundham.

IlUllpm 4am. £7 (UH. I I Jan. Drum 8c hilxx lrnm gucstx I-uII I’hat (I’Ialpack Iran. ()n The Brink Rccnrdingsl Jnhnn} \k'hnnp ll)calh Dixcn). Dau-