Workshops Write-Tron for All Sat 12 Jan. lron 'l'licalri'. (il ’l rotigatc. 552-1207 lll lllmn l2 lllpni Lilli t L llli ('rcatixc “rllllljJ \xorkxhopx tor adiiltx run h} SlL'pllCtl llal‘tlcx lltxikltlg' t'xxt'ttllal Adult Art Classes at GMRC Sat l3 Jan. (ilaxgtm Mnxcninx choiittc ('cntrc. 2U“ \Mxxllicatl Road. \ttxlitll. 27(i ‘) it)“, lll‘lfiitill |2.-l5ptn l'icc '»\ haxic intrixlnction to 'xt-itcx that cmcrx \Nttlt'rt'tiltilli‘ t l5 l)t'c l. [taxlclx t l2 Jati l. gouathc t I‘) .lani. charcoal t2 l~chi. \iatcrcoloni l2l l't-hi and tll';t\\ ing tcchniqucx ll Mari l’lcaxc hook lll £l(l\tlllt't' iitl llltll 27ft ‘) lllH tit (SMR( 'llixikingxtu (\glaxgtiutit}; Tron Studio 'liic l5 Jan. 'I roll 'I licatic. (ll 'liont'atc. 552-1207, 7 ‘lpin. Ht) it iii) “no oil diaiiia norlcxhop tor adiiltx uho att' intt'rcxtcd iii dcxcloping 'l iangt- ol [wrlorinancc xlxillx and lt'L'llllltlllL'S. Women and Yarns ’I lit! l7 Jan. (ilaxgtm Woincn'x l.ihrar_\. 2nd l‘likil. SI l’ainic Sti‘t'cl. 552 S H5 (i. ll) X itipni, l'lu'. lll It‘ll liit‘ltllgllll} \cxxittlh participantx Will gathcr a \arict} ol xlallx lroin trading and undcrxiandnig knitting pallct‘tix to inipioxing thcir crochcl xkillx. llic group \\ ill \xorlx togcihcr to product- a Sior}lcllttlg (‘haii lor ( ilaxgim \k'oincn'x l.ihrar} consiruclcd in panclx niadc h_\ cach lllL‘llllX'l' ol thc group,
Activities & Events
Edinburgh’s Christmas l'titil Siiti (i Jan. l’rinccs Strcct (iardcnx. Illani lllpin. (iol lt‘\li\c t'ltcct' lcll in ct".’ 'l‘it‘i'd ol' licing oxtracixcd h} )titii‘ \xcat'). c) nical rclatixcx'.’ 'l'uinld} lightx. hig \xhcclx. owrgroun clxcx. Narnian-cixil drinkx in thc lcc (iallcr) and bar. hcart \xariningl} happ} \xcc l'acc'x and thc twang ol claxtic t'roni thc lllltlg‘}tltilllt' in l’rinch Sti'cct (iardcnx ought to xort )(ill out. l’or lurthcr inlorniation on cicntx happcning all owr lidinhurgh. xcc \x\x\x.cdinhurghxcht‘ixtinaxciini.
Winter Wonderland Ice Rink l’riiict-x Slt‘i't't (iardcnx lithl. l’t'lliL‘L‘\ .Stt'L‘cl. ltlain lllpin. £8 (£7; lattiil) tickct Ht); Slxillt‘ lltl't‘ fl l. Your laxt clltttict‘ In glitlc likc aii angcl or topplc likc a toddlcr undcrncath lidinhurgh ('axtlc‘x dixappi'ox‘ing rock lacc.
Observing Evenings Ro}al ()hxcnator} VlSllUl' (t‘ltltt‘. lllaclxl'ot‘d llill. mix N-itH. 7 8.45pm. £41£.‘\;l;iiiiil} tickct [ lll,5(ll. \"icu iinagcx ol thc xiin xalcl} iixing thc Roytl ()hxcnator} 'x xolar lL‘lL‘SL'UIX‘S and kccp your c_\ ox pcclcd lor xunxpotx. Ycouch. Booking L'\\Cllllill.
City of the Dead Tours Festive Fright Fest! l'ntil Sat .5 Jan. Royil Milo. 225 ‘NHJ. 'l'iiiicx \at'}. £85
([5 [(1.5). I’m xonic lali lali laaaargh into )our lt‘Sll\C holida}. (‘hrixiinax thcincd glioxt \xallcx t‘caturing an in\ cxtigation into thc \xorld taiiiotix Maclx'cn/ic twltct‘gcist.
Royal College of Surgeons Tour WM 0 Jan Surgconx' llall Muxcuin. Ro)al ('ollcgc ol' Surgconx ol' lidinhui'gh. Nicolxon Strcct. 527 M4”. (ipin. .\'ot t'rightcning cnough t'or )ii'.’ Hop on thix guidcd tour ot' Surgconx' llall Mtixcuinx. honic to man} dixturhing c‘\hihitx. including thc dcath mask ol hunlx} local gra\ crohlwr Williain llurkc. and a \xallct inath ol' hix xlxin. l.o\'cl_\. .\'ot xiiitahlc l'or young childrcn. and thoxc agcd l2 l5 niuxt he accompanicd h) an adult. Quito right too. .xa) xx c. Scc prcx icxx. pagc 23. * Calorie Burn .x‘a l2 Jan. llillcnd (‘ar l’ark. (B) No «l lliix 'l‘crniinali. lliggar Road. 44.5 3383. 1 3pm. lircc. lloil You thcrc? ch. )ou. \\ itli chocolatc from tho trcc dccorationx all m or xour lace and hall a roast ttirkc} .xtull‘cd up _\our rcindccr-patterned juniper? 'l‘hc l‘cxtnc .xcaxon ix ot‘ticiall} our. and it’x [into to cnihracc Jaiiuarx‘x no“ l’uritanixni tr} xhil‘ting the llah with a brixk. \ociahlc thrcc inilc \xalk. Scc llitlixt.
* BUPA Great Winter Run Sal Jan. llol}iood l’ark. Ht! llol_\tood Road. linicx \.it'_\ lo cntci L2H. incinlx-tx L ': \ ll tlitcc tnilcx ot .zii/lxiqu \tlllll\l\ .: lllllt' hit tainc lot you oi it xiiiiixt- got an instill/x Iatgc aitioinit ot c\tta poiindagc to xhcd. uh} not dig out _\oin tianicix and takc part in thc lltIV. ll.tilllltllt.tl riizi atoiiiid \ithni'x Scat \oii haw to l\‘ .igcd H‘ to takc part. and it _xoti tind _\otitxclt lccling la/_\. too can kit k l‘.l\l\ and watch \xoild claxx allilctcx toinpctc iti thc lll 'l’\ ( iicat l'tlinliiiigli lntctnational \ ('otinti} at lpni ('hildicn agcd 2' l i can xtatt oil on lltc right tool \tith Hit“ 2 -ll\lll lcxco ,liiniot (iicat \Vintci Run at lllalll Scc llitlixt CGilidh Vlllt' l5 .l.itl. lllk' l ill. 1 (iraxxniarkct. 225 22‘“) Spin to It thc idca ot otgatiixcd xpoit lll.tl\t'\ xoti conic out in lll\t‘\ ywah. iix toot. lint _\oii xtill nccd toch hack into xliapc. ii) a hit ot cnct’gctic xtiipping lhc \iillou lliitilt‘ll.lllil}lllf_' high xtcppcix llt‘t'ltg‘tilct't'lt' tll.\ \clt‘llllllcall} inipoxxihlc to x.i_\ that loiit tinicx laxti hoxt a ccilidh dancing xcxxion \\ llll liit‘ioiix liddlcix and callctx to lcad ion through thc xtcpx.
Back to the Future: Sir Basil Spence, 1907-1976 l)can ( i;lllt'l_\. 7i llcltord Road. (i2-l (i2llll. l iitil Sun Ill l'ch Illani 5pm; lllain "pin. l'lt't‘ ‘l'hc tii‘xt inaioi rcli'oxpcctiw ol Scotland'x inoxt rcnouncd niodcrn aichitcct. lhix cclchralion ol Spcttcc\ hrilliant atid dncixc catccr. coinciding \xith thc ccnlcnar} ot hix hn'th. \xill hc lhc lirxt National (iallcrtcx ol Scotland \liim ilt'\ttlctl \tilt‘l} it) arclntcctutc Commando Country \allollal \Var \liixt'uin ()l Scotland. ladinhnigh (‘axtlo 225 753-1. l'ntil Sun 2-l l'ch.
0.45am 5.45pm. l-rcc \xith adnnxxion to lzdinhiirgh (‘axilu L'll H.155” Wt. li\hihition xhoxxing liim rcniotc pi‘opcrticx in thc Scottixh highlandx \u't'c ti'anxloi‘nicd into xpccial training ccntrcx in World War II to lcach ncu tacticx xiich ax xaltotagc. cloxc conihat and oiitdoot xnr\t\al.
clientele, so in order to lure you back, some of Edinburgh's fanciest, classiest joints are offering two and three- course meals at post-festive prices. Restaurants taking part in the Dine Around Edinburgh scheme, run in association with Visit Scotland, include Duck’s at Le Marché Noir, lggs and the famous, long-running Skipper’s Seafood Bistro. Whether you’re looking for a cheap celebration or interested in expanding your palette this year, there'll be something for you. And look out for the Glasgow equivalent this summer.
I moods comm-s. ELIV’N'JLN'Q'“. 5. ‘ J.’l"--F’ .39 C01; 890 ears(:()t/and.ws/tscot/and.com
Crime Scene Edinburgh: 20 Years of Rankin and Rebus \ational l ll‘l.tl_\ ot Stotland. (it'otgc l\ llrit (‘2‘ {S45 l iitil Sat 12 Jan inot Siini lllaiti Spin. lll.tlll 5pm l'tt't' l\’t‘ltiixt\‘cll\t' itl \.oilai~.d'x taxoiiiitc l\tN~/_\ giinixhoc ino. not llclcti \lirrcni and hix tia\ailx in
l diiihiii-xh‘x intith citininal undctlk‘ll}. ctllllclillllt' \\llll thc iclcaxc ot \\hat ix poxxihlx thc litial part in thc xcricx Siiuatcd in lhc \cix placc \xhctc Rankin \klitlt' tniich ot thc titxt Rcltux noxcl. Aiiotx ant/t Ir'Ht x. tlic cxhihition tiackx thc dcxt-lopincnt ot lltc cicatoi and hix cication. ax \xcll ax that ot thc cit_\ ol ldinhnigh. itxclt a pioinincnt chaiactci Ill thc hookx St-c pit-\icxx. pagc 2l
Dave Michael Clarke and Michelle Naismith: Yé-Yé lnxtitiit l'iancaix
\lil co\\i‘. l 5 Ralldiilpli (.lL‘St‘t'lll. 22.5 51mm l iitil lliu lll .lan inot Suni. \lon \\cd .\ l’ll ‘) itlain 5 .lllpni. lhii noon 5 illpni. Sat ‘lillain 2pni l'tcc ‘\ xiiiptixc cxhihition hx mo Scottixh attixtx \xho lia\c xt.i}t‘t| iii l't‘ancc
>l‘ David GA Stephenson: Americana Artrockers lll\t'llt‘llll lloiixc. Roin llotanic (iaidcti. 2lla liixcrlt'iih Run. 552 7l7l l‘ntil Sun 27 Jan it'liixt'tl \ltitttlit)\l. l'lk'k'. Sli‘pllt'lixtill. a tornici punlx roclxcr \xho hax norkcd
\\ itli 'lalking llcadx and loin loin ('luh. c\hihitx a xcricx ol \that hc dcxciilwx ax ‘xong/lilnix' xliort niiixical lilucx}. punk cdgcd \ idcox inadc lll ti'ihulc to xonic ol ilic nioi'c iock atid toll ai‘tixtx ol thc 20th ccntur}: l.oinxc lloutgcoix. lad Riixcha. \Villiain lagglcxton. Jcan .\lichc| llaxqinat atid l’ctcr lllala‘. lt'x not xtrictl} art atid it'x not xtrict|_\ tilni. hut ll ix \cr}. \cr} intct'cxtiiig Scc llithxt.
Gifted \ational .\liixcnin ol Scotland. ('liatnhcrx Strcct. 247 -l-122. l’ntil Sun () .laii. ltlain 5pm. l-rcc. .\ hcautit'ul
Around Town
cxhihiiion ot handniadc Scottixh contcniixiiau crattx. including icxxcllcr}. tcxiilcx. cctaiincx .iiid glaxxuatc
Have Yourself a Merry Christmas Art Bazaar Rlct‘lit‘lil (iallt'i). ('lillk‘u‘ Mix and (‘iiliuial ('cniic. »1l (liahani Sticct. zil llll‘l l iitil l‘ll ll .lan inot Sun \lotit luc Sat lti ‘xtlain 5pin -\ collcction ot \xoikx h} cniciging .irtixtx \xotking in l axt \xian art and dcxign lhcic \\lll lx- itcinx loi \llk'. including linc .iit. imwllcix .iiid tc\tilcx
Here's Tae Us! \liixcuni ot l-dinhuigh. lluntlx llouxc. l»12('anongatc. 52" ill; I iitil \lon l\lai inot Suni
\loii Sat lllani 5pni l-tcc -\ xocial hixtoi} ot drinking in l‘tlllllltll'g'll
lt Didn‘t Happen Here \tuxt-uin ot l'illlll‘lll}fll. lliintlx llonxc. H2 (‘anongalo 52" .ill; l iitil Sat 2" \o\ inot Suni \lon Sat lilain 5pni l‘icc l'xhihilion cxanntiing l‘dinlinigh‘x linkx \\Illl lllt' \l.t\t‘ lltltlt‘
Jamie Chiu Sala (‘aic Hat. on llioiighton Sticct. 55o 525K l'ntil Sat 5 Jan l).iil_\ Ilain llpin l'icc .»\n cxhihition ot \l\ltll_\ colonrlul \xoikx bx lamancxc painlct and pliotogiaphct .laniic (Inn
The Legacy of Tim Stead Scottiin Sitiixtclliiig ('cnttc. M -l5 lligh Stt'ct't. 55h 957‘) l'iitil Sat 5 .laii. ltlani (iptn l'icc :\n c\hiliition ot tactilc xculptuic. poctt_\ and turnitui'c dcxignx h} thc at‘tixt. dcxignct and poct lini Stcad
Mists and Monsoons \Vnicrx‘ .\luxciiiti. lad} Stair'x ('loxc. l.;t\\lilll;lll\t‘l. 52‘) MM” l'ntil Sat 2‘) Mar inot Suni. Illain 5pm. l'rcc. :\n t'\liihition locuxing on contcnipotat') \xritt't'x troin Scotland atid thc Indian \lllX'tlllllllt'lll to mark thc (it) _\cat\ xiiicc thc partition ot ltidia and l’alaxtan, 50A A National (iallt't‘) ol Scotland. 'l'hc Mound. (ill (i200. Hi 4 Jan
Mon \Vcd tk l'ri Siiii ltlani 5pm; 'l'hu Illani 7pin; noon 5pm l‘ll't' .\ \liimcaw ol (H or ltltl cxhihitx hx thc crcani ol Scotland'x )iillllg attixtx. \xlio xal thcii S(‘).r\ Art and l)cxign national courxc cxanix in 2t)t)7. Including paintingx. dramiigx. xcnlpturc. \‘L'lilllllk‘S. laxhion and icucllcr}.
January and February are slow months for everyone, but particularly difficult for our poor friends in the restaurant trade. A broke, broken, bloated city does not make for great
t1, ‘ 7 Jan 2008 THE LIST 25